Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 268: Purple Robe Repair

Now Xiao Chen has determined that it will take two months for this formation to open. In that case, he will naturally not delay too much here, just rest assured that the ruins will completely emerge!

"The juniors and others respectfully send you adults!" Yin Feng and 5 others respectfully saluted, and then stood up after it was determined that Xiao Chen had gone far. ? Bayi [(中? <文 〔

"Brother, what should I wait for now?" Qiu Gu said in a deep voice, and the other three eyes gathered at the same time. Obviously, Yin Feng had high prestige among the five, so why did he need him to make up his mind.

Yin Feng frowned, and nodded fiercely after a while. "Let ’s go. Although there is a chance here, but as adults have said, it is not something you and I can cultivate to intervene. If you are not greedy, you will most likely fall into it. ! "

The four disciples of Taibai Kendo nodded in unison, and five of them turned without a break, and left the ruins directly, heading straight for the Eastern Manchu territory.


The empty area of ​​the Dongman and Ximan ethnic groups highlights the ancient ruins, which are suspected to be the ancient sects of the ancient Dandao giants. Among them, there are countless miracles, treasures everywhere, and countless spiritual stones. Anyone who enters them can get the sky. Big chance.

This news accompanied the ruins at night and became more and more loud. It spread with an amazing degree of madness across the entire spiritual world. The billions of strong ethnic groups were impressed. Although they were dismissive of the rumbling news. , But there are treasures and heavy treasures in the ruins, they are convinced! After all, since ancient times, the strength of the spiritual realm has been ups and downs, and countless powerful forces have risen and annihilated, and the relics they leave often contain extremely rich opportunities. This has been a lot of lucky monks in the spiritual realm. It is confirmed that anyone who enters the ancient ruins and escapes safely will have great gains. Although there were more monks who killed them, they didn't see them, but what kind of benefits and accomplishments the few living people received.

So even if they knew they were in danger, they would die, and there were still countless strong men leaving for the ruins.

The weak ethnic groups like Dongman and Ximan have always been in a disadvantaged position in the entire spiritual world. They have always opened their eyes and closed their eyes for the entry of foreign monks. As long as they don't do things that harm their ethnic groups, they will leave it alone. After all, how dare the tribe's power dare to offend many spiritual and strong monks in the spiritual realm, or else, if you are not careful, you might cause a terrible disaster. The human race can support them, but it will never help them carry the blame and conflict with other spiritual realms. This is very clear to the high level of the Eastern Manchu, so they adopt a tacit attitude.

Therefore, within a short period of time, countless alien strong men poured into the entire East Manchu, and monks from heaven and earth were everywhere, and there were also a few strong men from heaven and earth. The whereabouts are erratic and unpredictable, and it is not visible to ordinary monks. With the integration of a large number of powerful people, naturally caused a lot of trouble.

Zhang and Li had a hatred. They met with extreme jealousy and fought, and then pulled friends to help, and friends pulled friends to help, the general strong will make a lot of friends, so often a trivial matter will later become several The confrontation and beatings of dozens of dozens of powerful men turned upside down, which made the East Manchus nervous for a while. As a tribe with only 4 ethnic peaks, it would lead to the background of these backgrounds. When the fighting monks who died at the peak of the old-fashioned weird fighting method, except choosing default and retreat, there seemed to be no better way, so all the strong monks of the Eastern Manchu race were strictly banned from going out during this time.

Fight, fight, no matter how fierce you are, as long as you don't cause trouble for the Eastern Manchus, everything will go with you. The 4 strongest Eastern Manchus will look at each other, full of grief and indignity.

Due to accurate news, the relics are still open a long time ago, coupled with the ostrich's dodge mentality of the Eastern Manchus, the entire Eastern Manchus have become completely dark and suffocated in a short period of time. Every day, monks have been struggling to fight. Anyway, idle is idle, these obviously violent tendencies can't be separated. For a while, the East Manchu territory is rumbling, the strong are raging, and the weak are afraid to tremble.

In the upper capital of the East Manchus, as the most prosperous city in the entire ethnic group, it is also the core of the rights of the East Manchus. Therefore, the situation here is slightly better. Although there will be some fighting events, but no monk is really stupid. It is necessary to provoke the bottom line of the endurance of the East Manchus. Even if there are real grievances, they will be resolved outside the city, but it has become the only place of tranquility in the East Manchu territory.

However, for the rest of the month, Xiao Chen didn't know everything. At this moment, he was meditating cross-legged in the dojo's back room. Although he couldn't improve, he could make the mana a little purer, and kept his own state at all times. Peak status.

Now that the ruins and his party have decided to take the shot, he will never allow any accidents.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen closed her eyes and opened her eyes suddenly, her face instantly turned into a dignified color, suddenly rose, her eyes flashed, seeming to penetrate the endless space, betting on this familiar atmosphere.

Among the Yuanshen, the long-quiet battle-word tactic suddenly flashed a hint of aura, and a sense of excitement and agitation came out from it.

The battlefield of the ethnic group, beheaded the alien powerhouse, and ranked on the list, there must be a reduced version of the battle character formula, which includes a message into the Yuan Shen, as follows: No uploads.

