Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 262: movement

The news didn't know why it suddenly spread. Now that the clan's territories have spread, they have spread to the entire spirit world, attracting countless monks, but all the dependents have set off at this moment. 〔< 〔Eight (One [(Small [Speaking Network W? WWW.81ZW.COM

Qing Lingzi gave a brief introduction, and then his face suddenly suddenly disappeared, Shen said: "If it is just so down, but the old man has a close friend, but he identified the master in the auction hall of Shangyuan of the Eastern Manchu, he went to The ruins are at a level, and occasionally there is a sign of heaven and earth. The vision is the colorful awns covering the sky, and the flowers and grass stripes are manifesting, and the fragrance is fragrant. It is faintly visible that a **** grass is born in the colorful awns. There are seven leaves, which are colorful, which is no different from that of the other signs. According to historical records, such signs are manifestations of the seven spirits and colorful yin and yang flowers after they have matured. Because the old man mentioned to his old friends that he pays attention to the seven colorfuls The matter of yin and yang flowers, so he immediately sent a message to me after learning about it, and according to his inference, there must be a mature colorful spirit yin and yang flower in the ruins. "

Speaking of this, the old man hesitated slightly and said, "But besides the identification of the old friend, the old man is also a man who can predict good and bad calamities. According to him, under his law The ruins here are soaring in blood and savage, and there is a faint dying atmosphere hidden in it. If it is opened here, there may be opportunities, but it will definitely set off a **** storm and a mighty killing. When there are endless souls falling into it, The blood is soaked in the sky, soaking up the earth! The old man informed the matter, but I hope that adults can think more about whether to go to this ruin. "

The words were quiet, and the private room was quiet. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, his eyes were cloudy for a while, and his thoughts were obviously in a rush. Qing Lingzi was so solemn in his words, obviously it was definitely not wanton words. If this matter is true, there must be a lot of killings and crises in the ruins. But the Seven Souls and the Colorful Yin Yang flowers are his must-have. Even if he knows that the road ahead is full of crises and he is in constant danger, he cannot retreat because of this. What's more, the wealth and danger are sought, and the opportunity is to kill the situation. The monk had to go through a lot of hardships to travel in the wind and waves. If he knew that there was a calamity in front of him, he would be deterred, and the generation would be limited.

Qi Chen, a colorful yin and yang flower, must be obtained by Xiao Chen. Now that he has the news, he cannot miss it, so he doesn't need to worry too much. What's more, with his current practice, how can he be afraid of killing?

With a firm mind, Xiao Chen got up and arched his hand: "I have already received the news that the Seven Spirits and the Colorful Yinyang Flower are here. This seat is about to leave for the ruins. I just hope that the Qinglingzi Daoyou will keep this news for a while. This seat is very busy. "

Qing Lingzi hurriedly saluted, and said, "Master Xiao Chen, rest assured, the news of this incident was secretly communicated to me by my old friend. The old man has let him deliberately postpone some time for transmitting information, and presumably things have passed into my territories. It will take some time. However, the situation is so powerful that it cannot be concealed. I just hope that I can help the adults to get more time. "

"Furthermore, according to my old friend's best friend's guess, this relic now only has the signs that the town was broken to the ground, and it can only be opened after it completely broke out of the ground. The time will be at least six months. According to the old man's news Only so far in February, time is more plentiful, and Xiao Chen does not have to be too anxious. "

Xiao Chen nodded when he heard the words, arched his hands slightly, and turned around and walked away in a respectful manner. Now he is about to leave the territories to go to the ruins. Although there is plenty of time, it is always good to make some preparations early, and before he leaves, some things need to be dealt with urgently. As his thoughts turn, Xiao Chen leaves the Shangyuan auction hall. Waving directly to tear away space.


In the elder's hall, in the main hall of the sword of the thousand swords, this old man stands high, Xiao Chen respectfully stands below. "Master, disciples desperately need to get these colorful spirits and yin and yang flowers. Now it is time to come and resign to the master. It will come out. "

Xiao Chen thought again and again, and decided to go frankly with the Lord of the Swords. This was done to prove that he still respected his Master very much in his heart, and also wanted to get the promise of the Lord of the Swords. After he left, he took care of Xiao Fu From oppression. After all, although Xiao Fu is strong at present, there is no real peak strong man besides him, and this time he goes to the mysterious ruins. It is unpredictable and he will take away most of the power in his hands. This makes Xiao Fu empty. Cowardly. But if the Lord of Swords took care of him, he would naturally have no worries.

"Things about the East Manchu and the West Barbarians?" The master of Wan Jian frowned slightly. At this moment, the news hadn't come. Even the elders' elders knew nothing about it. "As you said, once the news of the ruins here breaks, it must be It will attract countless strong people to gather away. If your identity is seen, I am afraid the consequences will not be good. "

The terrible genius of the human race, a genius that can be born in hundreds of millions of years, Xiao Chen's reputation is not only well-known in the human race, even the spiritual monks of the billions of ethnic groups have never heard of his name. Not to mention the fact that Xiao Chen shook up the ancestors of the family to reveal the source of the thunder. Even though the matter quickly subsided, such important news must not hide the eyes and ears of the aliens embedded in the human race. The spread of the matter made countless The strong aliens are restless. After all, every additional monk who has mastered the origin may make the tribe more powerful in the future. What's more, based on this Xiao Chen's cultivation, the promotion of the ancient realm of the desert in the future is simply a matter of stability. Since then, it has become a thorn in the eyes of many aliens, and I want to remove it quickly. If they knew that Xiao Chen left the territories and went to the ruins, there must be an alien powerhouse who would try to **** Xiao Chen's origin and kill him!

