Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 104: The situation was reversed with a strong shot

Liu Baisheng was shocked when he heard the words, and then respectfully said, but his eyes flashed a little jealousy. W]. > 8] 1] ZW. COM has followed Liu Dongbo for more than a thousand years, knowing that his young master has always been gloomy, and when such joys are rarely revealed, it is enough to know to what extent his mood has been stirred up. Although he is Liu Dongbo's confidant, his qualifications are limited and he cannot become a young master's help. It is destined that he cannot get his real attention.

Maybe once this Liuyun joins, he will soon replace or even surpass his position in the mind of young master.

Although unwilling, he did not dare to disobey Liu Dongbo's orders. He knows very well about the nature of the young master, and he absolutely does not allow his subordinates to violate his meaning at all. Otherwise, once it is revealed, and the tragic end is thought, Liu Baisheng trembles in a battle, and the last strange thought in his heart is extinguished .


Forbidden Tao Magical Power Star Guardian is one of the strongest protected magical powers of Forbidden Taoism below Heaven and Man. Once cast, the monks below Heaven and Humanity will do their best to shoot, and they will not be able to harm the banned guardian monks. This forbidden Tao supernatural power is quite mysterious, and among the forbidden Taoist masters, there are few who can understand it. However, this magical power is just a defense magical power and has no attacking power. I do n’t know which sages spent a lot of energy to create another magical power to cooperate with it.

Supernatural powers are forbidden, and Star Wars is turned. When used in conjunction with the Star Guardian, you can reverse all the magical powers below Heaven and Human Realm, and use the human way to treat others. The power is amazing.

There is the guardian of the stars, the sheltered monks are not damaged, and there is a star turn, a reversal of magic power, and a reflection damage. The two are superimposed, and monks below the heaven and earth are incomparable.

What's more important is that you can comprehend the two forbidden Tao masters who are the Star Guardian and Dou Zhuan Star Move at the same time. As long as they are repaired in the future, they can be directly promoted to heaven and earth! Once you have successfully promoted heaven and earth, with the help of the mysterious forbidden Taoist magic power, the power that the forbidden master can explode in an instant will be soaring in countless moments, reaching an extremely terrifying situation, which may have the power to destroy the world.

Every forbidden Taoist in Heaven and Earth has the ability to challenge beyond level!

Forbidden to enter the road, this is another way, practice is difficult, most of them need to explore the monks themselves, not as good as orthodox practice. But because of this, once something is achieved, what can be harvested is also far from a monk.

Things in the world are fairly fair. You can get as much as you pay for it. There is absolutely no lunch.

It is precisely because of this that after witnessing Xiao Chen's successive star guardianship and star-moving movements, Wang Fatman, the cold female barley, and that Liu Dongbo will be so disoriented.

As for the other monks, they were completely stunned by the sudden burst of scenes. When they looked at the back surrounded by stars and merged into the stars, they felt a little more envious and awe.

The black feather supernatural power reversed, and the monk in black robe turned pale instantly. He could produce the strongest supernatural power, but did not have the strength to resist it.

In the screaming, this man was busy throwing his hands around, trying to keep his own life, but his eyes showed a sense of despair, just because he knew clearly that this black feather supernatural power was explosive, and he could not resist it!

The black plume fell, and the dense linen was like a torrential rain, engulfing the figure of the black robe monk.

The tragedy came to an abrupt halt, until the black feathers swept past, the figure of the person had long since completely disappeared, and all the physical gods were shredded by their own magical powers into powder and completely destroyed.

Such an ending, who expected!

Xiao Chen is still standing with his hands in his hands, with a calm face, light wind, light clouds, and no obvious depth. He has already killed a monk under Li Yunqi's hands. Now his two forbidden magical lights flash outside, and his breath is slowly dispersed, such as Ancient fierce beasts generally stand in the world, domineering, ridiculous!

At this point, the fighting between the two teams had been forced to stop, Qi Qi closed their hands and backed away, but they looked different but looked shocked and looked towards Xiao Chen.

Pan Shi was shocked and happy, with a sense of congratulations on his face. Fortunately, on the same day, he began to invite Liu Yundao friends to join the team, otherwise today is in danger! No wonder it can give him a sense of repressed awe, turned out that he turned out to be a very powerful forbidden Taoist.

Today, there are friends from Liuyun Dao to help, the final winner of the battlefield must be them. The thought of revenge for the dead brother and the nightmare man immediately made the hard-eyed man red with his eyes and looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes were full of gratitude.

The eyes of Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, and Yexi were widened, and their pupils contracted sharply. This person looked at each other, and could not help showing a little admiration in his eyes.

It's worthy of being the boss of the rock, let alone say, this eyesight alone is not comparable to them. Who would have thought that this would be Liu Yun, who was only in the middle of the robbery, and it would be such a powerful role that was hidden.

And Lan Qiu was undoubtedly the strongest person among the several people. The woman looked dull for a moment, then suddenly rose red, and looked at Xiao Chen again, she had revealed a bit of guilt.

The main reason why she was so indifferent to Xiao Chen was that he thought he was not good at her, and also because Xiao Chenxiu was weak. In Lan Qiu's opinion, she didn't have the qualifications to value her. However, Xiao Chen's performance today is tantamount to facing low drinking, so that this woman wakes up instantly.

Joke, with Xiao Chen's present qualifications, if he really loves beauty, as long as he reveals his willingness to join any party in the clan, he will definitely be welcomed. The beauty is as much as she wants, even more beautiful than her nice. Thinking of his many rudeness before, Xiao Chen was able to tolerate them one by one, and did not show a slight difference, which made Lan Qiu's heart even more disturbed.

Fortunately, I'm not too much, otherwise I'm annoying Liuyun Taoist, I'm afraid I will have to suffer a bit.

Lan Qiu secretly made up his mind, and when it was revealed today, he sought an opportunity to seriously apologize to Liu Yun's friends.

The change in the mentality of this woman once again proves that the strength of the self-cultivation world is supreme. Otherwise, even if Lan Qiu knows her mistake, she will never apologize to Xiao Chen, who is not as strong as herself.

The members of the Rock Squad were extremely happy, but Li Yunqi and others were shocked and angry, and looked very gloomy.

I thought that today's battle would be undoubtedly successful, but the birth of Xiao Chen turned out to give them instant endless fear, and then a chill rose in their hearts, making them stiff. It should be noted that now in the deathmatch, only one side can survive with the opponent. Now the Rock team has Xiao Chen, an amazingly powerful forbidden teacher, which is not good news for them. If not, I am afraid to explain here today.

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