"Seven books such as" Zhou Tian Zhen Dao "," Nebula Array "," Qimen Armor ", and" Psychedelic Morrow "were given to me by Xiao Chen, Xiao House, for the cultivation of monks in the Fuzhong area. Bayi? Novel NetworkW & gt; W] W} .81ZW.COM Now what you Taoists think is the cut-off part of the classics. What is their grade and power? I do n’t need to say a few words. "

"Adult Xiao Chen has opened a government premises and recruited monks from the Forbidden Road to supplement my strength in Xiao Mansion. Anyone who joins the forbidden Taoist cultivation in Fuzhong, in addition to these seven classics, has more innumerable benefits since then!"

"Since today, Xiao Fu has officially recruited His Majesty monks. Interested parties can go to my Xiao Fu and pass the assessment and become a member of my Xiao Fu monk!"

Si Nan spoke with a deep voice near Chu. The content of the seven books was revealed by his supernatural powers and turned into a light curtain of hundreds of feet, making countless monks clear and impressive.

"Sen Luo extinction array! It is actually Sen Luo extinction array. The old man layer knew this ancient strange array in an ancient book somewhere. Once the operation of Sen Luo explodes, the power is powerful enough to exterminate thousands of souls! I thought this was just a legend, and I didn't expect the world to really exist! "

"The Dragon Gate Jiuyuan Formation, with a dragonbone formation, can forcibly summon 9 Dragon Souls between the heavens and the earth to transform into spirits, with deep vitality and fierce fierce power. The might of power can even resist the monks and heavens for a moment!"


"Although the formation method lacks the most precise and mysterious parts, just observing this incomplete formation makes the old man feel a sense of openness. If he can learn the entire front, he must not repair the forbidden path, and the old man must be Join Xiao House! "

"Xiao Fu was already arrogant, and adults Xiao Chen will have an infinite presence in the future. Now Xiao Fu has shown such sincerity. If I do n’t know enough to seize the opportunity, I will regret it in the future."

"I'm going to join Xiaofu in the next place and study the forbidden path. I wonder if any of you Taoist friends would go with me?"

"Let's go, I'm going to go. It takes some time. In case Xiao House recruits the full amount of the forbidden path, wouldn't it be regrettable for you and me?"

"go with!"


The Swallow's Nest, as the most famous training camp for "Swallows" from various ancestors in the ancestral city, was once the best place for countless gatekeepers to choose to enter the house. When carrying out the protection task, the collective of 7 people rebelled and killed the protection target. Although it was eventually strangled by the strongest in the swallow nest, after this incident, the reputation of the swallow nest was severely damaged. Under the suppression of some secret forces, the situation is getting worse, and a large number of "swallows" trained are not accepted, and the entire organization is on the verge of collapse.

"Qingya, master Zhuanyan, I have something urgent to report." Luo Ye walked hurriedly, ignoring the greetings of many familiar monks, and said to the gatekeeper.

The rules of the Swallow's Nest are no longer a person at the Swallow's Nest after going out. Instead, they must take the owner's order as the first criterion. Therefore, even if Luo Ye once studied with the Sovereign Lord, he still has to follow the routine of outsiders. Otherwise, you are taboo.

Qingya's laughter converged, and nodded to Luo Ye, saying: "Brother Wuya wait a moment, I'll report to the Lord of the Birds immediately." A monk from Swallow's Nest rarely called by his name. Most of them have their own unique title. The teeth are Luo Ye.

Qingya hurriedly walked away, and returned after a while, "Master Yan called Brother Wuya to go in."

Luo Ye nodded, reached out and patted his shoulder, turned and strode toward the hospital. Although his face was still somber and slightly gloomy, his fingers could not help but tremble slightly, which showed that his heart was emotional.

Born from an orphan since childhood, he has received no help from his master. He has been carefully taught and cultivated. Today, Luo Ye has endless gratitude to the Lord of the Lord, and also regards the Nest of the Swallow as his own home. He would never leave if Master Yan hadn't ordered him to conceal his background.

After leaving the Swallow's Nest, Luo Ye was silent for a period of time, coinciding with the opening of Xiaofu's government. Thinking of the actions of the ancestral forces on the Swallow's Nest before, he joined Xiao's House in anger, although he later felt that he had felt himself He was too reckless and made a decision without understanding the matter clearly, but at this moment he had only endless joy in his heart!

