Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 239: Big action

Donglin Court. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM

As the largest gathering place for casual monks in the entire ancestral city, there are a large number of casual monks here every day, either exchanging information with each other, waiting to be commissioned, or coming to pay. Here, the loose organization formed by the powerhouses of casual repair level accepts the entrustment of various forces to help them complete some things that are not convenient for them to solve, and can get extremely rich rewards after completion.

In addition to casual repairs, there are even monks from various forces who came here secretly to accept the task, so the number of monks who covered themselves in black robes in Donglin Garden was very large, and no one came forward to tear them apart. Attitude.

Zuo Junmu, as one of the few strong men and women in casual repairs, is quite amazing in water system. Since he has a good reputation, he has been recognized by many monks when he entered Donglinyuan, or he stood up to say hello or It is courteous.

Zuo Junmu returned the gift one by one, went straight to the task and left the window.

If you want to complete the task that adults have ordered as quickly as possible, the best way is naturally to distribute the information of soliciting monks in Donglin Garden. By then, the news will surely spread the real ancestral city with an amazing degree and even attract other monks in other regions. Come here.

"Excuse me, what do seniors need to do?" The monk in charge at the window respectfully said, adults who are in heaven and human nature naturally need to be careful and awed.

"The cloth recruits monks."

The responsible monk nodded respectfully, "I don't know which side the monk is?"

"Xiao Fu!"

"...." The monk in charge appeared in a short period of solitude, glanced at Zuo Junmu's slightly gloomy complexion, and hurriedly bowed his head, saying: "I don't know what information the seniors need to enter, such as the monk's moon, granting exercises, magic weapon And many additional conditions, which can save seniors a lot of time. "

Zuo Junmu's hand flashed aura and directly took out five jade bamboo slips. "Just mark Xiao Fu to recruit his Majesty monks, and they must be repaired together, and then the contents of these five jade bamboo slips will be attached to it. The news will be posted in all Donglin Gardens in Zucheng. Member monks can do it. "

"Yes, sir."

The monk in charge took away Jade Jane, and Yuan Shen entered it. The color of the breath suddenly rose red, and his breathing became thick instantly. His fingers trembled violently, lifted up a moment, and swallowed hard, saying, "Master, you Are you sure you want to put all of the 5 jade bamboo slips into the mission message? "

Zuo Junmu knew why the monk behaved this way, and he was not angry. He nodded and said, "This seat will not repeat the third time, and immediately publish the mission information. This is the spiritual stone required for cloth." Take out a storage ring Thrown at the counter, Zuo Junmu turned to find a seat.

The monk in charge of distributing information at the moment was in a hurry to press a hidden button somewhere underneath. A middle-aged monk appeared here after a few dozen breaths. After understanding the matter, his face suddenly became dignified, without any delay. The responsible monk was ordered to spread the news immediately, but he turned and went straight to the backyard.

Today, Xiao Fu's such a powerful move, he naturally wants to get back to the news!

Soon after, all the monks in the Donglin Garden of the entire ancestral city received the news from the communication spirit stone at this moment. Looking at the flashing red-red aura, all of them suddenly changed their faces, and they couldn't wait to explore the godly knowledge. In order to facilitate the monks to inquire about the mission, Donglinyuan ’s refined communication stone can immediately receive the information from the headquarters. Depending on the importance of the mission, the scattered light intensity is different. Similar red crests represent extremely important mission information. !!

Xiao Fu recruited His Majesty's repair, which was limited to the realm of fit and above. The message was short, but a large block of text was attached afterwards.

Among the texts of many monks' consciousness betting, they all lifted up after a while, their eyes revealed incredible meaning, and they stopped the things in their hands. The figure of Huang Guangzhong turned into a horror and went straight to Donglin Garden!

They have to verify that the message is true!

If it is true ... looking at where Xiaofu on the shore of the shallow lake, countless monks burst into the heat.


Medical academy is a private organization for communication between alchemy masters in the ancestral city. There is no responsible monk and no rules and regulations. As long as the alchemist is a monk, whether it is casual or not, you can join monks from various forces. Come here, find 3 or 5 friends to exchange alchemy experience, or find and exchange some alchemy materials.

"Mo Daoyou hasn't shown up for months after joining Xiao Mansion. I don't know how I have time to come out today." A white-bearded old man greeted with a smile. "The old man has advised you long ago. Don't join the influence gate, otherwise It can be as easy as eyeliner. Besides, with the alchemy of Mo Daoyou, if you want to choose one side to follow, the major forces of my people have not chosen it for you, why did you choose Xiaofu in the end? "

"That's why, although Xiao's fame is very famous, but its creation time is too short after all. Now it seems powerful but it has nothing to do with it. How can the comparison of the background be compared with the old forces of my people."

