Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 267: tyrannical

"Hey, where's the Terran monk, so pretentious, is it because of his cultivation that he can still see why it is on the ruins. [((Eight

"It's bluffing. If he repairs in the middle of the robbery, if he also tried to get involved in the ruins, I really don't know how to write the dead words!"

"Haha, wait for this guy to take a shot and teach this kid. Anyway, now I'm waiting here and I'm bored. Right is to have some fun."

"Even if you want to explore, maybe this kid can really see some doorways, and it's better to ask them to know with me."

Several monk monks laughed, and one of them strode up. "噔 噔" went straight to Xiao Chen. "Una kid, I do n’t know if you have seen this for a long time, you might as well say it. Let me tell you, the demon master. "The demon's breath burst suddenly, but he was a monk at the beginning of the heavens and the man, and he was not weak in this valley.

Xiao Chen frowned, his eyes flashed sharply, and slowly turned around, but at this moment, before he spoke, a low drink came out. "Demon friends of the clan are trying to rely on cultivation and insult my clan's cultivation. No way! "

The sound didn't fall, and several Taoguangs roared from a distance and landed directly on Xiao Chen's magic gun, stopping the demon's repair.

The five visitors were human race monks, wearing uniform gowns and carrying long swords with a strong breath. They were a handsome man with a straight nose and a handsome face. At this moment, their faces were slightly gloomy. Although they were faintly speaking, there was a trace of coldness. Like the sword-mang, it is obviously that the kendo line was cultivated as a profound one. These five people seem to be monks of the kendo sect of a certain ethnic group, and their cultivation is not weak, and they have reached the three realms of heaven and man for the men. The other four are also above the realm of heaven and man, 2 men and 2 women, all heroic. Cool and excellent in appearance.

"Do n’t worry, you and I are all human beings. When you go out, you should take care of each other. I and 5 others are here, and I will never let some uncles hurt you." The other man spoke slowly, although his voice was polite, but a little proud.

The monk monk's face became extremely ugly, and he seemed to recognize the five people in front of him. He smiled coldly. Repair it? "

"All ethnic groups and friends, please invite everyone to stand up today and discuss with the cultivated students of this ethnic group."

The words fell, and there was an instant sound in the low hum, and seven figures screamed, all of them looking cold and with bad eyes, and all corners of their mouths were embarrassed. In the spirit world, the two races of people and demons have been in constant friction and tension. It is only because of high-level suppression that no fierce clashes have emerged. However, after the last ethnic trial, the relationship between the two races suddenly deteriorated. When the monks met the metropolis, they started to do it, and there was no room for relaxation.

Who made the peerless Tianjiao appear in other people's races, killed the demon twins of the demon tribe, severely damaged the king of arabesques, and retreated under the power of the five ethnic peaks. After returning to the human race, it was extremely dazzling. All monks of the Tianjiao family were suppressed. The more this person shines, the more the demon's face becomes dull, and it's no wonder that the monks on both sides can still have a good meeting.

"What's wrong, can you bully me into a demon tribe?"

"Lao Tzu has long seen these people ’s kids unhappy. This is all right, and it is a good choice to teach them some time to spend time."

"If you want to do it, our demon master is not afraid of you."

Several demon monks opened their mouths, deliberately provoking, and there were several fiery eyes glanced at the two women in the sword race of the human race.

Yin Feng frowned, her sword eyebrows became more and more open, and her breath suddenly changed. As if she slammed her sword together, she would explode in the next moment, giving a shocking blow. Behind him, two men, four women, and four teachers, brothers, and sisters went up at the same time. In the previous step, the breath dispersed, but it showed 5 different attributes, which belong to the five elements of gold, water, wood, goods, and soil. The breath is vaguely connected and compatible, making the momentum of 5 people superimposed and booming!

Above the void, the sword awns condensed and whistled, and turned into a shadow of a sword, but it was gray, and the powerful and exuberant breath spread out from it, causing the countless monks in the entire ruins to change their faces, and then came together, their faces Full of excitement.

It has nothing to do with it, and there is a lot of excitement to see, naturally it is the best thing.

Several monks have changed their faces. Although they have heard of the prestige of the Five Elements Sword of the human race, they have never seen it with their own eyes. At this moment, they feel the coercion from the sword shadow, and their faces become extremely ugly.

