Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 266: Preliminary Ruins

"Hey, Bonnie, we haven't seen each other for thousands of years, but your skill has become more and more exquisite, only if I carefully guard it carefully, I am afraid that you will be defeated by the army. (August 1? W].) C] O] M> ”A man with a big body and a first-born double-horned man smiled and groped with his big hand back and forth in the arms of the beauty in the arms.

The beauty looked at her twenty-eight years, her skin tone was exquisite, her powder was reddish, and she was lazy after she was in love. There was a graceful unicorn on her head, which added a little extra flavor. At this moment raised his eyelids and let the man wander freely with a pair of big hands. After a while, the man grinned, but it was a rebirth of thought, and he was about to turn around and take the horse to whip, but his face suddenly changed, a few different colors flashed in his eyes, and he reached out and patted the beauty-hip, Nuyi, I have some things today, so I wo n’t be here with you. Take a break and I will take a step. "

That Bo Nuyi was aroused by desire-fire, and was about to have another feast. At this moment, when he heard the words, he gave the man a harsh white glance. , Don't blame me for looking happy to Hecedon. "

Nuo Cha frowned, and stretched out her hand and touched her, "Go, go, you Bonuyi is out of style. There are more than 13o males in our family, except for the old ancestors, which have not been tasted by you. "

He jumped into the sea under his feet while talking, and the next moment the surging waves came into being, but it turned directly into a dragon with a length of 70,000 feet, with 7 claws under his belly. At this moment, the big tail swung into the deep sea. Nowhere to be found.

The red-naked body of Bonu Yi hummed, and also jumped into a 6-clawed mother dragon, leaving in another direction.

It turned out that the two people who were happily on the reef were the dragons. According to rumors, this tribe was sexually immoral, but today it is exactly the same.

Blossom two flowers, one on each watch, not to mention how the Bo Nuyi looked at what a mighty drenching battle of Noah ’s Sea. Nocha dived into the sea, and the giant tail swung straight to the bottom of his home. The Dragon Palace went away, and ordered a number of shrimp soldiers and crabs to guard it, and the Dragon Palace ban was turned on. This demon dragon took the human form and hurriedly went straight to the temple. The screen receded, and Nocha took a palm to shoot the void in front of him. The space suddenly collapsed to reveal a dark hollow, and a jade slip appeared in it. At this moment, there was a faint aura.

"Well? What is this weird looking for me, and is there something else I need to do with me?" Nuo Cha teamed up with a certain Terran figure tens of thousands of years ago to help him cut off a great opponent. After making some contacts, but because of secretly avoiding suspicion, they have never contacted since that incident. Slightly frowning, the demon dragon reached out to take out the jade Jane, and the Yuanshen induction was no different, so he separated a trace of godliness into it.

After a few breaths, Nocha suddenly opened his eyes, his face turned red, his body trembled, enough to know the degree of excitement in his heart, "The source of thunder! It is the source of thunder! This person is not only deceived from me, but it must not be deceived, The biggest possibility is that he was hated by Xiao Chen, but he was not good enough to take the shot himself, so he told me about it and wanted to use his own hand to remove it! "

"That's it, it must be it, so it's true!"

The dragon walked back and forth in the hall excitedly, dancing.

The Dragon tribe is favored by the heavens and the earth. Although the children are rare, the monk Shouyuan in the tribe is extremely long. Although it is undeniable that the immortality and the sun and the moon have the same life, the Nuocha has survived for hundreds of thousands of years. The old monster, but the news today still makes him hard to suppress.

The birth of the Dragon is a darling of heaven and earth. The strength of the talent can be called the supreme existence of the spirit world. Even compared with that of the Demon Emperor, it is exactly the same. However, it is because of this that the high talents restrict the promotion path of the Dragon monks.

Ordinary monks, if they have the power of the origin, they can break through the trance and promote the wilderness, but for the Dragons, they have the divine origin, and they have the power of the origin on the day they came out, which is nothing for them. However, due to the checks and balances of the heavens and the Tao, the Dragons are also constrained by it. If they want to be promoted to the ranks of the Dragons, they need to realize and master the power of one source again.

This Nuocha is also the proud of the Dragon tribe. Otherwise, he will not get the favor of Nabo Nuyi and love to borrow more. This demon dragon repair has already reached the peak of the ethnic group. It has mastered the second species tens of thousands of years ago. The power of the origin-the origin of thunder! However, he had some roots in this source, not from self-perception. Although he got it, it grew slowly, and even nearly stagnated for nearly a thousand years, which made Nuocha very upset. But if he can successfully devour the other source of thunder, he must be able to make his source power soar instantly. Even if he cannot reach the level of Dacheng, he should have enough power to help him break through the maggots and promote the wilderness!

If not, how could it be so morbid in its nature.

