Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 249: Kill Command

"Wen Xiaofu opened a government prefecture and recruited monks with a variety of top-quality classics. This class and others are here today to ask for advice, and see how strong Xiaofu is to have this confidence?" Among the five The old man in the robe slowly said, "Today, this person and others come to challenge. If Xiaofu wins, this person will apologize and see Xiaofu's repairs to avoid it. But if you are not defeated by Xiaofu, you need to bear the name of deception. Human monk accused! "

"I don't know this challenge, you dare to take over!"

In a word, 5 people took a step forward at the same time and drank in unison, "This seat and other challenges, Xiao Fuzhi dare to take it!"

The peaks of the five ethnic groups suddenly burst, rushing into the clouds, causing the tremor of the void to cascade into wolves sweeping in all directions, and the sound of the superposition was terrifying!

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, showing a faint tinge. Is this the means that you secretly prepared?

Challenge me Xiao House?

That being the case, this seat gives you this opportunity. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W & amp; gt; W>. & Amp; gt; 8> 1? Z] W & amp; gt;.> C] O] M>

With a wave of his sleeves, the aura of light behind him turned into a magnificent throne, about a hundred feet in size, and Xiao Chen turned to sit down. "Don't you come here, Xiao Xiao will let you wait for disappointment. This challenge, I Xiao Xiao took. Off. "

Now that you wait for your shot, let Xiao Xiao trample you and wait for you as a stepping stone, even more prestigious!

The peaks of the five ethnic groups hummed at the same time. They also gathered the Baizhang seat in the sleeves, and Xiao Chen was far away from each other. "As soon as Xiao Chen's friends agreed, this group and others were no longer polite."

"Dear friends, come here today, whoever comes forward to be the first person to take the shot."

The voice of the Zipao Xiu did not fall. One of the five wore a black robe. The monk stood up and took a step out of the sky above the shallow lake. "The master of this movie, I heard Xiaofu accept the swallow's nest. Department, presumably the 'swallows' are extremely powerful. I wonder if some monks dare to fight with this seat, and see how far the Xiaofu's 'swallows' are strong? "

When Xiao Chen heard his words, his eyes flickered a little, and among the monks in Xiaofu, there was a low-pitched applause, "The Lord of the Tattoo Ring Alliance Shadow Element, who wants to come and compete with my Xiaofu 'swallow' strength, this seat How can I let you down! "

The voice didn't fall, a figure appeared directly in the void, and his face was ordinary.

"Sir, please allow this battle. Let your subordinates fight against the Master of the Shadow Element to end the grievance of the year." Master Yan bowed his hands deeply, showing absolute respect and awe in his voice.

Xiao Chen paused for a moment, realizing that Yan Zhu was murderous, and frowned, then nodded. "So, this battle will be left to Yan Zhu."

"Master Xie!" Lord Yan once again saluted, and suddenly turned around, his eyes fell on the Lord of the Shadow Element, "The Lord of the Shadow Element had a generous gift, and I remember that I didn't dare to forget it at all. Since there is such an opportunity today, Naturally, you can't miss it, so you will pay back all your grievances before! "

There was a chill in the front of the language.

The master of the Shadow Element suddenly became extremely ugly. He stared at the master Yan, and slowly opened his mouth after a while. "It is indeed Xiao's house that shakes the ancestral city. The method is really amazing. It can actually cure the internal injuries in your body. , And help you to promote the peak of the ethnic group in just one month. But even so, do you think you can be the opponent of this seat. I was able to inflict humiliation on you and I can do the same now. "

Yan majored in the four realms of heaven and humanity. If it wasn't for the yin injury caused by internal venom, the peak of the ethnic group had already existed. After joining Xiao Mansion, he entered the left eyebrow dojo and got a diagnosis from Shubo. Healed the injury, and assisted by the ascension of spirits. In a short period of time, he promoted his state to the peak level, breaking the trance in one fell swoop, and promoting the peak of the ethnic group! Therefore, at this moment, Lord Yan has only endless gratitude to Xiao Chen. After learning that the left eyebrow dojo exists, he finally knows what horrible cards and growth potential the adult has, and is determined to follow him.

Today's battle is his first battle with His Majesty.

"Victory or defeat, the tongue is useless." Yan Zhu slowly opened his mouth, his hand flashed slightly, and took out a short ruler. "For today's battle, this seat has been waiting for a long time, and see if you can resist this seat. Knife. "

His words flashed and disappeared.

The Lord of the Shadow Element murmured, and a **** dagger appeared in his hand.

Spying, assassination, tracking, and lurking are the biggest characteristics of the "swallows". Even fighting against each other is by no means a monk's fighting method, which is the most powerful way to fight naked. Instead, it strikes in the shadows. Silently stabbed the short blade into the opponent's chest, or was harvested for his own life.

Regardless of the Lord of the Shadows or the Lord of the Swallows, both of them are the best from the "swallow" origins. Their true cultivation may not be comparable to the true peak of the ethnic group, but they secretly kill, they are the real life reapers No one wants to provoke them.

The Lord of the Shadow Element and the Lord of the Yan fought wildly in the void. With each brief contact, the blades of the hands of the two sides will attack and resist nearly a hundred times from various tricky angles. Any mistakes will be killed instantly. life. However, this engagement was too fast, and the monks could not see it at all. They could barely capture some pictures with divine knowledge, and felt the violent fluctuations from above the void, one by one cold.

If locked by this level of "swallow", they have no chance of escape. I am afraid that they have lost their lives before they react.

The killing of the two Night King's Swords, the explosive energy of the fighting is arrogant and short, and there is no unnecessary dispersal. Once it can not cause effective killing, it will be immediately recovered, and the shot will not be wasted. Within a small range, but even so, its thrilling degree is far beyond the imagination of countless monks!


