Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 244: Danby Test

As for the Lord of the Sky, at this moment, he can't help but hold his wine jars to start tasting the wine cream. Listening to the two of them, they can't help but roll their eyes, but they have made up their minds, and they must find someone secretly keeping an eye on the medicine. Wangfu, as soon as Xiao Chen came here, he had to follow him immediately, otherwise he missed the taste of Yaowang wine, which was a shame in life. ? Bayi Middle School

The three did not mention the others, chatting and drinking, laughing from time to time, the more harmonious the atmosphere, the reunion like an old friend.

"I know Xiao Chen Daoyou today. It is a great pleasure in life. Come, you and I have drunk it." The drug addict laughed and said, and the three of them took out the ointment at the same time.

"Happy, today is really happy, Xiao Chen Daoyou must be here today. Now let's talk straight. If you can promise the old man there will be no other words. Otherwise, please ask Daoyou to be angry. You and I are still friends."

The drug addict opened his mouth with a smile on his face.

Xiao Chen wiped the corners of his mouth with a robe sleeve, "Since the drug addict Daoyou spoke, some words of this seat are straightforward. I came today to hope that the drug addict Daoyou can join my Xiao Mansion and make that medical path. "

The lord of the sky flickered, hesitant to shake his head slowly, without intervening in the matter. If the drug addict wants to respond, he does not need to speak, otherwise, even if the opening is useless, why not say so.

The smile on the face of Yaochi gradually converged, and he frowned, saying: "Since Xiao Chen Daoyou has come to solicit this seat, he must know the rules of this seat, and talk about it, it has nothing to do with your friendship."

Xiao Chen nodded and arched his hand and said, "Don't worry, Daoyou, since this seat will come here, you will naturally pay the satisfaction of Daoyou."

"This jade Jane was obtained by chance by this seat. It is a magical method of medical Taoism. Taoist friends have seen it first." During the talk, he flashed aura in his hand and took out a jade Jane with a simple style and a strong atmosphere. Obviously not ordinary.

A few dignified meanings flashed in the eyes of the drug addict. As he is, the monk has a very high vision, and naturally he can see that this jade Jane is not a trivial matter. He took a look at Xiao Chen, and then he reached out and took the jade Jane, directly dividing it into a little sense Dive into it.

"Xiao Xiaozi, what's wrong with my husband, when you gave me" Creating the Sky ", I didn't see you so generous and directly sent me the original!" The Lord of the Sky looked at Yu Jian in the hands of the drug addict, but felt the root of his teeth for a while. itch.

Xiao Chen kept silent and said, "Because the drug enthusiast is more principled than the Lord of the Sky. Even if I recorded in the jade book that the supernatural power can't ask him to move, he will return this thing to me. I wonder if the Lord of Heaven can do this? "

The old guy was speechless, opened his mouth, and hummed helplessly.

In the conversation between the two, the drug addict has already recovered the consciousness. In a short period of time, he probably only scanned the contents of the classics, and didn't write down the slightest bit, but it is enough to judge the value of this jade Jane.

For a moment of silence, the drug addict put Yu Jian on the table, grinning bitterly, and said, "Although he is unwilling to admit it, Xiao Chen Daoyou has indeed moved the old man. It seems that Daoyou is prepared today."

"However, you should know the rules of this seat. If you want to attract this seat, you need to defeat this seat on Dan Dao. Otherwise, even if you bring out the thing that makes me heart, this seat will not agree to join Xiaofu."

Xiao Chen was a little stunned, and looked up at the Lord of the Sky. This old guy pretended to pat his forehead easily, and said irresponsibly. "I ’m forgetting when I ’m older, and the rules of drug addiction are true. That's it. "

This old man obviously meant to avenge Xiao Chen before letting him eat.

The drug addict frowned, "Did Xiao Chen Daoyou know this?"

Xiao Chen nodded, and then waved his hand, saying: "Anyway, as the rules of the drug addict and friends, this seat will naturally abide by it. I do not know how to defeat the drug addicts and let you agree to join me."

"Although there are two ways of Dan Dao, there are two ways of magical medicine and medicine, but the test of Dao Dao is still medicine and medicine. As long as Xiao Chen Daoyou can be an old man in the technique of alchemy, this seat is portable today. It ’s okay for a line to join you. "

Speaking of which, the drug addict paused a little, "But there is still a relentless request from this seat. If you wait for Xiao Chen to be defeated, I wonder if I can trade this jade Jane to the old man, regardless of the cost, the old man is willing to talk Friends exchange. "

This is the case with the drug addict. Even if he wants to get this jade Jane, he cannot lose to Xiao Chen on purpose. If you want him to join, you need to defeat him upright on alchemy, this will not change.

Xiao Chen heard a smile and said, "Why is it so troublesome? If you lose this seat, this jade will simply be a gift to a drug addict, and Quan Dang will report that the friend treats the friendship with Yaowang wine."

Compared to fighting alchemy?

Xiao Chen's mouth could not help but tilted slightly, showing a faint smile, other aspects did not dare to say, but in this alchemy, ask who in the world can reach him.