"The old man joined the Li City of the ancestral city last month. If the Taoist friends are willing, the old man can recommend the Daoist to the Fuzhong Supervisor. At that time, the Daoyou will switch to the Li Mansion. Presumably, Xiao Fu will not make things difficult for you. For a while, I'm afraid it's hard to say. "

"Haha, at first Mo Daoyou had to persuade the old man to go together. Now it seems that I have not complied with his advice, otherwise I am afraid I will regret it today."

Several monks from Dandao smiled and said. Although they were all familiar people, they did not seem to be mean.

At first, the monk frowned and said, "Today, I and other Taoist friends have managed to get together. Why should we say these disappointing words, and how to choose what is indifferent to Daoyou's own affairs, and what to do with you and me."

"Stop this matter, you and I don't have to mention it again."

This old man was named Lu Daozi, but he was a well-known alchemy master in the casual repair of the ancestral city. Many forces had invited him but were rejected by him. This old guy has an upright temper. He always speaks this way without evil thoughts. No one will really be dissatisfied and most of them laugh.

He nodded indifferently at night, sitting among a few people, arching his hand: "You are familiar with the people below, I will no longer go in circles, and have something to say."

"I am Xiao Fu, Xiao Chen, and I am ordering a medical monk to enter the house. Here I am trying to introduce several Taoists to join Xiao Fu. Otherwise, if I want to enter in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult."

The words fell, and everyone lifted them up, looking shocked. The cultivator who entered Li Fuzhi sneered, and said, "The Modao friends are not clear-headed. It is not enough for them to enter Xiao Mansion now. . "

"I really can't think of what makes Xiao House so outstanding. It is worth waiting for me to give up my current status and join in."

Lu Daozi frowned, but didn't open his mouth, his eyes fell on Mo Jie Ye's incomprehensible expression. He had a good relationship with Mo Jie Ye and had a good understanding of his heart. The remarks may be hidden.

The remaining monks Dan Dao also looked full of doubt, but did not speak, apparently waiting for Mo Jie Ye to explain this.

The deserted night looked calm, with a flash of aura on his hand, and took out a few jade slips on the backhand and put them on the table. Now. "Yu Luo arched his hands and turned to leave.

A total of 3 jade bamboo slips are ordinary, which are the most basic jade bamboo slips. Obviously, they are the latest ones. The old man who entered Li Fu sneered and took out one piece, and delved into it.

The next moment, the man sneered on the face instantly and stiffened, and his body trembled. He suddenly opened his eyes and put the jade Jane on the table. He waved his hand to take out the second jade Jane and hurriedly bet on it.

The faces of Lu Daozi and others suddenly changed, showing their innocence, apparently aware of the fault. At this moment, they took the other two jade bamboo slips into their hands.

After a few moments, several people had seen Yu Jian as many as possible, his face turned red, his breathing was short, and his eyes were full of shock.

"The old man will join Xiao Mansion, I wonder if all the Taoist friends would like to be with me?" Lu Daozi said, his voice was firm and decisive. At this moment, the shock in his eyes had turned into fiery color. Master Alchemy, like him, was drunk by Dan Dao all his life. He had no desire, but in the face of the temptation that might lead him to break through the bottleneck and promote another completely different realm, he did not hesitate to choose to give up his stubbornness.

His vision is enough to see the value of these three classics. If he gets the full version, he is confident to overcome the bottleneck, and can even try to make 1o Pinxiandan!

"The old man is willing to go with Lu Daoyou!"

"I'll go as well!"

Several Dan Dao monks have stated their positions one after another. Only the monk who entered Dan Fu Road in Li Fu had a cloudy and uncertain look, with a vacant appearance. At the same time, because of the action of indifferent night, the entire medical academy was boiling.

Three classics of medical ethics, one is the magical power of "Inverting Yin and Yang", and the other is Dan Dao Ling Dan refining Danfang. Its elixir is all things from thousands of realms. It is extremely precious. Once refined, its effects are endless.

These three things are so tempting to Master Dan Dao, you can imagine!


Refiner Pavilion.

Chen Yuan stood on the high platform. Thousands of jade slips were scattered into the hands of countless monks, and were circulated frantically by countless monks, making them pant-like and blushing like iron.

"The Book of Refiner", "The Fire of Jinwu" and "The Complete Inscription" are all for me from the Xiao House, Xiao Chen, to give my Majesty's Refiner a code of practice for monks, which will help me wait for the monks to ascend quickly. No uploads. "

"Adults have orders today to strengthen Xiaofu's prestige and recruit a monk for refiners facing the entire ethnic territory, but all those who enter the government will be given meritocratic books."

"If you are interested, you can go to my house in Xiaofu, near the shallow lake, and check in. It will be January, and it will expire!"

With the classics bestowed by the adults, the surrounding monks felt the endlessly hot eyes, Chen Yuan opened his mouth, and he was full of confidence!

Now that adults are shooting, Xiao House today may be cowardly, and there will be a day of ancestral ancestral city, the day of Megatron!


[3 more! Updated today, goodbye to you all tomorrow! 】

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