Dao Fruit

Main text Chapter 997: Hard to find a seat

The next day, the weather was fine and sunny. %

The Cui Family compound in the north of Tingzhou City was already full of people. Fangyan saw that people were crowded and shoulder to shoulder.

However, if it were any other time, there would definitely be noise. But now, the Cui Family compound was exceptionally quiet. Although there was a lack of order because everyone wanted to move forward, there was no big disturbance.

"Wow, there are so many people here to listen to Mr. Qiu's lecture."

"Isn't it? I came here early this morning, thinking I could get a seat in the front row, but I almost couldn't even get through the door."

"You're lucky. There were indeed quite a few people gathered outside the door. I almost didn't get in. What's more fortunate is that after I stepped through the threshold, someone outside the door wanted to take advantage of the chaos to incite, but soldiers came on the spot and arrested him. The method was expected! Isn't it strange? Then he spoke up and took control of the situation, shocking everyone present..."

"What's so surprising about this? Don't you think about who is giving a lecture here today? That's Qiu Xueshi, the Confucian military saint, traveled north and south, resisted the barbarians in the north, and pacified the five swamps in the south. With 5,000 soldiers, he was about to quell the White Lotus Rebellion. Such a person, who planned in the tent and won the battle thousands of miles away, could not escape the calculation of the hundreds of thousands of White Lotus bandits. How could ordinary people in this small city have such luck and actually tried to take advantage of the situation to incite. "

"That's true. In fact, when I heard that the bachelor was going to give a lecture today, I wanted to give us a lecture at this critical moment, but then I thought that this might be one of the bachelor's plans. "

In and outside the courtyard, such conversations can be heard in every place and corner, but the voices are very low, almost whispering, and the words are full of respect and admiration for Qiu Yan. And the happiness and joy of being able to stand in the courtyard.

Outside the courtyard, the chaos that had shown signs of a little bit was channeled and suppressed, while inside the courtyard, many people inside were desperately moving forward, and the few people at the door were desperately trying to stop their steps with red faces, fearing that the people in front of them would squeeze them out of the door after a move, and become the people outside the door who had no chance to enter——

Half an hour ago. A steward of the Cui family had already spoken, saying that Qiu Xueshi had said that today's lecture might be heard by people in the courtyard, but not necessarily by people outside the courtyard.

As soon as this was said, the place in the courtyard was particularly cherished.

Speaking of which, this courtyard was a separate courtyard of the Cui family behind Cui Sujing, which was bought with a large sum of money and used as a base in Tingzhou. Participants in the business of merchants coming and going from the south and the north.

Now, after hearing Cui Sujing's information about Qiu Yan's lecture, the person in charge of the Cui family in Tingzhou City immediately saw an opportunity. He took the initiative to visit and said that he was willing to contribute his own garden as a place for lectures.

The mansion where Qiu Yan originally lived was the residence of the government. It was specially opened up from the residence of the previous official for the official to live in. Although it was comfortable, it was indeed not a convenient place for lectures. After thinking for a moment, he agreed.

But in fact, the Cui family's courtyard was a garden layout, and the interior layout was very exquisite, which fully demonstrated the Cui family's financial resources. Compared with the official residence, it was obviously insufficient, so there was no place for lectures. However, the head of the Cui family was also very courageous. After getting the agreement, he immediately issued an order to raze the garden, clean it up overnight, and clear the entire courtyard to open up a piece of open space.

Now, this empty courtyard is already crowded with nearly 400 people!

This number is really not small for a courtyard.

However, the lecture cannot be crowded, so there must be a division. Not long after, several soldiers came out and stood there, with a solemn and murderous aura.

The people in the courtyard suddenly felt the pressure. They were already under great pressure, and they were immediately silent after this shock, and they could not even whisper.

Then, the chief steward of the Cui family came out and came to a stone platform in front of everyone - this stone platform was also prepared by the head of the Cui family overnight, and it was specially used for Qiu Yan to give lectures on it.

Now, the steward came out and came to the stage, but he did not go to the middle, but made a respectful gesture, and then called a few servants in green clothes to carry cushions and low tables and put them on.

When the table was placed, the people closest to the stage immediately smelled a fragrance.

Someone whispered, "These tables and chairs are all made of fragrant wood. Brother Cui, your Cui family is really generous and willing to spend money."

It turned out that the people who were closest to this place were Cui Sujing and others. They could be considered as relatives. However, it was not easy to get the moon first because they were close to the water. In order not to make Qiu Yan feel disgusted, these people actually used the information and location they knew in advance to wait here in advance last night, and survived until now in the cold night.

On the way, several people were covered with blankets and drank hot soup late at night to warm their bodies. In the second half of the night, they were even more enthusiastic and discussed the meaning of the scriptures, and they survived until dawn.