If it is shot, there is no victory today, but if it is stopped, it is not a shame.

As the monks of this demon tribe were in distress, it was suddenly a sneer ringing in the heavens and the earth. "The junior monks of the tribal people dare to be so presumptuous. If I ca n’t teach you something today, wouldn't it make people laugh at me Cowardly. "

The words didn't fall, the demon flashed, there was already a figure directly tearing away from the space, and the horrible coercion slowly dissipated from its body, completely suppressing the entire space, like a mountain, like an abyss, so that A man's chest is stuffy and he doesn't feel awe.

Demon power, heaven and man!

A few monk monks were dull, and then expressed ecstasy on their faces, respectfully saluting, "The juniors and others met with the adults, and they also asked the adults to take steps to teach these five monk monks well to maintain my demon prestige."

The five faces of Taibai Kendo, with Yin Feng as their face, suddenly became extremely ugly, their pupils contracted, and their hearts were endlessly fearful. Among the five of them, Yin Fengxiu is the highest. If they work together, they can fight against the monks at the peak of the heavens and the three realms. However, although they are only one level away, the gap is like the sky. And language.

In the face of this monk's sudden emergence of monks and heavens, even if 5 people join forces in a battle, they will not escape in the end. If they fail, in this alien territory, the consequences will be unthinkable!

"Huh!" Iron armor's eyes were gloomy, and his eyes flashed sharply, but his eyes were more lingering on the delicate body of two human race females. One of them was water, beautiful, and one was fire. , If it can be captured by the flames, if you can capture them **, enjoy the taste of the ice and fire, it must be extremely comfortable. Thinking that she hadn't reunited for hundreds of years and hadn't touched women for a long time, a flame in the heart of this demon tribe instantly appeared, and it was no longer difficult to suppress it.

But just at this moment, there was a faint voice, "When did the demon tribe reach such a point, it was the courage to kill my tribe at will, could it really be thought that the lawlessness could not be achieved?"

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but his eyes were cold and ruthless, with endless chill.

The armor flashed slightly, looking at just a gangster monk who was robbing the people, and the corners of his mouth suddenly showed a sloppy color, "Will this seat be arrogant and overbearing, you will know at this moment! Take the action and kill this kid!"

"Yes, sir!" The monk monk who first walked towards Xiao Chen sneered. Now the Five Elements Sword is being restrained by the sir. If you dare to use your air blower, you will usher in a swift storm of adults. Who else can save this Terran boy!

One palm shot down, and the aura in the palm of the hand flashed into the palm of a black bear, but it manifested part of the demon body, making its own attack power the strongest. Obviously, he wanted to kill with a single blow and kill him directly.

Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, with a flash of sharpness. He slowly raised his hand when the bear's paw was only a short distance away from him, and lightly shot forward, seemingly slow, but when it fell down, he just shot it with that. Encounter with a bear's paw!


A low dull sound came out instantly, Xiao Chen's robes swelled and black fluttered, but his figure was not moved. As for the repair of the demon, it was as if being hit by 100,000 wild cattle at the same time, and the figure flew away. There was a short and miserable mouth, before it landed, the flesh had exploded and turned into the flesh and blood scattered on the ground.

For a moment, the whole world was silent!

A palm shot, understatement, instantly killing the monks in heaven and earth, even if it is only the first state of heaven and earth, but still shock the audience instantly, making countless monks shake their hearts, showing an incredible color in their eyes. I can't believe that this monk in green robe actually hides Xiuwei as a pig and eats tigers, and even dare to imagine that he dares to kill the demon tribe directly!

So at this moment, countless lights came together, but none of them talked, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Although the practice of eradicating the demons is very popular, I am afraid that today ’s events must be thoroughly intensified, and there is no possibility of easing. Yin Feng's eyes are dignified, and she is ready to fight at any time.

"Okay! Good! Good!" Iron Armor smirked angrily. "When the face of this seat dared to kill my junior monks, if you don't obliterate your junior junior today, what face will there be in this group in the future. "

"Whoever you are, die for this seat!"