If you hadn't joined Xiao Mansion, how could you meet the adults, and how could you find a way to help Lord Yan.

The Swallow's Nest has been unable to continue. Although many monks under the door have not left, they have no profit. They can only do it in secret as a casual repair. The danger and difficult income are very small.

But now things are turning for the better. Lord Xiao Chen recruits the people to repair the government. As long as Lord Lord Yan is willing, he can lead the entire swallow's nest into Xiao government and become a monk in Xiao government. There are adults sheltering and see who else dares. Oppress them again! During the turning of thoughts, before reaching the door of the room, Luo Ye converged, and bowed respectfully, "Luo Ye begged to see Lord Yan." The disciple who went out was no longer a monk in the nest of the swallows. Ye dare not violate anything.

"Come in." A deep, hoarse voice came from the room.

Luo Ye pushed the door and looked at the figure with her knees folded on the futon. Her heart was slightly astringent, and she hurried to her knees, deep in her eyes.

"Come up, Luo Ye, you are no longer my Swallow's Nest monk. You do n’t need to make this gift when you see this seat. Whatever comes here today is frank." Master Yan said lightly, about 4o years old, born very ordinary, no At the slightest point.

Luo Ye stood up and still kept enough respectful stand. "Master Yan, Luo Ye wanted to ask the adult to say if he would like to lead the swallow's nest into my Xiao mansion."

"Today, Luo Ye was ordered by Lord Xiao Chen to summon 'Swallows' into the house and be relegated to His Majesty. The monks who entered the house will be given magical powers. Everything is here, please Lord Lord Yan, please, can you agree to this? "

Luo Ye converged and she sank openly, but there was still hope in her eyes. He knows that Lord Yan has high arrogance, and if he is willing to belong to other powers, he will not end like today, but now he still hopes that Lord Yan can lead Yanzi Nest to join Xiao House. There is an adult shelter, and he believes that no one can put a little pressure on the swallow nest.

Yan insisted on eyes, his eyes flashed with surprise, didn't go to see the three jade bamboo slips, slowly shook his head, and said, "Luo Ye, Lord Xiao Chen should not know the relationship between you and me, nor What kind of trouble will be caused by accepting my swallow's nest? Is there anything wrong with this seat? "

"Your good intentions are in my heart. If you choose to incorporate other forces into the swallow's nest, you won't end it today, and the strength of Xiaofu may not be able to sustain the pressure brought by my swallow's nest."

Yan Zhu slowly opened his mouth, with helplessness hidden on his face, but quite firm, apparently he would not change his mind easily.

Luo Ye's eyes were dimmed, and Yan Zhu always said nothing. Now that a decision has been made, today he is destined to run for nothing.

But at this moment, the master sitting cross-legged suddenly lifted, his eyes suddenly burst into endless brilliance, there was a magnificent breath burst out of the body instantly, coercion swept across the surrounding void and swept away!

"Who is hiding in the dark, come out with this seat!" Yan Zhu drank, his pupils contracted, and his face was dignified. Although there is no such thing at the moment, the Lord Yan did not relax at all. The powerful intuition developed by walking in the dark for a long time let him know that there is someone in the dark and he is an absolute strongman, otherwise he would never hide his detection.

"It is indeed the famous owner of the swallow's nest in the ancestral city. It is keen and powerful, and you have already noticed this seat before you approach it." A faint voice came out from the void, and the space in front of him was easily torn, and the monk in the robe stepped from it Out.

Seeing the incoming person, Luo Ye's face changed, and he hurried forward to salute him, "Subordinates, see Lord Xiao Chen!"

The main focus of Yan's eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and there was no meaning of convergence in his body. "It turned out that Xiao Chen was coming here, and my swallow's nest was really flourishing, but the temple little was afraid that I could not tolerate you. If nothing happened, Just ask an adult to leave early. "

This person seemed polite, but he did not hesitate to make an order for expulsion. Obviously, he was quite dissatisfied with Xiao Chen's behavior today, but he was reluctant to hold back because he was afraid of his cultivation status.

