

It was at the moment when the elixir broke out of the donkey that the whole world suddenly trembled, and then an overwhelming atmosphere of coercion waved down from the end of the sky, and the vast soup made the chest of many monks stuffy, pale, and the pupils contracted There is endless awe in it!

The entire sky suddenly went dark, and countless inky clouds were born directly from nothingness. The endless momentum was mixed into a mass in the toss and turned into a cloud covering the sky. The endless coercion was just out of it, revealing the violent destruction breath. Bayi [

Dan Jie!

It's just that the strength of Dandan is so powerful that all the monks expected it!

This blood-stained cloud covered the sky and shrouded the entire ancestral city, so that the earth ’s souls could be transformed into blood-colored under its reflection. With the terrifying coercion from the cloud, it seemed like the end was coming. Normally, it makes people feel cold and icy!


It was in the midst of this turbulent cloud that a thunderous scary Thunder Zhang Yaowu claw with a small thickness suddenly landed, exuding the breath of endless destruction of Thunder, and was about to destroy the beginning Lingdan.

But at this moment, it was a sudden change, and I saw the magnificent golden light that disappeared suddenly disappeared at this moment, and then a roar suddenly appeared in this world, a huge body appeared on the clouds, strong hind legs Stepping into the void, the forelegs are relatively short, but they have long sharp claws, with a faint metallic luster, obviously sharp. Up to 3ooo's body, black and black scale armor was born outside the body, and each piece was about the size of the body. Except for a pair of eyes, all the flesh was wrapped in it. At this moment, the hands were roaring, and the blood was opened to reveal the sharpness. The teeth of the blade are staggered, and the eyes are strangely bloody. This barbaric beast was turned into a panacea, and its shape is extremely solid, just like the real barbara came to the world!


Above the sky, there are some wild beasts roaring in the sky, and their spirits are smashing into the body, sweeping around, shaking the void, the style of the wild beast emperor is undoubted!

The next moment, the Scarlet Thunder suddenly slammed down and completely wrapped the wild beast. The power of the thunder raged wildly and shed endless power of destruction. I want to shatter this wild beast's ghost image!



Scarlet thunder flashes into the sky, thunder and thunder contain immortality, the breath of infinite thunder destroys, and the world is overwhelming!

It is in the flashing of this mang, that the wild beasts transformed by the 13-pin fairy ancestors are roaring wildly, showing endless pain, but in the thunder, they are still very solid, and there is no collapse or indifference!

However, after landing the Thunder at that moment, the **** robbery cloud did not dissipate. During the tossing, the second **** thunder was landed again when the first **** thunder power had not dissipated and it was ten feet thick!


The second thunder fell, and the pain in the roar of the savage beast was even worse. Its 3ooo body was drowned by the **** thunder, just like the same blood day!

After the second thunder fell for a few breaths, the third thunder followed closely behind!


This third thunder is even heavier, and its shape reaches an exaggerated thickness of one hundred feet, and it lands suddenly. The space along the way collapses suddenly, and there are countless silver and white space turbulence. The **** thunder dragon rolls vertically and horizontally in the ocean of silver and white energy, giving people a very powerful visual impact!

The blood thunder of Baizhang has come, and the ghost of the beast transformed by 13 Pinxian Dan has completely disappeared into the **** thunder, and no figure has flowed out. Only the crazy and painful roar and roar came out from it, which caused a great shock. Looking pale!

Skyrim Clouds landed three extinct Danlei in succession. It seems to have exhausted its own power. At this moment, the blood color began to fade and dissipate with a very fast degree, and the clouds dispersed to all sides. Eventually Disappeared completely. And the vicious beast wrapped by the three robbers in the void is still struggling in a crazy roar. If it has undergone the thunder training, it will become a miracle, otherwise it will be destroyed in the **** thunder and completely turned into dust.



The thunder raged, and it took a while to release the final energy. It completely disappeared from the unwillingness of Zhangya dance claws. Only the shape shrinks to about 2ooo, but it becomes more solid. The shadow of a wild beast that looks like the real thing is above the void, and growls suddenly. , The mighty mighty atmosphere suddenly burst, like the real barbarian emperor came, overwhelming and overwhelming! The next moment, the wild beast's figure turned into a void roar and fled wildly in the distance!

The 11-pin fairy-moulded sage-dandelionized beast has already had a bit of his own wisdom, let alone the 13-pin ancestor-dandan's barbaric beast, which is completely out of the ordinary monk, and naturally wants to escape at this moment. And, judging by its dispersive pressure, the wild beast transformed by this elixir probably has the power of the half-peak of the ethnic group. If it flees, who can stop it!

Xiao Chen's face suddenly became gloomy. At this moment, he hummed, and wanted to take action to suppress it. This Dan is a ganoderma lucidum that has been severely refined at its own expense, how can it let it escape so easily!

But at this moment, the girl's weak voice suddenly burst into her arms, "Brother Xiao Chen doesn't need to worry, it can't run away."