However, although several people had not slept all night, they were all energetic and did not feel sleepy at all. On the one hand, it was because of their desire to listen to Qiu Yan's lectures, and on the other hand, it was because of the medicinal food provided by the Cui family.

When the tables and chairs were placed on the stage, servants came out from the aisles and open spaces on both sides, each holding a stack of cushions, and joined the crowd.

A young man in green clothes who arrived started shouting: "Give way, place the mat, sit and listen to the lesson. If you don't settle down, how can Bachelor Qiu come out? Even if you come, you are disrespectful..."

He shouted while pushing forward in the crowd. People on both sides understood this posture and made way for them in the crowd.

However, when some people at the edge of the yard and at the door saw it, they immediately looked flustered and realized something was wrong.

"The yard is full of people, and it seems like there is nowhere to stay. If they all sit down on the mats one by one, the space occupied by one person will only become larger and larger. Wouldn't this squeeze us out? "

Realizing this, they were reluctant to comply, but then they thought about the troublemakers outside the courtyard and hesitated again. Besides, if they really offended the servants in the courtyard, they might be kicked out directly. Where would they go to listen to them?

As they thought about it, they became more and more helpless, and finally had no choice but to grit their teeth and try desperately to squeeze in.

However, in this way, the order in the courtyard was finally broken, and many whispers became obvious and eventually turned into noise.

"Quiet, quiet, what's the point of being crowded? What kind of chaos is this? How can I be in the mood to lecture if I let Bachelor Qiu see me?"

"Brother Luo, your back hurts when you stand and talk. Your position is so close to the inside. Even if mats are handed out and everyone sits down, they will not be affected. Brother, I am different. Why don't you go inside? If you take two steps, you will be squeezed out and you won’t even have room to cry!”

"Brothers in front give way. We all know that it's not easy these days. We hope we can understand each other so that brothers and I can go in."

"Jie Yunzi, you Taoist priest, why are you here to join in the fun? Today, Scholar Qiu will be learning. What he is talking about is the way of knowing and doing, which is my Confucian way. It has nothing to do with your Taoism? Why come here? Muddy water? Take a place?”

"Coming here this time is my teacher's plan and I have to come. Moreover, the name of layman Qiu has been known to me for a long time. I think the way of the world is to explain the principles of heaven and earth. You will gain something by listening to it."

"Liu Xin, why are you, a martial artist, here? You don't know a single Chinese character, and yet you are here to listen to me? Get away quickly, and don't imitate others. This way of knowing and doing is the way to apply it in the world, but with you, who is wielding a sword, People with guns have no connection.”

"You're such a poor man, it's a joke to say that I'm illiterate. I can't understand if I'm literate? Besides, this Qiu Xueshi is my military master. He is now famous all over the world because of his Fighting on the battlefield with a sword and a spear, what does it have to do with being illiterate? I, a young soldier, come to listen to the military master's lectures and learn the essence of war, and I will use my troops to kill the enemy on the battlefield. What's wrong with that?"

Such sounds came and went, making the yard feel like boiling water, about to explode in the next moment.

But amidst the chaos, the servants of the Cui Mansion did not listen and placed the mats step by step.

Those who stood close to the platform did not have to worry about being squeezed out, so they did not see much movement, while those who were far away from the platform did not dare to offend them, and were forcibly dragged out of the courtyard without the opportunity to listen to the lectures, so they all made way.

As time went by, many people saw some clues from the visits to the cushion. However, these servants were not arranged neatly in order, but were jagged, back and forth, and meandering.

"I'm telling you, little brother, it's a bit too ugly for you to place them so casually. It's not solemn or neat."

Someone grabbed a servant and couldn't help but ask the reason, but the servant said: "This is not something we arranged casually, but according to Qiu Xueshi's instructions. What the bachelor said is two steps forward, one step back." In the end, there is a set of rules, let us follow the example. ”

"Is this actually the order from Academician Qiu?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were surprised, but the noise did not disappear. After a few breaths, the servants walked through the crowd, placed the mats, and quickly retreated.

Then, I heard a peaceful voice coming from the stage——

"Everyone sit down!"

This voice seemed to have a demonic quality, and it actually made everyone present consciously shut up, and then fell on the mat, and then no one reacted.

"Huh? It's much more relaxed when everyone is seated here than when they are standing, and no one is squeezed out of the door!"

After the surprise, someone remembered and looked around, only to find that someone had been sitting on the high platform for some time.

Among the people present, several people had cold eyes and recognized that the person was Qiu Yan!

Suddenly, the crowd was filled with anticipation, respect, and cold murderous intent. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Blue Requiem" and "Jiaada" for their monthly votes!

Thanks to "Meow Guo~" and "Li cai" for the rewards!

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