Daogua obviously recognizes the person, his face becomes even more ugly. His eyes glanced coldly at Xiao Chen and the person who came, sneer: "I said where the young man's confidence came from, and he dared to beat me. It turned out to be with you 6 people are related. In this case, things are even more interesting. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W〉.] 8〉 1] Z & gt; W?.? C} O] M ”

Among the seven people behind this monk, a monk in white and a cold-faced monk stepped forward and said coldly, "We don't need to remind you from the Rock Road friends, we will also remember the previous Liang. Some things will be returned to you in the future."

"Let's go!"

This man was clearly the leader, his voice fell, and everyone around him followed.

Daoguai looked coldly at Xiao Chen, and laughed strangely, saying, "Boy, it is best to follow your backer in the future. This wilderness is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may lose your life."

In the voice, the meaning of threat is self-evident.

The monk named Rock sneered, showing no worries on his face, apparently not paying attention to the threat at all, turning and leaving.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he didn't take any notice of it. From the previous openings, he could see that the two sides had had old grievances. It was not because he intervened. He naturally didn't need to be grateful, even without the intervention of the monk named Stone. He was not afraid.

Shaking his head in secret, Xiao Chen turned and wanted to leave here.

But at this moment, the rock that had walked a few steps stopped suddenly, suddenly turned around and yelled, "Wait, your boy, don't leave!" The voice was loud, and it spread far away in an instant, attracting many monks Startled look.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, then turned around without any trace, looking at the man calmly.

The walking pace of the rock is extremely great, and the pace is slightly faster. Although there is no breath leaking, his burly foot is more than the height of ordinary people, and still creates a very powerful vision. Impact strength.

The big walk came until Xiao Chen was less than a few feet away. The talent stopped and looked at Xiao Chen's still calm face without any slight color. His eyes flashed a little wonder in an instant, and then he covered it.

"Boy, don't blame me for not reminding you. I said that those guys could already hate you, and he determined that you have something to do with us. If you don't find a backer, once you leave the meeting point, you will definitely be hit by their poison . "

"Let ’s see, for this matter has something to do with us. You might as well join our squad for now. As long as you act with us in the future, the monks and monks will definitely not hurt you. ? "

The Rock spoke loudly.

"Hey, what is this guy doing, why did you recruit people into our squad for no reason. Besides, in the name of our squad, once we announce the recruitment of team members, there must be a lot of late monks coming from the robbery. Why? Not in the midst of this stream of clouds, in the mid-term repairs, the only thing we can do is follow us. "Jin Shang murmured with a little dissatisfaction.

"Don't worry, you don't know Pan's temperament, but you look very careless in the outside, but you understand very well that you will never do anything meaningless. Maybe there is something special about this flowing cloud."

Wang Hu touched the stubble hard stubble on his chin, thoughtful.

"Brother Wang Hu is right. Brother Rock is definitely not jealous. Now that he has spoken, he naturally has his intentions. We just need to wait for his explanation quietly." Lan Qiu gathered his horns, greenish The fingertips traversed in the black silk, and it became more and more crystalline, like jade polishing, and the bright eyes flickered slightly. The eyes fell on Xiao Chen, as if she wanted to find the outstanding place, but no matter how carefully she looked, I can't find the slightest difference.

The blue robe was slightly loose and not more than embellished. It was simple and refreshing, with a straight and straight waist, a calm look, and the dark eyes were calm and calm.

This flowing cloud does not look good in appearance. If you really want to choose the same, it is that he is too calm, calm to face the situation at hand, and there is no slight wave rising in his eyes.

Lan Qiu's eyes flickered slightly, and a little smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She seemed to have figured out some things.

Also, in the face of the monstrous monks, such as the monstrous monks, they can maintain this calmness. Unless he has a good acting skills and can suppress all the fears in his heart, he must rely on them.

In the opinion of Lan Qiu, the latter may occupy more than 80%, which is not simple.

Brother Panshi is still so wise, seemingly reckless behavior always has a very deep intention. For a time, Lan Qiu looked at Pan Shi's eyes, and the stars shone.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly. What was this? Solicit?

The surrounding monks were preparing to see the lively monks. At this moment, they were shocked at the same time. When they looked at Xiao Chen again, they had a little more envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Pan Shi, Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Lan Qiu, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi, a team of six people have a huge reputation in this ethnic gathering point. It is said that the six of them joined forces, and even killed a heaven and earth battle. Although the strength of the alien powerhouse is unconfirmed, some faint news came from it, indicating that their team was overbearing. Today ’s ethnic battlefields are no longer the era of lone rangers, regardless of whether they are human races or alien races, they are all fighting in teams and being able to join a powerful squad, which can not help but greatly improve their own security, and the chances of getting treasures are much greater. It's a matter of gain and harmlessness.

Therefore, when I heard Pan Shi's personal invitation, the monks in the transmission square had to admit that they were jealous. Especially when they saw that Liu Yun was showing hesitation, it made them angry and dissatisfied.

This kind of good thing with nowhere to look for a lantern, he actually has to consider, oh my god, why they don't look at me, otherwise I agreed.

For a while, if his eyes could kill, Xiao Chen had already been torn into pieces. Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to answer.

"Okay, I'll join." It's simple and straightforward, without extra questions and doubts.

Xiao Chen didn't know about the change of the surrounding monks' minds, and was too lazy to pay attention to it. He did think about whether to join before, and after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, he still made the choice to join.

First, after joining the squad, he can get information about the ethnic battlefields as soon as possible. Secondly, after joining the team, he can get a brand new identity, after that there is no need to worry about his identity being seen through. He did not want to reveal his identity until he had enough information, otherwise he would cause trouble. And even if he joins the team, he can always turn away in the future. It was based on this that he made this choice.

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