Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 68: Unmatched

The dull growl is like the fury of ancient gods, and the voice opens, suddenly turning into tumbling-the sound waves swept away. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. COM swept along with the sound of waves, and the entire earth suddenly trembled violently, and a little bit of turquoise light flickered out of it, rising up and down.

The power of star earth is very small, but when the number is calculated in billions, the superposition and fusion can be turned into a river of yellow spirits, surging endlessly, and between a shock and a tremor, there is a monstrous force scattered from it. .

The power of the earth spirit is the main defense. Once it is turned into the way of killing, it can fall down with the mighty power of Mount Tai, who can stop it.

Countless humming sounds came from the void. This was the sound wave of the collision of the powers of the earth spirits. It was like a real river flowing, and the sound was terrifying.

As the power of countless earth spirits is forcibly summoned from the earth, the earth that lost the power of earth spirits is equivalent to beings who have been drawn from blood, and instantly die and die. Within ten thousand miles of the territory, all living things and plants are exhausted at this moment, and the ground has turned into the color of dryness, yellowness, dryness and cracking, and finally caused a terrible collapse.

Large tracts of land subsided to the ground. From time to time, there was a loud noise coming out of the ground. It was slightly dull, but it was amazing. It was as if there were peerless beasts under the ground. Now they will break free of the bondage.

The vegetation is dead, the peaks are shattered, and the earth collapses, as if the gods were angry, like a scene of extinction.

It is under such circumstances that the power of earth spirits converging and tumbling, occupying millions of square meters of space in the void, just like a yellow-yellow ocean. Every drop of water in this ocean is compressed to Composed of extreme pure earth power, with deep and deep breath.

The waves of the Turquoise Sea are indeterminate. Between the tossing, there is a figure looming, located in the middle of the ocean.

call out!

call out!

It was at the moment when this figure appeared, the whole turquoise ocean suddenly trembled, and then the power of the innumerable earth spirits instantly condensed into a dragon, and the wind and waves screamed from all directions, merging into the figure madly.

With the integration of the power of the earth spirits, the slightly blurred figure suddenly became solidified, and the shape was inflated madly.

Baizhang, Qianzhang, Wanzhang, 1o Wanzhang, 4o Wanzhang!

The huge figure in the native ocean has actually grown to an extreme size of 4o before stopping. When the last power of the earth spirits merged into the body, the 4o-million-foot earth warfare finally condensed successfully, and suddenly opened its eyes. Two turquoise spirits suddenly burst out, and they suddenly burst into the air and disappeared.

With a height of 4o, a shoulder width and a thick body, the fall of the eyes can cause a very powerful visual impact. Such a terrestrial warfare might destroy the power of heaven and earth in every understatement.

With a punch, several people could stop.

Cultivation is the promotion of heaven and earth, and can be adjusted to attribute the spiritual power to consolidate the fighting body, revealing its own combat power, which is the strongest means of heaven and earth. If there is no invincible Heavenly Treasure, the main basis for judging the cultivation of heaven and human as strength is the size of the war.

The bigger the battle body, the stronger it is, and vice versa.

At the beginning, Cang Yuezhuang battled the ancient demons, and relying on 36 manuscripts to consolidate the Confucianism and Taoism. However, he is now making a breakthrough. He entered the realm of heaven and humanity in half a step, and the strength rose. The body grows to 330,000 feet.

But today, compared with the earth giant cries, the physical gap between the two cannot be calculated.

This point can also reflect from the side the powerful combat power that this cry has.

Witnessing the 4o tens of thousands of earth wars, the psychological shock caused by it is unimaginable. Countless strong aliens have pale faces and express deep awe in their eyes. Only a hundred earth giant monks cheered endlessly.

The ancient magic solitary shooting, the demon clan rattan, and the shadow killing clan grind also changed greatly, the pupils contracted, and the endless exposure was revealed.

