Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 105: Li Jiajian Xiu

Thinking of this possibility, an uncontrollable sense of fear was born in Li Yunqi's heart. Bayi Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. COM is a man with average qualifications and inferior quality. Hu Zuofei relies on his background and arrogance. Now he enters the trial of hundreds of people because of family rules. Otherwise, his temperament will not enter this dangerous place. When he entered the ethnic battlefield for the first time, this person did carefully and low-keyly for a while, but then he saw that the trial battlefield of the ethnic group was not as dangerous as rumored, plus the two powerful sword repairs that the sister himself came from the family as guards. Even when encountering assaults by powerful aliens, they must step into Huang Quan with hatred. This person's guts gradually increased, and he returned to his usual anger. However, the rise of the human race, Xiao Chen, caused a series of shocks. The human race was suppressed by foreigners, and the situation became crisis. Li Yunqi, like a bird of shock, was afraid of losing his life, and hurried to hide in a unicorn territory, spending a lot of spirits. She bought a house, and secretly sought out a foreign woman to dress up for fun all day, preparing to wait until the end of the ethnic trial, and then return directly to the family. He had no choice but to enter the ethnic trial battlefield because of family rules, but he didn't take any notice of the so-called merit.

The young master is like this, and all the guards are naturally happy, and the party will live a happy life.

It wasn't until later that the first-class ethnic battlefields of all ethnic groups appeared in a peerless world. The human gathering point appeared, and Li Yunqi, who was a bit bored, couldn't bear the loneliness, so he set off for the human gathering point.

In his original words, even a foreign female nun is still not as good as a human race, and it is boring to play.

Resentment with the rock, which led to a series of fights, was also a matter born in another gathering place of human races. Li Yunqi relied on his subordinates to be tyrannical, and was again the identity of the Li family. The arrogance again arrogant, only to think that as the Li family is the boss of the sky, the second child, his third child, no matter what, just be careful not to provoke it The character, even in the race trial, he can still live freely.

Ordinary monks are not strong enough to dare to provoke, and the real strong are afraid of the Li family's power. In addition, Li Yunqi has no direct contact with the interests of the offenders, so there is no trouble. It is because of this that this person becomes more arrogant.

A few days ago, Li Yunqi learned of the whereabouts of the rock, and Li, who had always believed in cutting grass and roots, naturally would not tolerate the thorns in the eyes and survive peacefully. He immediately brought his Majesty monk straight to this place, and inquired a little about the news of the rock. This is what happened today.

However, no matter how he conceived it, he never imagined that today's situation would actually reach such a situation!

Things that originally thought they could be solved easily, after Xiao Chen shot, there was a faint feeling of being out of control. The appearance of this feeling is undoubtedly an extremely bad signal.

So Li Yunqi was scared. He always died, and didn't want his safety to be threatened at all.

Li Jiajian Xiu is to protect important members of the Li family. They select excellent young people from orphans, train them from an early age, inculcate the loyalty of Li Jiajia, and cooperate with some prohibitions. First and foremost, you can even lose your life for this!

Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng are such Li Jianjian repairs, so when they felt that Xiao Chen's explosive power could threaten Li Yunqi's life, their eyes instantly showed decisive meaning, and their eyes were suddenly murderous.

There are no threats to the Lee family!

"Young Master, please give away the Tibetan sword to Yuanyuan. My brother and I will blast together to make a strong strike. It will inevitably kill this flowing cloud and protect Young Master's safety." Cheng Yun said in a deep voice, his face was dignified, but There is no strange color.

As Li Jiaxian Xiu, they are ready to die for their masters at any time.

The Tibetan sword converges Yuan Dan, a secret clan of the Li family. It is specially prepared for guarding sword repair. If it is swallowed in times of crisis, it can blow the sword repaired in a lifetime, and then the sword repair will die on the spot.

This attack is a sword repair guided by its own cultivation, sacrificing life, in exchange for unparalleled power, this power is extremely compressed, turned into a sword of stunning world, the power of destruction that can burst out is enough to destroy Heaven and earth.

This is the strongest magical power that guard sword repairers can release in order to protect their masters.

Now Xiao Chen's star guard and Star Wars movement have made the entire Rock squad nearly invincible. To win, they must use thunder to kill it and break the guarded guard, otherwise Li Yunqi and others will die. It is for this reason that the brothers Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng have made such a choice. Commemorate the lives of two people in exchange for Xeon strikes and kill Xiao Chen!

"Okay! Okay! Here is the Tibetan sword and Xidan. After you swallow it, kill it immediately and kill him!" Li Yunqi's anxious face suddenly showed a little joy, Why did he forget this card in his hand! It's not yet known who is dead!

He hurriedly took out a dark-colored jade bottle engraved with fine textures, and Li Yunqi looked forward to handing it to Cheng Yun, urging, "Hurry up, give me a shot and kill him."

