Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 252: Danby Test

Time passed by, and five hours passed in an instant. Although the time was very long, no monk felt anxious. As for all the medical monks, they were full of excitement in their fiery eyes and could see this kind of ethics with their own eyes. The master craftsmanship has a myriad of benefits for them. They can analyze the taste of alchemy and pay attention to the details. Most of these things need the alchemist to explore by himself, unless the disciples must never see it, let alone teach it. (Eight (1 [[[文 [[W] W] W}.] 81ZW.COM. So at this moment, there are already many Dan Dao monks who have taken out the finest picture, shadow and jade, carefully shielding any noise around them. , Carefully recorded a contest between Dan Dao power today, in order to watch it again and again in the future.

The Lord of Kunshan's complexion is so simple. Now that he has used all kinds of spirits in his hands to refine them properly, he can only remove the impurities and leave them with pure medicinal power. They are suspended in the Dan furnace and divided by the package of consciousness. After all the necessary spiritual objects have been refined, it is considered to be the first difficulty in refining the elixir. Do n’t look at just the refining and healing powers, which are very particular about it. A little difference will lead to the failure of the final power fusion. . Fortunately, there were no accidents.

The Lord of Kunshan exhaled softly, glanced at Ganoderma, and saw that there were still hundreds of flavors floating around her. Obviously, there was still a long way to go to complete the refining of the medicinal power. At the moment, her heart was slightly loose, and the corners of her mouth were exposed. With a little sneer, it seems that because of the killing leader Leng Twelve, he looked at the so-called Xiaofu Medical Taoist Commander too high. From the point of refining the medicine, it can be seen that this woman and him There is still a big gap, wanting to win him today is tantamount to wishful thinking! Relaxing in your heart, the more relaxed this weird expression, the more confident you are.

Inhale deeply, Kunshan's idea moves slightly after a few breaths, and the elemental nerves immediately begin to work, making this old monster Yuanshen Xiu able to use the power of this Arcane treasure to surge 3 times in a short time, although it cannot be converted into Supernatural attack, but it is enough for refining the elixir!

The elemental nerve has only three hours of effective time, and he cannot afford to have a slight delay to waste. At this moment, he deliberately moves slightly, and the entire hundred pure and pure medicine power in Chishan Ding furnace instantly loses the conscious division package. Converge to a point under the effect. The Lord of Kunshan did not dare to take the slightest care, and hurried out most of the consciousness, and carefully began to control the medicinal power to blend according to his own experience.

Not everyone can make Lingdan as easily as Xiao Chen. They can directly control the combination of medicinal powers with divine consciousness. It is simple and quick. Even the master of alchemy, such as the master of Kunshan, also uses his rich experience and high knowledge. The ability to control is constantly considered and reconciled, and the combination of medicinal power is completed little by little until the refining of the panacea is completed. The process is extremely complicated and extremely tedious. It is necessary to maintain sufficient patience and caution. The later, the more mistakes cannot occur, otherwise The star point error will lead to a series of chain reactions, which will eventually cause the perfect fusion of medicinal power to chaos and collapse, making the refining of elixir medicine fail.

Therefore, the beginning of fusion medicine is the most critical and difficult step in alchemy!

The Lord of Kunshan has already started this step, and Ganoderma lucidum is still refining her spirits. She looks calm on her pretty face, and does not seem to realize the state after her eyes fall. She is not in a hurry. Indifferent. So at this moment, even though she is far behind the Lord of Kunshan, no one dares to be a little embarrassed to her heart, or thinks that the Lord of Kunshan is bound to win. Because the refining of medicinal power can prove the strength of alchemy cultivation to some extent, the most important thing is to make a step into it. Even if the refining power is faster, as long as it can't be successfully achieved, it is still a complete failure.

Ganoderma lucidum's refining and refining spirits are extracting the medicine power, and after nearly an hour, this will send the last 7o more spirits into the green green furnace at the same time for refining, but everyone thought she was finally When the refining of the power was completed, I saw a flash of aura in her hand, but a large number of spirits appeared, and the aura was floating above the void.

Actually, there are still spiritual things that have not been refined. What kind of elixir do the female doctors lead from Xiaofu's medical practice! Seeing this scene, the countless monks were shocked, and their faces were incredible at the same time!

It has been said before that the more types of spirits required for refining Ling Dan, the higher the quality, the higher the level of refined Dan medicine, the stronger the efficacy. Now it has taken out nearly a thousand flavors, which is amazing!

Xiao Chen frowned. What grade of Lingzhi is Ganoderma lucidum to make? It actually needs to use nearly 3ooo kinds of spirits!

As soon as Kushan changed his face, he seemed to think of something. He hesitated slightly and did not speak, but his eyes were obviously a little more worried.

It was in countless shocked eyes that Ganoderma started to regenerate the potion again, and it was still the urgency, with a beautiful face, and with the passage of time, the number of suspended spirits around it continued to decrease.

After 3 more hours, after the fusion of the spirit of Kunshan, the master spirit, has been completed, the ganoderma lucidum has refined the last hundred spirits. Although the appearance has not changed, the face is full of dignity. She took a breath, stepped out of her feet, and fluttered her skirt. If the goddess came to life, Lianbu gently moved to the side of the green medicine stove. Saitama pointed out from the sleeve of the robe and pointed down on the medicine stove. .