When Xiao Chen heard his words flashed, without any anger, he waved for Luo Ye to get up, walked to the table and sat down, saying, "Once this seat is here, Lord Mo Feiyan will not ask me for a cup of tea."

"In addition, this seat is not malicious today, these monks outside the hospital also asked Master Yan to disperse, otherwise if there is a misunderstanding, I am afraid it is difficult to explain what happened."

He looked calm during the conversation, without any embarrassment or embarrassment.

Yan Zhu's eyes were uncertain, and he waved his hand. The silently touched monk of Swallow's Nest retreated in silence, without any sound. Xiao Chen felt a little, and his face was not amazed. "It is indeed a monk who was personally trained by Lord Yan, and it really is extraordinary. I am afraid that the monks in the heavens and the world cannot even notice their breath. This kind of clever means of concentration can only be compared with the monks who kill the tribe. . "

Lord Yan got up and took a seat, and said lightly, "Thank you, Lord Xiao Chen, for your praise. Although these‘ swallows ’are barely on the stage, how can they be compared with the shadow-killed family favored by heaven?”

"If an adult wants to drink tea, it will naturally make a good fragrant dish."

He clapped his hands as he talked, "Prepare a good pot of spirit tea to entertain Xiao Chen."

"Yes, Lord Yan." A monk came from outside the hospital to respond respectfully.

After a while, Qingya pushed in the door, carefully placed the tea, and made a look with Luo Ye, and determined that nothing was happening, so he retreated carefully. Luo Ye's pot poured tea for the two of them, and stood back to one side, but there was some drumming in their hearts.

If the adult conflicts with Master Zhu, what will he do?

Xiao Chen held up the tea cup, took a sip, sipped it slowly, and sighed with admiration, "It really is good tea. If you drink it for a long time, it will help the monk to have strong blood in the body."

Master Yan's hand moved slightly, and looked at Xiao Chen. "I didn't expect that Master Xiao Chen is still a person who knows tea. Then you might as well drink two more, or wait to leave and let your disciples pack it for you to take away. some."

Xiao Chen smiled, put the tea cup down, and did not taste the meaning in his words, saying: "This seat has no foundation among the human race, and the opening of the government and the income of the monks in the government are not the same. There must be eyeliners from many parties. This is something that cannot be avoided. "

"But today is the first step in the expansion of this Xiao House. It must be successful, and no difference is allowed. Five people, such as Luo Ye, will be selected to work. Of course, this seat will leave some means to secretly monitor to determine whether they are truly loyal to this seat. The remaining 4 people acted normally. Only when Luo Ye left Xiao's residence, he covered his whereabouts and then hurriedly rushed straight to this place. This man was suspicious, and this came after him. "

Xiao Chen spoke very frankly, all thinking about the center, without any falsehood.

Master Yan heard his expression a little sloppy, and in fairness Xiao Chen's move was reasonable. He would do the same if he lived in a different place, and this time as Xiao Chen, he explained without any concealment. It is extremely rare. He naturally did not I don't know if I will advance and retreat, and continue to embarrass this matter.

At this moment hesitantly, Master Yan said in a deep voice, "Sir Xiao Chen, you can come here now to guess, but I really don't want to join Swallow's Nest in Xiao Mansion, and I ask adults not to persecute."

Such an opening is already a face-to-face rejection, and there is no room for turning back.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, without exposing his anger, and he took a sip of tea and said lightly, "What is the matter? Is it true that as the Lord said, your swallow's nest has caused great trouble, which I cannot afford with the power of Xiao The pressure passed on? "

"This seat can give you a promise. Entering my Xiao Mansion is the cultivation of my Xiao Mansion. As long as you wait for loyalty, this seat will protect you and wait for your safety. You will belong to me, and all the troubles on your body will naturally come from this seat. Shoulder down! "

Speaking of which, he took out a jade slip with a flash of aura in his hand, and slowly put it on the table. "Though the three jade slips recorded the magical powers well, presumably they couldn't move the Lord of Yan, I wonder if this thing can?"

There was hesitation on Yan's face, and he paused to take Yu Jian into his hands, and felt that there was nothing wrong in it. After a moment, the man slowly lifted, although his complexion was still calm, his pupils contracted violently, showing endless shock.

"The shadow-killing tribe inheritance!" Yan Zhu slowly said a word.

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