The strong alien heard his words flickered slightly, his lips raised with sneer, "As soon as the Taoist friend has already arrived, then don't leave anymore. When you come here to capture you, the Taoist friend will naturally know what happened. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W〉.] 8〉 1] Z> W?.? C} O] M ”

"Crazy!" The old man of the tribe gave a low sigh, the words of the two parties were inconsistent, and they fought together in an instant!

Even on the broader sky, the two monks at the peak of the ethnic group's horror and coercion swarmed down, leaving countless monks in the upper capital city with a severe blow and a white complexion.

"Suppressing the cultivation of my human race depends on whether you have such qualifications!" At this moment, another ethnic peak suddenly burst out, but the second ethnic group peak appeared, but with a rough face. The middle-aged man is now sneering to join the war team. Now that people have been insulted, how can they take care of the so-called face, and it is naturally the best choice to join forces to defeat this alien powerhouse. However, this person has not yet waited for the shot. The breath of the fourth ethnic group between heaven and earth exploded violently. At the next moment, a dazzling sword across the sky, like a meteor chasing the moon, quickly flashed like lightning, suddenly burst across the endless space and headed straight This rough man was cut off.

In the face of this fierce blow, the rugged Dahan's face suddenly changed without panic, and his backhand punched directly at the swordman!

The punch fell, the breath of horror spiritual power suddenly burst, and the endless spiritual power gathered madly. It turned into a fist of a thousand feet, mixed with an irresistible force, and met the swordmand. The two fought fiercely, and finally they were together. dissipate.

"The cultivation of the human race, I want to join forces to suppress this companion, and I must ask whether the sword in my hand promised!" Sen Ran drank suddenly, mixed with endless horror swordsmanship, a whole body of alien and alien figure appeared , The blade pointed obliquely to the sky, and locked the human race.

Peak of 2 ethnic groups!

The rugged Dahan face is sinking like water, but now the arrow cannot be turned back on the string. Since he has already shot, he can only fight to the end.

In Li Li, the sword aliens fought with this big Han. The fierce and overbearing routine that both of them took, and the fighting methods opened up. The momentum was amazing, like the ancient fairy fighting methods, the waves were sky-high!

Countless secret sights converged here, mostly filled with indifference and gloat.

The 4 ethnic peaks shot wildly, and its destructive power is amazing. The East Manchus are not as arrogant as the ancestral cities of the human race, which can wipe out the ancient and powerful ancestral city. The space cannot be suppressed. Broken, the entire sky is completely dark, and the force of the turbulent flow of silver and white space is raging. Like a silver snake, it travels upstream of the dark sky, and emits an amazing force of tearing in space. Any soul falling into it will be easily torn into Debris! Occasionally, a small amount of dissipated power has fallen. Although it has been weakened a lot in the counter-attack, it can still easily destroy large buildings. If there is that monk who can't reach the monk, it will be wiped away instantly. If this trend continues, and the battle between the two sides will not be divided, the entire upper space of the capital will be destroyed, so the senior monks of the Eastern Manchu ethnic group ca n’t sit still. Although they do not want to interfere in the battle between the human race and the strong aliens, they will never watch the upper capital be demolished. Five powerful breaths suddenly came, and the only elders of the Eastern Manchus appeared, hoping to use their joint coercion breath to suppress today's events.

"Four Daoists, please stop for now, and don't continue fighting, otherwise we have to wait!"

The elder of the Eastern Manchu Nationality groaned in a low voice. Although he was unwilling, if there was no way, they would still help the strong human race, otherwise he would offend the human race, and his Eastern Manchu could not eat it.

During the talk, the five strange gas machines vaguely locked the two alien powerhouses.

"Why do the East Manchu Dao friends talk with them and help the old man and the Lord of Heaven to suppress these two alien monks!" The first stranger who appeared in the human race drank, and now he has been fighting for a long time, even being slightly suppressed by his opponent. It already made him angry.

The 5 elders of the Eastern Manchu group saw that the two sides had no intention of stopping. They heard their words and gritted their teeth, but at this moment their figures were stiff, they could no longer take a half step under their feet, and a drop of cold sweat came from that forehead. Born and slipped down their cheeks, but they didn't dare to wipe the slightest. A sense of obscurity and horror locked them completely. Under this atmosphere, a feeling of extreme crisis appeared in their hearts. The crisis was so severe that they had already smelled the death. Even if the five were standing together, they still had no confidence in their hearts at this moment, and it seemed as if they would take a step forward and leave immediately.

A light flashed in the void, and a figure of a monk in purple robes appeared directly. "Eastern Taoist friends, since today's affairs have nothing to do with you and so on, we hereby advise you to wait for them to step in, or you will bear the consequences."