In scorching, Iron Armor unlocked the popular machine of Taibai Kendo 5 and rushed straight to Xiao Chen to shoot it down. This resentful blow had been repaired to reveal it. The horror of the heavens and the heavens suddenly exploded.

Yin Feng raised her eyebrows, as if she was coming out of her sheath. Today, she has completely torn the skin with the monk monk. Even if they sit idly by, they can't retreat from the whole body. It is so natural to let go and maybe have some vitality.

But at this moment, a faint voice came into my ear, "I want to kill this seat, I'm afraid you don't have this qualification yet."

Xiao Chen lifted, the cold mang flowed in the dark eyes, and with the slightest movement of the robe sleeve, a mighty force suddenly appeared in the void, destroying the person with iron armor and destroying it with the tendency of destroying and dying, and then the castellation continued unabated. Suddenly fell.

Tie Jia's eyes were horrified, and a panic screamed from his mouth, but before he could react in the slightest, the power of endless destruction had penetrated into his body and wreak havoc.

Then there was a loud noise, and I saw the repair of the Qingpao sleeves. The magic power of the demon tribe and the four realms was broken. If he was blown to the body and flew, a lot of blood spilled between the nose and nose. Injury!

The power of one sleeve is strong!

Numerous inspiring onlookers have shrunk their necks at the moment, can't help secretly swallowing and vomiting, looking white, and looking at the inconspicuous blue robes that still have a mid-term breath, only the deep Awe!


The iron armor slammed the ground, and Yu Li escaped from behind, breaking up the ground rocks into a pit of one hundred feet in size, and there were countless dense cracks spreading out to the outside, thousands of feet away. At the bottom of the pit, the demon looked terrified, but did not dare to take any action. This time I won't die, Iron Armor doesn't think that the robe of Qingpao has no power to kill him, but his life was left because of some reasons. Because of some reason, he didn't dare to change anything. For fear of annoying this evil star, he shot and killed him directly.

This Qingpao monk has the strength to kill him, but also the courage to kill him. This is very certain.

As for the arrogant monk monks before, they are all pale at this moment. Even the adults of the tribe and the four kingdoms have come to such an end. Thinking of the companions who have been easily wiped out by others, they can't help the twin trembling. Under the rain.

Xiao Chenyang, using his cultivation to deal with the four realms of heaven and man, was nothing more than a backhand. Instead of erasing the iron armor and showing compassion, he was reluctant to sway and cause unnecessary trouble. Once the ruins spread, it will surely lead to strong races from all ethnic groups. Will the demons be absent? If this iron armor is killed, it is very likely that the demon clan leader will embarrass him. Although Xiao Chen is not afraid, he is unwilling to be distracted. Now all his energy is put on the mature colorful spirits and colorful yin and yang flowers in the ruins. To this end, what can be done to keep the demon tribe's life. But if he knew that a demon dragon was coming straight to him, I wonder if he would change his mind because of this.

"It's not fast now, do you want to take this seat and wait for you?" Xiao Chen said faintly, but there was a chill and it sounded astonishing.

However, they fell into the ears of iron monks and other monks, but they were so beautiful that they did not dare to hesitate. They drove their heads one by one and walked away. They waited for a long distance before tearing away the space.

There were monks from all ethnic groups around. I was afraid to stay at the same time. I was afraid that I might cause trouble. Although I did not leave the ruins, I avoided the place where Xiao Chen and others were far away. It looks like the soles of the feet are immediately greased.

Yin Feng and other five monks of Taibai Kendo did not suppress the shock on their faces until now, and they all bowed down to salute them. “The juniors and others do not know the identity of the adults. If there is any offense, please ask the adult Haihan.” It would be easy to understate The demons and heavens and the four realms were defeated. What kind of position did the adult cultivate before? Perhaps ... the peak of the ethnic group is not impossible. Thinking of this, Yin Feng and others have even more awe on their faces.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he was quite satisfied with their previous performance. At this moment, he nodded slightly, hesitated slightly, and said lightly, "No need to be polite. Today, when you meet this seat, it is fate. A word of advice from you. This is a wrong place. It ’s better if you wait for the practitioners to step in or leave early, otherwise there will be a killing. ”The words fall, no matter whether 5 people can hear them, turn around and wave to tear the space away. go with.


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