The change in the battle character formula now indicates that there is something close to each other.

This is the first cultivation that Xiao Chen encountered with him. Although it is only a reduced version, he intuitively told him that if he succeeded in swallowing it, he would definitely get great benefits.

But the key is that the ruins are about to open now.


In the wilderness, the wind screamed, the clouds were tumbling, and the sky was gradually darkening. It seemed that there would be a heavy rain falling. The old branches in the dense forest whistled and clashed with each other. Just when the rain was about to fall and the tree was still, a figure gradually appeared at the end of the line of sight, and its advancement was not fast. It was like a mundane person hurrying on the road, wearing a purple robe and changing himself from head to toe. The appearance is shrouded in all. At that moment, the purple robe was rumbling in the wind, hunting and hunting.

Several wolves and beasts sneaked carefully in the dense forest. Their eyes revealed greed and hunger and fell on the hurrying monk, but they seemed to be cautious. Although anxious, they did not dare to rush to kill their prey. But carefully followed for almost half an hour, seeing heavy rain approaching, cold and hungry, cruel and cold nature prevailed, although there is no wisdom, these low-level wild beasts naturally have their own unique hunting methods, and several wolves are slow. Slowly spread out, gradually turning into a ring shape, and mainly rushing to the road. There was a roar in the mouth, and the thin but powerful hind limbs kicked **** the ground. The body turned into a ghost, and the blood opened. The teeth were exposed. Bite the prey's throat directly.

Today, however, they seem to have chosen their prey with some stupidity. The figures suddenly stopped when they were less than a short distance away from the monk in purple robes, and they seemed to have an invisible force to suppress them, cruel bloodthirsty in their eyes. All of them turned into fear of death, but now they can't even turn their eyes and wait for the end of their fate.



In the muffled sound, the bodies of several wolves and savage beasts shattered at the same time, falling into flesh and blood, and the thick **** smell spread far away along the blast, but at this moment, the savage beasts in the surrounding dense forest were "whimpering" at the same time. With a sound, running away with his tail in the distance, it seemed to sense a certain extremely dangerous breath, and he did not dare to step forward for a half step.


A sullen thunder, the dark clouds that had been brewing for a long time finally poured down the heavy rain, but at this moment, the monk in the purple robe suddenly lifted. Although he couldn't see his appearance, there was an overwhelming look in those eyes. With a single thought, you can suppress heaven and earth under its feet.


With a wave of the robe sleeve and a deep voice, a mighty force suddenly appeared. Numerous spiritual powers raged and turned into a pair of tearing hands. Thinking of the sky, the dark clouds were severely torn, and it was easily torn to reveal it. That clear blue sky, daylight poured down. Doing this at will, this monk in purple robe suddenly suddenly lifted his body, and his eyes burst into amazing light!

"The breath of battle character tactics? I didn't expect the relics to come here, and I will have this harvest before I enter them!" He licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes suddenly became hot, and his feet stepped on the next step. His figure instantly tore space and appeared directly. Somewhere on top of the mountain, she sat cross-legged and pointed her forehead with a finger.

"Let this seat cast the spirit of war and determine your position. The battle character in your hand, this seat is set!"

While drinking, the purple robe's meditative words were uttered, the method of the hand changed, and a touch of magical power lingered around the fingertips, a pale golden rune phantom slowly appeared in front of him, and a strange strange wave fluctuated. It is from this rune.

After a short while, the last trick in the hand was played. The rune was completed. The monk in purple robe drank in his mouth, "Go!"

The words fell, the rune burst into a golden light, and suddenly disappeared under a tremor. With the force of a little induction in the deep, it directly cut through the space and went straight to the other part of the battlefield.

After a few breaths, the monk in purple robe shook his body, his eyes were sulking, and he sneered whispered, "It can break the battle spirit of this seat. Interesting, it seems that it should not be a too weak guy. This is the best , Presumably swallowed his war character, it will certainly make this mighty explosion innumerable! "

"Upper capital, monks."

The man groaned and stepped forward, his figure tearing away directly from the space.

In a short period of time, this purple robe monk tore the space several times in a row. When the figure finally stopped, it had already appeared outside the upper capital city, and his eyes shone over the entire city. The robe sleeve waved, and the light in the void flashed. Dozens of figures appeared directly in front of this person.

"Let ’s wait to see the lord!" The two monks led the monks behind them to kneel down on one knee. They are not of the same ethnic group and look very different, but their internal breath is extremely powerful. The two alien elders have a faint body. Exuding the breath of some peaks of the ethnic group.

"There is a scent of battle-word tactics in the upper capital. As a monk monk, you can help him find this seat, or ... force him out!" Master Zipao whispered, her voice was cold, and there was endless chill.

"Yes, sir!"

Dozens of figures burst into their promises and already understood the meaning of the adults. At this moment, they turned directly, and the figures enveloped in the aura of light, suddenly turned into streamers and went straight to the capital.

"Human monk, this seat is waiting for you to show up. If you don't come, let the blood of countless human races in the capital flow into the sea!"


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