This arrogant strength has reached such a point that even the three of them didn't notice it at all. The 4o-million-meter-earth warfare body is explosive enough to match the strength of the heavens and the three realms. Who can be such a means!

The three looked at each other, and they all saw the same colors. Perhaps in the trial of this group, only Xiao Chen, the tribe, could compare with this cry.

As for the blamelessness of this junior, he is merely insulting himself.

Where the human race is, Su Su is white. No matter what, she and Jun have no blame. After all, they have known him for many years, and they have a crush on him. Now, although they have lost their minds, they do not want him to be surprised.

The faces of Enron, Qi Yun, and Jade suddenly went dark, and it was difficult to hide the worry in their eyes.

Brother Jun just got rid of the trap and will see the sky suddenly rise again, but he encountered this person. This earth giant cries out to be so powerful.

Today's battle is afraid of danger.

The whole race is where countless monks looked at each other, and they all saw the helplessness in their hearts. The current situation has made them indifferent. They secretly say that the sky is unjust, and they want to make people suffer more.

Originally the situation was reversed, the black robes did not dare to come to avoid the battle, and the depressed King had no blame to take another shot. Seeing that he was able to turn the tide to save the crisis, he did not want to have such a cry, but he was born in a wild and powerful manner.

I don't know if it should be said that the human race is in bad luck, or that this blame is too bad.

However, it doesn't matter what the reason is at this moment. Jun Wubui only knows that he is in trouble, and the trouble is big.

On the same day, the platform of Cangyueyu was defeated, his reputation was greatly damaged, and his thoughts were depressed. He accidentally went to a certain Dongfu place and obtained one of the good fortunes, helping him to forcibly promote, break the bottleneck, and promote the heaven and earth. Soaring in strength.

For a while, Jun had no sorrow and depression, and he felt that he was the one who had achieved great achievements that day, and he would never be mediocre.

How precious is the good fortune, which can be obtained by him in frustration, it is enough to prove everything.

However, the situation today made him stubborn and snarled, "Heaven is jealous and talented, he is really jealous and talented!"

"Since I've gotten the strength of the Chemical Dan, why should I let this cry appear, destroy my prestige, and hinder my rise."

"Injustice! Unfair!"

No matter how roaring his heart was, he wouldn't show the slightest bit on the surface, but a face was completely gloomy.

The 33 million Zhang Confucian and Taoist battles deal with the 4o million Zhang earth battles. Now he doesn't want to win, he just wants to be better and not too miserable.

But when his thoughts rolled, the cry did not stop waiting for him. At this moment, he laughed loudly, and the sound was rolling like a thunderous thunder. "Jun has no blame, and he takes a certain punch. If you can resist, today, there will be no more You're in trouble. "

The sound rolled, a punch was shot, and suddenly blasted forward.


The majestic energy burst suddenly from this punch, swept away in a scattered trend, and instantly shattered the surrounding space pieces to reveal the dark background. This fist blasted down, as if the ancient deities fight, the physical power is infinite, once released, it can destroy the world.

This alien cries the lightness in his mouth. As long as Jun has no blame to punch him, he will not embarrass him today. As everyone knows, the earth giants have always paid attention to physical power, and 80% of their combat power is above the physical body. At this moment, they are doing their best without any reservation.

This fist is comparable to the strong shots of the Three Realms of Heaven and Man. Although Jun Wubu is strong, he cannot resist.

Space collapses, connected spaces turbulent, and the power of silver and white turbulence rages endlessly.

Jun's blame turned pale for a moment. He knew clearly that he couldn't resist this blow. Now he had to defend with all his strength, hoping to block the punch, and then voluntarily conceded, his face could look better.

If you can't resist even one blow, it's too hurtful.

The body's rolling mana burst out in full force, and Jun made no effort to mobilize all means to control the 330,000 feet of Confucianism and Taoism. He suddenly raised his hand, threw out the ancient bamboo roll, and unfolded it into a roll of banner. Countless ancient mysterious runes shine There is a mighty righteousness bursting out of it.

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