Although Xiao Chen is a bit overbearing and overbearing, he is not a blind man.

The master of Wan Jian nodded, showing a little appreciation in his eyes. The big husband walked between heaven and earth. If he wanted to achieve great achievements, he would have to be broad-minded.

"Xiao Chen, today you did nothing wrong, but after all, the boneless master is the pinnacle of my ethnic group. This matter can never be repeated, you must remember. If you have to do so, you must not take another shot to kill my ethnic group. Or, if you really commit anger, you wo n’t be able to resolve it so easily today. "

"One thing you have in mind about this is that this seat is inconvenient for a long time, so let's go first." Wan Jianzhi turned around and stepped forward, waving his hand to tear the space and.

Xiao Chen respects his strength, “Grand Master.” He is very grateful to the Lord of Wan Jian. The teacher has spared no effort to protect him, and has even repeatedly conflicted with him. Keep in mind that if you have a chance in the future, you will naturally look for opportunities to repay.

But at this moment not thinking about these ideas, Xiao Chen waved his hand, "This seat has left in advance, and you continue to recruit your monks." The language took a step forward, and the figure also disappeared.

After Xiao Chen's figure disappeared for a moment, the whole space was still silent, and for a moment countless monks looked at each other, and their faces suddenly showed excitement and excitement.

"You are going to join Xiaofu! Your brothers, you are joining our family!"

"Walk around, let's go to Xijia immediately to clean up and leave. Following this kind of gate valve forces, there will be absolutely no future in the future. Maybe annoyed Xiao Xiao, one day, it will be destroyed! Join Xiaofu, only then It's the smartest choice. "

"It turned out that this is the true heritage of Xiaofu. Fortunately, we have seen this scene today, otherwise we must have missed a good time to join Xiaofu now. When people are full of monks, it will be difficult for us to go in again!"

"Follow Xiao Chen's freedom from insults, and follow Xiao Cheng's bright future!"

"We all have to join Xiaofu Wow!"

A group of monks in line or the ancestral repair of the ancestral city that was still hesitant before was completely excited at this moment. There was no hesitation before, and the colors of excitement and enthusiasm swarmed all over, which immediately made the lively scene outside Xiao Fu Gate higher.

Today, it is bound to be the beginning of the prestige of the Xiao House and the tribe of the Yangwei people!


The ancestors of the Yi family sat up high, and many of His Highness's strong families sat down, looking awed.

"The ancestors still had some clever calculations, and they did not compete with the thorn ring Alliance Zhong Yuyue for the dominant position in this incident. Now they are beaten by Xiao Fu, and they are ashamed." The author told about a battle of dragons and tigers near the shallow lake today, and some of them were just fortunate. According to the power revealed by Xiao Fu today, even if his Yi family shoots, that is useless.

Originally, the ancestors of the Yi family remained unmoved, leaving the Eurasian Alliance to replace his position in the ancestral city as the leader of this event, which led to secret dissatisfaction among the many strong Yi family members. Although no one dared to speak, it was inevitable. In my opinion, I now know that the saying that **** is old and spicy makes sense.

Yi Lao's face was calm. At this moment, he waved slightly. His Highness reverently politely retreated to one side to sit down. "This seat knows well about Xiao Chen's mind and nature. This person seems to be tough and overbearing. In fact, he has to do it step by step. Every step must be done Complete preparation will fall. Now that he is encouragingly recruiting the repair of the ancestral city, he has obviously expected to be secretly troubled by other forces, knowing that there is no convergence, naturally there is a countermeasure. Although the old man expected this, However, the strength revealed by Xiao Fu today is still out of the estimation of the old man. It seems that Xiao Chen is hiding so deeply that there must be a great secret behind it! "

Speaking of which, the ancestor of Yijia paused slightly, his face was slightly ugly. Xiao Chen humiliated Yi Shenyuan in front of him and Nao Teng Shou Yan was in the back. It was a disappointment for the Yi family. Now that Xiao House is in power, this old man is naturally upset. But at this moment he took a breath and let his thoughts down, "Is everything ready for you?"

"Back to your ancestors, according to your instructions, you have selected 1ooo monks who are loyal and qualified enough, and you can always let them pretend to be from the family of my family and join Xiao's house. Then he was sent to my Yi family. "The Yi family owner stood up and replied respectfully.

"Okay, now that they are ready, tell them to be careful and let them go now. Presumably Xiao House is still wrapped by countless ancestral monks who want to join them. They should be careful and they won't cause doubt." Yi Lao Strangely instructed.

"Yes, ancestor!" Lord Yi nodded, turned and hurriedly left the hall, headed for the backyard.

This is the Yi family ’s plan. Sending the absolutely loyal monks from Yi family to Xiao House, you can ambush them as a masterpiece, or you can steal the exercises and classics together and practice them with the Yi family monks. Can be described as killing two birds with one stone!

Since it was impossible to crack Xiao House on the bright side, the Yi family had to use some secret means.


Jade Palace Mansion.

"The Lord of Hanlin, what happened today is exactly what you expected. The hidden depths of this Xiao Chen you and I imagine, but fortunately, I did not rush to do so this time, otherwise I will definitely lose my face." "Now that things have come to an end, how can I wait to do it? Is it just like watching Xiao Fu's powerlessness?"

