Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 246: Income in hand

Dan Cheng, the medicinal manifestation of the beast soul ghost, is a unique symptom when 1 o grades of elixir and above are used, and there are very few Dan Dao masters capable of refining these elixir. This makes this kind of vision rarely appear, let alone that two identical products of the same kind are released at the same time, manifesting the same beastly ghost shadow roaring against each other, like the battle of the beast king, a few people, naturally attracted countless monks Awesome eyes. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1> ZW. Com

As for the numerous monks of Dan Tao, in this awe, there is endless heat and worship. The Dan Dao monks who were able to make such miracles can all be regarded as Dan Dao Hengfeng, which has an extremely high status!

But this is not an exciting time. All monks who are concerned about this matter are full of excitement. They want to know which one of these two spirits is of higher quality!

The same kind of panacea came out. If there is a disparity in grade between the two, it will be swallowed up by the panacea. With the same grade panacea, you can improve your own quality. However, this kind of thing can only occur once when the panacea is first formed. . And it is extremely rare to want this kind of situation. There must be a big gap between the qualities of the two spirits, otherwise the two ghosts will dissipate and blend into the body at the same time.

It was in the attention of countless monks, and two more crazy roars came out. In the countless hot eyes, the two wild beasts vanished in an instant, and the two sides fought like crazy real beasts!

Lingtan swallowed!

Seeing a scene appearing in the void, countless ancestors of the ancestral city were filled with excitement instantly. Being able to witness this near-famous scene was naturally extremely exciting to them, and many monks took out the figure shadow jade. Jane began to document the situation.

The shadows of the two brutal beasts are all about the same size, solid in shape, and the roaring roar is like a real creature, and they can be used by catching and killing the minions. Their cruelty is no different from that of the real brutal beasts. The coercion pervaded, showing the momentum of the beast king who was comparable to the peak of the ethnic group.

However, in the countless attentions, the battle soon turned into a victory and defeat. One of the two wild beasts was obviously out of battle. Although they were still roaring, their eyes were full of fear and panic, and they were exhausted. withstand.


After a while, the weak beast was bitten on the neck by another fierce beast, and suddenly became completely insane, struggling fiercely against his opponent, but the other beast bite deadly without any meaning, accompanied by time. However, the weak brute struggled weaker and weaker, and his body gradually became incomparable. In the end, except for the occasional movement of the body, there was no sound at all.

Until that moment, the winning wild animal opened its mouth and roared suddenly, and it was in this roaring that the body of the dead wild animal suddenly dispersed, and the words turned into countless strong medicines and incorporated into the winning wild animal.

As for the Ling Dan who gave birth to this wild beast's shadow, it suddenly trembled, and then collapsed into powder.

Win the brute beast's ghost image and get medicinal power. The body actually swells with the naked eye's visibility. It has reached the size of 15 feet in a short period of time. The advent of the person, the formation of extremely powerful visual impact, which makes the whole body cold, fearful.

The next moment, the wild beast's shadow suddenly collapsed, turned into a strong medicine and merged into the remaining plastic Dan, making this Dan suddenly become golden, like the second sun in the sky.

call out!

In a flash, the golden miracle seemed to want to escape, and fled straight to the depths of the clouds.

In the Medicine King's Mansion, Xiao Chen looked calm. At this moment he gave a cold hum and took a single-handed shot to the sky. "Where to go, get back to this seat!" With one hand, he shook the sky severely. Wrapping the escaped spirit in an instant, no matter how crazy he struggled, he couldn't escape and was forced to fall down.

When it was close to the ground, this elixir seemed to have taken his fate, and its golden light gradually converged in vitro, revealing one of the elixir with a teal and occasional golden mandrel, about the size of a thumb, but no smell of medicine. .

Xiao Chen reached out a hand, immediately took it in his hand, turned around and gave a fist, "The drug addict, friend, gave it up."

Dan Dao assessment, Xiao Chen refining 11 products Xianyuan Dan devouring medicine refining Ling Dan, this time the test need not have to say.

The complexion of the drug addict is a little more complex, and he sighed for a long time. "It's a defeat. This seat naturally abides by its promise. As of today, the medicine king's house no longer exists. This seat will lead His Majesty monks to join Xiao House."

Speaking of which, this weird bowed his arms and fists, "Medicine obsessed, meet Master Xiao Chen."

The monks from the nearby Medicine King Mansion had complex faces, but did not hesitate at the same time. At the same time, they fell on one knee and said, "The subordinates will see Lord Xiao Chen."

Only beg Tao Zi is still listless, neither saluting nor refusing, I don't know what his thoughts are.

The master of the sky-throwing pupil narrowed slightly, and glanced deeply at Xiao Chen, still unable to believe that the medicine king's palace, which stood the endless years of his ancestral city, was easily conquered by Xiao Chen today, becoming his subordinate power of Xiaofu.

This alone is enough to swell the strength of Xiao Fu as a whole.

The existence of a Dan Dao master at the peak of the ethnic group and the existence of an unpredictable peak of the ethnic group. The addition of the drug addict and the beggar son has already made Xiao Fu have the qualifications of a race-level force comparable to the idler. This kind of growth Degrees are really terrifying!

With a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Chenpao lifted up the drug addict. "The two drug addicts and beg Daozi came to my Xiao government. Seeing this one can treat each other equally, no need to be polite!"