"Ximan tribe secretly manipulated the tributary tribe for my demon tribe, and the king personally went here to kill that Xiao Chen, seize its origin, and achieve the position of dragon emperor!" Nocha flashed in his eyes, and turned hurriedly Ready to go.

In order to prevent the news from being revealed by others, Nuocha used other excuses to ask the elders for a holiday, and Benlong went straight to the Xibar people with his excitement. With his cultivation, this area has not been promoted. How difficult is Xiao Chen in the heavens and the human realm?

But things may not be as simple and smooth as he thought ...


The East Manchu and the West Man races have been the enemy of life and death since ancient times. Your East Manchus have tied the thighs of my people, and my Ximan people have the support of the demons. When your East Manchus built the Manchu city, my Ximan people built In Mancheng, you have 10 million troops stationed in the East Manchu, and 1.1oo people in the Xibar clan. You and I come and go from side to side, and we ca n’t fight each other from all sides. The number of monks who ridicule each other ’s hands cannot be counted. It is a **** feud, and they ca n’t be washed away by exhausting the waters of heaven and earth.

If it is the usual time, between the two strong gates of Mancheng and Mancheng, there will be two sergeants fighting together. Even if there is no war, the battle will endlessly endlessly, but the injuries will be heavy. A tacit agreement converged, and the door was closed, and neither opened the door to provoke nor sent monks to provoke and scold, which made the assassination between the two clans into a strange state of tranquility.

However, without the actions of the two sergeants, instead of being indifferent here, they became more lively. At first, when the news of the ruins came out, two or two monks came to check it, but now as time goes by, the number of monks rushing to this place is increasing, and their cultivation is also more powerful. The cultivation of heaven and humanity abounds. .

There is occasional tremor on the ground during the day, and it seems that something will come out of the ground. At night, it will flash with brilliance and brilliance. It seems that there is a treasure under the crack in the ground. It ’s not that the greedy monk who wants to be a savage monk wants to be a quick one to step into the ruins. Although the matrix method has begun to collapse, Yu Wei is still there. Falling into the town of Fafeng will trigger the battlefield back. After 13 monks in the heavens and humans broke in together, but under the shock of the collapse of Yuanshen Jade Jane in just half an hour, finally no monks attempted to break into the ruins in the first place. They could only force their hearts to be temporarily depressed. Wait for the day when the ruins are fully opened.

But even so, there are a lot of monks around the ruins throughout the day, most of them are monks who come to investigate the ruins, or who are afraid that an accident may make the ruins open earlier and miss the best time. Therefore, although it is quite lively at night, Many monks are grouped in groups of 3 and 5, illuminated by the spirit stone array, making it bright as day. Above the sky, the space was torn silently and without attracting any monks' attention. Then a green robe monk stepped out of it. At this moment, his eyes flickered and he looked around.

This person is naturally Xiao Chen, a pseudonym!

At this moment, his figure is on two drones. The mountain is not steep, and because the mountain is round, there is bluestone on the top of the mountain, and it looks like a beautiful woman, so the two peaks are called together. **-peak. And the place where the ruins were unearthed was in the ridge formed by this mountain peak. The ground had long cracked, and there were dense cracks covering the entire ridge. Generally speaking, there are countless Guanghua Baoqis coming out from this crack. Under the rough induction, it is indeed a treasure, and its grade must not be low.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, hesitated slightly, stepped under his feet, the figure landed on the ground in the light package, his eyes looked slightly diligently, somehow, at the moment when he appeared here, an extremely dangerous feeling appeared in the Xiao Chen's heart made Han Mao grow up behind his back, his eyes were vacant, and there was a flicker of coldness. It seemed that in the endless darkness, a pair of eyes were staring at him behind. This feeling was so strong that Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Inhaling deeply and slowly suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Xiao Chen ignored the gaze or vigilance or jealousy or sneer, and walked slowly along this mountain stream. Today, there are only some small fish and shrimps here. The real strong ones have not yet appeared. Although they came early, once the ruins have been opened, they are most likely to follow the soup and not qualified to participate in the ruins. Opportunity in contention. Such a small character, based on Xiao Chen's current practice, naturally does not take it into consideration at all. It is best if they do not know how to disturb, otherwise he will blame his men for being ruthless. Now it is not in the territories, and the monks gathered in this valley are not human beings. He will naturally not be softened when he starts.

The remains of Xiao Chen are here, and I want to explore more. Whether the ruins, as told by a close friend in the mouth of Qing Lingzi, will take several months to open, so I can be sure of it. Now that he has arrived in the East Manchu, he will never give up on this, even if he knows that it might be a fierce place. No matter what, the Seven Souls and the Colorful Yin Yanghua will be there for him!

Moving slowly along the valley, Xiao Chen's brows frowned slightly, his eyes fell on the ground cracks, his eyes flickered, apparently through the induction of breath, and it was estimated how long it would take for the underground front to collapse.


[3rd, I am a bit late today, sorry. 】

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