Dao Fruit

Text Chapter 998: All are united!

"Everyone, the lecture will start from now..."

At this time, Qiu Yan spoke again. When everyone heard this, they looked at the cushions under them and the people around them. They found that everyone had a seat. Thinking of the scene of the whole courtyard being crowded with people before, they couldn't help but wonder. —{2}{3}{w}{x}

"You must be thinking that before, the whole courtyard was full of people, and it was inconvenient to stand. Why can we sit down now, and each person occupies more space, and why can we sit down, and there is a lot of space between people..."

Qiu Yan's words called back the thoughts of the puzzled people, and also made these people feel a chill in their hearts, as if their thoughts were seen through.

Then, Qiu Yan continued: "This is actually your cognition, confused by the illusion in reality. Some things, if you don't really practice them, you can't know the real result. This is the potential appearance of knowing and doing..."

As for this matter of standing and sitting, Qiu Yan elaborated on it and actually cut into the way of knowing and doing, analyzing it bit by bit.

This way of knowing and doing is also circulated in Fujian, but some of the key points are difficult to clear, and few people can understand the true essence. Now there are advocates of the way of knowing and doing who come out to explain it in person, and use the things that people around them have just experienced as the starting point. This immediately makes the situation clear, making many people who listen to it feel new and fascinating.

Qiu Yan's words seem to contain a certain rhythm, which can express profound principles in simple words, allowing people to easily sort out the logical relationship, and then draw inferences from one example and extend it to other things.

This situation is undoubtedly a pleasant experience for many Confucian scholars. Even the little Taoist priest who came here in accordance with the master's order was inspired by Qiu Yan's words and realized the principle of seeing the mysterious in the ordinary.

As for the sons of merchants and military strategists, they also have some insights.

Not only that, there are several men in the crowd with ulterior motives and sharp blades in their arms. He should have acted immediately, but after hearing these words, he felt touched and held back from taking action. He listened to a few words first and comforted himself, saying that he would listen for a while, and it would be more convenient to act after Qiu Yan spoke deeply and lost his vigilance.

But in fact, almost all the people present had this idea. After all, they were chosen to assassinate and could sneak into the courtyard. They had some research in Confucianism. The upper echelons of the White Lotus Sect considered that Qiu Yan could be exposed to the influence of the Heart-Confucianizing Talisman on a large scale, so the people selected were all sincere and loyal to the White Lotus Sect, and there was no one who was confused. Therefore, it was after listening to Qiu Yan's lectures that the unexpected happened, but it was not because they changed their minds.

Because. These people are still lurking, paying attention to Qiu Yan's every move, not missing any subtle details.

However, the people present at the moment. All of them look like this, and they don't stand out.


“It’s been half an hour since the lecture started. Why haven’t the people inside started to take action yet?”

Outside the Cui family’s courtyard, on the second floor of the restaurant across the street, three men in black were sitting on a table by the window, openly observing the scene in the courtyard and talking in a low voice.

However, such actions did not attract the attention of the people around them, because the row of seats next to the window was full of such people, all paying attention to the situation in the courtyard.

Many of these people were driven out before entering the courtyard. They also wanted to enter the courtyard to listen to the lecture, but it was difficult to do so, so they had to settle for the next best thing and go to the restaurant across the street from the Cui family’s courtyard to watch and listen. However, Qiu Yan’s voice was not low, but at such a long distance, even the sound coming along the wind was still unclear.

But these people were also patient, trying their best to distinguish the words, and at the same time they had to endure the high fees - the owner of this tavern was not a good person and saw a business opportunity.

Unlike the others, the three men in black looked at Qiu Yan with a hint of coldness in their eyes, and they did not hide it at all!

After a few words, the three men's voices became smaller and smaller. In the end, they had condensed their voices into a line and communicated with each other.

"Qiu Yan has a cultivation base, and he must have felt the murderous intent in the crowd a long time ago. When we stare at him, we will have a reaction in our qi, but he is giving a lecture, and I don't know how many eyes are staring at him. Even if he has a high cultivation base, this perception will be affected!"

"That's right, but if the people in the courtyard don't take action, we can't cause chaos, and we can't act according to the plan."

"The people in the courtyard are actually abandoned pawns, in order to provoke the whole thing. Even if it's us, it's not the key. The three of us are at the peak of the second realm. Under normal circumstances, we can dominate one side, but now in the world of great contention and turmoil, there are endless masters who are rare and reclusive. Not to mention others, It's Qiu Yan. From the information we have, he is not a simple cultivator. We are definitely not enough to attack him! "

"That's right, so the purpose this time is to lure him out, not to mention the array traps that have been arranged. As long as we can meet up with the eight messengers of the Holy Church, it will be fine."

"The eight messengers are all masters of the third realm, and there are many old antiques who have practiced for hundreds of years. It should be foolproof for them to take action, but in the plan, even such people are just baits, in order to entangle Qiu Yan."

The three people whispered to each other, their faces became more and more solemn, and when this sentence was said, the remaining two people all showed surprise.

