Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 147: The tenth reincarnation of distraction

When he woke up, he was already at home, and his mother was sitting at the table, crying secretly. Eight {(一中文网〔W〕WW.81ZW.COM

My father suffered a very serious injury in the Xiao family. Now the family's money is exhausted, and a good doctor cannot be hired. If the delay continues, at most half a month may die.

Upon hearing this news, Xiao Chen felt as if he was struck by lightning, completely sluggish.

In the next few days, I was confused until I went up the mountain to collect medicine for my father. I inadvertently heard the faint popping sound from the depths of the forest. If I had heard it in the past, thinking about those horrible rumors, Xiao Chen would never come close. But today, after a short pause, an inexplicable driving force made him desperate to run to the source of the sound. He vaguely felt that he knew something, but now he has forgotten it, and now he wants to take the initiative to show it.

Although the sound was heard, the distance was still very far, for a thin teenager, it was an extremely long distance. Xiao Chen forgot his exhaustion, forgot the pain of twigs on his face and thorns cutting his hands and feet. He ran desperately and kept running.

I don't know how long it has passed, he came near the source of the sound, carefully hiding his figure, but at this moment, two painful and miserable howls suddenly came out and stopped abruptly, making Xiao Chen pale, but he forcibly resisted the slowdown. After breathing, he looked forward through the gap between the branches.



In the dense forest, two figures roared over, they were extremely fast, and in a flash, they had appeared not far away. They were an old man in black and a charming woman.

The distance was too far, Xiao Chen didn't hear what they were saying, but he could clearly see the surprise on the faces of these two people. Through the momentum of the fight here and the speed of these two people, Xiao Chen could guess his identity.

The immortal master aloft.

It's just that for some reason, the scene before him is still a bit familiar. It seems that he has seen it before, and it seems that the old man in black will die. But he is alive now, how could he die?

Xiao Chen frowned. Before he could come up with an explanation, his eyes widened, and he slammed his mouth tightly to avoid making any noise. Just because the charming woman suddenly shot and killed the black old man.

Seeing the scene before him, a growing sense of familiarity appeared in Xiao Chen's heart. He knew that the old man succumbed to death, and that this charming woman would be injured, and things were indeed the same as he expected. He looked at the charming woman. Staggering away, Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and ran after him.

As she moved forward, the woman suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "I don't know which Taoist friend is following her concubine, please show up."

Xiao Chen stayed unmoved, and calmed his voice. Seeing the woman enter the cave, he hesitated slightly. An extra dagger that was used for self-defense in the mountains and forests appeared in his hand. It was put into the sleeve of the robe before he walked to the entrance of the cave. Pretending to fall and roll like a hole.

"Ah! Where am I? I just fell down before, why did I wake up here?" Xiao Chen exclaimed, and his voice spread through the cave, revealing the young people's horror and fear, vivid, even if it was. The man, who was an old and fine monk, was absolutely unable to notice the strangeness.

He hadn't learned this disguise method before, but he took it at his fingertips, as if it had penetrated into his bones and could no longer get rid of it.

The coquettish woman was hiding in the cave, and was driving out the toxins in the soul-breaking cone. When she heard this voice, she opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes flashed with murderous intent. When she savored the panic inside, she revealed it. Kind of joy.

"It seems that I deserved my charm dance to get the treasure of the Li Family. Now that the toxin is not exhausted, if I can absorb the Yuanyang energy of a man and transfer the toxin to this person in the intercourse, I will surely recover most of my internal injuries."

Thinking of this, the woman suddenly screamed, saying: "I don't know which brother broke into my sister's cave, why don't you come here soon?" The voice was soft and charming, even if it was a long-standing joy. The veteran of the field could not resist it, let alone an unmanned young man.

Just as Mei Wu thought, Xiao Chen entered the cave in a daze, eyes dizzy, apparently controlled by her charm technique. The woman was secretly happy in her heart, flicked her hand, moved the surrounding space slightly, and put the phosphorous fire gourd away, revealing a charm of charm at the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, where's the handsome boy, come over and let my sister have a look."

Xiao Chen's face was blank, and she walked to the woman's side and was directly pulled down by her.

Meiwu, this girl is cruel, otherwise she would not be able to kill her husband and win treasures. Seeing Xiao Chensheng's handsomeness at this moment, her heart is even more obscene, she directly untied her clothes, revealing her soft skin, and laughed. "My sister is itchy, my younger brother, come and help my sister." This woman is so obsessed that she thinks that ordinary monks will also lose her mind, so she naturally doesn't have the slightest sense of vigilance about this mundane young man.

Xiao Chen swallowed two mouthfuls and spit, eyes faintly red, and rushed directly at the woman. But at this moment, a piercing light suddenly exploded, absolutely cruel, without any pity, directly chopped off the woman's head, blood spewed out, soaked his robe, and covered his hands.

Until she died, the horror and unbelievable color in the eyes of this licentious slut, her dignified monk would actually die at the hands of a secular young man.

Xiao Chen stared blankly at the blood-stained dagger in his hand, and his body shuddered. When the woman's head was cut off, his heart was completely indifferent, without any panic or fear, as if he had long been used to it.

But now, he didn't waste too much time at this point, his eyes fell on the storage bag around the woman's waist. Although he didn't know what it was, he opened it by ghost and took out the brocade box.

The box was extremely strange, but it had a few breaths. Xiao Chen was silent and suddenly opened it. A burst of white smoke suddenly exploded, covering a radius of three meters and directly enclosing Xiao Chen.