The dreadful Lord frowned, looking up at the Lord of Hanlin. Although after the last incident of Renyuan Avenue in the south of the city, the prestige of Hanlin was turbulent in the Confucianism and Taoism, but this old man is still the strongest among the three. Moreover, what happened today was that the Lord of the Hanlin took the lead to block the three, so that the three did not get involved in today's Xiao House, and escaped from the face of the face. Now it is natural for him to get an idea for the follow-up things.

The Lord of Hanlin's face was calm, and he frowned at the moment when he heard the words, "Now the general situation of Xiao Mansion has become a reality, and it is extremely unwise to deal with it. I have already figured out how to deal with it."

"Today, Xiao ’s House is collecting the Xiu Xiu ’s recklessly. You and I can choose from their respective residences and send them to Xiao ’s House, and we can use it as a hidden nail to monitor Xiao ’s every move. You can also use the magical powers given by Xiao Fu in your hands and turn them into you and me. "

Speaking of which, the old man frowned, saying: "This sent monk must be of high quality, and it is best to become a senior monk in Xiaofu in the future, to control a certain force, in order to benefit you and me in the future."

"The Lord of the Hanlin said very much, isn't this Xiao government trying to recruit the people in the government, this seat will be given to him, but it is a waste of his family's resources to practice and learn their exercises, to this seat Cultivate monks! "The master of Dao Yuan raised his palm and smiled.

The dreaded Lord nodded, and his face was in agreement.

"That being the case, I will disperse after waiting here, and prepare for each one. Even if the Xiao House is in doubt, it is absolutely impossible to tell who is in your hand and me, and discipline them to know that they are poisonous, and they will eat it." Han Lin The main face was gloomy and slowly opened his mouth.

The master of the Tao Yuan and the master of the dazzling dazzling hands at the same time turned around and strode away.

"Xiao Chen, I have learned enough caution and will not take you lightly anymore, let you and I do a good job, and see how the final victory and defeat, who died who lives!" Han Linzhi The Lord groaned, a sneer chilling at the corners of his mouth.


"Recruit the Xiu under the door and send it into Xiaofu, thinking that it should be within!"

"The monks entered Xiaofu's house, learned their exercises and attributed them to their own use!"

"Insert eyeliner, monitor Xiao Fu's actions, and do it!"


For a time, the ancestors of the various forces in the ancestral city issued orders. Although the words were different, they were very similar. Therefore, a lot of monks emerged from those forces. With absolute loyalty, head straight for Xiao House ...


Left eyebrow dojo.

"Master, please rest assured that Ganoderma lucidum leads into the Temple of Medicine. Now that the injury has stabilized and there is no danger of deterioration, it only takes a few days of quiet cultivation to recover." Gu Shan came out of the Temple of Medicine and his face was hidden. Feeling tired, salute politely.

Xiao Chen nodded, waved his hand to get up, and was relieved in his heart. Fortunately, Ganoderma lucidum was extremely heavy but not life-threatening, otherwise he would be uneasy in this life.

Shubo hesitated slightly, and took a step forward. "Shao Gongzhu, since Lingzhi is okay, you should leave the dojo for the time being and go outside to preside over the overall situation. Although Xiao Fu won today's battle, the slaves thought they would never stop there. Let ’s give up, maybe there will be other unscrupulous means, and the young master has to guard against it. "

Xiao Chen frowned, and then nodded after thinking about it for a while. "Well, this seat will leave first, and Ganoderma will bother Shubo and Kushan to take care of you. If something unexpected happens, please inform me immediately and don't hide it."

They respectfully said yes.


Xiao House.

Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly above the main hall, sitting high, his brows frowned slightly, and there was a flash of cold light under his eyes. He waited here and saw what action the unwilling defeating forces would have now.

Waiting silently, but after just one hour, the steward of Telford came hurriedly, his face was solemn, and he saluted carefully before he said, "Sir, something is wrong, old slave comes to show you."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "Don't panic, nothing can be out of bluntness.

The Telford steward nodded, which made things clear. "Today I have shot many strong men in Xiaofu, and adults have suppressed the peaks of 17 ethnic groups. This has made our Xiaofu's reputation soaring and attracted more monks to join. But at the time of recording Suddenly, the number of old strong men has increased a lot, and there is evidence faintly proving that they came from all sides, and now they are joining our Xiao government. I am afraid that the comer is not good. Such monks must be in the government. It is a scourge, but it is extremely inappropriate to refuse to include it. After all, apart from these devastated monks, there are no fewer people who really want to join our Xiaofu. This is a bit tricky, and I ask your adults to show you how the husband and others should be. response?"

Xiao Chen was silent. After a moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a slight sneer. Is this your next step? Sending monks to join Xiao's house can be an eyeliner, and I can get the classics of Xiao's merit, and even use my Xiao's power to train you to be a strong person. It really is a good and intelligent wishful thinking, but this time, I am afraid I will let you down. Since you are waiting for a strong man who wants to contribute to the rise of my Xiao Mansion and contribute his own first-class qualifications, if this seat is not accepted, it will not fail your good intentions.

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