Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 238: Classics

After reaching the banned cloth, Xiao Chen settled down, frowned slightly, and said lightly: "I Xiao government opened the government building, but the foundation is very shallow. Except for this seat, there is no strong monk in the middle of the province, compared with other ancestral cities Countless, because this seat summons you today to wait to come, is to discuss the growth of our Xiaofu gate, and truly stand on the ancestral city. [[八一? {<中文 (网 W) W) W]. 8} 1 ] Z} W] .COM "

Speaking of this, Xiao Chen turned and said, "Butler of Telford, how does the process of recruiting His Majesty monks from Xiaofu pass now?"

The Telford steward bowed respectfully and said, "Return to my lord, in the past few months I have been in the prestigious Shaolin Territory of Xiao House. Although the number of monks who have come to take refuge is quite small, most of them are weak. Cultivation is limited to the level of the union, and now has more than 70,000 monks, most of them are only monks in the combination, less than 10% of monks in crossover, and less than 3o in the world of monks. "

Speaking of which, the Telford housekeeper stopped carefully.

Xiao Chen frowned. The 70,000 monks were too few. Compared with the number of millions and ten million monks who were powerful in that race, the number of high-end monks couldn't be compared with the old forces.

"Why did I open a house for several months, but I couldn't attract a large number of monks to come?"

"What's your opinion on this?"

The words fell, the hall was silent, and no one spoke.

Zuo Junmu's eyes flickered, and his frown seemed to be about to speak, but it should be a bit daunted, so he seemed a little hesitant.

"Zuo Junmu, what can you say? Let me be frank. Today, I am calling you to wait and come here to speak freely. No matter what, you will not be punished. You can rest assured to speak boldly." Xiao Chen glanced, Faintly open.

Zuo Junmu was shocked in his heart, and apparently never thought that his small abnormality had not escaped the adult's sight. Now that he has been named by the adult, he simply let go of his scruples and stood up and arched his hand, saying, "Sir, the subordinates do have some ideas. , After speaking, I hope you don't blame it. "

"Adults are so famous in my clan, and they are so powerful that they can even be called the second person under the lord of my clan Wanjian, but to recruit your monks is by no means just looking at the cultivation of major people themselves. Maybe they understand them better. "

"Choose to follow the forces is by no means a child's play. Once you join it, you will bind yourself to the future with all your future. I and many monks will naturally consider many of them. Although adults are powerful, Xiao Fu is a new mansion. It ca n’t be compared with the old-fashioned forces of my tribe, so many monks are afraid to make a decision, although they are moving. Most of them are watching. At this moment, their subordinates dare to guarantee that if my Xiao Fu shows enough information, there will be countless monks. Come to worship and join His Majesty, even the number of monks in heaven and earth will be very high! "

"This statement is only a personal opinion of his subordinates. If there is something that makes the adult dissatisfied, please ask the adult Haihan not to blame!"

Although Gu Gu has been released, after finishing speaking, Zuo Junmu still couldn't help but beat some drums. Such an opening is equivalent to saying that Xiao Fu is inferior to many other ethnic forces, and it is likely to cause adult discomfort. Naturally bad. But thinking that he was not talking nonsense, it was all truthful notification. If the adult was dissatisfied with him, he could not say more, but he was secretly afraid to be ready to change the court. An adult who can't even accept his subordinates, obviously doesn't have much potential for exhibition, and it's not worth his stay for it!

The hall instantly turned into dead silence, and the four Xiaofu monks who joined the hall together with Zuo Junmu bowed their heads at the same time, but there was a strong worry in their eyes. If this caused the adults to be dissatisfied, they might not be implicated. It was full of annoyance.

The iron head was gloomy and severely fierce, but Sheng Sheng was quiet and low. Only Rock's eyes looked at Zuo Junmu, and his eyes flashed a little admiration. His understanding of Xiao Chen was by no means narrow-minded and indifferent. The person who weighs, this person speaks openly, perhaps he will be appreciated.

Xiao Chen's eyes were calm and indifferent, and he was unconcerned with Zuo Junmu's words, which made people not see what his thoughts were. "Then, as you said, I should show what the essence of Xiao's house is to attract the monks to come. "

Zuo Junmu lifted, Shen said: "Master Hui, for me and other monks, the wealth of magic, gongfa, and the richness of the elixir is the most powerful seductive force. If I can fight against the symptoms in Xiaofu, he is not strong. Join! "

Xiao Chen nodded, flashing aura of light in his hand, and raised a jade bamboo slip. "Zuo Junmu, look, if you promise to teach this method, I may recruit monks from Xiaofu."

Zuo Junmu took it with both hands, and without any hesitation, a hint of divine knowledge was instantly entered into it. His complexion changed instantly, showing complex expressions of excitement, shock, puzzlement, regret, etc. After a moment, he was reluctant to withdraw his thoughts. I have a little more awe in looking at the adults. "Sir, if you really promise to teach the complete method, your subordinates can guarantee your head. There will be countless monks flocking in, eager to worship the Lord!"

There is no exaggeration in this statement. Although the recorded exercises are not complete in Yujian, its mystery can be seen. It is definitely the best practice method. After complete cultivation, the monk ’s cultivation can be enhanced. Several times, and the supernatural powers attached to it are equally powerful!

This kind of practice, even in the spiritual realm, is of the highest quality. It is the most precious thing of all parties. Non-core monks are not allowed to cultivate. As for the external monks who worship His Majesty, unless they do great work against the heaven, No chance of getting taught. Once Xiao Fu's news comes out, he will give top-grade cultivation methods for the monks in the government to practice, and they will definitely attract countless monks to come. The only thing that regretted Zuo Junmu a bit is that this "Amazing Heavenly Sword" is a golden system, which is not consistent with his own water system qualification. Although he is high, he can only sigh with regret.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen flashed again in his hand, "There are 4 jade slips here, you have seen them together."

