One of the members of the team, who looked rather immature, shrank her neck and spit out her tongue. "Old ancestors, is the outside of the ethnic territory as dangerous as the general said, and you will lose your life if you are not careful?" If this is the case, let's not go. Bayi Chinese [[ W & gt; W?.) 8) 1] Z & gt; W? .COM ”

Lao Li looked at her own lawless granddaughter, showing fear, for fear of causing trouble after she went out, and hurriedly frightened, "The general said it's still light. Your little girl really thought it was fun outside the ethnic territory. Although our human race is strong, when we leave the ethnic territory, it is inevitable that there will be alien monks in secret. It is very possible to accidentally move away. "

Li Shan's face suddenly turned white, and she began to regret that she was crying to follow the old ancestors to run out of this business.

"Haha, why do you frighten your own baby girl, old Li head?" A brave man smiled, revealing two rows of neat teeth, "Shan Shan, rest assured, we are all walking on the old path of the human race ancestors, safe It ’s tight. Moreover, with the prestige of our human race, as long as they do n’t go out of the Eastern Manchu territory, which of the tributary clans along the way dare to pay attention to us, if there is a little bit of wind going on, they wo n’t be able to walk around. ”

"As long as we don't run wild and follow the planned route, we are safe."

Lao Li's head saw that his own intention was ruined by this man, and he couldn't help but glared at him with a beard, and cursed with a smile: "Mr. Feifei doesn't know how to drip, but I need you to be a good person. I wanted to make this little girl Be safe, now I'm afraid this idea will fail. "

Li Shan was already clever. At this moment, when she came back to God, she immediately and unwillingly insisted. The old Li's head promised some conditions. Then he was satisfied and decided to forgive him for cheating Miss Shanshan. However, some monks in the business group laughed for a while.

Human monks are protected by ethnic prestige. They can easily walk through many tribal territories, but these tribal monks do not have this treatment with each other, and most of them are hostile to each other. When the monks meet, they do not directly face each other. Therefore, the business group came into being. Most of the monks brought some unique miracles and other things to exchange spirit stones. When they returned, they would use the obtained spirit stones to purchase other items unique to the tribe and bring them back to the ethnic territory for sale. In the past, it is possible to get a lot of benefits, so that many monks near the edge of the ethnic borders are keen on this matter. But after all, they are leaving the ethnic group to go out for money. In order to seek security, there are very few monks in the tribe who go out alone. Most cities form large and small business groups, with more than a hundred people and at least ten people. Li Tou and his team of more than 2o people can only be regarded as a small business group. However, generations have been running on this road for many years. They have already established their own relationship. The goods can be quickly released in every place. The income is not small and the danger is low. Otherwise, the old man will not really Her own girl flirted with her, and took her with her to go outside the ethnic territory and sway in a circle.

However, at this moment, many monks laughing and laughing at the moment are all weird, and their faces are slightly weird.

"Single running business group?"

"Oh, this guy has a lot of courage."

"Well, the cultivation practice in the midst of crossing the robbery is not weak, but just looking at it, it should not be a monk who has walked this way."

"Regardless of who he is, even if this person is not weak, we don't know his fundamental nature, how could he have no reason to take an interest in him and join the business group. If this person goes out alone, or he doesn't know the rules or the depth, Either rely on it, but it's not good at any point. "

"Right, let's stay away from him so as not to cause trouble."

Several prestigious monks whispered in a few business groups. Li Shan supported her little ears, and looked at the monk who came alone from time to time, and hesitated in his eyes.

The blue robe, black eyes, ordinary face, and cultivation during the later period of calamity, calm and modest, this monk stepped forward and stood quietly in the team without facing the surrounding sweep or curiosity or The gloomy or unwilling eyes were all clearly understood, but they didn't care what they meant, and closed their eyes slightly, waiting for the gate to open.

After half an hour, Guan Yan was opened, and a number of ethnic monks, either businessmen or secret minds, stepped forward one by one and stepped through this gate. They were regarded as leaving the territories of the human race and set foot on alien territory.

The robe of the Qingpao stepped out of the city gate, his eyes flashed slightly, and his eyes calmly looked at the deliberately backward female nun in front of her. The girl-like Sanya was interspersed with several fine jade jade dumplings. The family is young and lively. A turquoise skirt is worn on the body. It is thin and tight, and it outlines a good shape curve. At this moment, the flickering eyes are full of hesitation, and the rosy lips are slightly pinched together, it seems that A little hesitant.

Li Shan was glanced at by the robe of this green robe, and she suddenly felt a violent jump, but it was a feeling of being directly penetrated by him, but it was slightly inductive but she had lost the previous feeling, it seemed only her illusion. However, after the previous instant feeling, the woman panicked. "It is not my ethnic territory outside the customs. It is dangerous. You still have to find a trustworthy business group to act together." Whispered a reminder, Li Shanti He followed the skirt with a quick pace.

"Ha ha ha ha! Lao Litou said the thought of the girl Huaichun. It seems that your girl feels good about this kid, and it ’s enough to match Shanshan's cultivation in the middle period. How about that? The strong man's surname is Li Mingmo, and Xiu Wei, who was in the late period of the robbery, was very prestigious among the business groups. At this moment, he joked and made a group of business people laugh.

Lao Li's beard shivered, and even Dao had to talk nonsense, his granddaughter had promised his family.