For the factors that can threaten their own security, they must be wiped out as soon as possible. This is a clause that the Li family has always believed in. To this point, Li Yunqi has no doubt implemented extremely standard.

Cheng Yun's eyes suddenly flashed a bit of grief. Even though he had already prepared for his death, he was a monk with his own wisdom after all, and now he can't remain indifferent in the face of death.

"Young Master, Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng brothers are ridiculed today. If you leave safely, please also remember the achievements of my brothers and treat me and other aunts and children kindly, and I will be grateful under Huang Quan."

Li Yunqi looked slightly sorrowful, looking at Cheng Yun's eyes sadly, Cheng Feng's face was unwilling, and his heart suddenly burst, and then he calmed down, Shen said: "This is assured for your brother and two, whoever is for my Li family All dead brothers will be treated by the family. "

"The two Taoist friends died because of me. I promise that in the future, you will give your children's children a splendid future and escape from the fate of protecting the sword."

This person is not stupid, knowing that this is the time to hire someone, but he is quite sincere in his words.

"Okay! With the words of the young master, my two brothers will be relieved."

"Please retreat, we will shoot with all our strength and kill the monks of the Rock Squad." Cheng Yun waved his hand suddenly, pointing like a sword, shooting an elite sword, instantly breaking through the space, absolutely indifferent, revealing the black background .

Li Yunqi's mind was settled, and Wen Yan nodded hurriedly, leading the three behind him slowly backing away.

At the same time, Pan Shi suddenly spoke and yelled, "Liu Yun Tao friends shot, do not let the Li Jiajian repair Xeon strike, otherwise you and I are in danger!" The voice revealed panic, apparently He heard about Li Jiajian's reputation.

Since then, Wang Hu, Jin Shang, and others have been equally disturbed.

Bathed in the light of the stars, Xiao Chen heard his words suddenly lifted up, and was about to kill, but only heard the two brothers Cheng Cheng and Cheng Feng grinning sternly, and shouted: "Forcing my brother to fall here, You do n’t even think about getting out. ”

"Today, you all stay!"


Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng brothers both raised at the same time, and swallowed the two Tibetan swords collected from the jade bottle to swallow Yuandan, without giving Xiao Chen a chance to stop.


When the elixir came into the body, there was an endless sharp breath bursting out of it, violent and raging, and it was extremely amazing. Like the sea, the waves swept wildly in all directions, exhaling the endless destruction.

This strong breath made Pan Shi and others stiff and pale. A strong breath of death rose from their hearts!

The sword Xiuqiang blows out of the life of swallowing the elixir sacrifice, they can never resist it. Once they fall into it, the physical body of the Yuanshen will be strangled directly by the horrible sword gas into powder, and it will completely fall.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed in different colors, and the two sword repairs in the late period of the robbery in this area now have a breath that has gained the level of heaven and humanity. However, wanting to hurt him with such cultivation is tantamount to wishful thinking.

"Friends of the Rock, wait for you to enter the restraint. I will resist this attack!"

The sound came, and Pan Shi and others nodded hurriedly, the aura of light flashed outside, and whizzed straight to where Xiao Chen was. If we want to survive today, there is only hope for this path. However, they were not sure whether Xiao Chen could resist.

call out!

call out!

Six people rushed into the ban under the control of Xiao Chen. Under the control of Xiao Chen, the two major bans of Star Guardian and Diao Zhuan Xing Yi gave way along the way to enough people to enter the core safe area.

Xu Guang converged, and there was still worry on Pan Shi's face and it was difficult to hide it.

Xiao Chen did not return, but seemed to have clearly seen the look on their faces, and spoke directly, saying lightly: "Dear friends, rest assured that Liu Yun will go all out to fight, whether it can be resisted, but there is no guarantee."

"Everything, please see the machine."

Pan Shi, Wang Hu, Jin Shang, Jiang Chen, Ye Xi and others nodded at the same time, their faces were so calm, they also understood what Xiao Chen said was true. Damn Li Jiajian Xiu, once desperately burst out like the power of monks in heaven and earth, although only one blow, it is enough to cause a lethal threat to them!

Nowadays, I can only hope that Liuyun Taoists will be better at banning Taoism. Otherwise, today,

Lan Qiu's eyes looked at the erect figure standing back to back, and saw him in a green robe hunting, black flipping, still calm and calm in such a critical moment, his heart could not help but give a bit of admiration, in this admiration, there is another A few strange thoughts flashed by.

A bit of Hongxia, quietly emerged.

Xiao Chen didn't know about it. Now his eyes flickered, Yuanshen's thoughts rolled, and in the face of Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng, his brothers fought desperately, apparently never minded.

After an instant, his eyes must look certain, apparently he has made a choice.

At the same time, Cheng Yun and Cheng Feng brothers who swallowed the Tibetan sword to converge Yuan Dan and sacrifice their life to hit the strongest hit.

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