Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 253: 13 Pinxian Zudan

Immortal dandan refining requires the integration of the ancient spirits of the wild beasts in the ancient town of Fenghuang to be refined. The difficulty is at least to be refined by the Dandao giants in the ancient ruins. It is also impossible to make 13 products of immortal dandan!

Divine spirits are divided into different grades, above the 1o grade, which is extraordinary and precious!

1o Pindan, regardless of its name, is collectively referred to as Xianling Dan, and so on, 11 products are called Xianyuandan, 12 products are called Xiandaodan, and 13 products are called Xianzudan. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z}) W.COM is crowned with the immortal word, and you can see how rare it is. Zhongfeng Maolinjiao existed, and was sought after by various forces, and they were recruited into the majesty at great cost. The 11 masters of Xianyuan Dan and 12 masters of Xiandao Dan can be refined, such as the real masters of Dan Dao, such as the drug addict and the master of Kunshan. In general, it is the existence of Dan Dao Hengfeng in the entire territory of the famous people. It is worshipped by countless monks in awe. Once you join the forces of all parties, you can directly enjoy the treatment of the peak of the ethnic group. As for the cultivation of 13 products of Xianzu Dan, although it is only One product is different, but it involves the spirits of the wild beasts in the ancient wasteland. Its status is relatively refinable, and the master monk is no longer in a level. Its status can be compared with the ancient ancestors of the wild and become the real peak of the ethnic group. Existence, even its high status, must be above the ancestors of the idyllic wasteland! After all, all the ethnic groups in the power of wasteland have all of them, but the Dan Tao giant that can refined 13 Pinxian Dan is in the entire spiritual realm. Handful!

The Lord of Kunshan does not believe that this Xiaofu nun can make 13 grades of Immortal Tao Dan!

Definitely not believe it!

His eyes widened and he watched Lingzhi's shot. He wanted to see what kind of storms this nun could set off in front of him!

Lingzhi did not know the change of thoughts of the Lord of Kunshan. Even if she noticed it at the moment, she did not have the energy to pay attention to it. Now she seems relaxed, but she has been careful to the extreme. The timing of each pointing must be just right, and no one is allowed to appear. Deviation, and at this moment, in order to ensure the smooth integration of medicine power, Ganoderma lucidum must consume more power of the gods to achieve it, and its pretty face is pale to no trace of blood.

The 59th finger!

Lingzhi came forward. Although her body was weak and her eyes were very dim, she did not have the slightest tendency to give up, took a deep breath, gathered the power of the primordial spirit that was left, merged into one finger, and dropped the medicine stove. Above.


In the muffled sound, the medicine power of the 5o group in the medicine furnace was suddenly dispersed, and the power of many primordial spirits was merged. Under the traction of the primal power of the spirit, the left eyebrow meditation technique was performed, and it was smoothly integrated into it. The slightly unstable bolus of medicine suddenly began to roll and shrink madly, and gathered to the center!


This is the scene when Lingtan refining reaches the last moment, and most of the medicinal powers are perfectly integrated. At this moment, although it is nearing the end of refining, it is also the most dangerous time!

Lingzhi Jiao's body trembled slightly, and her eyes became darker, but at this moment she didn't pause. She moved her foot horizontally, and her 6o finger shot straight forward!

This finger is also the last finger of Cheng Dan!


With one finger falling, the last 49 regiments suddenly collapsed and merged into the Dan body. With the integration of the 49 regiments, the Lingdan was completely formed, and suddenly a mighty coercion burst from it, overwhelming! This coercion is extremely strong, and it is not weaker than the peak monk at the top of the ethnic group. The coercion of this level appears from a miracle, which has already exceeded the imagination of countless monks!

2999 medicinal powers are merged, and the body of the dandan has just begun, but at this moment, the elixir has not been successfully refined, and there is still one final step!

There was a flash of gleam in Lingzhi's hand, and a jade bottle appeared on his hand. The object did not have any breath, and the whole body was engraved with numerous complicated lines. A faint ray of light traveled upstream, like a Xeonfeng town! It is in this jade bottle that a savage beast spirit is in it. At this moment, it seems to be aware of the badness. He immediately woke up from his deep sleep, roaring wildly, struggling madly, and constantly hit the inner wall of the jade bottle. Destroy and escape! Along with the violent riot of this wild beast, a seemingly complicated but extremely delicate texture on the jade bottle lights up at the same time, bursting out dazzling aura, and a more formidable forbidden road seal atmosphere burst from it, blasting the beast Soul uprising resists as much as possible!

Refined 2999 kinds of spiritual powers and merged them into Dan body, but there is still the most critical step that is not completed. That is to integrate into the beast soul, make up 3ooo, and complete the refining of Ling Dan!

And this step is the most difficult and even the most serious risk!

Ganoderma lucidum exhibits the left eyebrow medical esoteric technique, using its own primordial power as a guide, successfully integrating 2999 medicinal powers to form a dan body, and finally will stimulate all the primordial psychic powers in the lingzhi to exert a taboo supernatural power to bring the beast spirit to life. Devoured into the elixir! In this way, it is equivalent to giving the magical spirit the ability to devour evolution. Once it successfully swallows the beast soul, it can be directly decomposed into itself, which makes the natural medicine level rise without too much risk of failure. However, since it is a taboo technique, it naturally has its disadvantages. If you use this secret technique to make Ling Dan, the Ganoderma primordial spirit must be greatly damaged, and it will be bitten by the beast soul, which is very likely to end badly. Although she knows this, she has no intention of refining, refining these 13 products of immortal ancestors, and see who dares to come to Xiao House and seek provocation in the medical department!

