In the ethnic battlefield, Xiao Chen wiped out the shadow killing tribe and the brothers, and used the Bodhi ancient tree to suppress the soul-searching technique to capture the shadow killing tribe from the two gods to complete the inheritance. It was cultivated by space and is now used for Soliciting this Lord of Yan is naturally the best choice. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M

Assassination, the great monk of the spiritual world is favored by the monks, and it is regarded as the best. There are few comparable to it. The most important reason is its talents and secrets.

If a monk can get his magical powers to practice, he may not be able to reach the realm of horror assassination under the shadow killing tribe.

Xiao Chen nodded, "This shadow-killing tribe inheritance is derived from this shadow-killing monk. It is very complete. If the Lord of Yan belongs to Xiao Mansion, this seat promises to hand it over to the Lord of Yan to practice or pass on."

"In addition, this seat assures you that this is by no means the most profound inheritance of my Xiaofu assassination stealth. Although the shadow killing family is not weak, this seat can come up with more powerful and innumerable inheritance forces."

Zuo Mei's killing is a similar Taoist tradition, similar to "Swallows". He is responsible for assassinating the enemies of the Dojo, spying on the news. As one of the six inheritances of Zuo Mei, is his profoundness comparable to the shadow-slaying family!

Speaking at this moment, although Xiao Chen's voice was calm, he was confident and persuasive.

Lord Yan bowed his head without saying a word, and his eyes looked uncertain for a while. Obviously, Xiao Chen's promise and the inheritance of the Shadow Killing clan had shaken his mind, but he was still not determined.

Xiao Chen put down his tea cup, his eyes glanced at him, and said lightly, "This seat can give you another promise. Joining Xiao House, this seat can help you heal the internal injuries, let you break through the current sorrow, and promote the heavens and the world." The pinnacle of the ethnic group. "

Yan Zhu suddenly lifted his eyes, staring at Xiao Chen and staring at Xiao Chen. After a few breaths, he said aloud, "Master Xiao Chen's remarks, seriously?" The sound sounded calm, but the voice was trembling, like Yan Zhu's rock. The state of mind will be so turbulent, it is enough to know how far his mood has stirred!

"This seat never makes a fuss." Xiao Chen stood up. "Yan, this seat has already given enough sincerity, now you decide whether to join Xiao House."

"If you agree, the above promises will be fulfilled. Otherwise, this seat will leave immediately, and it will never be difficult for you."

After hearing the words, Lord Yan got up, his eyes flashed with complexity, and then he stepped forward suddenly on one knee and fell down, "Yan Zhu is willing to bring a family of monks with a nest of more than 30,000 to join Xiao's house, and ask adults to keep it."

Luo Ye stayed a little, and then exulted in his eyes, and hurried to his knees, "Please accept me!"

Xiao Chen laughed and lifted his sleeves and lifted Yan Zhu and Luo Ye. "You can go to Xiaofu after you clean up, and someone will arrange you properly."

"When I enter Xiao House, I am sheltered by this seat. The enemy you are waiting for is the enemy of this seat. If they dare to embarrass themselves, they will attack with their own seat and feel at ease."

As the words fell, Xiao Chen stepped forward, tearing the space at will, and the figure disappeared into it.

The Lord Yan got up, showing a bit of exhaustion on his face, and there is a sense of ease in this exhaustion. In these years, he has alone supported the swallow nest and endured countless pressures. It has been unbearable, and now he finally found a suitable reason. Put them all down.

Joining Xiao House may be a good choice.

"Master!" Luo Ye looked excited. "After that, you and your disciples are both monks from Xiao House. Your disciples will no longer be like outsiders when they see you."

Master Yan sighed and nodded, "Wuya, despite this, in the future, you and I will all be the masters of Xiaofu. The Lord's order is the first rule for you and me. In the future, you should call him Master Yan. "

Luo Ye took a deep breath and nodded, no matter how he called it, just be able to go with Master Master, looking up at where the master left, only the full gratitude in his heart.

The adults will keep the swallow's nest, and they are willing to protect them with their own strength. These kindnesses, in the future, are willing to do everything for the adults without regrets!


Above the emptiness of the ancestral city, the space was torn, Xiao Chen's figure stepped out of it, and his face was still full of satisfaction. Yan majored in order to reach the peak of the Four Realms of Heaven and Man, with a solid foundation. If there were no dark injuries in the body that continued to consume blood, I am afraid that it would have already broken to the peak of the ethnic group.

Being able to solicit it now brings it into the entire Swallow's Nest family, which undoubtedly made Xiao Fu ’s power inflate a lot in a moment. When his wound is cured in the future, Xiao Fuzhong will definitely be able to have another ethnic peak!

This matter is naturally worthy of joy.

As for the trouble that may be caused by the acceptance of the swallow's nest, Xiao Chen didn't know what it was, and he didn't want to think about it. Now Xiao Fu's action has touched the interests of many forces in the ancestral city. Contradictions already exist, and it is not too bad. some.

If they bear it, everyone will be fine, otherwise they will have no conflict, and everyone has a bigger fist than anyone else.

Xiao Chen was not worried about this at all.

