Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 245: Dan into vision

Xiao Chen took a breath and calmed down a lot of complicated thoughts. Even if he was confident, if he was not careful, there might be a gap, which is naturally not allowed. [Eight? [A Novel Network ((W? W> W). 81ZW.COM

When the state of mind entered the ancient well-free state, Xiao Chen drew a flash of light from his hands to open the storage, and the consciousness swept to make sure that all the materials in it were not different. The magical pulse gathers the fire array method.

Except for a ray of beast soul in hand, all the other medicinal materials were put into it and began to refine!

At the same time, more than 14oo materials are refining, fused, and medicinal powers. Even Xiao Chen Yuanshen Xiu needs to go all out. Responsible for a little carelessness may cause accidents. Fortunately, there is no abnormal appearance under the precise control. Refined the residue, turned into pure medicine, suspended in the Dan furnace in the package of consciousness.

After the final refining of the elixir was completed, Xiao Chen slowly opened her eyes, her mind moved slightly, and the encapsulation of the medicine power suddenly spread out. After losing the barrier, under the action of a traction force, more than 14oo medicines suddenly melted into one. group.

At this moment is the most critical time, Xiao Chen needs to suddenly refine the consciousness into countless small strands, drill into the medicine power group and arrange them quickly according to the correct combination, otherwise the medicine power combination is wrong, and the elixir will become waste. After a short time, Xiao Chen's mind was slightly relaxed, and the combination of the medicine and the potion had been completed. Now, after only integrating into the soul of the beast, the refining is completed.

Integrating the power of the beast soul with the power of the elixir to improve the rank of the elixir is the most prevalent method of the elixir of the spiritual world. It will also become extremely difficult when it is integrated. Resisting the murderous breath of this thing, a little carelessness will cause the beast soul to be depleted, and the elixir power will be damaged.

Perhaps this matter is extremely difficult for other alchemists, but in the eyes of Xiao Chen, it is even simpler. With a move of his hand, he opened the town's beast soul jade bottle, and the beast soul in the jade bottle suddenly snarled and burst out. The fierce and powerful breath burst from it!

The beast spirit of the peak of the ethnic group!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, the Yuanshen slammed the town, used the power of the ancient tree of Bodhi to suppress it completely, the black ghost roared, and rushed out of the Yuanshen space, devouring the spirit of this wild beast. Under the suppression of his primordial spirit, the savage beast spirit was completely suppressed at once, and he could not move at all. Only one pair of eyes showed the meaning of horror and begging.

The barbaric beasts at the peak of the ethnic group already have a little low intelligence.

Xiao Chen was expressionless, and shot with his backhand, shattering the spirit of this wild beast directly into the most basic spirit power. Mind movements in the package of God's Knowledge instantly put it into the spirit, and controlled by God's knowledge. , Integrated it into the elixir, causing almost no loss of its own soul power. This method seems simple, but it is extremely difficult to implement. First, the alchemist must have the power to repair the spirit of the barbarian spirit. Second, when the barbarian spirit is collapsed, it is fully integrated into the elixir. Otherwise, the barbarian spirit. The power contained will go crazy in a short period of time, and even if the refining of the elixir is successful, the power will be greatly reduced.

Ordinary alchemists, even masters like Dan Dao like drug addicts, can never do this with divine knowledge, so this method cannot be copied at all.

After a while, with the integration of the spirits of the wild beasts, the refining of the plastic body was completed.


"Xiao Xiaozi is indeed a demon of my humanity's eternal years. It is amazing and has many cards, which has caused many old monsters to lose in his hands. He even defeated the Lord of Hanlin in a strange way. But today-competition Alchemy is nothing to do with cultivation. It all depends on his personal talents. I don't believe that he can make a difference in this path, and even reach the point where you are indistinguishable from the drug addict! " The mouth was full of confidence, but there was no reason in the heart, so I had to cover up with drinking movements in shame.

The drug addict sat on the side, shook his head when he heard the words, and his eyes showed a solemn dignity. "This seat has taken all efforts today and confessed his conscience. If he loses, he will join Xiao's house. In the future, he will be able to talk with Xiao Chen's friends It's a pleasure. "

"But the old man still does not believe it. Xiao Chen Daoyou can defeat this seat on Dan Dao. Although he always has an unexpected hole card, but on Dan Dao, he is still a little confident."

Qi Daozi looks listlessly standing behind the drug addict, yawning from time to time, and looks indifferent to the matter.

However, at this moment, the Lord of the Sky suddenly lost his body, and he could not send the ointment in the wine glass into his mouth. He suddenly turned to the closed Danfang. .

The drug lover's face became more dignified, but his eyes burst into endless heat instantly, sensing the scent of fluctuations from the Dan room, and couldn't help laughing, "Okay! Good! Good! Xiao Chendao Friends are really very human, but they have been refined into miracles in 2 hours, which really opened the eyes of the old man! "

The stone door opened, the robe of the Qingpao stepped forward, and Wen Yan arched his hand. "The drug enthusiasts and friends are overwhelming. There is nothing unusual in this matter, just because the refining spirit of this seat has always been faster than people."

