
Extremely cold!

The narrow, slender eyes, with endless chill, slightly thin lips, thin chin, sculpted face without any facial expression, no breath in the body, but like eternal cold, it makes people all over Cold, cold in my heart. [(Eight [(A Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM. The eyes of GOM swept around, but whenever the repair was caught by his eyes, I felt a violent jump in my heart, and my back was instantly wet with cold sweat. .

Turned around Xiao Chen, his face suddenly showed deep awe and reverence, and he was buried on one knee and buried deeply, "Kill the leader Leng Twelve, and meet the master!" His eyes glowed, only awe and loyalty revealed!

Since the income of the human world entered the Zuomei Dojo in the cold twelve years, he has been struggling in the inheritance of Zuomei's killing Taoism. After countless lives and deaths, he finally succeeded in persevering and completed the killing inheritance a few days ago.

Xiao Chen was aware of the incident, but he was not summoned out, but left him in the left eyebrow dojo to continue to perceive.

For more than a thousand years, the left eyebrow dojo has been in the tens of thousands of years. Leng Twelve has completely integrated the power of left eyebrows to kill the Tao. It is not clear to Xiao Chen's mind what kind of repair it has achieved today. But one thing is certain, today's Cold Twelve Cultivation can no longer be judged by the judgment in the field of cultivation. When he first entered the Zuomei Dojo at that time, however, Jin Dan's realm was modified. If it was normalized to become the bones according to the normal Jin Dan monk 5oo Zai Shou Yuan Da, but he has survived to this day, the appearance and the year have not changed at all, although There is no breath to escape from the outside, but as the master of the dojo, Xiao Chen can vaguely sense the horrific killings in Leng Twelve.

Zuo Mei's killing is the most powerful killing organization in the dojo, slaughtering all the enemies of the dojo. According to Shu Bo, when the predecessor killed Dao and led the peak state, even if he shook the left eyebrow, the Taoist could barely remain undefeated. In early years, Mei took the shot to conquer it, and she definitely could not have such a powerful monk slave. Leng 12 can get the inheritance of the power he left behind, so he is no longer in the pool. Fortunately, when this person entered the dojo, he had already been driven into the seed of Yuan Shen who was loyal to Xiao Chen. He would not resist in heart. In addition, he absorbed the power of the killing doctrine leader and completely stained the mark of the left eyebrow dojo. This life can't escape the slightest in this life!

Leng Twelve will be Xiao Chen's most loyal monk slave, and will be a great help to his spiritual rise!

Xiao Chen could clearly sense the awe and loyalty in Leng Twelve's heart. At this moment, he waved his sleeves and said lightly: "Twelve, this Kaikai government has expanded its power. This person will come to work and let you handle it."

"Follow the decree of the Lord!" Leng Twelve said respectfully, slowly got up, turned to look at the Lord of the Shadow Element, a swift murderous spurt from his body, and grew madly with an amazing degree, and finally turned into a shocking The murderous frenzy sweeps the world and stirs the change of color! The cold twelve at this moment is like that of Shura who came out of the blood of the corpse. Only by cutting and killing billions of souls can he form such a terrible murderous spirit. There is no need to take a shot, but the sense of this murderous gas will make people fear and give birth The feeling of falling down!

The breath has already reached such a terrifying state before it has been shot. If it explodes in an instant, what kind of power can it reach? I really can't imagine it!

Not to mention the countless countenances of white monks around, the Lord of the Shadow Element was now locked in the cold twelve breath, an old face suddenly turned pale, and as a life reaper in the dark, he was more sensitive to the dangerous breath, and now faced killing God-like cold twelve, a strong death crisis shrouded his mind completely, a chill from the bottom of his heart made his atrium suddenly tighten, into the flesh and blood god!

The Lord of the Shadow Element snarled, and he has always believed in his own crisis induction. At this moment, the figure is going crazy, repairing as many explosions as possible, and even at the expense of performing some mysterious loss.

The whole amount of this blow is integrated into the **** dagger, the power of power is enough to drive back the peak of any ethnic group! Just because he has a clear hunch in his heart, if he evades and flees, he will only end up in a more dangerous situation. If you let it go, you may have a chance to live! But at this moment, the Lord of the Shadow Elements exploded with a strong blow, and there was still no sense of security in his heart. Between the blood dagger slipped, a dazzling blood burst on his chest suddenly enveloped him, turning it into a **** spiritual shield. .

It was the moment the old man finished these things, and the cold twelve breath moved instantly.


In the cold twelfth year of Jindan Realm, he could have the degree of reaction of the elders in the middle of the month of the birth of Huazong Yuanying, so that he almost lost a big loss without notice. 4 words to describe. The Lord of the Shadow Elements did not even see how the opponent shot, and he felt that the blood dagger he had cut out with all his strength suddenly fell into the mud, and was directly resolved by a light pat, and then a touch of black appeared in his sight.



The dense muffled sound suddenly sounded in the sky, such as the torrential showers, the **** spiritual shield covering the Lord of the Shadow Element trembled violently, and was continuously dropped by the sky from the sky, and went straight to the shallow lake.

The Lord of the Shadow Element's face was suddenly pale, sensing a trace of strange murderous energy that penetrated into his body, and his eyes had fear that could not be concealed. This murderous look did not seem to be inconspicuous, but the moment he got into his meridian, he completely revealed his stance!

Dozens of filaments of killing gas converged, suddenly spread out and completely wrapped a small section of meridian, and then raged like a meat grinder, until the meridian was completely destroyed. And this kind of destruction is not ordinary damage, it can be recovered by swallowing Lingtan, but a fundamental destruction, once it disappears, it can no longer be recovered!

