Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 261: Seven Spirits Colorful Yin Yang Flower

Well, this is the place where the Telford steward doesn't want to remember. If he can, he would rather not deal with the guys in the penalty channel in his life. Once he approaches, he can clearly smell them even after a few dozen feet. The gloomy, rotten smell of the body, I don't know why these guys like to choose the way of punishment, and what kind of magical powers they have cultivated, all of them are pale and air-conditioned. Bayi (Chinese <网? <? W] W] W). ) 8 & gt; 1? Z} W]. & gt; C & gt; OM, especially the leader of the punishment channel, Fei Yan, thinking about the last time he went to bring back 1oo punished monks. Those guys wept and sullen and looked at the non-Yan commander's face with fear, and let the Telford steward endure I can't help but feel cold, and I've made up my mind that I will never make a mistake in my life, and I can't fall into the hands of these guys in death.

In addition to the six left-eyebrows of adults, most of them are monks who are dedicated to their cultivation. They are eating panacea, collecting magic weapons, and learning the classics of merit given by adults. Fortunately, one after another, the steward of Telford has long been distressed. No, I have to kick them away.

During the 3oo years, Xiaofu ’s power was tremendous, but this is just the beginning. The future is still long. The steward believes that adults will take them to become stronger and stronger, and no one dares to provoke them. !!

"Huh! When the next time I show my strength in Xiao Fu, let those secretly unscrupulous people be completely frightened, or let them know that we in Xiao Fu are not able to provoke anyone now!" The Telford housekeeper turned his thoughts and raised his eyebrows proudly. Even an old guy with a general qualification can be improved from the early period of the robbery to the late period of the robbery in just 3oo years. The progress of others is needless to say!

But at this moment, when he could see the information in Jade Jane, Telford's eyes suddenly opened, but he didn't dare to delay, turned around and hurriedly ran away with this thing. The adult waited for so long. The news, he dare not delay.


The second floor of Zuomei Dojo is a vast area that was previously barren. With the influx of more than 2 million monks, and after 9 thousand years of prosperity, there are not a small number of families and practitioners. The number of monks is not easy to liquidate, but a rough estimate should also be made. More than ten million has added a lot of vitality to this long-desolated land.

On the second floor of the dojo, hundreds of thousands of monks survived during the period of the Zuo Mei Taoist people. Although Yiying City's buildings were mostly dilapidated, they could be relocated after a few simple repairs. Several acropolises in the surrounding area are still barren in other areas, and wild beasts run rampant. Fortunately, Xiao Chen is the master of the dojo, and has the right to kill and seize these wild beasts. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult for these 2oos and more than 2 million monks to stand on their heels in this area. From the fall of the left eyebrow Taoist until Xiao Chen got the dojo to open the second level of the dojo, during which period I do n’t know how many years, the beasts left over from the early years have multiplied to this day, the number can be imagined, even some of them are powerful The Beast Emperor, the peak of the ethnic group is by no means a minority, even the half-step barren ancient and even the barbaric ancient wild animals may exist, but they avoid Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen cannot sense their existence. Fortunately, these beastly emperors have the wisdom and they dare not embarrass the Lord of the Dojo. The two sides are now in harmony. As long as the monks in the dojo do not provoke them, these beastly emperors are only responsible for the slaughter of some of their descendants. You can open your eyes and close your eyes when you are invisible.

And Xiao Cheng is a city built by Taoists on the second floor of the dojo. It has the same status as the ancestral city of the human race. It has a magnificent atmosphere and occupies thousands of territories. Xiao Chen now lives in it and retreats. , At least appeared in the outside world in the nine thousand years.

But now the Telford steward has come to Xiaocheng, rushing to the retreat palace of adults with his waistband. There are countless guards outside the hall. Although they know that there will be no accidents, they still do their best to fulfill their obligations. Even if the Telford stewards want to enter the adult's residence, they need to go through a lot of investigations. Finally, I passed all the relevant cards to enter the inner hall. There are very few guards here, and the more luxurious the hall, the more I feel when I walk into it, I feel awkward, and then I am in awe.

There are still more than 3oo away from the retreat of the adult. The steward of Telford has stopped and said respectfully. "My lord, the news that you have waited for the old slave has come. Please ask the adult to go out and check."

No one answered, but the Telford steward did not dare to pretend, and still maintained a slightly respectful posture. Now, with the passage of time, His Majesty's monks are getting stronger and stronger, and his status in the minds of Telford stewards has become higher.


A moment later, the back door of the temple opened, and a tall and straight figure slowly came out of it. The green robe, black eyes, and calm complexion remained the same as in the past, but the adult's breath became deeper and deeper. For the improvement!

The Telford steward did not dare to look at it any more, and hurriedly lowered his waist and back, and put Yu Jian in his hands.

Xiao Chen took it, and directly divided into a little sense of insight into it. After a moment, he slowly lifted it, and his eyes flashed a bit of depressed joy. "This news is extremely important to this seat. It has made the housekeeper more tired these years. You should go to the leader of the ganoderma lucidum and ask her to give her a reincarnation Dan, and see if you can break through your own reliance on this Dan. "

The Telford housekeeper was overjoyed, and hurried to his knees. "Thank you for your reward!"

