Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 148: Dreaming to find her wife

Xiao Chenchan said, "Noise.? Bayi Chinese {网 W? W? W).] 8) 1ZW.COM" I didn't see any movement. Then the surrounding Xiao family looked pale and miserable. The figure flew backwards, and although he was not dead, he suffered a lot.

This method instantly deterred everyone.

Elder Ma's face suddenly turned pale. This Xiao Chen is a teenager. In his induction, I am afraid that Jin Dan's ancestor in the door is definitely not his opponent. The Xiao family is so dead or alive that it provokes such existence. Even if it is destroyed, don't involve him.

"The seniors are angry! The younger ones are monks from Luoyun Valley, North China. Today, I just came to this Xiao family by accident. They have nothing to do with them. I also ask the seniors to hold them accountable!"

The person spoke quickly, for fear of being late, he would be wiped out by the horror monk.

Xiao Chen waved his face expressionlessly. Elder Ma was as amnesty as he was, and he fled away without leaving his head.

"Within 3 days, come to my house and beg my parents for forgiveness. Otherwise, even if there is blood relationship, I will let your Xiao family be like a palace and disappear!"

Xiao Chen whispered, and suddenly shot with a single palm. The main hall of the Xiao family collapsed into a ruin like Montana. Xiao Chen's figure suddenly took a step at this moment and disappeared.


There is a gazebo in the medicine garden somewhere in Luoyun Valley. In this gazebo, Ji Yuewu sits in it, her eyes look slightly blurred.

Entering the Zongling Gen test that day, the Xiao family Xiao Chen looked at her eyes. Until this moment, she still remembered clearly in her heart, "Must, do I know him? Otherwise, why does his eyes make me familiar, as if I am a very close person . "

Thinking of this, Ji Yuewu's face was even more confused, but at this moment, her complexion suddenly changed, and her body turned around, looking at the young boy in the green robe appearing in the pavilion, her eyes were full of shock. Color.

"Xiao Chen, you haven't been sent back to the family, how do you get in here!"

Looking at this familiar person, Xiao Chen's eyes were soft and he said, "Yuewu, I'll pick you up to go home." After speaking, waiting for her to respond, she raised her hand and pointed. Everything about him and Ji Yuewu is within this finger, and disappears into her body.

After a few breaths, Ji Yuewu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, her eyes opened again, her confusion faded, and Xiao Chen was already full of tenderness. "Xiao Lang, how can we be here?"

Xiao Chen didn't explain. With a chuckle, he reached out to embrace Ji Yue Wu.

After half an hour, in the silence, Xiao Chen took Ji Yuewu away, and a letter of Yu Jian came silently to the retreat of Yao Dao Zi. The message left by them was to keep them away from Ji Yue. Wu's disappearance is flustered.

"Yuewu, I'll take you to find Xiaoyi, okay?" Xiao Chen said softly, blocking the beauty's willow waist, a little guilty while talking.

Yuewu nodded nicely and said "um" lightly.

Xiao Chen tightened her a little tighter, stepped under her feet, and the figure instantly melted into the void.


"Abominable! Miss Ben sneaks out to play, and there are a lot of people behind her to protect her. In this case, how can Miss Ben help the weak and help the poor!"

"My Li Xiaoyi is not easy to chase. If you want to follow it, you can also see if I can find my whereabouts."

Li Xiaoyi wrinkled her little nose and shook her fist proudly, watching Yan Lao, Mo Lao and Guan Zhong the nasty ghost who had been cheated by her, and went straight in the other direction, laughing.

After three turns and two turns, the little girl came out of the city gate, and she did not know where to disguise herself as a handsome boy. She shook her head while walking, making people laugh.


Suddenly, a gentle voice came from behind, causing Li Xiaoyi's eyes to be confused, turning around, looking at a pair of stunners in front of me, for some reason, it gave birth to an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It seemed that she knew both of them, but there was no slight impression in her memory, and she could not help but frowned, showing a little incomprehension.

Xiao Chen's eyes were soft, and he pointed out, "Wake up, come home with me."

After a few breaths, Li Xiaoyi opened his eyes and rushed into Xiao Chen's arms, leaving tears to wet his chest.

Xiao Chen pity to take her into her arms, Yue Wu is standing on one side, with a pretty face and mild, without any slight difference.

After a while, no monk Xiao Chen led Yuewu and Xiaoyi to go straight to Han Hai Da 6 and he would take away Ziyan.


Han Hai Da 6 Southeast, the stars invited the Moon Palace.

On the 1st of the month, the day when the altar of the first palace was opened for lectures, all disciples in the sect, regardless of their status, can come and listen. On this day, disciples will gather outside the first house, and they will wait in a respectful and silent manner.

This respectful inner heart is obviously sincere and is by no means false. After all, Ziyan Palace's temperament is very gentle, and she rarely angers the disciples under the door. She is famous for her generosity and invites high prestige.

At this point, the rest of the palace masters could not match.

"Here, the master of the palace comes out."

"I'll see the palace master!"

Countless disciples fell on their knees, respectfully speaking.

A magnificent woman who looked about twenty years old but was very graceful and gracefully walked out from the hall, followed by several disciples, waved her hands slightly, and said, "Get up." The voice is soft and there is no big shelf .

This woman is naturally Ziyan.

Sit down on the futon with her knees crossed, and the disciples behind them stood carefully in order, Ziyan groaned a little, she wanted to speak and teach her some monastic experience for her disciples to enlighten.