Pointing at it, a muffled sound of "嗵" came out of the furnace, and a special force infiltrated into the corrugated shape along the inner wall of the medicine furnace and instantly dissipated, enveloping 5o medicine power groups, and the 5o was only God The medicine power group separated by the parcel was swept by this force, and the outer **** consciousness suddenly melted, not scattered and withdrawn, but directly collapsed into the most basic primal power and directly incorporated into the medicine power of their respective packages. Losing the sense of obstruction, these 5o medicinal power groups suddenly converged towards one point, merging in an amazing degree, quickly and extremely fast, but actually reached the point of perfect fusion without any adjustment test.

Lingzhi's beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her pale face gave birth to a touch of paleness. She was directly pressed down by her, the shadow of the shadow was flowing like a fairy, the lotus feet moved slightly, the jade fingers were again found, and the second finger was dropped directly into the green medicine furnace.


Another muffled sound came. The special force penetrated into the medicinal furnace, and the 5o medicinal power groups were shrouded by its spread. After a little movement, it broke the consciousness, and the force evenly oscillated it into the most basic primal power. In the aftermath of this force, he was shot into the medicine force group.

call out!

call out!

Under the traction, these 5o medicinal power groups reunited again, and also in a perfect state, re-melted with the previously fused medicinal power.

Ganoderma lucidum's light footwork, skirts fluttering, Qian Ying looming in the restraint, like a fairy dancing in the sky, around the tripod, constantly pointing the jade fingers on it. Each finger can be smoothly integrated into the 5o group medicine, but the consciousness surrounding it will also be swallowed and incorporated into it. With the progress of this process, the Ganoderma lucidum face gradually turns pale and the brow angle slightly wrinkles. It seemed to be suffering some kind of pain, but she didn't pause for a moment.

As long as it can help Brother Xiao Chen, even if suffering some pain, Ganoderma is willing.

On the shallow lake, countless monks stared at the woman dancing in the clouds, feeling the volatility of the atmosphere that was looming from the furnace, and their hearts were intoxicated. They never knew that there was such a wonderful alchemy method in the world, and the heart was really drunk. But more Dan Dao monks are excited and blushing, and they can clearly feel that the spirit of Dan in the Dan furnace is rapidly rising, which is far beyond the common sense they have been taught in the cultivation of Dan Dao! Fusion of medicinal power is the most difficult step in refining Lingdan, but entering Ganoderma has completely overturned the idea in their hearts. This kind of refining method with fast fusion of medical power and no mistakes is unheard of!

As for the drug obsession, the expression of obsession is full of face, full of excitement in the mind, this is the true essence of Xiao Fu's medical practice. If you can do all the math in your hands, He Chou can't make his self-cultivation soar! For the move to join Xiao Fu, the only thing that can be thought of by drug addicts at this moment is surprises and rejoicing. Otherwise, if he misses this wonderful learning opportunity, he will regret it in the future.

It was among the many monks who were intoxicated or shocked or puzzled. Only Xiao Chen noticed the slightly white face of Ganoderma lucidum and the slightly raised eyebrows. The anxiety in his heart grew stronger. But at this moment, he clearly saw that Ganoderma can quickly medicate its powers. Obviously, it performed some kind of mystery that was extremely detrimental to her, and merged into this instruction. Once it started, it could not be stopped, otherwise it would not only be refined. Failure may even endure some unknown danger of backwashing. Therefore, at this moment, although he had a heavy heart, he could only force himself down and wait calmly. I only hope that Ganoderma lucidum is not too stupid, even if he loses, what can he do? It is not too late for him to defeat the Lord of Kunshan. Do n’t hurt yourself because of this.


The Lord of Kunshan has perfectly integrated all the 1987 medicinal powers in the Dan furnace. Now only the last 25 key auxiliary medicinal powers are left. It is necessary to integrate Lingdan at the same moment in order to maintain a certain balance and increase the probability of Dandan to the highest level. This step is extremely critical. It is the most dangerous step in the entire process of refining the panacea. It requires the strength of the beast soul incorporated in the panacea without any trace of errors. To this point, the entire miracle has become perfect, and any small mistakes will lead to a fierce chain reaction, making all the previous efforts to nothing, miracle refining has completely failed.

Breathe gently, relax the tense mood, the power of the Yuanshen slowly runs, and at a certain moment after the breath, the eyes of the Lord of Kunshan suddenly burst into a dazzling light, the last 25 groups of medicine in the Chishan tripod were dispersed at the same time, and at the same time integrated into the already Within the formed miracle, the old man hurriedly closed his eyes, and the horror consciousness after the amplification of the neurons swept out. He penetrated into the miracle and began to control the fusion of the medicinal power with an amazing degree. Even with this weird state of mind, the dignified color also showed, until a full quarter of an hour, with the perfect embedment of the last trace of medicinal power, the refining of Lingtan was successful!

The Lord of Kunshan suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst into ecstasy, and he smiled, "Ha ha ha ha, it's finished! The 12th grade Xiandao Dan was finally refined, and this place is the sixth place in my race to be able to refine 12 grades. Cultivation of Dan Tao! "

This weird man laughed wildly, but now most monks just glanced at him, without any pause to look away. This suddenly made the heart of the Kunshan Lord jump suddenly, just suddenly seeing the ganoderma lucidum jade finger pointing down, the muffled sound came out of the green celestial furnace, the arrogant psychedelic spirit suddenly burst out from it, inductively At the moment of this breath, the Lord of Kunshan could not help but jump hard, his face suddenly became extremely ugly! At present, the lingzhi in the Ganoderma lucidum furnace has not been refined, and the breath emitted by it has reached or even produced the 12 grades of Xiandaodan he has refined. If this trend is followed, once the refining is successful, its grade will definitely be released. The immortal Dan he made!

Could it be that the 13th Xianzudan was cultivated by this Xiaofu woman!

Impossible, never impossible!


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