Suo Junmu suddenly lifted up, thinking of a possibility, his eyes were shocked, and he couldn't help but warm up, respectfully said that he did not dare to have any slight delay, and went directly to the jade Jane.

Wood-based exercises, "Nine Dead Leaves"!

Water system exercises, "Frozen World"!

Fire-based exercises, "Burning the Sky and Cooking the Sea"!

Soil system exercises, "Wind and Sand"!

Zuo Junmu's body trembled violently, especially the shock and temptation brought by the frozen heaven and earth exercises. It was impossible to see how the mysteries of the exercises had been cut out, which made him feel so uncomfortable.

"Sir, if you really promise to be able to teach these five elements, your subordinates believe that they have some relationships in casual training. They can recruit 50 million monks for you in January, so that they are all above the realm of fitness!"

The Telford housekeeper was shocked, and looked up at the calm adult again. The more unfathomable the feeling, the more awe he felt.

Pan Shi and others are also shocked, and can make a monk in the heavens and the world so shocked, which shows how precious Xiao Chen's tricks are!

As for Yun Sheng and Tietou, they did not show too much excitement. In their opinion, no matter how shocking Xiao Chen's strokes were, it was extremely normal. They had reached the point of worshiping Master (adult) blindly!

The four monks who joined the temple with Zuo Junmu were horrified. They were quite clear about Zuo Junmu's temperament. This man was proud and arrogant. He was very high in the monks of Xiaofu and the adults took out How hard is it to make him so gaffe? And dare to boast of Haikou recruiting 50 thousand monks!

Xiao Chen nodded and waved his hand: "Zuo Junmu, take 5 jade bamboo slips and accept them. When the day ends, you can go to the place where the scattered repairs meet, and recruit monks for my Xiao government. The number is unlimited, the more the more it is good!"

"In addition to the five elements, monks with special spiritual attributes such as wind, thunder, black, and white can also be recruited together. This seat promises them that as long as they worship in my Xiao Mansion, they will have magical powers suitable for them. Method, quality is not under these five exercises. "

The left eyebrow dojo is in hand, Xiao Chen speaks confidently!

"Yes, sir!" Zuo Junmu respectfully saluted, carefully backed down, and showed enough awe in his expression. He could not help sneering at the thought of his decision to worship the eyes of monks under the door of Xiaofu. The five shots are five lines of top-quality methods, and even the promise of recruiting special attributes monks will also give the same class of skills. This kind of confidence, even the strongest among the old-fashioned forces in the tribe, may not be able to come out! It seems that the ancestors of the ancestral city have despised the adults and the heritage of their Xiao House. Now is the time when they regret their stupidity. With this background, Xiao House must rise in a short time and become Behemoth in Terran Territory!

To this, Zuo Junmu is full of confidence!

"Desolate night, you are a monk from alchemy, and you also have certain medical skills. This book gives you 3 classics, which are used to solicit 10 million medical monks. Do you have the confidence to do this?"

"Chen Yuan, you are a monk from the refining industry. This book gives you 5 books of the refining industry, which are used to solicit 10 million monks from the refining industry. I wonder if you have the confidence to do this?"

"Luo Ye, you are a monk from the ancestral‘ Swallow ’training camp. I ’ve given you 3 assassination sneaks to collect 30,000 monks from‘ Swallow ’. I wonder if you could do this?”

"Sinan Jinchu, you are a monk from the forbidden group. This place gives you 7 books of forbidden Taos, used to solicit 10 million forbidden monks, I wonder if you can do this!"

Xiao Chen kept aura in his hand, throwing out Jane Jane in succession, and drank his mouth.

Mo Juye, Chen Yuan, Luo Ye, and Sinan Jinchu took Yu Jian's respectful investigation. They lifted up at the same time and turned red. Their eyes were full of excitement and shock. Now they finally understand why Zuo Junmu is so indifferent and cautious. Everyone will be stale, just because the classics brought out by adults are too amazing, each one can be called a priceless treasure, its preciousness is unimaginable!

Although the classics are not complete, it is not difficult to see their authenticity from their perspective. At this moment, they are dialled up by the wonderful man who is half-dressed and veiled, but they disappear suddenly, making them hot. Impatience cannot be suppressed at all.

For the monks, the truly precious classics of meditations are much stronger than the temptation of beauty!

"Master, rest assured, with this scripture in hand, I will definitely be able to complete the order!" The 4 people drank at the same time, his eyes agitated. As Zuo Junmu said before, the monks joined forces to integrate their own glory and disgrace with the number of rise and fall, and the stronger the Xiao government, the more they will naturally get more benefits. Things I never dared to think about.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, "It's not too late, you can start to do this right away."

"Yes, sir!"

Taking Zuo Junmu as an example, 5 people saluted politely and hurriedly galloped away.

"The Telford steward, lead the people to prepare enough accommodations to house the monks in the house."

"You Sheng, Tietou, and Panshi Brothers are responsible for the selection of monks who are admitted to the government. Ordinary monks are limited to the level of integration, and monks such as medical doctors, refiners, 'swallows', and bans can appropriately lower their requirements.

"Let's all dissipate and greet my first step towards the rise of Xiao Fu!"

Xiao Chen drank low, his face was sober, he was sitting high on the main seat, his back was upright, and his momentum was like a dagger. He already had the momentum of a master of the gates!

"Yes, sir!"

The hearts of all the people were shocked, Qi Qi respectfully saluted, turned and strode away.

Xiao Chen lifted up and looked at the blue sky outside the temple. Today's ancestral city will be shaken by Xiao Fu's move. This is the first day of his founding team.

In this matter, no monks should be allowed to interfere!


[2 more! 】

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