Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 91: Terran Gathering Point

The Unicorn territory, somewhere in a hidden canyon, looks to the outside. This valley is usually strange, with faint clouds and looming trees, a quiet and peaceful scene. Even if a monk passes by, it is absolutely impossible to detect the strangeness. [Eight Chinese

The sky was clear, the sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the blue sky was extremely fast. A scream of light broke through the sky and came straight to the valley. The light converged, exposing one of the blue robe monks, with a calm complexion, carrying his hands , Gaze slowly swept across the valley.

This Qingpao monk is Xiao Chen. After leaving Zuomei Daochang that day, he accidentally got the news that there was a place where the monks in the valley gathered, and after a little thought, they ran straight.

In the 7oo year of Zuomei Dojo's retreat, the situation in the unicorn territory changed unexpectedly. The strong men of all ethnic groups came together, and the collision and fighting made the waves completely widen, which led to a series of changes.

The meeting point for monks of all ethnic groups is the emerging thing that has formed since then. There are a large number of ethnic monks gathered here, hunting and killing foreign monks, trading treasures, and enjoying easily. Each meeting point is equivalent to a simple city. There are strong ethnic groups sitting in town, and security can no doubt be greatly guaranteed. And in the meeting point, monks are strictly prohibited from killing, otherwise they will be chased down by the organizers of the base, which is also the main reason to attract a large number of monks to gather here.

Xiao Chen briefly recalled the information about the gathering point in his mind, his eyes flickered slightly, and he fell into the valley. There were forbidden runes whistling and flowing deep in his eyes. After a while, Xiao Chen retracted his gaze, and he didn't feel a bit of appreciation in his eyes. The prohibition outside the gathering place of the human race is quite mysterious, and the power is surprisingly great. Depending on the formation method, if it is not unexpected, it can definitely Resist the shots of the idle world. Its defensive power is as good as the protection of ordinary cities, which is amazing.

Slightly thinking, Xiao Chen moved slightly. Although the height and shape of the entire person did not change, the angle of the eyebrow and the bridge of the nose slightly changed. Although the amplitude was small, there was no need to worry about being recognized. After all, he is definitely not in the human race. If the unknown people are recognized, they may cause unnecessary trouble.

After doing this, he slightly lifted his hand, and a jade urn flashed in the flash of light, and shot into the valley in front of him.

Jade is very ordinary, but including Xiao Chen's breath, he can be banned and identified and automatically **** him into the battle. If the alien strong approaches, it will instantly lead to the prohibition of strangulation and end up worrying.

Yucha shot into the valley, just like falling on the lake surface. Ripples appeared in the empty space. It was at the moment when this ripple appeared that a strong horizontal suction force appeared on Xiao Chen. In the face of this attraction, he looked calm and did not resist it, but only felt that the surrounding space was slightly distorted, and the figure "snoring" disappeared.

The teleportation was extremely fast, but the breathing time was over. When the sight returned again, Xiao Chen was already in a small teleportation array somewhere. This is a teleportation square with a size of about a thousand squares. There are no fewer than a hundred teleportation arrays of different sizes. Among them, there are constant flashes of light, and a monk figure appears. The sight is slightly swept around, and then hurriedly walked. Layman goes.

Above the entire square, there are occasional light in and out, all of them are human monks. Although unfamiliar with them, looking at the surroundings at the moment, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a touch of joy.

No matter how strong Xiu is, in the territories of foreign races, he feels bound in the end. Now in this gathering place of human races, he is equivalent to returning to human races, which naturally makes him feel a little bit emotional.

But his joy did not last too long, and was directly broken by a noise.

"The little boy, looking blankly in the teleportation array, didn't come out quickly, delaying us to go out for hunting, be careful that you can't take it for a walk." The voice was cold, high, and proud.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly. This time he entered the ethnic gathering point. He had a good mood and was unwilling to get angry easily. He glanced slightly at the speaker and walked outward.

The speaker was a bald head with six scars on his head, wearing a yellow monk robe, yellow and white cloth shoes, an antique buddha on his neck, and a standard monk's dress, but he was hung up. Eyes, thick eyebrows, short nose bridge, flat nose, extremely singular mouth, ugly and fierce. Behind this man, there are 7 monks, both men and women, all looking cold and gloomy, obviously not good people.

This monk is a strange monk. Although he is a monk, he is sexually immoral and burns and plunders-kinky-nunxiu does nothing wrong. After being expelled from the division, he has built up a lot of enemies. However, the monk Daogua also has some skills, despite many adventures, he can always retreat to save his life. In the Terran monks, he is also a small well-known bully. This man is narrow-minded and cannot tolerate others' contempt. Although Xiao Chenning's idea that he is willing to take things easy is good, he does not know that his slight glance has caused trouble. In the eyes of this strange monk, this is the naked contempt and shame on him, and it must not be ignored.