Although the voice is calm, it has a faint sharpness and lingering spirit.

The faint source of air-power is just emanating from this monk in purple robe.

The five elders of the Eastern Manchu family turned pale and pale. At the moment when the monk in purple robe appeared, although no action was taken, an invisible pressure suddenly appeared, which made them feel as if they were under heavy pressure. The back was forced to bow a little at this moment.

What kind of practice this person is!

The Eastern Manchu elders couldn't see through, but they knew one thing very well. If this monk in purple robes had a killer, they couldn't resist it!

Going to the capital is important, and the harmonious relationship with the human race is important, but your own life is the most important. Otherwise, if you ca n’t even save your life, it makes no sense to mention these again.

Therefore, the East Manchu elders were slightly silent, and at the same time bowed their hands. After slowly retreating, although they didn't say a word, the meaning has been clearly expressed. Today, the East Manchu will never interfere.

Brother Zipao smiled. With his current practice and the power of his Majesty's control, there is no need to be in awe of such a small ethnic group as the East Manchu. If they really dare to pray with their arms as a car, then everything will be erased!

He is not without things like things like the Tu.

Turning at this moment, looking at the repair of nearly 10,000 people in the void, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing a slight chill, "I know that you are now observing this in secret, and now I have arrived, may you still want to avoid not see?"

"At the time of three breaths, if you show up, this seat will release all the Terran monks, otherwise every three breaths, this seat will kill a hundred Terran monks. If you can see them dead and indifferent, wait Let's watch the blood flow into the sea. "

The monk in purple robe blandly opened his mouth, but his voice burst out under the blessing of mana. He instantly enveloped the entire upper capital, clearly introduced into the ears of each monk, and went directly into the space of Yuanshen.

Above the clouds, the repressed human monk heard the words, his face paled instantly, and there was no trace of blood.

"It's awful. It turns out that we are the pond fish we met. I don't know which of my people's predecessors has provoked such a powerful character. People can't chase him, so he forced him to appear in this way." Lao Li The granddaughter behind the guard was carefully guarded, and his face became extremely ugly.

The other monks in the chamber of commerce, even Li Mo, who has always been calm, is full of fear at this moment, because after they are restrained, it is actually the monk who is so dying to die. If he really wants to operate a monk with a human race, They're the ones who bear the brunt.

Li Shanqiao's face was pale, her body was shaking, her eyes were full of fear at the moment.

"Time is up." Monk Zipao laughed slightly. "It seems that this seat has belittled Daoyou's mood, but people don't destroy it for their own sake. Daoyou can understand this way. I will give you the first hundred of human cultivation, as the first gift to invite Taoists to show up. "

Between the words, he stretched out his one hand in the robe sleeve, and gently gripped the monk above the clouds.

Under this grip, hundreds of monks including Lao Litou, Li Mo, and others were directly photographed. The surrounding space was shocked, and the force of terror suddenly exploded. They went straight to swept away.

Understatement, but this blow is enough to easily kill any monk below the peak of the ethnic group.

Said that the killer would shoot immediately without hesitation, the fierceness of this purple robe monk once again made countless monks' hearts fiercely jumped, a chill was born directly from the bottom of the heart, and instantly spread to the depth of the flesh and blood flesh!

"My life is gone!"

Lao Li grabbed his granddaughter, lamented in his heart, and secretly said that his ancestors had left messages to deceive others! Bullying! Obviously, although he will have to live and die several times in this life, he can be saved by the nobles, and he will eventually get a lot of good fortune.

But now I am going to die, where is the noble, where is the good fortune!

If it wasn't for the ancestral language, this life is shocking, why would my old Li head run out of the ethnic territory to blend in such things, even if he is dead today, he must go down to the ground to ask his ancestors, why should he lie to him!

However, when the thoughts of this old guy rolled in his mind, there was a flash of aura of light on the side of the hundred monk monks, and the figure of the blue robe appeared instantly, his expressionless big sleeves fluttered, and he didn't see any action, and went straight to the people. The monk swept away to destroy the force and collapsed instantly!

Survival of death, walked around the gate of the gate, a group of monks experienced a duo of life and death, knelt down in a hurry at the moment, and thanked the seniors of the ethnic group for help.

Xiao Chen waved his hand and waved his robe sleeves to release as much of the void as possible by the repressed monks, and said lightly: "You leave here immediately and return to the territory of the ethnic group. This East Manchu is about to become a place of turbulence and should not stay long."

"Observe the order of the Lord." A group of monks bowed down and saluted, and at the moment they drove Yu Guang down into the capital.


[Today is 5 more, the 1st is more, please ask for support from your monthly pass! 】

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