Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 259: No one refuses

"Come down, no matter who you are, you don't need to pay too much attention when you apply to join our Xiao government, as long as you meet the conditions and accept as many as possible, this seat has its own response.

The Telford steward heard courtesy and said, "Yes, sir." The words fell back a few steps and turned and hurried away.

He didn't have any doubts about the adults' decision. Since the adults said that they don't need to worry, they naturally rest assured that they will do everything. In a short period of time, Xiao Chen established a supreme position in Xiaofu by virtue of a series of things. Today, Xiaofu ’s cultivation has completely awed and convinced his own adults, and no one dares to be at a loss. question.


The fierce recruitment of monks in Xiao House came to an end. In order to complete the flock of monks, the original time of January was forced to be postponed for 7 days, before the swarm of horrible monks was swallowed. Today's Xiao Mansion, from the surface alone, its power has soared by hundreds or even hundreds of times compared to before!

The enrolled monks statistics are as follows: the number of monks who are above the heavens and the heavens is 216, the number of monks who are crossing the border is 237,451, and the number of monks who are combined is 2.519 million 342, although in the number of high-end monks Shang is still inferior to the old-fashioned forces of the human race, but the base of monks is not under it, or even has it. The thousands of monks in Xiaofu's house could not tolerate these countless monks. The mustard seed world, which had previously been obtained from the Lord of Fantasy, came in handy, and the countless number of people who joined the house with sincerity or other plans were given away. Settle in temporarily.

In the hall, all the monks in Xiaofu, who had been busy for more than a month, gathered here. Although physically and mentally exhausted, it was difficult to conceal the excitement in their looks!

In just one month, Xiao's strength was able to skyrocket to the point where they were completely out of expectation, and their eyes were excited. Occasionally, they swept from the seated figure in the temple, and could not help but give birth. The awe of the inner lungs.

"Sir, the solicitation of monks has come to an end, but there are mixed fish and dragons, and there are even some people who have no good intentions towards my Xiao House." Shu Bo respectfully said, "After several days of secret surveillance, the old slaves have noticed some deeds. Monk, put it into a book, and let the adults decide what to do. "

Xiao Chen took Yu Jian into his hands and swept away. He looked at the name of the monk in detail and repaired it. He is very qualified and looks like Yu Jian. There are tens of thousands of people. He sneered in his heart. So he accepted it!

"This matter has already been dealt with. I called you to come here today to resolve this matter."

"And go to the mustard world with this seat, some of the details in my Xiao Mansion, it's time you should understand." The words fell, Xiao Chen swept forward with a single palm, and a space crack immediately appeared, connecting Xiao House mustard.

Xiao Chen stepped in, and Yan Zhu, Yao Chi, Qi Daozi, and others followed.

The mustard world is an ancient power that divides the space into a magic weapon, making it an independent small space. Because of the underground veins and blessings, it is a small world of its own cyclic system, which can hold Numerous monks inhabit here, but it is necessary for all forces to settle their monks.

Xiao Chen and others entered, without concealing their own breath. The mighty coercion burst out suddenly, covering the entire ring world instantly. Countless monks in the cave hall opened their eyes at the moment, left Yuguang without hesitation, went straight to the outside, and saluted the robe of the green robe in the void. "Subordinates and others see you!"

The number of monks more than 2 million is overwhelming, and they can't see the end at a glance. At the same time, they are kneeling on one knee at the same time, but they can give people a very powerful visual impact, and they feel the omnipotence of the world! Even with Xiao Chen's state of mind, at this moment, I couldn't help but feel a little excited. After that, the 2oo monks were his lord's repair, and the blade pointed to the place where they charged. This palm has endless power and masters the lives and deaths of thousands It feels really fascinating!

The cultivation of the ants in that year has now established a foothold in the spiritual realm, and has created a large team. It is still weak, but there will be a day when it will shock the spiritual realm!

Xiao Chen inhaled deeply, depressed his thoughts in his heart, and took a step forward. The light in his eyes flashed slowly around the surrounding area, and he said in a deep voice, "This place once said that if you enter the cultivation of Xiao House, this place is glorious. Equal to you. This seat is not dead, you do n’t have to bear the slightest humiliation of others! This statement is not a vernacular, this seat swears today, but if my monk is loyal, this seat will never be negative, otherwise it will be mine Xiao Fu still has his thoughts. He will do his best, and Haijiao Tianya will kill him! "

Speaking of which, its horror in the body is slowly released, and the situation is tumultuous, irritable, and if the gods come to the world, it puts people under extreme pressure.

Suddenly turning around, Xiao Chen stretched out with a single palm, tearing fiercely towards the void in front of it, and the space was broken again. A portal appeared above the sky, the size of the sky, the golden light shone on the whole body. Where it will arrive.

"The connection between the passages is the biggest secret of my Xiao Mansion. The cultivation that enters here is life of my Xiao Mansion, death is the soul of my Xiao Mansion, and no changes can be made throughout his life, otherwise it will be severe. Die! "

"Now wait for you to enter it!"

Xiao Chen drank low, standing on the side of the portal of Wanzhang. He slammed in the blue robes, and He raged and writhed.

