Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 242: Temptation of the Lord of Heaven

Xiao Chen fell into the hall and smiled. "I Xiao Fu didn't want to damage their interests, everyone is just fair competition. Whoever gives better treatment will naturally be able to attract more monks. It is not that I ’m Xiaofu ’s malicious digging of people ’s corners, but that they have given too few monks to His Majesty, so they will naturally change the court to join my Xiaofu. [八? 一 中文 << W) W] W]. 8] 1? YW.COM "

The King of Skyscrapers shook his head, "Even if you make sense, many forces in the ancestral city and even the entire Terran territory have never had such a handwriting as your Xiao Mansion, let alone say that at least one of the classics that came out It is profound and profound. Even if it is useful to the old man, let alone the temptation of a monk to other refiners, they can only resist it. "

"Whether you do it right or not, as long as their interests are harmed, they will shoot. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, just to protect their own interests."

Xiao Chen nodded his head and said with a smile: "Since I have no choice but Xiao Fu, the soldiers came to cover up the water and cover the soil. But if they use my Xiao Fu as a soft persimmon, they say they must not let They jumped down a few teeth. "

"Now that I know that they will definitely have trouble, naturally this seat cannot be left without any preparation. Today, I have come to look for the Lord of Heaven to take advantage of it. I hope it can be used to deprive the Lord of Heaven."

The Lord of the Sky winked and stared, "I know that your kid is definitely not good when he comes to our house in Su. It turned out to be a way to pull the old man into the water to make a shield for you. If you don't do it, you can't discuss it. Your kid is less likely to make those crooked ideas. "

Speaking of this old guy twisting his neck, it seems to emphasize the matter. "Even Su Su's girl is asking for pity for you. Why do you grow up in Xiaofu and ask your husband to do something that offends people?"

Seeing that the old guy had an idea that could not be negotiated, Xiao Chen smiled. There was no slight difference in his face. Obviously, he had already anticipated this. It won't let you shoot in vain, this thing is the reward for this seat. "

During the conversation, Xiao Chen took out a jade bamboo slip and raised his hand.

The Lord of the Sky took it into his hands and squinted at Xiao Chen. The boy thought he was a person who had never seen the world. For those little guys outside, Xiao Fu's classics were indeed very attractive, but it was very attractive to him. It's optional, and relying on this level of things to want him to change his mind, it would be too underestimated!

As the thoughts turned, the Lord of the Heavens released a piece of consciousness into Yujian, and a trace of stubbornness on his face instantly stiffened, gradually turning into a dignified meaning. He lifted it a full half an hour, and exhaled gently, His eyes fell on Xiao Chen.

"If the Lord of the Sky promises to serve as my prince in Xiaofu's house and command the refining unit, then the lower part of this jade slip will be offered immediately with both hands. If you do not agree, this seat will not be reluctant. The master who gives and wins the sky is. "Xiao Chen said lightly.

Suddenly, the face of the lord of the sky suddenly became extremely ugly. The kid knew that after he saw the first half, he absolutely could not bear the temptation to the second half of the classics. This would be so fearless, it was too much!

Although angry in his heart, the old guy couldn't say no.

"Capture Heaven" is the name given by Xiao Chen to his classics, detailing the refining of treasures above Tongtian Lingbao and its special methods. The first half tells the top level of Lingtian Lingbao, and its description is extremely detailed. The Lord of Heaven knows it, but there are some things that he never knew, and he felt quite open after enlightenment. What is most unbearable is that the last word of the first half of the classics is the summary of the second half of the classics, which probably means the refining matters in the ancient and precious treasures. So far, it has been interrupted that there is no follow-up, so that it can win the sky. The lord of the heart is extremely uncomfortable.

This book is definitely a supreme treasure together with the refiner. The Lord of Heaven does not want to know how Xiao Chen got it. Now he has only one idea, he must put it into his hands, otherwise he will not be reconciled to death.

If he can refine it, even if it is still at the peak of the ethnic group, its status is definitely comparable to the existence of the ancient realm, and its status is honored among the ancestors of the people!

This Xiao Xiaozi must have liked this, so he was so confident!

The Lord of the Sky secretly gritted his teeth and hummed, "The old man became the obsession of Xiao Fu, but he would never intervene in the affairs of Xiao Fu except by name."

Xiao Chen smiled at the corner of his mouth, "This is nature. It is rare for the Lord of Heaven to be my elder elder, and it is rare for me to be honored as an offering in Xiao's house. Will there be any other requirements?"

"However, Xiao Fu is weak now, and the right time still needs to take advantage of the power of the Lord of Heaven." Speaking here, he paused slightly and said, "In addition, regarding the book of" The Lord of Heaven ", please also win The owner helped to hide it, and he must not leak it out, otherwise his family will certainly be remembered and endless troubles. "

The lord of the sky looked cloudy for a while, then nodded, "Okay, the old man should take the matter, where are the books, and me!"