But at this moment, just when she wanted to speak, the pretty face suddenly changed. Looking up to the sky, she just saw three figures appearing from space. For a man, the front color was soft to her.

I do not know why, this man should be regarded as quite rude, but this did not make Zi Yan give birth to a bit of disgust, but looked confused and had a natural sense of intimacy.

Several disciples behind him noticed that the Master was different, but when he looked up, he could not help but change his face greatly. "Be alert, a strong enemy has invaded our sect!"

Lan Ruo left her mouth, her face was pale, her heart was full of fear. The Zongmen formation was opened and the defense was strong. Even if the monk did not fall, the monks did not want to break through, but the three men appeared in front of them, and the formation did not have any warning. The thought of this made the woman's heart shake.

call out!

call out!

Numerous stars invited Yuegong's coquettish disciples to change color at this moment, and the warning charms in his hands did not hesitate to crush them and throw them up.

All the weirds trapped in the retreat were awakened at this moment, and felt the distress signals from countless disciples, their faces gloomed instantly, and in a cold hum, the figure directly tore the space and left.

Outside the first house, several figures appeared directly in the void. Among them, there was the prince from the fairy, and most of them were repaired at the peak of Yuan Ying! Among these people, a skinny old man stood among them, his eyes were cold and his eyes were murderous.

The breath in this old cricket's body actually reached the early stage of not falling. Obviously, it has just broken through recently, and it has not stabilized yet. But even so, it has the power to countless Yuanyuan infant monks!

"The disciples wait to see the ancestors!"

Seeing the appearance of the sky, the stars invited the monks of the Moon Palace to kneel down, looking awesome, sounds superimposed, and it was quite amazing.

But at the moment, Xiao Chen didn't look at it, he still looked at Ziyan mildly. At this moment, there was only her in his eyes and nothing else.

"Ziyan, is it okay to take you home for your husband?" The voice is soft, affectionate, and can be easily discerned by smelling it. It is not a fake.

Zi Yan heard her words lift up, and her eyes were even more confused.

"Bold! Where did the Deng apprentice dare to insult me?

"This disciple has not yet become a dual monk, where's the husband? If you are so rude today, then leave it to the old man!" The old man was originally a star who invited the previous generation of monarchs in the Moon Palace to conceal himself for many years. Into the realm of not falling, the power soared, so he did not take Xiao Chen in his eyes.

In her opinion, the junior monks in this area, the monks with the most yuan, are no more than ants in her hands.

Li Li fell, and the old man's body surging mana wave came out, and the supernatural power wanted to shoot.

The surrounding Junli Xianzi and others respectfully stepped back and looked at Xiao Chen's three eyes coldly, apparently confident of the uncle's shot!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly turned, his eyes fell coldly on the old man, and he paused slowly, but the old man was suddenly struck by lightning, his body suddenly stiff, and his face pale. At that moment, she was locked by Xiao Chen's eyes, which actually made her feel repressed by the heavens and the earth. It seemed that the thoughts of the people in front of her moved slightly, and she could completely die. What's more frightening for this old lady is that under this vision, all her magical powers were blocked and she couldn't mobilize anything!

As for the remaining monk Yuan Ying, he was completely banned and his face was terrified.

"Ziyan." Xiao Chen whispered, pointing with a finger, integrating the memories of his Yuan Shen into her.

Zi Yanjiao trembled. When she was awake and slightly confused, looking at Xiao Chen, tears slipped down the cheeks.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, and fluttered into his arms, comforting softly.

A group of women invited to the Moon Palace had been completely shocked, but no one dared to speak a little bit, only then Xiao Chen's eyes swept away, deterring the ancestors and the palace masters, and they had completely frightened them.

Xiao Chen turned around, and said lightly, "Since then, Ziyan is his wife." With a wave of robes and sleeves, she covered the three women around her, stepped forward, and disappeared into the space.

It wasn't until Xiao Chen's departure that the stars invited the women in the Moon Palace to restore freedom of movement. Each one looked pale and looked at the skinny old lady.

The old man looked stunned, and sighed a long time later, saying, "External announcement, Ziyan retreat, and today's business, we must not allow the outside world to send a little bit, otherwise we will be severely punished!" The old man immediately left.

Lan Ruoli watched Master be taken away by the man in the green robe. For some reason, he couldn't help but give birth to a little sigh, and sighed in his mouth.


The autumn wind is like a knife, with a scream of "whooting", wandering between this world and blowing on the body, cold to the bones.

There are few monks on the streets, and most of them are in a hurry. No one wants to stay outside and suffer a lot. But at this moment, there was a petite figure walking on the street, his head narrowed slightly, trembling, quite pitiful.

If seen from the back, the woman's figure is quite slender. Although some young girls are immature, they can also be called bumpy characters. However, for some reason, she had many dark red spots on her face, which were uneven and looked horrible.

If she has a long and beautiful face, this woman can also be called beautiful, but now she can only make people feel sorry.

However, on this horrible face, there are a pair of clear eyes, very agile, but now in this bitter autumn wind, it is slightly dim.

"Hua Lingsan, sell Hualing San."

"It's cheap, it's sold at a 30% discount. Come and see if you need it."

The tender voice spread far away in the autumn wind.

Behind her, a skinny monk had been following for a while, her eyes wandering over the exquisite body across the shirt, her eyes were hot, and she could not help swallowing a spit in secret.

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