Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 69: Come with a corpse


The six arts of Confucianism, Taoism, and Royality can be divided into two interpretations. One of them can explain the control and control the strange and strange beasts. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W. 81ZW. COM retreats, interprets resistance, and protects all demons from invasion.

This prince has no blame now, it is the defense and protection of Yudao!


Taking the Confucian and Taoist warfare ancient bamboo rolls as the base point, the mighty righteousness between the heavens and the earth was condensed into a force of defense to resist the invasion of all directions. This method is the strongest defense technique that Jun has no blame, and its power is extremely powerful. If not, he would not dare to resist.

But it turns out that in the face of absolute strength, any means is useless.

And Jun has no blame apparently underestimated the power of the aliens crying 4o tens of thousands of lands.

A punch blows down, and there is a blast of force, like a tide that stretches endlessly, and it seems like a river breaks down, carrying a supreme power bursting.




The 33 million Zhang Confucian Taoist body collapsed directly under the destruction of this force of destruction, and it disappeared into the sky. The blameless figure of Jun was assaulted by thousands of wild cattle at the same time, and flew away. The physical body was forcibly torn by the forceful way. , A number of wounds were spread over it, blood and water rolled out.

His complexion was pale, his cape was scattered, and his white shirt was destroyed. It was only for a moment that he had no blame. Now he was transformed into a bereavement under a cry, and his breath was overwhelming. Obviously, he had been seriously injured. No more fighting.

The power of a punch was so strong that it was really terrifying!

"Ha ha ha ha! There is no blame for the human tribe, but it can't be stopped even with one punch, and it can be called the peak of the ethnic group. It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"So-called Terran, but so! But so!"

Laughing loudly, the 4o-meter-high earth warfare stands on top of the sky, unparalleled in power, and the majestic pressure is like a tide in the surrounding space.

But just at this moment, from the broken space, there was a faint sound coming out from it, slightly hoarse and deep, but very penetrating power, clearly transmitted into the ears of every monk here.

"Human races can be among the strongest in the spirit world. It doesn't take much to say how powerful they are. What a strange monk in your area can think of."

"Today I say this to my people, but this is the case. Then let ’s talk about it. What kind of clever ways do Taoists have to speak like this?"

The voice had not yet fallen. Between the cracks in that space, the silver and white space was raging and a monk figure slowly emerged.

Wearing a black robe, she was thin and straight, her feet were steady, and she moved forward slowly.

Xiao Chen has arrived.

Against the background of the power of space collapse, some monks appeared here and stepped forward. The visual impact caused by them was undoubtedly extremely extreme, and instantly attracted the attention of countless monks, showing a sense of shock.

"Human Black Robes!"

Among the monks below, I don't know who shouted from the population, but they directly identified the identity of the person who came.

"Yes, this person's image is exactly the same as in Tu Yingyu Jian, it is the black robe of that people!"

"I originally thought that this person was already absconding, but didn't want to dare to show up here. Isn't he really afraid of death?"

"Human monarch's blameless power has skyrocketed, and he is still not an enemy who cries out. No matter how strong this person is, he can still be a crow's opponent. The appearance at this moment is tantamount to seeking his own way."

"Hey, there is a way in heaven, you don't go, **** breaks in without a gate, it seems that the strong human race today is going to be damaged here."

"What are you doing with me? Just sit on the wall and see what happens."

The strong aliens began to whisper, but looked at the black robe guest. The awesomeness that had been born before had now dissipated into mercy.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he did not affect his mind at all due to changes in the surrounding monks. At this moment, his eyes flickered slowly, and he slowly reached out his hand, a dark shadow flew out of the turbulent space, fell into his hands, and was held by him.

At first no one cared, but after everyone saw the dark shadow, their complexions couldn't help but change slightly, and they didn't understand what the place meant now.

A corpse is tall and should be a man.

Xiao Chen rushed to Langcang's twelve-early area today because of this person, a powerful, weird and clever assassin.

Shadow kill clan.

This is the real information obtained from the final search of the soul, and the powerful assassin who died in his hands is the Shadowslayer monk. The comer is quite tricky, and he is so much more arrogant than the previous grinds. Even with Xiao Chen's current practice, it took a lot of effort to kill him.

In the 1o year of Zuomei Taoism, Xiaodian refining and mixing Yuanyuan Lingzhu did not waste any time, and a large number of seven grades and above of the refining medicines were swallowed. At present, he has not been promoted to the three realms of heaven and man, and has no requirements for his own perception. As long as he has sufficient cultivation resources, he can continuously improve his strength. As for the three realms of heaven and man, the monks need to continue to perceive themselves in order to be promoted smoothly.

Xiao Chen ’s human body and ancient demons were madly cultivated in the left eyebrow dojo for 1 year. The cultivation has been completely consolidated in the early stages of the robbery, but the physical power has increased significantly. The energy obtained by swallowing elixir Most are absorbed by it. Now it is full of strength, the three are superimposed, and the means are used to display as many as possible. When compared with the original fight against Solitary Shooting, it still has to be a lot stronger, which is enough to rival the peak of Heaven and Man.

If this repair is used as a battle cry, it is undoubtedly dead, but he has a small shop in his hand, and the shop has refined a mixed Yuan Lingzhu that has not yet been completely formed, so everything is possible.

The human race black robes were long overdue, but appeared with a dead body in their hands. Such a weird thing naturally attracted the attention of countless monks.

Gu Mo's brow frowned slightly, and a bit of suspiciousness flashed in his eyes. The man wearing a black robe blocked his appearance and couldn't see clearly, but somehow, under the sense of breath, he felt a little familiar in his heart. meaning.

This person seems to have been seen before.

Demon Ivy jumped into his heart, his eyes fell on the black robe guest, and his heart was born with a hint of jealousy. In this jealousy, even a few rare fears were mixed.


Cultivating in his capacity, when I had such thoughts in my mind, unless, and thinking of the amazing sword that fell from the day, Ivy suddenly lifted, my pupils contracted sharply, and my face was cloudy.

Where the human race is located, Su Su looks at the rumored center with ruthlessness, kills countless aliens, and creates a black robe of horrible murder. However, he does not have the disgust as he imagined, but has a faint sense of familiarity.

This figure is so familiar.


Some people are puzzled by the identity of the black robe, but more monks are curious about the identity of the corpse mentioned in their hands. Presumably, the black robe's actions are by no means targeted, and they should have their intentions.

What is the intention?

But without them taking too long to guess, the change in the situation on the field has proved to them everything.

On the twelfth peak, the shadow killing clan looked at the body in Xiao Chen's hands, his body shook uncontrollably, his complexion gradually turned white, but his eyes changed from Morin's ruthlessness to yin, which was even more incredible. .

Only because of the body in Xiao Chen's hands, he knew.

Shadow killing the tribe demons and siblings, his qualifications are much higher than his ethnic genius. He received a message from him that he rushed here from another place where the tribe tried to help him. Human race Xiao Chen.

But at this moment, he died, in the hands of the black robes of the human race.

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