The drug addict shook his head. "Why is Xiao Chen's friend humble? The hardship of Dan Dao's refining the Ling Dan is very clear. This plastic old man has been refining more than 1o before and after. This barely mastered the rules. Compressing the refining time to 3 hours is already the limit that this seat can reach. Xiao Chen Daoyou can complete it in 2 hours, which is enough to prove how powerful his alchemy method is. "

Speaking of which, the old man was a little hesitant, "Dare to ask Xiao Chen Daoyou, this is the first time Daoyou has refined 11 Pinxian Plastic Dan?"

Xiao Chen was slightly hesitant, and decided to tell the truth, "Without concealing the enthusiasts, Xiao Chen didn't know that there were 11 Pinxian Pills in the spiritual world, which is now a second refinement."


The glass of the Master of the Sky fell to the ground, and the old guy stared at Xiao Chen with his eyes raised suddenly, breathing like a worn bellow in his mouth.

This is the first time!

Is this kid human?

The stunned and dull face on the drug fading dissipated, and only the bitter smile appeared, shaking his head again and again, "This one is obsessed with Dan Dao, and believes that Dan Dao's qualifications are all the way to the sky. Compared to Daoyou, it is really not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning! "

Even that beg Taozi, at this moment, is also showing a strange light, looking at Xiao Chen a little more solemnly.

Xiao Chen waved his hand. "This seat had some adventures in the early years, so Dan Tao is easier to cultivate all the way, and the drug enthusiasts do not have to compare with me at all. If you talk about your own alchemy talent, this is a far cry. . "

This time, she spoke from the bottom of her heart, with a sincere voice.

The drug addict is sorrowful. It is said that Xiao Chen is the arrogant and arrogant generation. Today, it is known that it was misunderstood, just as his lonely and inaccessible rumor was misunderstood. What a wonderful person, it is obvious that he is highly accomplished in alchemy. In order to avoid embarrassing him, but also so sincere comfort, those nonsense guys really **** it! Thinking like this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel more pleasing to the eye. I thought it would be a good choice to join Xiao Mansion like this, presumably with the personality of Xiao Chen's Taoist friend, even if he entered Xiao Mansion, he should not Too much restraint.

However, the premise is that the plastic body produced by Xiao Chen is better than him. Although the refining time is short, it does not mean that the quality of the magic body will be better than him.

The drug addict calmed his mind, "Well, since Xiao Chen Daoyou has been refined into Dan, you and I will start the furnace at the same time, and see who can better the quality of Dan medicine. If Daoyou wins, today I What if Yaowangfu joined Xiaofu in the same vein! "

Xiao Chen heard a long laugh and said, "The words of the drug enthusiasts and friends are very much in my heart."

The two looked at each other, and raised their hands at the same time to shoot down. The two sides of the furnace simultaneously heard a muffled sound, and the next moment they had two golden lights from the furnace.

The drug addict waved his hand to open the mustard space, allowing the two spirits to enter the clouds, and the sky suddenly darkened the next moment, with endless dark clouds rolling in, and a mighty coercion was born from heaven and earth.

Dan Jie appeared!

At the same time, countless monks throughout the ancestral city were aware of the change here, countless monks whispered in their mouths, and even more strange forces from all sides opened their eyes in the retreat, their eyes penetrated the endless space and bet on the advent of the Dan There was still a little suspicion on the ground.

Dan Jie landed at the Medicine King's Mansion. From the view of Dan Jie ’s coercion, it should be the 11-pin fairy Yuan Dan Cheng Dan, but why there were two miracles coming out at the same time. Could it be that the drug addict has risen and refined two? A magic pill at the same time?

Just as many old and strange thoughts rolled, there was already a flicker of thunder in the roaring clouds above the sky, raging waves, coercion and raging tide, ordinary monks could not approach at all, and retreated to the surroundings.

In the gestation of cloud robbery, with the gathering of the power of the thunder, its color gradually changed from black to blood red, and the breath was raging and violent to the extreme.



The thunderous thunder of the bowl mouth suddenly fell from the sky, directly hitting two Lingtans, and its horrifying thunder force wrapped the Lingtans into a thunderbolt, flowing wildly on the elixir. Destroy it!

The raging breath of the Scarlet Thunder exploded madly, revealing his own might to the repair of the ancestral city, and it took a long time for it to slowly dissipate.

Both Lingdan passed the test of Danjie, and completed the final step of cultivating Lingdan in the raging power of Thunder.

At the moment when the power of thunder dissipated, the two roars rang between heaven and earth at about the same time, and I saw the two spirits above the golden glittering suspended clouds, and at this moment suddenly manifested the vision, above their body The void was distorted, and two ghostly beasts of the size of a thousand feet suddenly appeared, roaring wildly in the eyes, and there was endless fierce coercion.


[Thank you Zhang Yao for your monthly pass. This week's explosion is weak. If you do n’t fall, the monthly ticket list will not fall. On April 1, 2, and 3, there will be 5 consecutive bursts. Please support your monthly pass! 】

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