Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 75: Join forces again

Crying and roaring, the atmosphere in the body suddenly trembled, and it has reached the peak level. Now it is rising again, soaring nearly 30%. [Eight Chinese

This cry was forced and helpless, and it was burned in anger, but he couldn't care a lot, and stimulated the blood in his body. Even if he would cause a lot of trouble when he was promoted to heaven and earth in the future, he could not care much.

Kill the human race Xiao Chen!

Faced with soaring might, Xiao Chen looked calm and did not show the slightest difference. Now the situation is as early as he expected. This man is a peerless genius who emerged from the earth giants for thousands of years. There will be some means of life-saving. But even so, he is still going to die today.

Qing Feng raised, the sword body was like autumn water, the slightest evil spirit was revealed from it.

"Xiaodian, the situation is now critical, the tigers are blocking the road before and after, and then the wolf is peeping. Then you and my brother will be the ones who drove the tiger and killed the wolf, settled the hatred of the day, and sent them back to the land."

"This battle is our battle to establish a reputation, and we cannot afford to lose it."

Whispered softly, the shop also knew the current situation, converged its own rogue breath, although not much to say, but the breath inside the body is crazy to increase growth with clarity and sensitivity. Refined the mixed Yuan Lingzhu, how much benefit this maggot got, only it knows.

Xiao Chen only knows that the shop is not a tough guy who is not afraid of death. Since it says that it can kill as many enemies as possible, it has full confidence, otherwise there is no such thing as 90%, and he will not have such grandeur.

There wasn't much preparation for it. One step forward, Qing Feng fell off, and the phantom of the millions of swords followed.

At the same time, a large share of the essence of the essence is instantly used from the store itself, into the virtual shadow of the sword, giving it power, and it has more than doubled in an instant. With the Yuanyuan Lingzhu, although the original essence is still extremely precious, it is by no means lossless. After use, it can naturally recover very quickly. It is precisely because of this that the shop will have full confidence in killing the earth giants.

The original combat power was comparable to the peak of the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth. Now it has doubled again on the basis of the strength of power. I am afraid that the level of the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth has already come out, which is not much different than the Four Realms of Heaven and Man.

One sword is cut off, as the ancient sword fairy shot, releasing the million shadows of the sword, destroying the world and reopening the era!

Crying in horror, his complexion turned pale instantly, countless fine beads of sweat on his forehead, his back robe was wet as much as possible, a scream screamed out of his mouth, and he could no longer hold his hand.

"Damn! Damn! This Xiao Chen actually hasn't burst into full force!"

"Treasure power, this is the power of treasures, awful, I think I have a unique combat power, and also a strong presence in the first-level ethnic trials. I do n’t want to be so embarrassed today in this second-level ethnic trial area. End. "

"I am unwilling, I am unwilling! If this treasure can be used by me, it will definitely help me to run the entire first-level ethnic trial battlefield!"

Even though he was not willing to growl in his heart, he didn't dare to think about other things this time, just because the combat power revealed by Xiao Chen's blow now had made him feel the threat of death.

This feeling, Crying has never been felt in the monks at the same level, but he did not want to die, so he can only desperately urge his mana and defend with all his strength.


The millions of swords were chopped down, and the loud noise exploded instantly. The energy tide swept wildly in all directions like the tide in the sea. The space along the way completely collapsed into silver and white, which connected the turbulent flow of space. The "bang" on the ground was endless, the Xiongfeng Canyon was erased and razed to the ground, the entire ground was cut by the tidal layers of energy, and the depth was lowered by tens of thousands of meters. It was 3 million miles in size and was filled with turbulent surging groundwater systems. Among them, I am afraid that after a few days, the huge pit formed in the life-and-death fight will turn into an ocean.

The so-called row of mountains and seas, changing the landscape, should be the scene at hand.

Such a method has grown beyond the ordinary monk's imagination and should be attributed to the ancient god-man method.

The young monk of that year has now reached a new peak and has the qualification to win the world!



The 4o-million-meter earth warfare body is in the color of earthy yellow. It is like a crystal polished. It is extremely hard and contains monstrous power. Now it is just like porcelain. It is easily broken directly and directly broken apart. A huge fissure, like a gorge, appeared on top of the war body, and the part of the war body that split and fell quickly melted into the power of the earth and earth, and returned to the world, disappearing quickly.



Crying Bai Yuzhang's body, at this moment, if he was severely hit, the flesh was directly broken, exposing the wounds, blood and water flowed out from it, instantly stained all his robes, and his complexion instantly turned into a pale color.

There was blood flowing out of the nose, ears, and eyes of this population. Although it barely resisted the slaying of the million-sword sword, it was obviously severely damaged. The breath in the body was rapidly reduced with clarity and sensitivity, and the body was like a blasting shell. , Was chopped and flew 2 million miles, slammed the ground, conducted with strength, and formed a huge deep pit with a square foot and a deep circle on the ground, and there were huge cracks like dense cobwebs in all directions. Spread.

He vomited blood in his mouth and spit blood, and the giant earth cries. In one blow, he has been severely damaged by Xiao Chen. Although he barely saved his life, his combat power has greatly diminished. At this moment he is full of anger, but the meaning of fear , But it is difficult to hide.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen, however, was full of spirits and spirits, and broke out with a mighty war will. He plunged into the clouds and stirred up the changes in the territory. The battle of 370,000 Zhang Swords stood on top of the sky, holding the Qing Feng, and the virtual shadow of one million Zhang Swords stood on top of the head.

"The **** giant cries, but so, with you, what qualifications do you have for judging my tribe!"

"Today, I collected your head, and with your life, established my supreme authority!"

Xiao Chen drank, his face was indifferent, and he stepped forward to kill him.

At the time of life and death, Cuiyu ignored the so-called facial problems, suddenly lifted up, looked at Xiao Chen, and grieved and roared in his mouth, "Since the Taoists have already prepared well, they will not take action at this moment, but when will they wait!"

"Today, you and I will fight together to kill the human race Xiao Chen!"

The voice of resentment rang through the whole world instantly!

In the next moment, a total of 47 strong horizontal breaths suddenly soared into the sky in the surrounding space. It was cold and slashing, faintly compatible, scattered and superimposed together, amazing, and directly pressed to Xiao Chen!

Gu Mogu shot, Yao Qing ivy, unicorn gold horns, nightmare magic charm, and other 47 alien peak power forward at the same time, regardless of whether they have resentment with Xiao Chen, but at this moment there is a little certainty, then They all want to kill Xiao Chen!

Killing Xiao Chen will make everyone happy, otherwise he will not mention how to resolve the grudges. The tribal brilliance of this tribe will also be obtained by him, and everyone can only exist under his shadow.

So right now, the strong aliens let go of their prejudices, and join forces to kill the enemy!

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