Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 74: Not spare

[The new year is coming, I wish you all good health and good luck. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1 & gt; ZW. COM

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Crying furiously shot, he can only believe in his own judgment, and is only willing to believe in his own judgment. The human race Xiao Chen cannot persist under his attack for too long, otherwise, it will be him who will eventually lose.

This is by no means allowed.

"I! It must be me!"

"Xiao Chen, please die for me! Death! Death! Death!"

Crying heart roared again and again, his hands madly shot, like a madman, 4o megameters of earth war body burst into endless power, terrifying. The entire space has been completely turned into a dead domain, and the aftermath of the violent amount of violence travels across the void, forcing all those who dare to break into the existence to forcibly strangle into powder.

Xiao Chen's battle body of 370,000 Zhangjians did not retreat, holding the Qingfeng, and mobilizing the shadow of a million Zhangjians and their hard-fought fights. The two are like the ancient gods fighting against each other. Can destroy the world.

The earth-shattering boom turned into a tumbling-sounding echo, and the energy tide seemed to be surging.

The two played against each other, and compared with the fight between the two heavenly men and the three strong men, they were not weak.

However, as the battle progressed, the surrounding monks' faces did not feel a little changed. There is no stupid monk who crossed the robbery. Most of them were able to guess the plan of crying before, just want to wait until Xiao Chen's mana is severely depleted and have no power to fight back before killing him easily. But up to this moment, the human race Xiao Chen did not show signs of exhaustion. Instead, the cry was continuously suppressed by the wind. At this moment, the injury was getting worse. No matter how roaring, he couldn't turn around.

It seems that this war is about to change. Thinking of this, the strong aliens had complex faces, and their awe at the sword was even more awe-inspiring, while the monks of the tribe rejoiced in worship, mixed with endless fieryness. But whether in awe or fiery, there is envy and jealousy that cannot be concealed. A few months ago, Cang Yuezhang fought and killed. Although Xiao Chen was strong, it was far from crying. But just a few months, now the explosive force is actually knocking it down. Such progress is too horrible. If you follow this progress, who will be Xiao Chen's opponent in the future!

Crying more and more furious, although he didn't want to believe, but at this moment he also knew that he was afraid that his own judgment was wrong. Now Xiao Chen doesn't know what method to use to maintain his peak combat power for a long time.

When he thought of it, he was terrified. Today, the situation has fallen sharply and he has been seriously injured. If he can't close it earlier, I am afraid that today ’s consequences will be unpredictable. If he is not careful, he may even endanger his life.

This person's heart retreated.

Since it is not an adversary, it is better to close it earlier, even if you lose some face.


The fists and swords collided, and the two main bodies of the Void receded at the same time, flying thousands of miles backwards. With the help of hedging, the figure receded far away, and his mouth snarled. "Xiao Chen, I admit that I really despised you. With the help of this treasure, someone who considers himself not your opponent. "

"Someone is willing to concede defeat. If you are a good friend, it is best to stop here. Otherwise, if you really force a certain shot to death, the result must be both defeats. At this time, there are still many jealous people here, and you don't want to end well."

"Suffice to say that, whether it is war or break, all in your thoughts."

The earth giants cried and conceded.

The sound spread, countless monks looked dull and faint, but they heard what was true and what they saw was true. They couldn't believe it. Even if they were crying, they had to concede under the pressure of Xiao Chen.

For a time, all the sights of heaven and earth gathered here, concentrated on the body of the 370,000 Zhangjian sword, against the shadow of the million Zhangjian sword, it was like an ancient god, powerful and majestic.

Countless alien powerhouses show awe.

"Xiao Chen, the human race, overpowered the heroes, raised our power, and deterred the heroes!"

"Xiao Chen, the human race, overpowered the heroes, raised our power, and deterred the heroes!"

"Xiao Chen, the human race, overpowered the heroes, raised our power, and deterred the heroes!"




Where the human race is located, countless monks are screaming and looking fiery, their eyes are full of awe and admiration, almost condensed into substance, their tone is wildly roaring and hissing.

The human race is a strong spiritual spirit. The monks are proud and proud. However, this trial of the ethnic group has been suppressed in succession. There has long been a feeling of sullenness in the chest. This time, I only feel blood boiling. .

The sound of billowing waves burst from the mouth of the million ethnic monks and swept across all directions. The monks of the entire ethnic group skyrocketed. They twitched over the place of the million ethnic people.

Victory in this battle is the victory of Xiao Chen, and it is also an opportunity for the entire human race to exult!

Jun blame his body trembling faintly, his teeth clenched tightly, his hands in the robe sleeve grasping the fist, trembling endlessly.

Su Su's small face lifted slightly, Rong Guanghuan's pride and indescribable pride, it seemed that Xiao Chen's victory was a great honor to her.