Destroy a section of the meridian, these dozens of filaments of murderous qi are gathered together again, and the actions before and after the start again, and what makes the Lord of the Shadows even more frightened is that he has no power to stop this qi, let him exert it Many methods can't stop it at all, they can only clearly sense that it keeps on moving and destroying his meridians. With the cold twelve crazy shots, for thousands of consecutive strikes, you can forcibly penetrate the protection of the Scarlet Spirit Guard and force a trace of murderous energy into his flesh. If this trend is followed, I am afraid that In a moment, the meridians of his body will be completely destroyed, and he will be destroyed for life!

"I give in! I give in!"

In the face of the threat of Xiu Wei being abolished or even losing his life, the Lord of the Shadow Element finally collapsed, and the scream of fright came out of it, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk here.

Leng Twelve was unmoved and shot madly with an amazing degree. He only obeyed the master's order. Since the master didn't open his mouth to let him stop, does the Lord of the Shadow Yuan ask for forgiveness and what does it have to do with him? The dark mang roared and shattered in his hand. If you take a slow look, you can see that it is a special shuttle-shaped magic weapon blade, exuding an astonishing evil, apparently the one who swallowed the blood of countless souls. Magic soldier!

"Xiao Chen Daoyou said to stop this person from continuing to shoot. The old man has confessed that he must not be able to kill and kill Xiao Fu!" The master of the Shadow Yuan became more frightened, and now he has more and more murderous in his body. Eliminate it, this body is afraid that it will really be wiped out. "If this seat is dead and died here, you and I will certainly not give up with you Xiao Fu, it will definitely cost you!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, "Twelve, hit it into a shallow lake and leave a life. If you dare to make a noise again, kill him directly."

The Lord of the Shadow Element's eyes widened instantly, but his mouth was shut tightly, and he never dared to make a sound.

Twelve did not answer, and hit 17oo consecutive times on the hand, and sent the two murderous forces into the main body of the movie again. After confirming that even if they found a cracking method, they would be greatly discounted. Then they stopped. The fall, blasting it into a shallow lake, suddenly stirred up a terrible sea, sweeping wildly in all directions.

call out!

After doing this, Leng Twelve said nothing, the figure tore the space directly back to Xiao Chen, and stood respectfully.

The whole space is dead at the moment!

Whether it was witnessing the monk or the person who was betting on God ’s thoughts and observing in secret, now they are all silent. Even if the peaks of a group of people are old and dead, there are endless shocks in their hearts.

It is an indisputable fact that when there was such a terrible killing commander in Xiao Fu, although no one could see through the depth of his cultivation, it easily defeated the Lord of the Shadow Element so that he could not fight back at all.

Such stalkers in the dark night are undoubtedly extremely deterrent, because they already have the power to threaten and even kill the monks at the peak of the ethnic group, and they are naturally jealous!

And the most important point is that Leng 12 speaks of Xiao Chen as his host, which is only one word different from the adult, but the meaning it represents is absolutely different, which means that it means absolute maintenance of loyalty, which means that Leng 12 Xiao Chen's monk slave! A horrible assassin who can easily defeat the master of the shadow element must belong to the peak of the ethnic group, but his real identity is that Xiao Chen sits down as a slave, which is enough to remind people of too many things.

Xiao Chen's true origin? What's hidden behind it? How far has Xiao Fu been dominated, and is it really as weak as it seems? Or maybe it hides a powerful and horrible hole card that has never been seen!

But no matter how they guessed, they couldn't be sure of their thoughts. Just facing Xiao Chen and Xiao House, their hearts had countless fears and doubts!


The surface of the lake broke open, and the main figure of the shadow element appeared in the splash of water. At this moment, there was no pause, and he walked back slightly to avoid the tearing space. The top ten horrible night kings in the top 10 of the League of Legends, but fell to the ground in Xiaofu today, ended in a cold and bleak end.

Xiao Chen lifted his lips with a faint smile. "It seems that the first contest should be my Xiao Fu killing leader Leng 12 to win. I do n’t know which Taoist friend will continue to challenge or want to take his place The Lord of the Shadow Element washed away the stigma and then fought against this leader? "

The language front is calm and indifferent, full of endless confidence, and a taunt of ridicule that it does not want to hide.

Today when I was in Xiaofu, I thought about leaving my whole body. Some people should always pay some price for their actions.

The voice spread, countless monks gathered their eyes, and gathered towards the four monks who were still sitting high on the seat of a hundred feet, with awe in their eyes, but there was a bit of concealment.

Go to the challenge, if you win, no one will say much. But in the end, it's going to be fun.

Covered by the eyes of these monks, the four monks snorted in unison, their faces suddenly gloomy, and their eyes were swollen.

Although the cold twelve was extremely strong and defeated the main student of the Shadow Element, they did not compete with him to assassinate him. Even if this person is stronger, they do not have much burden in their hearts. Instead, they were inspired by these eyes. Anger.

The Lord of Kunshan smiled angrily, and he has never been so despised as a master of Dao Dao. Even if you have a strong killing commander in Xiao Fu, this visit today is not a fight with you!

"The Lord of Kunshan specially challenged the first department of Xiaofu's medical practice. I don't know the first department of Xiaofu's medical practice.

In the low drink, the mighty and powerful pressure burst out of the body, and the peak of its ethnic group was exploded, and the power was extremely strong!

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