The drug lover was relieved, and he couldn't help but be grateful. At the moment, he once again held his fist. "Thank you, Lord, my subordinates will clean up today and lead the next monks to Xiaofu as soon as possible."

The arrogant generation, once convinced by the oral admittance, will often be very serious. Although Xiao Chen said that the licensed drug addicts can intersect on an equal footing, he still maintains the awe of his words.

Since joining Xiao Mansion and being a monk, you naturally need to know what you deserve.

Xiao Chen shook his head, didn't say much about it, smiled, and said, "Since this is the case, I also invite the mentor and Taoist to get an altar of king wine for this seat, so that this seat can be brought back to my best friend to taste it. Fan. "

"As for this jade Jane, it is now a Taoist thing."

The drug addict heard a bitter smile, took Yujian, turned around and hurried away after the gift, returned a moment later, and brought 2 altar medicine king wine.

Xiao Chen put it into his hands and arched his hand: "That being the case, this seat will not stay for a long time, and I will meet the friends in Xiaofu to come and leave."

Yu Luo turned and walked away, the Lord of the Sky repeatedly shook his head and followed him, and was sent away by Christine and others.

"Today I would like to thank the Lord of Heaven. Without your guidance, how can this person get such a powerful help, this one is owed to the Lord of Heaven, and it will naturally be rewarded in the future." Xiao Chen laughed Arching hands, although this old guy may not have good intentions at first, but now that things are done, Xiao Chen is in a good mood and will naturally not care about him anymore.

The Lord of the Sky has heard a few words of humming, "There is not much effort in this matter, but your kid is strong enough and luck is good. But after taking the medicine Wangfu department, I am afraid that it will make some secret guys Jealous, this seat assures you that Xiao House will soon be in trouble. "

Xiao Chen smiled. "If necessary, please ask the Lord of Heaven to come and guard it personally. After all, you are the obedient deity of my Xiao government now. If Xiao government loses his face, you will follow without light."

"Hum!" The Lord of the Sky whispered, "The old man has faith and believes that other things will not be involved, but if there is a problem with the refiner, this seat will naturally appear."

"That's it for today. There is still something going on here. Let's go ahead."

Whispering, the Lord of the Sky did not wait for Xiao Chen to answer, waved his hand to tear the space and stepped out of the figure and disappeared.

Xiao Chen shook his head and chuckled. Although the Lord of Heaven ’s reaction was so annoyed that Xiao Chen ’s gift was resent, it may not be that he was not jealous of his success in receiving the medicine Wangfu department. Even this old guy has such a big Reaction, what about those secretly dissatisfied with him?

Perhaps as the Lord of the Heavens said, there are not many quiet days in Xiao House.

Xiao Chen lifted his hands and carried a green robe without wind to hunt and hunt automatically, black and tumbling, dark eyes bursting with dazzling eyes, "If you wait for peace and security, this seat will not be troubleless, but if you dare Adding trouble to the rise of my Xiao Mansion, I will blame this ruthless man for being ruthless, so that you will wait for all the decay and return to your soul! "

Taking a step forward, the figure directly disappeared into the space, but the whisper whispered in the wind and echoed for a long time.


"Sir, you are finally back. Here is a messenger Jade Jane sent to you, please look over." The Telford housekeeper hurriedly greeted him. The looming hint of courage from this Jade Jank made him scared. Dare to wait a little bit and waited out of the gate early.

When Xiao Chen Yuanshen swept away, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and Yujian was put into his hands, and said, "Okay, I already know this. You can go and do it yourself."

"Yes, sir." The Telford steward respectfully saluted and turned away in a hurry.

Today, he is really busy. Since the adult shot, today the entire Xiao government is overcrowded to recruit His Majesty monks, surrounded by countless monks from the ancestral city, and has recruited no less than 30,000 monks within half a day, and among them There are many monks crossing the border, and even the monks in heaven and human are no longer a few. This momentum has surprised and delighted the Telford steward. If this trend is followed, Xiaofu ’s power can soar dozens of times in January, and it has a powerful force comparable to other established powers, and this also makes Telford steward. A little more awe of the grown-up.

With the presence of adults, Xiao Fu will definitely rise. No one can stop this!

Telford housekeepers are confident.

Xiao Chen held the jade Jane with a puzzle in his heart. Why did the Lord of the Stars personally send a letter to him, and now he had a sense of God and entered it.

There is only one word in Yujian, "3o miles southeast of the ancestral city, this seat is waiting for you."

Xiao Chen frowned, and slightly crushed the jade Jane with a little force on his hand. He didn't enter the house and turned to tear the space again. He left the ancestral city area after several teleportation moves. After the divine mind traced, this went straight to the place marked by Yujian.


Nether torn, Xiao Chen stepped out, and a figure appeared in a small valley. His eyes fell a little bit differently. Although he felt something wrong here, he could n’t let it pass by his consciousness. Perceived the fault.

"This prohibition is based on the movement of the heavens and the stars, which implies the operation of the heavens and the earth, and integrates between the heavens and the earth. How do you feel from your perspective?" It was from Xiao Chen's frown that he passed from this valley With a faint voice, a figure stepped forward, and it was the Lord of the stars.

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