Crying in the downwind, taking the initiative to admit defeat. In this situation, no matter in the view of a human monk or a strong alien, it is already a very rare situation. On prestige. But this time, they all underestimated Xiao Chen's intentions, and just giving up and admitting defeat would not let him give up.

If you have the strength, you have to kill me. If you do n’t see the enemy, you have to give up. This is the truth in this world. Now that you have shot, you have to pay for your decision.

Today, he came to express his grievances. He was not suppressed, threatened, unrestrained, and wanton. He did not need to tolerate retreat, did not need to be soft-hearted, and used his own means to cut off the enemy ’s head, allowing the blood to soak through the sky.

This is the time of ethnic trials. Many strong ethnic groups have fought, seized opportunities, made known their reputations, and defeated them in the game of slaughter.

Therefore, Xiao Chen does not need to admit defeat, what is needed is your head.

As a result, under the attention of many monks, the expected situation did not occur. Xiao Chen's three-foot green front raised in his hands, weeping away, his eyes were cold, and he said lightly, "When I appear, you have to fight I killed me, and now I am defeated. I do n’t know where to start asking for mercy? I do n’t know if you and I are getting away from each other now, crying friends will let me go.

"Ethnic trials are the place where you and I fight against each other. Since you are fighting me, there is no possibility of suspension. Xiao Chen confesses that he is not a gentleman, who wants to hurt me, and who kills the killer. I will never be softhearted. . "

"Today, you and I are bound to bleed into the sky, and suffocate here,"

The voice was calm and indifferent, but it was firm and undeniable, and there was obviously no room for turning.

Xiao Chen spoke, where countless monks were uproaring. No one thought of this. In the case of crying and voluntarily giving up, Xiao Chen would choose to refuse, and would directly ease the easing of easing. It is frank that there will be death and injury today. In this way, Crying and him will have only a dead end. Even if he is a little stronger, he has a lot of cries, but when he really fights, he still thinks of retreating from the whole body, which is likely to be a wounded ending.

Xiao Chen, this tribe, where is this so energetic!

For a while, some people were worried, some were resentful, some were ecstatic.

Su Su's eyebrows have good-looking eyebrows. Although she has confidence in the wicked, she doesn't think he can keep himself safe after killing him. Does he not know the situation under his eyes? In addition to crying, there are still a group of wolves in the surrounding area. Once injured, these people will definitely not miss such an opportunity, and it is bound to set off a life and death fight again. In such a situation, it is no doubt the best choice to retreat when you see the best.

The little girl's eyes fell on Xiao Chen. The wicked man always thought carefully. It was by no means an impulsive person. Could he have any other bad cards?

For a time, Su Su's thoughts fluttered.

Jun Wubu sneered in his heart. This Xiao Chen now has the upper hand, and he is so proud and complacent. Does he think that with power, he can't cover the sky with one hand! Although crying is slightly weaker than him, his body is unfathomable. When he fights back hard, he will definitely pay for it. When the ancient demons shoot alone, the demon family, such as Ivy, will never choose to ignore.

It is an endless situation between Xiao Chen and these alien peaks. In this case, these aliens will naturally not miss the opportunity to kill him.

"Xiao Chen, you will eventually pay for your arrogance."

"Fight now! You will die here today!"

Jun roared in his heart.

The ancient demon shot alone, the demon clan ivy and a group of people who complained with Xiao Chen against the peak of the alien race. At this moment, they all raised their eyebrows slightly. A few inexplicable gloomy eyes flashed in their eyes. Some thought in my heart.

There are no traces, there are more than 4o the peak of the alien race came forward, expressionless, but there was murderous tumble in my heart.

The human race, Xiao Chen, has enemies with them and never die, so he must die, denying that he has been killed alone with his mighty combat power, who is his opponent, fearing that he will be wiped out by him. This person does not die, and they are uneasy in their hearts.

Even if there is no resentment, if you can take this opportunity to remove one of the future peaks of the human race, it is very cost-effective to come.

Therefore, the top powers of all ethnic groups have moved their minds this time, snickering at Xiao Chen and crying, until the right time is their shot.

Even if it is a reputation for fighting together, it is no longer a concern.

Xiao Chen, the murderer, became the same idea in their hearts.

It was when many monks' thoughts were mixed that the sobbing expression was completely gloomy, and the eyes were filled with unbelievable anger. Xiao Chen, the human race, dared to reject his proposal, on what basis!

Even if he can rely on Arcana, he can beat him, but if he really fights hard, he still doesn't want to end well! From the perspective of Crying, Xiao Chen relied on treasures to reluctantly win him. Even if he admits defeat, he is unwilling, so when he sees him rejecting, he laughs angrily and whispered: "Okay, good Xiao Chen Since you want to die with someone today, how can someone let you down? "

"With the power of treasure, after all, it is not your own means, and someone will let you know how stupid your decision is now."

"Mr. Xiao Chen, someone must make you pay!"

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