Li Shan was so ashamed that she couldn't lift her head. Yu Guang looked at the blue robe guy and saw him look dumb, she didn't mean to follow him at all, only to be treated as donkey liver and lungs by a kind heart, turned her head with a low hum. Go, secretly don't listen to Miss Ben's advice. Sometimes you have a loss, it has nothing to do with Miss Ben, what do you love. "

The robe of the Qingpao watched the monk in the front of the business group take out a magic weapon. When the wind rose, all the monks wrapped up and turned into a streamer and left, and the time to breathe into a streamer disappeared at the end of sight.

No one left or right, he slowly lifted up, smiled in the direction of the female nun leaving, and drove the light forward hundreds of miles away. Then he waved his hand to tear the space, stepped into it next, and the figure disappeared.


The Eastern Manchu is a small ethnic group among the billions of ethnic groups in the spiritual realm. It is not worth mentioning in the entire spiritual realm, but it has a little reputation in the human race because it is almost identical to the physical appearance of the human race. , Has always been very close to the human race, regard the human race as the kingdom of the dynasty, obediently and tamed, and the human race, in order to protect the tranquility of the territory, is quite supportive to the East Manchus, helping them to resist the harassment battles of the Xibar, Baiyue and other ethnic groups It is extremely intimate. Therefore, on this East Manchurian long street, looking up, there is no difference from the bustling city of human race, bustling, a lively scene.

Just today, without alarming anybody, a monk of Qingpao stepped into the city, didn't spend much time sightseeing, and went directly to a good inn courtyard to stay.

To the senior Liu Yun from the human race, the innkeeper was very close, and personally and respectfully took him into the residence, and then returned to the front yard with excitement. The territory of the Eastern Manchu is small, and the number of monks in its tribe is naturally small. The monks who have crossed the border are already strong in the tribe. The status above the heaven and earth is already a high and inaccessible existence. Today, we can greet a tribal senior who crossed the border. His inn, it's a big glory anyway.

The shopkeeper thought, the corners of his mouth could not help but wide open.

Moreover, after the shopkeeper left, the flowing cloud robe sleeve opened the courtyard with a wave, walked into it, and Yuan Shen broke out of the body and swept away. Nothing was noticed, so he nodded slightly. The courtyard is overwhelming.

"It came from the territory of the ethnic group, and it took almost one month to reach the Dongman nationality. Fortunately, the ruins have not been opened yet, and the time is not too tense." Liu Yun murmured, "But now I have traveled all the way, already. Feeling the breath of many strong aliens, it seems that the ruins have spread. Maybe there is really going to be a dragon fight. "

The Xiaoluo Xiu Liuyun is exactly Xiao Chen's change of appearance and adjustment of his own breath to conceal his identity.

"Let's rest here for a while, and then go to the ruins to see if you can get some useful information." Xiao Chen must be thinking, turning and stepping into the room, stepping directly into the left eyebrow dojo.

The small half-day scene, the courtyard forbidden aura of light flashed, Xiao Chen stepped away, and out of the city to see the vast sky at this moment, at this moment, the sunset fell, red clouds, like blood flowers, red The sky is beautiful and stern. His footsteps were faint, his face was a little groaning, and Xiao Chen smiled. Even if the blood on the front was really blooming and soaked in the sky, he had no retreat. If he wanted a great opportunity, he would have to endure great hardships. This is extremely cost-effective. transaction.

When no one was there, he waved his hand into the air, and his figure disappeared into it instantly.



As one of the strong tribes in the spiritual realm, its territory is endless. The monks in the clan have different factions from different factions and oppose each other to check and balance. Compared with other powers in the human race, it is not bad at all. However, among the demon clan, they are called the royal family. Although their number is very small, there is never any faction of the demon clan who dares to proclaim the imperial power of the royal family, otherwise it is bound to be an extremely miserable end for them.

The Dragon Clan is one of the imperial princes of the spirit world. As the darling of the heavens and the earth, the Dragon Clan can have tremendous strength at the beginning of its birth. Even if it is not cultivated, it can reach the peak of the ethnic group when it is grown up. The power makes the dragon tribe mighty far in the same rank as monks. The overwhelming physical body and blessing of the power of the origin make the peak monk of the ordinary dragon tribe possess infinite power close to the real wild ancient power, plus the wild ancient realm in the dragon tribe to sit in town, which makes its royal status stable. Taishan, even if it is the Phoenix and Taipei lines of the monster royal family, its true power comparison is far from being the opponent of the dragon family.

Fortunately, such anti-natural talents are destined to inherit the difficulties of the Dragon family and the scarcity of children. Even if the Dragon family strongly advocates polygamy or polygamy or everyone's non-destructive premise, etc. , But it is still difficult to give birth to a dragon child. As the first royal family of the demons, the number of dragons is only 3oo, not to mention the two lines of the phoenix and the ape, and the number is poor. The scarcity of ethnic groups is destined that the imperial royal family cannot become the actual controller of the entire ethnic group. Therefore, after a long time of trial, the three royal families defaulted their esteemed identities, but did not intervene in the affairs of ordinary ethnic groups. The emergence of the post of the demon clan co-ordinates the entire ethnic group.

The East China Sea is the vast sea area of ​​the vast territory that covers an area of ​​hundreds of millions of territories. It is a territories of the imperial royal family and no dragon order. Even the members of the imperial family are afraid to break into half a step.

Today, the sun is shining, and in the depths of the sea, on the side of a reef, two figures are fighting with each other fiercely, and it takes more than an hour to breathe and finish.

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