The smoke is very poisonous. When Xiao Chen's body touched it, he instantly began to rot, turning into drops of blood, describing it as miserable and terrifying, and intense pain filled his heart. It was definitely not a fake, but he stared fiercely into the brocade box. , Empty, nothing.

"No, not really."

Xiao Chen was dull and suddenly had a splitting headache. He intuitively told him that there should be something in this brocade box.

But at this moment, the space he was in suddenly distorted, and a green-robed monk appeared, looking at the young man in front of him with complicated eyes.

The two lives are exactly the same, except that one is mature and stable, and the other is still childish.

The green robe monk turned towards Xiao Chen, his figure trembled suddenly, and his face revealed a clear color. At this moment, the white poisonous mist outside of his body trembled suddenly, and immediately collapsed and dissipated.

Xiao Chen bowed his hand, and the figure suddenly turned into a divine sense, and disappeared into the body of the green robe monk.

"Replace the tenth reincarnation of myself with a trace of divine consciousness, and I will secretly change it so that all the incarnations of the tenth divine consciousness are in harmony with the family. It is considered that I have enjoyed the stable reincarnation of the tenth generation. Life not to be seen."

"Now my body has completely woken up, this dream of magical power can be broken at any time, but I don't want to, and I don't want it."

"In my last life, I was filled with hatred, soaked in blood, and missed too much. I let Yihuayi, in this dream, live steadily, staying with my parents and the woman I owe a lot. "

Xiao Chen stepped outwards, his breath gradually changed, returning to the time when he had not cultivated the Taoism that year, but he did not even look at the brocade box in the cave. This brocade box is empty, he already knew it. No matter how strong the magical powers of the Yaozu destiny twins are, they will never be able to simulate the golden seal against the sky. This is the biggest flaw in the magical powers of Mengdao, and it is also the opportunity for his body to wake up.

Stepping out, stepping down, his figure appeared directly outside the courtyard, looking at the familiar scene, even if he knew it was in a dream, he felt a long-lost excitement, coming from the deepest part of his heart, making his body tremble slightly.

Pushing the door in, the mother was taking care of her father, but within a few days, there was a bit of white silk on her head, and her eyebrows were frowning.

Xiao Chen's heart was shocked. Looking at his mother's countenance, he suddenly felt like he wanted to cry, but he was forcibly suppressed, showing a slight smile, "Mother, I'm back."

This sentence made him bitter.

Xiao's mother looked up and looked at Xiao Chen. There was no complaint in her eyes, but the endless tolerance and the insoluble sorrow. She nodded slightly and said, "Chen'er, your father is awake, just about to call you in. "

"Go and see him, maybe... maybe your father can't hold on for long."

Xiao Chen hurriedly relieved and said, "Mother don't have to worry. The child entered the mountain today and was enlightened by immortals, and he got a taste of spirit grass, which is quite extraordinary, and it will surely make his father recover."

Now that he has woken up, he naturally won't let his parents suffer any more.

Mother was pleasantly surprised. The two entered the room. Xiao Chen took out a spiritual grass converged with pure mana and fed it to Father Xiao. With the support of this spiritual power, these injuries would heal soon and last a lifetime. There are no patients.

Half a day later, Father Xiao woke up, and he really recovered as before. Hearing Xiao Chen's explanation, he was greatly shocked. He immediately burned the incense and bowed to the immortal master.

Xiao Chen said goodbye to his parents for the time being on the pretext of needing to listen to the preaching of the fairy. This time, he is going to look for Yuewu, Li Xiaoyi, Ziyan, Qingmei, bring them home, and serve his parents with him.

But before that, he has something to do.

Taking a step forward, the figure suddenly disappeared. With Xiao Chen's cultivation base, no one can stop him in this dream world.

The next moment, he appeared, and he was already outside the Xiao family.

With a sharp glow in the eyes, Xiao Chen's sleeves, his door was forcibly broken open, the door was thrown back, and several Xiao family protectors were smashed into the air. Then he was angry and strode into the door.

Such a momentum immediately alarmed the people above the Xiao Family Hall. Xiao Lin did not know what method he used to invite Elder Hu to his home in Luoyun Valley. This time, Xiao Wenting and others were cautiously cooperating, hearing the movement outside, one by one. Suddenly, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Whoever is impatient, dares to provoke them to the Xiao family, is **** it!

Elder Ma raised his eyelids slightly, and secretly said that the Xiao family was also acquainted with him, and that he was serving him well. He should also help them solve some problems, and by the way, let them know how powerful he is.

Thinking about it this way, Elder Ma spoke lightly and said: "Where are the people who don't understand the rules, this immortal master is here today. If he has come, then stay."

"Look at me, who can move the Xiao family a little bit."

Xiao Wenting and the others were suddenly overjoyed, and they slid and slapped their horses, followed this person and went out.

"Xiao Chen!"

"It's actually this little thing!"

"If he dares to come to our Xiao family to make trouble, I'm afraid it will be impatient!"

"Interrupt his hands and feet and throw them out, otherwise my Xiao family's face will not be saved."

All the Xiao family members were clamoring, but the elder Ma was weird and never spoke, his eyes fixed on Xiao Chen, this young man looked familiar, and then he remembered that he had seen it in the Linggen Test that day. My heart trembled fiercely at the moment, and his expression became pale uncontrollably. Now facing this Xiao Chen, he actually felt like a mighty power, how could he not be frightened.

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