Reincarnation Dan is one of the spiritual ancestors of Zuo Mei Yi Dao. It is not easy to refine. After swallowing, it can put the monk into chaos. By relying on the effect of medicine to turn into reincarnation, the monk's own gods have died like thousands of lives. In order to break through its own bottleneck, find the obsession in your heart, and open the door to promotion to heaven and humanity! With the Telford stewardship qualification, it is extremely difficult to promote heaven and earth by yourself without medicine. It was at this moment that the reincarnation Dan was given, and the excitement in his heart can be imagined.

Xiao Chen waved his hand, but the Telford steward stood up respectfully, and took a few steps back before rushing away.

"The seven spirits and the colorful yin and yang flowers, this seat waited for 3oo years, and finally found your news. I hope this time will not let this seat disappoint." Xiao Chen groaned, and now the 9ooo hardship in the dojo has been completely repaired. Reaching the bottleneck, even physical practice can no longer grow a little bit, breaking through the mysterious fetus to reach the emperor, and then the promotion of heaven and earth is a matter of urgency!

Waved to tear the space, Xiao Chen stepped into it, and the figure disappeared.


Zucheng, Shangyuan Auction Hall.

The figure of the black robe suddenly tore through the space and appeared at the entrance of the auction hall. Although there was no trace of breath in the body, it came directly to the sky. The peak of the ethnic group is self-evident, and countless monks are all around Leaning forward, looking awe.

Wang Fatzi was already waiting in front of the auction hall. At this moment, when he saw the visitor, his eyes suddenly showed joy and awe, and he came quickly, respectfully, "Master."

The monk in the black robe shook his hand, and Wang Fatzi stood up directly, and didn't say much to lead the way in front of the imagination, and countless monks rushed away. In the auction hall, in countless awe of the eyes, the two boarded the private room on the second floor. The repair of the black robe took off the external black robe, and the black robe of the blue robe was Xiao Chen.

"Wang Daoyou wrote that there were news of the Seven Spirits Colorful Yin Yang Flower. I do n’t know if this is true? Xiao Chen could n’t say much and went straight to the subject. Now he ’s repaired to the bottleneck. Huabian is one step closer to refining Dayan Longhun Dan.

Wang Fatzi politely salutes, "Master Xiao Chen is assured. If there is something catching the wind, the junior will not dare to tell you the trouble and trouble you. However, this matter is more hidden. Qing, now someone has been sent to ask Master to come and let his old man explain it for him. "

The time of 3oo passed, the reincarnation of ordinary life, but for the monks of Xiandao just momentarily, when the prestige of the prestigious Xiao House was vividly remembered yesterday, making Wang Fatzi a little more when facing Xiao Chen Awesome. What's more, he can have the status as he is today, and respected by the teacher as a heir to the family, can only be obtained through the rise of Xiao Chen. On a detailed calculation, Xiao Chen is undoubtedly his benefactor. In this way, in the face of Xiao Chen, Wang Fatzi is naturally a bit more petty.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. He only received the colorful spirits and yin-yang flowers in the auction hall of Shangyuan. Now it seems that things are not what he thinks, and his brows are slightly frowned. Resistance, it is also good to be able to get some news related to the Seven Spirits and Colorful Yin Yang Flowers, which is much easier than his blind haystack search.

Seeing this, Wang Fatzi sighed a little, quickly filled with tea, and served him respectfully.

After a while, two people walked quickly in the private room. It was the main hall of Shangyuan who dedicated to Qing Lingzi and Qingying. "There are some things before the old man who can't get out of the way. No wonder. "

Qing Lingzi hurriedly explained, for fear that it would cause dissatisfaction in his heart, Qing Yan converged and salute, and his face was a little worried. With Xiao Chen's status today, even such an old man like Qing Lingzi has some troubles, not to mention this woman.

Xiao Chen nodded and said: "You don't need to be courteous for the Green Lingzi Daoyou and the Green Dao Daoyou. This seat just waited for a while and it didn't bother you."

"But when I heard about the Seven Souls and the Colorful Yin Yang Flowers, I was inevitably a little anxious. This thing is very important to this seat. I also ask the Qingling Zidao friends to tell the truth about the details. If you can get this thing, this seat must be grateful. ! "

Such an opening as Xiao Chen has already been regarded as a promise to Qing Lingzi, which is enough to see the importance of the seven colorful yin and yang flowers.

Qing Lingzi rejoiced in his heart, but his face did not show the slightest bit, and he said respectfully, "Because of Master Xiao Chen, now the old man's status in the auction hall of Zucheng has risen a lot. It is all necessary for him to do these things. Adults don't have to. When my lord comes here, my husband will tell you everything. "

The weird slowly spoke and explained the whole thing.

It turned out that in the northeast outside of the human race, there were several clan distributions, endless expeditions and endless wars, but not long ago, at the junction of the East Manchu and the Ximan territory, it suddenly appeared. A weird thing, there is a crack in the ground leading to the endless ground, a dark wind called, but there is a treasure in the night rising to the sky, it seems that there is a treasure to come out. Later, I don't know where the news came from, saying that this is a large ancient gate site in ancient times. For some reason, it was sealed in the ground by a large array. Now the formation method is not working because of long-term disrepair and spiritual exhaustion. Spirit, this made the remains of Zongmen break free from the **** and pay the ground. There are also reports that bluntly here is the ancient Dan Tao giant sect, which is extremely wealthy. Zongmen Lingdan, magic weapons, and spiritual stones are piled up innumerable. It is an uncompromising treasure. Once you enter it, you can get Great fortune.

Various rumors have been mixed, but they all reveal a meaning, there are treasures here, there are treasures!

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