The drug addict is overjoyed, "Xiao Chen's Daoyou is really bold, but the old man is not that insatiable. Even if Daoyou loses, this seat will pay enough treasures to exchange this jade slip, and please rest assured."

Xiao Chen didn't say a smile.

The Lord of the Sky is frowning tightly. How can Xiao Chen feel a little fearless? Does this kid really make a difference in alchemy?


Alchemy is vast and profound. If you want to reach the level of a drug addict, even if you are indulged in Dan Dao, it will take a long time to accumulate and settle down. Xiao Chen is only very old and devoted to cultivation. It seems that this boy did not know that the alchemy of the drug idiot is so powerful. You will definitely feel better when you eat it. This medical book is ready to be sent out obediently.

"Walk around, you and I will immediately go to the Danfang, it is not too late to drink after the test." The drug obsessed with Dan Road, the resistance to this jade-simplified internal method is infinitely close to zero, where can I sit still, "this jade For the time being, you should return Xiao Chen's Taoist friends, and you will come back to this seat after the test. "

Although reluctant to let go, the drug addict returned Yu Jian with a distressed look and pulled Xiao Chen's robe sleeve out.

The Master of the Sky grabbed the wine jar and followed behind, waiting to see a good show, obviously not optimistic about Xiao Chen.


Dan room.

"Xiao Chendao friends, today you and I are better than alchemy. Since you want to solicit this seat, then the subject will come out of this seat, I don't know how?" The drug addict opened his mouth, his voice was dignified.

Xiao Chen nodded, his expression was extremely relaxed. It was not that he was unwilling to be cautious, but that he thought of today-competition alchemy, and his heart did not produce much fighting spirit.

The lord of the sky shrugged his lips and secretly said that this boy was really arrogant. I am afraid that it would be better to suppress nervousness than alchemy than alchemy. He is better, completely as if there was no such thing.

Qi Daozi was also present at the moment. The gate of Yaowang Mansion had been completely closed and no one was allowed to come in. The old guy was still listless, with a slightly waxy complexion, like a sick seedling. Who would have thought it was an ethnic group? The peak exists. At this moment, his eyes are constantly walking on Xiao Chen's body, his brows are not susceptible to frowning, I don't know how to think in his heart.

"That being the case, the seat is not welcome." The drug addict waved, and a monk under his own seat came forward respectfully, put two storages on the stone platform, and retreated low after giving the gift.

"The two Dan rooms here are exactly the same, you can let Xiao Chen Daoyou choose first. The storage ring contains the 11-pin Xianyuan plastic Dan material. As long as Daoyou can make this Dan in the refining , It's a win. "

"I wonder if Xiao Chen Daoyou can agree?"

Xiao Chen nodded and smiled: "Just as Daoyou said, but I also asked the drug enthusiast to make the first refinement. After watching Daoyou's shot, I decided whether to continue the shot or give in."

"As for the Danfang, the choice of drug addicts is that this one cannot believe this.

There is a golden seal in hand, and there is alchemy against alchemy, but there is no alchemy, and the combination of medicinal power is also useless. This choice is also helpless.

The drug addict nodded without doubt that he had said, "Which is the case, this seat will be shot first. This Dan will take 3 hours at the earliest to be refined, and I also ask my friends to wait patiently." Take a storage during the talk. Quit, step into the Danfang on the left and wave down Shimen.

Xiao Chen turned around and sat down at the table and chair. He took out the unused medicine king liquor with his backhand, tasted it in a small mouth, and his posture was quite relaxed and comfortable.

"Xiao Xiaozi, I'm really curious about where you came from, knowing that the rules of the drug addict should dare to work with him to test Dan, and now the expression of relaxation is not counterfeiting, do you really have no assurance of winning?"

The Lord of the Sky gave Xiao Chen a glance, and he was a little puzzled. Although Xiao Chen's actions are often suspected of arrogance, but it turns out that he is by no means a no-brainer, but he must rely on everything he does and never be disadvantaged.

Could it be ... he really has the dandao method of fighting drug abuse?

This matter was placed on others. Naturally, the Lord of Heaven won't believe it with a smile, but Xiao Chen was the party, but he couldn't help but feel a little more stunned. The ease and comfort in his heart was immediately destroyed.

Xiao Chen glanced at the old guy with a sneer and knew his thoughts well. "How the matter is explained now is useless. When the matter comes to an end, the result will be clear. The Lord of Heaven may wish to wait patiently. "

The Lord of the Sky snorted and gave Xiao Chen an indignant glance, seeing that his own eyes had only a limited degree of threat, so he had to give up.

Qi Daozi found a place to hide himself and continued to sleep, without any gesture of peaking strong.

Xiao Chen's eyes glanced at him, then he converged, and quietly waited for the time to pass slowly. After 3 hours, a strange wave came out of the Dan room, accompanied by the strong medicine The scent fills the entire space.



[Second more. Thanks to the soy sauce village man, two Taoist friends at 0:11, this month's ticket killed a return carbine, although everyone is still struggling. . 】

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