Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 90: Tenjin Sankyo

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Xiao Chen nodded, but did not immediately speak, but put down the wine bottle, frowned slightly, seemed to be preparing to speak, and after a while, he began to say, "Shu Bo, Xiao Chen set foot in the realm of cultivation. As of today, most of the monks you see It is not uncommon to be selfish and narrow-minded, to use any means for your own self-interest, to conspiracy and vicious slaughter, to kill husbands and wives, and to have brothers against each other.

"Mr. Monk, is it selfishness?"

Shu Bo frowned slightly, and then paused before he said, "Let the lord of the palace listen to a story first, and I will probably understand these."

"There is a lake in the Great Thousand Realms, and there is a fish-man group in the lake. This group is weird. Its new generations each year have billions but tens of billions, but the true number of people can only be maintained at About 100 million. The reason is that after the people of this ethnic group were born, they would be ruthlessly abandoned by their parents, and they could only survive in the lake with their own weak strength. Conspiracy, calculation, betrayal, assassination, no matter what they did The means is to save their lives, kill and swallow the bodies of other people, so that they can continue to grow and eventually become one of the people who survive. "

"Either the whole world of cultivation, the world of 蜉蝣, or even the world of small Qian, even the highest world of Da Qian, only knows a lake wave that has been magnified many times. We are all one of those souls struggling to survive, without confrontation. The wrong distinction is to survive. "

"So, for survival, there is no distinction between good and evil."

Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart, and his expression was cloudy and uncertain. Apparently, the thoughts in his heart were twitching, digesting the message from Shu Bo.

After a moment, he suddenly lifted up and asked the second question today, "Shubo, you and I are monks and go down the avenue and have powerful mana and enjoy a long life, but Xiao Chen has been doing the most since then. It is devouring and refining. As long as there are sufficient cultivation resources and retreats, refining and cultivation can continue to promote cultivation and eventually become the peak of the world? "

"If this is the case, what is the difference between this peak and ordinary people?"

Refining and refining, and improving cultivation, Xiao Chen is no longer a minority of such things, and this opening is quite proof.

Shubo heard a smile and waved his hand: "The second question of the master of the palace is not difficult to answer. The monk cultivates the path to compete for the heaven and earth opportunities for his own use. Whoever can compete for more will naturally get higher cultivation. . "

"As for having sufficient cultivation resources and always retreating, whether we can become the peak of the world, this old slave can accurately answer, it is impossible! The young master has this question, maybe because of his crazy cultivation, which makes him strong In a short period of time, the price has skyrocketed, but there are two points to explain to you. First of all, not all monks are as good as you. With this method, you can rely on your own cultivation to get enough treasures for yourself to practice. The transformation of absorption and ascension. Second, even if you have enough cultivation treasures and ascension for ascension, you can only be promoted to Heaven and Man. At most, if you want to ascend again, you need to have your own perception. If you cannot I realize that even if you have as many treasures as you can, you can only stop there and you won't get any improvement! "

Xiao Chen was low, quietly pondering for a while, and then asked the third question today, "Shubo said that monks practice the path, but what exactly is this path?"

On the third question, he stared at Shubo closely, waiting for his explanation.

In the first two questions, he had a vague understanding in his heart. Only in the third question, Xiao Chen didn't know what the so-called Tao was.

This time, Shu Bo clearly showed the color of contemplation, and after a long period of loudness, he opened his mouth and said, "One of the words of Tao is profound and profound, and it contains the heavens and the earth. Forget the old slave. What is the Tao. "

"But in the early years, the old slave had heard a few words mentioned by the Lao Gong, saying: The ways of the world are ever-changing, and if millions of people repair them, they can create billions of avenues. Once you get them, you can achieve great achievements. From this, we may know The so-called 'Tao' is determined by heart. Each person has his or her own Tao. Others cannot help. If you want to understand, you can only rely on yourself to slowly explore. Perhaps, in the future, the Shao Gong Lord will be promoted to heaven. After the situation, you will understand in your heart what is the Tao? What is your own practice? "

Shu Bo said nothing, and seeing that Xiao Chen was in deep thought, he didn't stay for a long time and turned away quietly.

Xiao Chen sat alone on the stone table, and did not move for three days until he lifted it slowly at one moment, and sighed in his mouth.

After three questions, three conclusions were reached.

The first question is obtained: monks practice, weak meat and strong food, all are the humble souls struggling to survive, no matter what means, there is no distinction between good and evil.

Second question: Monk ’s path, cultivation resources are extremely important, they can help one step faster, and the cultivation is faster, but it is never possible to achieve the peak only by continuous refining and cultivation. , You need self-perception.

The third question is obtained: monks practice the path, hundreds of millions of monks practice it, there are billions of different avenues, which vary from person to person and are never the same.

These three questions may seem simple, but they have been the most puzzled for thousands of years since Xiao Chen practiced the path. Now they are explained, the thoughts are clear, and the state of mind is more calm.

Zuomei Daochang closed 21ooo years, and the outside world has passed 7oo years. In this retreat, Xiao Chen refined hundreds of thousands of elixir and 11 trillion spirit stones. Under the accumulation of true treasures, the repairs have skyrocketed.

To date, it has been revised as follows:

On the human race, mana cultivation is to reach the peak level of robberies, Yuanshen cultivation is to heaven and man, and flesh is cultivation to heaven and man.

Ancient demons are separated, mana cultivation is the ultimate level of crossing robberies, Yuanshen cultivation is the climax of crossing robberies, and physical body is the peak of celestial beings.

Space avatar, mana cultivation is the peak level of crossing the calamity, Yuanshen cultivation is the level of heaven and man, and physical cultivation is the later level of crossing the calamity.

The human body is relatively balanced, and still has the strongest physical body, followed by Yuan Shen, the weakest mana, the ancient demon avatar has the strongest physical body, the second strongest mana, the weakest Yuan God, the strongest space avatar, the second strongest mana, and the weakest physical body.

If it is based on the optimal selection method, in the future, the three clones should focus on the realm of the gods and perform magical powers. The ancient demons focus on the practice of the flesh. The close-kills, the space fighters focus on the gods and escape.

Now these three points are not clear, but there is already a general direction of cultivation in the future. In this way, the three avatars can perfectly integrate and explode the combat power to the highest level.

In retreat for 21ooo years, the three major avatars are superimposed at the moment. Mana, Yuanshen, and physical power can be merged as much as possible. Even without the help of foreign magic weapons, the peak combat power that Xiao Chen can explode at this moment is already comparable to the Three Realms. Peak Monk!

Now that it is almost a hundred years before the trial of the ethnic group will end, he should be out of customs. If you have the opportunity, you can test it out. In this 7oo retreat, what kind of position has he reached now, and whether he has already obtained the qualifications of vertical and horizontal.

Xiao Chen lifted up, the blue shirt roared and hunted, and the momentum turned black!

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