A short booming sound came out, two flexible figures receded backwards, but they still did not forget to release their hands when they stepped back, waving their blades in their hands, there were those thin blades that were as thin as a willow. And out, strangling away to the other side. Within a short period of time, like a perfect performance, hundreds of blades collided, the muffled sounds continued, and at the same time annihilated and disappeared.

The Lord of the Shadow Yuan and the Lord of the Yan stand apart from each other by a distance of ten or so. The former has a dull complexion, and the colder the look in his eyes, the Lord of the Yan is paler and slightly more breathy. Obviously, this encounter has made him a bit strenuous.

"A good Lord of the Swallows is indeed very talented, and he can be undefeated with the old man for a while to fight against each other." The Lord of the Shadows said coldly, "Since this is the case, let this seat use the technique of killing, and see if you can resist ? "

Yan Zhu heard that his face changed instantly, and he had no time to make any response. He drank his body's mana in a special way and went crazy in a special way.

At the same time, the Lord of the Shadow Element shot in an instant, the **** dagger burst into a thick blood awn, cut through the space silently, and suddenly fell off. Its speed was even beyond the scope of the capture of consciousness, and only one blood was seen. Mang cut through the void, and the two blades touched again!


The main face of Yan suddenly rose red, and a venomous force surged in waves and tidal layers and swept away from its body, raging and exploding, tearing its meridians, causing extensive damage to the body, and direct flow of blood and water.

The Lord of the Shadow Element groaned, his face was equally white, and a force struck into the meridian, running up against the bloodstream, and heading straight to his atrium. If successfully penetrated into the heart by this force, the Lord's physical body will surely be destroyed! This attack is more gloomy than his shot. It is a secret thorn in the master's inheritance of the shadow-killing tribe, but he is too far away from the master of the shadow, otherwise the attack will be caught short of guard. It is possible to let the Lord of the Shadow Elements eat up the physical loss and destroy it!

The Lord of the Shadow Element screamed in anger and yelled. The mana was moved to dispel the powerful force of counterattack in the meridian. But at this point, the void in front of him suddenly trembled, and then it collapsed and annihilated, giving off the power of endless destruction and strangulation, interrupted the shadow of the Lord of the Shadows, and watched the Lord Yan retreat.

"My lord, my subordinates are incompetent, please ask my lord to punish him!" Lord Yan has guilt on his face. Today, he defeated Xiao Fu in the first battle and damaged his reputation, which made him extremely heavy.

Xiao Chen retracted the trend, "It's a big gap between your cultivation and the Lord of the Shadow Element. It's not easy to stick to it right now. How can this place punish you?"

"Get up and stand behind this seat and adjust your injuries."

Lord Yan was grateful, and took a step back and said nothing, but secretly vowed in the future, he must cultivate well in the future and never let down the adult's attention!

The Lord of the Shadow Yuan's face was gloomy. "Xiao Chen's friends must not know that my 'swallows' are playing against each other. No one will be allowed to intervene in the fight, regardless of life and death, otherwise it will be indifference and provocation to my entire 'swallows' force!"

Seeing that the beast host Yan will disappear, this old weird voice is naturally gloomy to the extreme, and chills between the words.

Xiao Chen looked up at the man and said lightly: "I want to magnify his influence unlimitedly. As the master of the shadow element, he may not have the qualification to cause the entire 'swallow' anger."

"The Lord Lord is the repair of His Majesty. This seat protects him. If the Lord of the Shadow Element disagrees, he can come directly to this seat and Xiao will take over."

This time, there is already a taste of domineering and tough and unreasonable, but falling into the eyes of monks from Xiaofu and wanting to join Xiaofu's Xiu, it makes them very happy, after all, everyone hopes to follow someone who really values ​​them Adults, do not want to be discarded in the hands of others at any time.

Although the master of this battle was defeated, but the peak of his ethnic group was revealed, coupled with Xiao Chen's actions, not only did he not damage the reputation of Xiao Fu, but made his heart deeper.

The Lord of the Shadow Elements was keenly aware of this change, and his face became extremely ugly in an instant, but made him deal with Xiao Chen alone. Thinking of many previous rumors, he was not sure at all. He snorted at the moment and said, "I will not discuss this matter again. Chi, but today's battle is the victory of your own, and you Xiaofu 'swallows' are nothing more than that. "

The weird spoke up and brought things back to the subject. No matter what, if Lord Yan loses, Xiao Fu's prestige will definitely be affected, and his character will be completed.

Xiao Chen lifted his mouth with a seemingly absent-minded puppet, "Who said that the Lord of Yan was the strongest in my family of Xiao's 'swallows', and let him take the shot just to satisfy his wish and settle the hatred that year. I will send my Xiao Fu to kill the Dao and take the lead, and compete with the Lord of the Shadow Element. "

The Lord of the Shadow Yuan heard a lingering sneak, and then sneered, "Is there a more powerful monk in Xiao's house? This is really beyond my expectations. In this case, Xiao Chen Daoyou was asked to call him out And let us discuss this, what is the means of the so-called Xiao Fu's killing of the Dao. "

The forces of all sides closely monitor Xiao Fu, and now the entire strength of Xiao Fu has been thoroughly clarified. There is no so-called killing commander. Xiao Chen is talking nonsense, and see how he ends!

Xiao Chen nodded, with a little sigh in his eyes, "Even if the Lord of the Shadow Element doesn't say anything, this seat will meet your requirements."

"Twelve, you have followed this seat for many years, and now it is finally time for the blade to show. When you are overwhelmed by this seat, do you know if you are ready?" With a wave of gown sleeves, aura of light flashed, and a thin figure appeared directly .

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