So at this moment when Xiao Chen wanted to leave, the monk hung his eyes high and sang loudly, saying, "Where the boy is going, give your strange grandfather to kneel and scratch his head, to avenge his sins, otherwise he will definitely look for your mischief. "

If it wasn't for the strength behind the meeting point here, it was said that Tuoba Feng, a terrestrial strongman, secretly created it, making him secretly jealous. Otherwise, with this strange temperament, I am afraid that he has already shot and taught this unknown kid.

Among the many ethnic monks in Teleport Plaza, some ignored this and walked away hurriedly. Some stopped and sneered, some eyes flickered with playfulness, and some glanced. They seemed to know the fame of this strange creature, and there was something in fear. Mercy. Everyone looked strange and strange, but no one stepped forward.

As for the monk responsible for maintaining the teleportation formation, it was expressionless, indicating that he would not interfere in it.

Xiao Chen stopped, turned to look at the strange monster, his face was calm, but his dark eyes were faint and cold, and the faint joy that had arisen in his heart disappeared in an instant, and his mood returned to the ancient state of wavelessness.

Now at the gathering point, this person is absolutely afraid to take action, otherwise he will ask for trouble, and he can ignore it completely. As for the future, if this strange monk wanted to die, he would never mind giving him a ride.

There was a slight pause, and Xiao Chen continued to walk, saying nothing, not fear, but obvious contempt.

I didn't take you to heart at all.


For a moment, the sound of righteous downdraft air sounded in the transmission square, looking at Xiao Chen, and a bit of mockery mixed in shock. Sure enough, he is a kid who doesn't know the heights and thickness of the land. With his mid-term repairs, he dare to say so to Daogua! Who doesn't know that the monk is narrow-minded and flaws must be reported. Unintentional offense will lead this person to hunt and kill, so to speak is such a face of insult. This kid is dead.

Daogua monk has a blue complexion, his eyes looked coldly at Xiao Chen, his mouth suddenly sneered, and said, "Good boy, your grandpa grandpa remembers you, and the mountain is far away. You and I still have time to see you again."

Although this person was angry in his heart, he was not the guy who was impulsive to do things, and he swallowed this breath, which made him look high.

As for the 7 monks behind this man, they are all ugly. Although they have no opinion on the monks who are ugly, but they act together, Xiao Chen refutes the monk's face, and he is naturally dull. The cold air was flourishing, and there was a murderous tumble.

It was at this moment that Xiao Chen's footsteps suddenly stopped, turning to look at the 8 monks and other monks with no expression, and said lightly: "I have no intention of causing trouble, but if you are not entangled, you will blame me for being merciless. "

"It's up to you to decide what's going on. You just have to regret your choice."

Although the voice was indifferent, it was extremely calm, without any slight fluctuations. Obviously, his heart was calm and calm, and he did not flinch from the evil intentions of others.

No matter what the practice is, this mentality alone is enough to applaud secretly. In addition, this calm and unpredictable appearance makes the monks unable to bear the drums in their hearts, and looks at Xiao Chen no longer as before It was so unscrupulous, but a little bit more unscrupulous. After all, no one in the realm of cultivation is a fool. This Liuyun dares to say so, and he will not rely on Daoguai and others in his eyes.

Just in case, naturally did not want to cause trouble for no reason.

Daoguai heard his face change, and somehow he couldn't help but beat a few times. A sense of fear was born directly from the bottom of his heart, spreading out of control instantly, making his body slightly rigid.

But the next moment, this feeling of terror was suppressed by a kind of humiliation. He, the famous Taoist, and the monk-strength monk at the peak of the robbery, would be scared by a little guy in the middle of the robbery and shame. It's really shameful!

The seven people behind Daogua were also extremely ugly, and I wonder if they had the same feeling as him.

"Ha ha ha ha, good to say, if someone is willing to die without opening their eyes, this Liuyun Taoist must not be polite, others sent him to the head, you are not good at pushing but not." In the transmission square, somewhere During the teleportation, six monks appeared directly among them, and at this moment the giggle was one of them. This man was rugged and burly, with a huge axe in his hand, wide branches, and apparently the man with strong physical strength.

The five monks behind him, four men and one woman, sneered at the corners of their mouths, and looked at the monster and others with a rude look.

"I said, why aren't you eight guys so immature? If you have the skills, go and show them to other monks. What kind of prestige is always in my tribe."

"I just can't get used to you, don't let me meet you in the wilderness next time, or you'll be better off."

The big man's voice was low, and he touched his head subconsciously when he was speaking. His stance was revealed, but anyone who really knew his temperament knew that this one was really decisive. If anyone was deceived by his appearance, then congratulations, you are very It's going to be a big loss soon.

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