But at this moment his brow still wrinkled slightly, and his eyes were anxious. Nowadays, Xiaofu relies on powerful books on various disciplines. Although it can attract a large number of monks in a short period of time, there is no real strong person to sit in. Whether it is to promote the reputation of Xiaofu, or to attract more monks to join The inclusion of several heavyweights is essential.

As the Lord of Xiao Mansion, it is natural to enlist the monks to recruit the monks, but to recruit the real strong, he needs to do it himself.

The thought turned slightly, Xiao Chen took a step forward, tearing away the space again.


In Su House, the front of the house was still crowded with people waiting in line, Xiao Chen didn't hide his appearance, and the figure appeared directly outside the main entrance of the house.

"I'll see Master Xiao Chen!"

Numerous monks outside the government courteously salute and look in awe.

Seeing this, the guard of the Soviet House had already greeted him with respect, and someone hurriedly turned into the house to report it.

"Master Xiao Chen, the Lord of the Heavens has ordered, if you do not need to wait for the ultimatum to enter the house directly, please!" The guard respectfully saluted and bent slightly to lead the way.

Xiao Chen nodded and moved forward.

"Brother Xiao Chen!" Su Sujiao's appearance appeared in sight. Today, she wore a set of slightly blue embroidered long dresses with a pattern of dots, which outlines the girl's good figure, and her tall buttocks have rounded hips. At this moment, my face looks like joy.

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, and the guard stopped when he saw this, and retreated politely.

"You are definitely not here specifically to see me. You have something to find with Grandpa. He is now in the backyard. I will take you directly to him." Su Su stepped forward and hugged Xiao Chen, the girl's soft chest was rubbing against him His arm turned red, but he did not let go.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly on his face, then shook his head, but did not pull his arm out, but smiled bitterly in his heart. If this scene is seen by the Lord of Deprivation, I am afraid the old guy will not bother to find him in trouble again.

The two joked along the way, Su Su quickly forgot the previous shyness, and returned to the usual cute and charming appearance, excited like a lark bird, chattering non-stop, and most of Xiao Chen's time They all laughed and listened to her.

Listening to her little pet spirit, listening to her playing with her brothers and sisters, and listening to her simple and innocent girl thoughts, he couldn't help but relax, with a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Huh! It ’s all big girls, why do n’t you pay any attention to it, holding the arms of other people into your body? Your girl is now more and more wanton without the old man's discipline!" There was a rage in front, but there was no way to suppress it That sour taste.

The Lord of Heaven looked at Su Su lovingly holding Xiao Chen's smiling face, and in his heart he built an old vinegar jar. His eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and even the saliva was sour.

This is his granddaughter. Since growing up, he has rarely been so close to him, but now it is too much to hold another guy in front of his old man! What's more, this guy held by his granddaughter dared not to like his granddaughter, but he couldn't do anything about it, and naturally felt embarrassed and upset.

Fortunately, the kid's eyes are normal. If he dares to show other thoughts, see how my old man can clean up you!

The Lord of the Sky is secretly indignant.

Su Su hurriedly let go, stepping back at the foot of Shengxia with two faces, staring fiercely at the Lord of Heaven, "Grandpa, why don't you say hello when you suddenly appear, and interrupt people's conversation? This is very impolite. Things! "

"I'm angry and decided not to talk to you today, let's go!"

Su Su turned and left after speaking. Although she was righteous, she felt a little guilty. After a few steps, she couldn't help but turned around. "Brother Xiao Chen, you can't sneak away after talking to Grandpa. , At least say hello to me. "

Looking at the back of his granddaughter's departure, the look of the master of the sky is so blue. What are the reasons? After half a day, it is still his fault! I thought about speaking out and reprimanding the girl to make her remember a little in the future, but she opened her mouth but couldn't say a word. Her eyes fell fiercely on Xiao Chen. "Since your boy has no meaning to Su Su, he will give it later I'll stay away from her, and I'll have to keep a little distance at the worst. "

"I see that since you appeared this time, Su Su, this girl obviously has a little more affection for you. This is not a good sign. Your boy hastened to find a way to annihilate this from my head. I heard no ? "

Xiao Chen smiled helplessly, looking at the fierce look of the old hen guarding the lord of the heavens, and he nodded, as to how to do his heart was quite a headache. Su Su simply likes him. If he refuses intuitively, he will definitely break the heart of the little girl. Thinking of Su Suqiang's pitiful appearance of secretly crying, Xiao Chen doesn't even admit it. You can shake your head secretly and watch it. Let's talk about it when the time is ripe.

The Lord of the Sky was reluctantly satisfied with Xiao Chen's performance, and hummed coldly: "Come in, what's the matter, the old man still has a lot of work to do today." A glance at the morning, "Today, your action in Xiao House is really not small, but too many people who are careful to offend give yourself trouble."

"According to the old man's knowledge, there have been a lot of casual practitioners flocked to Xiaofu House, and even monks who have joined various forces have also changed the court. Although there must be a lot of eyeliner spies, they really want to go. What's more, when you Xiaofu did this, they were digging into the corners of naked people, and be careful to be secretly hated. "

Although the tone was quite rude, it was a reminder.


[The monthly ticket list has been exploded. Sadly, this is just now. Please do something to help me to poke back, yeah yeah! 】

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