On the other hand, there was a strange luster flashing in his clothes. It was the brilliance of the magic weapon. The effect was to distort the surrounding scenes and sounds so that the sound transmission information would not be leaked out——

The people who sent them out also knew that after their cultivation reached a certain level, even if they condensed their voices to transmit sounds, they might still be heard. Communicating with sounds was an important communication method for monks who were destined to cultivate. After all, it was unavoidable, so they gave these three Each person has a magic weapon, and this magic weapon has no other effect. All spiritual power is used to isolate sounds and detect.

"Brother, you are going to be promoted to the leader of one side of the sect. You are also considered a high-level member of the holy religion. You should be very clear about this matter. What kind of person is the envoy from all directions? I heard that if eight people join forces, even the legendary fourth realm Yes, we can fight hard, even if they just want to lure Qiu Yan out, how powerful can this Qiu Yan be? "

"These are not things we can know. We are just a part of the whole plan. It is enough to do our job well. The envoys from all directions are also a part. As far as I know, even the Five Elements Venerable is ambushing the Cui family compound. Around here, once Qiu Yan is lured away by the envoys from all directions, the five sages will come forward to control all the people in the courtyard and use them as hostages for backup! "

The third person who had been silent now said: "As a backup? Is it to threaten Qiu Yan? But such a strict arrangement still requires such despicable means?"

It can be seen that although the three people here are also White Lotus cultists, it does not mean that they are pure evil people. They also have their own bottom line.

"There's nothing we can do about it," the man called eldest brother sighed, "Qiu Yan leads his troops like a god, and he advocates the way of knowing and doing. His civil and military skills alone are amazing enough, and his own cultivation is also unusual. , it had only been one night since the Holy Cult received the news that he was going to give lectures. However, in this short period of time, the high-level officials with different intentions not only quickly reached a consensus, but also laid such a trap and mobilized their own power. It can be said that the eight immortals crossed the sea and showed their talents. The supernatural power shows how terrifying Qiu Yan is..."

"The purpose of this backhand is just in case. If the envoys from all directions fail to lead Qiu Yan into the formation trap, the Five Elements Master who controls the lives of the people in the courtyard can also use this to intimidate Qiu Yan, whether from Considering the cause and effect, from the perspective of official career, reputation, and even from the perspective of the inheritance and continuation of the school, Qiu Yan will not let the people in the courtyard be slaughtered..."


Suddenly, a cold, hoarse voice came from behind——

"This Qiu Yan has a weakness, a big weakness, a weakness that has been mastered by us! Attack him at one point and kill him!"

The three men in black looked at the sound and saw a strange smoke. There was a pinch of phosphorus fire in the smoke, but except for these three people, no one else around seemed aware of it.

"Lord Will-o'-the-Wisp!"

As soon as they saw the fire, the three people's expressions changed, and they were about to salute, but a voice came from the will-o'-the-wisp fire: "There is no need to be polite. If you salute here, it will inevitably attract the attention of the people around you, and it will be a little troublesome. I came here this time to follow the rules." The magic weapon condenses the consciousness, and other people cannot see or hear it.”

"So that's it..." When the three people heard this, their hearts became heavier and heavier. Only then did they realize that their every move was being monitored by others. The magic weapon could isolate their words from outsiders, but it could not stop them. A glimpse into the person who made the magic weapon.

After thinking about it, the eldest brother suddenly asked: "Master Will-o'-the-Wisp has projected his will, does he have any other instructions?"

"Yes," the will-o'-the-wisp jumped, "Actually, Qiu Yan destroyed the remnant soul puppet I created before, but there was still some information left, which was enough to find out what was terrifying about him, so I refined it overnight and paired it with the original Reserve and create seventy-two puppets. During the ambush, if the envoys from all directions are unable to lead Qiu Yan into the formation trap, you will crush this fire..."

As he spoke, the will-o'-the-wisp shrank rapidly, becoming the size of a fingernail in an instant, and landed on the big brother's hand.

However, when the three heard the words of the will-o'-the-wisp, they became more and more frightened.

"What if the envoys from all directions fail to succeed? Could it be that the eight envoys from the third realm may not be able to lead Qiu Yan into a trap? We have to deploy multiple methods. This..."

At this moment, they only felt that Qiu Yan was really terrifying. He actually forced many masters from the White Lotus Sect to unite as one, just to defeat him!

One of them sighed with emotion: "It's like the devil in mythology. It takes the power of the world to defeat it..."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

While sighing, a cold light flashed outside the window, but it came from the courtyard.

"Finally started!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to "Shenshou Kun Palace", "Love Bookworm", and "Longyou Infinite" for the rewards!

Thanks to "Love Bookworm", "Frost Autumn Maple Leaf", "Wuchen Taoist☆", "draconid", "Lulu", "Cold-Faced Demon Fox", "linhuang_200", and "lingling2000" for their monthly votes!

I am shamelessly asking you for some monthly votes. Today is the last day of double doubling. During this month, pick a time to make up for the outbreak.

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