Xiao Chen knew the meaning of the Lord of the Swords, and now respectfully salute, saying: "Master, do n’t worry, the disciples are going to change their appearances, as long as they are careful, they will not be noticed by others. And The disciple ’s practice at the moment is that, really, desperately, even if the ancient and powerful realm can take the shot in person, it may not be able to leave me. Moreover, the seven colorful yin and yang flowers are extremely important to the disciples, and they also asked the master to answer. "

The Lord of Swords looked at Xiao Chen's face with firmness, and sighed after a moment, saying: "Since you have decided, this seat will not advise you to stop, but remember to pay attention to the confidentiality of the identity, once things cannot be immediately retired , Absolutely must not love war. "

"As soon as you leave, Xiao Fu has his own seat in the matter. As long as this seat is still there, no one can insult them."

Xiao Chen got the promise he wanted, and his grateful expression suddenly appeared on his face. He deeply saluted and turned away. But just as he was about to step out of the temple, the voice of the Lord of Swords came again, "You must be careful when you leave the ethnic territory, you must not publicize this matter, and declare that you can practice in isolation. , Otherwise I'm afraid it will sprout. "

Xiao Chen paused at the foot, respectfully claiming that it was a big step away, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Even if the Lord of the Swords did not remind him of this, he had already thought that he now has a lot of enemies in the human race, and the people who want to make him ridiculed are definitely not a minority. Although they can't get him for nothing, they must never mind lending others' hands. Kill him. But he has already figured out how to deal with it, and everything is tomorrow. Presumably in this case, no one should put his attention on him again.

Leaving the hall of the Lord of the Swords, Xiao Chen met the Lord of the Stars with a secret technique outside the ancestral city, and the two kept secret discussions before leaving.


From the sun to the east, the hustle and bustle of the ancestral city has no meaning of being cold all the time. There are monks returning to the check-in center for a busy night, and there are also monks pushing out the door to merge into the mighty monk tide.

The ancestral city is the city that never sleeps in the human race!

However, in this bustling city, some places have always been quiet, and few people dare to disturb them. For example, the elders ’hall representing the highest authority of the human race, such as the spring garden with a respectable and unprovocative status, such as a lakeside shallow lake. Quiet and magnificent house ... Although Xiaofu is a new force of the human race, with its powerful power, it has established a firm foothold in the human race in a brutal way, and no monks should be underestimated. Even though the mansion has been silent for 3oo years and has not yet made a strong and powerful voice, but the power of a thousand miles around the shallow lake has never been dared by monks to come forward.

On the long street near the shallow lake, the ancestral monks living here mostly have an inexplicable sense of pride. Although they have no relationship with Xiaofu, they also feel that they can live near the powerful forces of this people. Fortunately, I will subconsciously scan the mansion several times every day, and my eyes are full of awe.

Lan Shiqian is the owner of a shop on Donglin Street. Since Lord Xiao opened a government building on the bank of the shallow water, the business of the entire Donglin Street business has increased a lot. He is also a beneficiary. Therefore, for Xiaofu, Beyond the deep awe, there is a little gratitude. Today, I sent away a patron, and Lan Shiqian negotiated a big business. As usual, he shook his hands in the direction of Xiao Fu to show his gratitude. After all, the popularity of the business today was all thanks to others. Illustrated Lord. But this time when his eyes fell, his body was suddenly stiff, his lips trembled, and his complexion was instantly pale.

This ... what's going on here? Is there a wide range of forces fighting?

I saw the magnificent gate on the shore of the shallow lake suddenly opened at this moment. The flashing forbidden light on the courtyard disappeared at this moment. A team of uniforms wore uniform armor. Mercury across the ground is silent, but it can give people unbearable pressure. It seems that the monk army will be suddenly difficult in the next moment, tearing all the creatures in sight. The arrogant and overbearing momentum burst out from their bodies, and turned into a blast, filling the whole sky!

At this moment, not only Lan Shiqian saw the scene at the moment, countless monks on the surrounding long streets looked dull, and then their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Numerous monks in the entire ancestral city now clearly feel this momentum. burst! What's more, the innumerable retreats at this moment have opened their eyes and suddenly stood up to look at the shore of the shallow lake. The flash of magic light seemed to penetrate the endless space and take everything into account!

Xiao Fu, who had been silent for 3oo years, what did he want today?

For a time, the entire ancestral city changed, Xiao House became the focus of countless ancestors in a short time, and a long-lost excitement appeared in their hearts. Although I don't know exactly what happened, Xiao Fu's shot must be a shocking event. Now it starts with such a huge momentum, which is obviously not unusual! Numerous monks in the ancestral city hurried to the shallow lake through the teleportation array. They wanted to know what the monk army from Xiao House was going to do!

2o Xiao Fu Zhi, a unified armor magic weapon, silently marching in the void, Teng Teng Qi condensed into a dark cloud, rising up to cover the sky, blocking the light of the sun, making people's eyes fall and shock!

Where are they going?

Numerous monks are driving Lu Guang far behind, and there are many powerful monks betting on God's thoughts.

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