Xiao Chen nodded with a smile, took out the second jade jane, but did not directly give it to the Lord of Heaven, "The Lord of Heaven, today I am afraid that you ca n’t start studying" Creating Heaven and Earth "immediately. I still need you here Show me the way and point me to something. "

"Yes, you can give me the classics first, and then talk about other things." Looking at Yu Jian in Xiao Chen's hands, the Lord of the Sky is full of fiery eyes.

With a wave of Xiao Chenpao's sleeve, Yujian was shot out, and the Lord of the Sky rushed to catch it carefully, giving Xiao Chen a stern glance. This kind of precious classics is precious. If you are damaged in the slightest, your kid can't make up for it. One. Parting out the sense of God and swiping it a little, the lord of the Sky Master suddenly showed excitement. If Xiao Chen weren't here, I'm afraid the old guy couldn't help laughing.

The refining method of the ancient and precious treasures really is true!

With this book, speaking to the Lord of the Sky is enough to compare with any treasure in the world! Taking a deep breath, it was easy to calm down my mind. Thinking of agreeing to Xiao Chen, the old guy reluctantly pressed the idea of ​​immediately retreating and practiced impatiently, and said impatiently, "Say, what the **** is going to be, solve the old man right away. Closed-door practice."

Xiao Chen nodded. "This seat created Xiao Mansion and was weak. Now that the master of the refining industry is absolutely foolproof, but there is still a lack of a strong leader in medical practice. I wonder if the master of the sky can recommend to this seat. one person?"

The Lord of the Sky winced and frowned, and glanced deeply at Xiao Chen. The boy acted so high-profile, it seems that his strength is far beyond anyone's imagination, and obviously he has obtained great opportunities. However, he didn't think much about it. He thought for a moment, and said, "There are a lot of powerful Dan Dao in the ancestral city, but most of them have already taken part in the gate power, and they have been fully integrated into it. It is extremely difficult for them to change the gate court!"

"Although the remaining people have some fame, they obviously don't meet your requirements ... Well, I personally thought of one, but I don't know if you have the ability to recruit them."

Xiao Chen smiled lightly and said, "I don't know who the Lord of the Sky might be to listen to."

The Lord of the Sky winced slightly, and waved his hand, "Nevertheless, since this seat has become a high court offering to Xiaofu, it has also received the great benefits of your boyfriend. If you can't make a little effort, you will feel uneasy."

"This old guy received some kind of grace from this seat. If I took you to maybe see you again, otherwise you would run directly and I would be directly shut out."

"Let's go, I'll accompany you today."

Xiao Chen arched with a hand and laughed: "That being the case, I would like to thank the Lord of Capture."

The two got up and went out, looking at Su Su, who was not far away, and looked at Su Su. The Lord of the Sky turned and glared at Xiao Chen, motioning him not to have any other thoughts. "This seat is waiting for you in the front. Don't delay too much For a long time. "Looking at the old guy's look of defense, Xiao Chen shook his head with a bitter smile and nodded and walked towards Su Suxing.

After a while, Xiao Chen approached the master of the sky and said, "Okay, let's go."

When speaking, Su Su looked at the two from afar, which made the Lord of the Sky have some words in her mouth and had to swallow them back, nodding her head and not going out.

"Xiao Xiaozi, remember what you said, unless you suddenly change your mind and decide to accept the granddaughter of this seat, you must not think anything wrong with her."

"Got it."

"If you dare to move, this seat will never let you go!"

"rest assured."

"This seat is true, even if I am not your opponent, I will never give up on you!"

"it is good."

"Can your kid give me a reliable answer!"



Su Su watched the grandfather talking with Brother Xiao Chen and the **** of God, and he felt happy. Grandpa was her only relative, Brother Xiao Chen was the most concerned person in her heart. If the two of them are close, Naturally, Su Su wants to see the most.

"Grandpa shouldn't object to me being with Brother Xiao Chen, but Brother Xiao Chen has never shown me this meaning, what can I do?"

Su Su blushed, but she still didn't give up thinking about the problem. She was stumped to let her talk first. How could the girl be embarrassed, she would surely be joked by her grandpa, and what if Brother Xiao Chen didn't agree?

The little girl thought about the difficult problem that she couldn't tell anyone, and turned to the room with some dullness. When thinking about such a shame, Su Suke didn't want to be seen as shy.


Medicine King House.

The simple courtyard does not have an extraordinary gate court with extraordinary gate-valve influences. On one side, the size of the plaque is overwhelming and overbearing, which makes the gate suddenly look a little more arrogant.

Yao Shi Dan Dao is respected.

Resurrection comes to life.

Coupled with the text on the wooden pillars on both sides, it is more like a couplet written by a madman, but it gives people a feeling of confidence.

There is no burly body outside the hospital, and the appearance is deterrent to scary guards. Only a drowsy old woman lying on the shabby old table in front of the house and falling asleep, lifting and scratching the oily head and robe on her body from time to time. It was covered with oil everywhere and looked like a rundown beggar.


[3rd more! 】

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