The purpose of Lingzhi is to help Xiaofu build supreme prestige. This will surely make Brother Xiao Chen happy, so she is willing to do it. The tough color flashed in the eyes, and Ganoderma lucidum's thoughts moved. Inside the green smelting furnace, the sculpted elixir suddenly burst into strong suction. This power is only aimed at the beast soul. When it appears, it will let the The beast spirit in the jade bottle is completely furious and furious, struggling endlessly. The fiber light flashed, and the jade bottle was opened in an instant. The beast soul appeared with a wailing sound before it even had a little sound outside, and was forcibly drawn into it by the horror suction from the furnace.

Today, the newly formed Lingtan seems to be a black hole, and swallowing the beast soul directly is the moment when the beast soul is swallowed, and a roaring sound comes out of its mouth, full of endless Unwilling and resentful, it is clear that the spirit of this savage beast has already possessed a high level of intelligence. This roar penetrated the medicinal furnace, and suddenly escaped, mixed with endless fierce breath, and swept towards the surroundings. Whenever the monk heard the sound of this beast roar, he could not help but change his face, it seemed to look In the endless mountains, the barbarian emperor roaring on the top of the lonely peak, this mighty breath has already loomed the limit that the peak beast of the ethnic group can have!

Wild ancient beasts, or half-step wild ancients who have not yet completely transformed, have been transformed!

"The spirit of the wild ancient beast! It turned out to be the spirit of the wild ancient beast!"

"Using the ancient beast soul as the spirit, it is refined into Dan, which ranks among the 13 ancestors of the immortal ancestors.

"The ancestor's Dan is the highest-ranking Lingdan of Dandao. There are very few people who can make this Dan in the entire spiritual world. It is rumored that my people have an ancient land that can make these Lingdan, but I do n’t know the truth. false."

"If you can really make 13 grades of immortal ancestors, there will be no suspense in the alchemy test today. Xiao Chen's medical skills are strong enough to rule my entire ethnic territory. No one can reach it!"

"Now the beast soul has already come out. Go to the last step, and see if the adult in the Xiaofu Medical Road can complete the refining. Once it fails, all previous efforts will fail, and even the beast spirit soul back bite, the consequences are unthinkable!"

"I wait for silence and wait for the results!"

Where Xiao House is located, near the shallow lake, countless monks have spoken with excitement, and the cultivation of Dan Dao is too enthusiastic, and his mouth keeps roaring and roaring! 13 Pinxian Zudan, to be able to witness the refinement of this miracle, is a rare opportunity! Even the ancestral old man who was secretly concerned about the affairs of Xiaofu, was shocked one by one at this moment, and there was still incredible meaning in his eyes. Killing the leader Leng Twelve easily defeated the Lord of the Assassin's League of Legends and made him flee, and the doctor led the Ganoderma lucidum, and the refining process was the 13-pin immortal ancestor. Two consecutive Xiao Fu unknown powers had already shot These many weirds completely shake! They can't imagine how deep Xiao's secret is hidden, and how much power has never been paid to the surface! For a while, many weird faces were cloudy and uncertain, and their thoughts were churning. I wonder what was in my mind.

Xiao Chen's face instantly became extremely dignified, and her eyes showed anxiety. Although he did not know the true Dan Dao achievements of Ganoderma lucidum, refining the 13 products of Xianzu Dan obviously had great pressure on her, and even had Dangerous!

This girl!

Xiao Chen was dissatisfied, but was unable to produce a bit of anger. He knew in his heart that Ganoderma lucidum was a gentle man and was by no means the strong and victorious woman. He is so powerful today that he even made Lingdan at his own expense. Still to help him! How could he be dissatisfied with her? There was only helplessness and pity in his heart. I only hoped that the refining of Xianzu Dan would not cause her too much injury, otherwise he would be relieved.

The Lord of Kunshan's face was gloomy and watery, and his gaze was difficult to conceal some of the tension. "It will not succeed in refining! It will not!"

It was in the countless attentions that the beauty on the sky suddenly trembled, her complexion suddenly turned pale, and a blood spit out from the sand mouth, and the breath in her body dropped rapidly.

And the turquoise Dan furnace suddenly trembled at this moment!

Beast soul integration fails!

Xiao Chen's face changed, and he immediately tore the space with a wave, and the figure directly penetrated the space. He raised his ganoderma into his arms to protect it, turned around and stepped back.

The ecstasy erupted in the eyes of the Lord of Kunshan, but this joy appeared on its face, and before it had spread, it had been interrupted by life, which was weird like swallowing a fly.

I saw that the trembling green Dan furnace was sprayed with a sip of blood from Ganoderma lucidum, but it absorbed all the blood, and the turquoise furnace body suddenly turned into a pale blood color. At the same time, the violent breath emanating from the Dan furnace was actually Decreases quickly and clearly, and eventually disappears. At the next moment, a violent and powerful pressure suddenly escaped from the Dan furnace. Under this atmosphere, the Dan furnace "丹" was forcibly shaken, and a flash of dazzling golden light mixed with the mighty pressure of Ling Dan broke the body by itself. Out, directly ingested above Jiuxiao, if the second sun in this world, but its golden light, it has suppressed the light of the real sun, extremely dazzling!


[2 o'clock on time at 17:00! 】

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