Ganoderma lucidum was embraced by Xiao Chen, feeling his warm and wide chest, his nose was full of his taste, and his pale face could not help but give birth to a slight rosy glow. Although he did not want to leave, he still Reluctantly stood up, Saitama stretched out his hand, and gently stroked the ghost of the swift escape of the wild beast, whispering softly: "Don't run away, people will only make you after suffering a lot of trouble, but ca n’t let you just like that Run away. "Lingzhi said very lowly, and Xiao Chen hadn't heard what she said without notice, but at the moment she recruited gently, but she did not show any magical powers, and the ghost of the swift escape escaped suddenly. An unwilling roar, the figure actually collapsed uncontrollably and instantaneously, and turned into an infinite amount of pure medicine, and all gathered into a red eye-like Lingdan the size of a longan, turned into a ray of light and fell into the white palm of Ganoderma lucidum.

With a little movement, Ganoderma lucidum's face showed a deep tiredness. The originally bright eyes had become quite dull now, and the pale complexion really made people feel sorry. Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a bit of gentleness, and her hands were grasped slightly. Although her palms can also sense the girl's smooth and tender skin across the clothes, but at the moment there was no other thought in his mind.

Lingzhi's face was slightly red, slightly lowered, palms stretched out, and his eyes looked at the Lord of Kunshan. "Hey, now you can admit defeat." Although the voice was weak, the shyness of that young girl could not hide the eyes and eyes of many monks. Looking at Xiao Chen, I couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Most of Dan Dan's thunder is a thunder. After passing through, it means that Ling Dan has withstood the power of the thunder and completed the last step of Cheng Dan. However, the 13-pin Xianzu Dan is already out of the ordinary and cannot be viewed with the same eyes.

Although 13 Pinxian Zudan has rarely appeared, but since the accumulation of the spiritual world through the ages, there are still many records about the peerless Lingdan in this world. After sorting out and sorting it out, it finally came to a conclusion, which can lead to 5 Scarlet Dan robbers. Fang can call it the real 13-pin immortal ancestral dandelion, and the highest one can even lead to nine **** thunders, and is called the emperor Dan, which means the emperor of Dan! However, two or more and five or less dandelion spirits have been introduced, and their grades have already reached 12 grades of Xiandaodan but have not yet reached the true level of 13 grades of ancestral ancestors, which are all called secondary ancestors. But even so, this time Zudan already has a few real effects of Xianzudan, which is by no means comparable to 12 grades of Xiandaodan!

Ganoderma refining is the second ancestor Dan that led to the three Heaven Calamities, and its grade is far higher than the 12-pin Immortal Dan refined by the Lord of Kunshan. The results of this battle need not be said much, and the verdict will be high!

The Lord of Kunshan's face was ashamed. At this moment he heard a sigh and sighed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he still lost today. He lost so thoroughly that he couldn't have the slightest desire to fight back. Just because of his whole life, he has no confidence that he can refine the second ancestor Dan. Even if he reaches this level one day in the future, what kind of situation will the Xiao Yu Dan Tao dominate the girls today?

"Xiao Fu is truly unpredictable. In this battle, I am convinced to take it orally and I will keep my promise. In the future, whenever I meet with Xiao Fu monks, I will definitely retreat, and I will not embarrass Xiao later.

The Kunshan protagonist gave a sacrifice, swung his robe sleeves, and turned away to tear the space away. He did not say hello to the other three monks who came with him, making the three faces suddenly look extremely ugly. Unsurprising. Today he was hired by 5 people, and came to Saul Xiaofu's prestige aggressively. He didn't want to make two consecutive shots, but ended up ashamed. He was completely defeated by Xiaofu's cultivation. This left the remaining masters of heaven, Brahma, The three boneless masters cursed and probed the news. In addition to the monk's wine bag and rice bag, there was a little anxiety in their hearts. After all, no one knows whether there is any other hidden power in this Xiao House. Thinking about the end of the Lord of the Shadow Element and the Lord of Kunshan, the three of them immediately regretted it, and should not take over the deal. Where is this Xiaofu government that just opened the government? Its deep foundation is probably not comparable to the idle gate valve forces, but now people have already spoken out and cut off the path of retreat. No matter what the path is, they also I can only go all the way to the end!

The pale alchemy of Ganoderma lucidum suddenly showed a happy smile. She finally helped Brother Xiao Chen to defeat the master of Kunshan. Later, the brother will know that Ganoderma lucidum has grown up completely and has the ability to help him! But at this moment, the little girl's eyes flashed suddenly, and she seemed to think of something. Looking back at Xiao Chen, "Brother Xiao Chen, Dan Dao, we have won, right?"

Xiao Chen nodded, looking at the pale complexion of Ganoderma lucidum and the smile on his face. At the warmth of his heart, he was completely impatient with those guys who came here today. If it were not for them, Ganoderma would not be damaged by the alchemy.

"Win, you little girl remember to me, you will not be allowed to shoot like this today, otherwise I will definitely get angry and punish you."

Lingzhi felt the care in Brother Xiao Chen's words, and her heart was sweet, and her face suddenly became slightly flushed, and she hurriedly covered her mouth. "Then Brother Xiao Chen, open your mouth faster. If you do n’t swallow it for a quarter of an hour, the effect will be greatly reduced. ”The little girl stretched out her hand while speaking, holding the red and gorgeous second ancestor Dan to Xiao Chen ’s mouth.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly and naturally had absolute trust in Ganoderma. In addition to hearing about the use time of this Dan, now Zhangkou is swallowing this Ling Dan. As for the medicinal effect, please ask again later.

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