Xiaofu mustard field has now been refined by the left eyebrow dojo and merged into an independent space that can be connected to the dojo in two directions. This is to cover up the eyes and enter the dojo from the mustard field, and it will not be troubled by suspicion.

Shu Bo has been prepared in the dojo, and the Dao array has opened, and any soul entering the dojo will be branded with the dao pattern. If he remains loyal to Xiao Chen in the future, Daowen will be harmless and even increase the monk's practice. On the other hand, if he wants to do something to endure Xiao Chen's harm to the Taoist temple, Daowen will explode instantly, and the monk will be destroyed! With the control of the power of the Dojo, even the strongest in the ancient realm cannot forcibly get any information out of the monks from the dojo, this is also to ensure that the news of the existence of the dojo will not be revealed. This is also the reason why Xiao Chen is obviously unwilling to send monks to the various forces.

No matter what purpose they come from, as long as they enter the dojo, it is his monk Xiao Chen, and it will never be possible to damage the rebellion to Xiaofu! So those undead who plan secretly and feel that they have taken a good move, are afraid that they will have to shoot themselves in the foot.

Master Yan's eyes flickered, and he saw that many monks were hesitant. At this moment, he took a step forward and drank, "Swallow's Nest is a monk from a family, follow this seat first!" Lead by example.

"Yes, Lord Yan!" The 30,000-year-old Swallow's Nest originator should also sing at the same time. The figure immediately follows Lord Yan in the package of Luguang, and queues up the line of dragons, whistling straight towards the portal, and within a few minutes of interest time. Many of them disappeared.

"Yaowangfu is a monk from a family, follow this seat." The drug addict started, leading Qi Daozi and other monks to Wangchen respectfully, turned around and disappeared into the portal.

His Majesty Xiao Chen led the tens of thousands of monks into the portal, and it really played an exemplary role, dispeling the suspicion of countless monks. At this moment, Qi Qi respectfully claims that the sound of the waves is rolling, and the figure is transformed into a stream of light. Missed. Even the secretly calculated person, at this moment, can't quit even though he is suspicious, as long as he sticks to the door with many monks and disappears into the channel.

It took nearly half an hour for 2oo monks to flood into the portal and enter the left eyebrow dojo. Now Shubo has led the left eyebrow legion to wait for more than ten thousand soldiers to rectify the influx of monks.

Yun Sheng, Tietou, Telford Housekeeper, and the Rock Squad finally set off. Xiao Chen frowned, waved his hand to stop it, and told the whole thing truthfully. Only the things about the dojo were hidden. How to choose them Choose your own.

If he enters the dojo, it will be Xiao Chen's true confidant monk in the future. Otherwise, he can only become the cultivation of the periphery of Xiao Mansion, and cannot reach the core. It ’s not that Xiao Chen is too careful, but it ’s about the dojo, and he ca n’t help but be cautious, otherwise, he will cause himself to kill God if he is inadvertently a little, and even the entire Xiaofu 2 million monks will be wiped out. !!

The stewards of Yun Sheng, Tietou, and Telford gave the first choice. The three of them were the brand of Xiao Fu, which was completely branded. There was no possibility of rebellion. Since Dao Wen will not affect their minds, they can only be regarded as one. They kept secret means, they would not refuse. The Rock Squad and others waited a little after hesitating. They met with Xiao Chen as friends, but after the imprint of Daowen in the future, when they face Xiao Chen, they may be detained more.

Xiao Chen sighed as he watched several figures fall into the portal. Although he was unwilling to do so, he had to do so to ensure that the dojo was hidden from view. However, he had already made up his mind. Once he had enough strength to protect himself in the future and no longer worry about the leakage of the dojo, he would lift the lines on the body of Yun Sheng and Pan Shi. After all, he needed disciples and friends, not His Majesty monks who did not dare to obey everything. Shaking his head slightly, Xiao Chen walked in the vanity and stepped into the portal. As his figure entered, the trembling portal trembled like a water surface, gradually becoming illusory, and eventually disappeared completely.


Recently, the turbulent and turbulent ancestral city has gradually stabilized along with the death of Xiaofu. Everyone in the ancestors of this city knows that Xiaofu has taken the absolute upper hand in this battle. Now the belly is round and it has converged It was digested in secret. After the service monks packed the house, they worked hard to train for hundreds of years to obtain a group of loyal and formidable subordinates. Another gatekeeper in our people was considered complete. It's out. Now Xiaofu ’s mighty power is overwhelming the influential forces of countless ethnic groups, and who else can control the family in the future, it seems that the days of this ancestral city will soon change.

Now referring to Xiao Mansion, no matter where the monks came from, or if they resent or curse or reverence, the fear in their hearts cannot be faked. The Xiaofu master has already proven one thing with his fist, but any monk who opposes Xiaofu can't go well.

As for the many weird sneers in secret, I look forward to waiting for the family sent out secretly to send back the news, but there is no news left and right, and my face is naturally not so good-looking. The old guy who had a good relationship secretly couldn't help but ask each other, and learned that the other side had sent out monks just like his own family, and so far no news has been returned, such as the ancestors of the Yi family and the master of Hanlin The old guys were completely gloomy with old faces, and they looked as ugly as eating a fly with their mouths open.

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