Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 271: Physical fight

Xiao Chen turned around, looking at the purple robe, frowning slightly, his eyes were cold, and there was a twirling murderous trick in it. He didn't want to be a branch, but the purple robe monk actually forced him to appear in this way. Let Xiao Chen's heart move. Bayi Chinese W] W> W. 81ZW. Among the COM gods, the long silent battle tactics trembled, and the desire for devouring violently devoured him, and it made his heart murderous! Now that he has appeared today, he will take a shot together to obliterate this purple robe monk and rob him of his battle-word tricks! Taking Xiao Chen's cultivation as the present, although the means that can reveal his identity cannot be used, the power is still not to be underestimated. The 9-thousand-year penance of Zuo Mei Taoism has given him a lot of strength!

It is not unsure in his mind to obliterate this purple robe monk!

The eyes of the two sides collided with the void, and they all felt the murderous and hotness in each other's heart!

"Ha ha ha ha, Dao You finally came out, and this seat never got what I wanted." Brother Zipa said with a chuckle, "If Dao You holds the thing with both hands, this seat promises to Rao Dao. Immortal, I wonder if you can agree? "

Xiao Chen's face was calm, without panic or slight anger. "This seat is not intended to cause trouble, but today it has already appeared, and it will never leave empty-handed, even if Taoist friends want to retreat now It's late. "

"But as Daoyou said, this seat is fully returned. If you can surrender that thing automatically, this seat can also spare you."

Although the two sides did not engage in each other, they had previously made some subtle temptations through the contact of the fighting spirit and the seemingly understated blow, and now they are talking, but they are only psychological confrontations. The calm generation did not let the other party's calculations succeed.

The monk in purple robe was silent. Although he did not speak, the invisible coercion in the void became stronger. He came over the sky and enveloped the whole world instantly. "Since the Daoist would not offer it, this seat only needs to be collected by himself. "A faint voice came, this person took a step forward, and the figure had already appeared on Jiuxiao." Human race Dao, please go to the sky and let this seat know what power you have. "

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes, his eyes flickered a little, and said lightly: "So, how can this seat disappoint Taoist friends." The words have not fallen, his figure has torn up the space, and rises instantly, as opposed to the purple robe monk, although not yet They fought each other, but the two were all hunting in their clothes. Regrettable, the endless spiritual power was stirred up, such as the tide raging!

The two eyes are opposite, the eyes are cold, and they have the same confidence.

Brother Zipao smiled with a flick of his fingers. "The Lord of this Ziyuan, defeated and ridiculed today, so that Daoyou can understand who killed him." The laughter didn't fall, and the person suddenly pointed forward.

This finger fell, and the endless spiritual power swept up suddenly, converging, and turned into a huge finger, showing a pale color, and the endless evil spirit suddenly burst from it, like a finger of the devil, trying to destroy the life.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and now he took a step forward and punched out!

Among the human race, many of his magical powers have been exhibited. I am afraid that he has been known by other monks. If he fights with magical powers, he is likely to expose his identity. Therefore, in this battle with the Lord of Ziyuan, Xiao Chen chose to use The physical fight!

So far, Xiao Chen has practiced, except for his handful of inverse cards, his physical power is the manifestation of his strongest combat power. He uses physical power to shake magical powers without any fear.


Above the sky, the loud noise suddenly burst, and the finger of the white **** was now collapsed under Xiao Chen's fist. It turned into a spiritual force sweeping across the sky, swept away in all directions, and stirred up the sky. The clouds were torn into pieces!

One punch broke the magical power, Xiao Chen kept at his feet, his eyes flickered with murderous strides, and he strode forward towards the master of the Ziyuan. Having decided to kill this person with the flesh, you have to get closer and attack the other with your own strength!

Seeing that Shentong was blown by a punch, Xiao Chen was so aggressive that the master of Ziyuan not only did not have the slightest panic, but the smile on the corner of his mouth was even worse, but his eyes became colder and stronger, with a wave of robes and sleeves. The three thousand arrows are directly converged. Although they are supernatural evolutions, they are all extremely sharp, scattered with the spirit of cracking the sky, as if the true magical soldiers are precious, the breath is amazing.

call out!

call out!

call out!

In the sound of breaking through the air, the arrows fell, taking many vital points of the flesh.

The countless forbidden rune waterfalls in Xiao Chen's eyes splashed like a stream of water, and his mind turned sharply, knowing the angle of each arrow, and his fingers suddenly flew.




The finger-to-arrow contact was actually the sound of a golden iron collision, and the arrow that was shot in a hurry was easily broken by the force of this finger, and the sound of dense collisions continued like a storm. In a short span of time, Xiao Chen reached out for 2137 times with his ten fingers, and shot down the arrows that hit the vital part of the physical body. As for the remaining arrows, they relied on their strong physical body to resist them. Although this thing is strong, but wanting to kill him with such supernatural power is tantamount to delusion.

Yu Jianyu walked across the line, Xiao Chen's progress was not affected at all, and he was even more murderous in his eyes! The Qingpao was broken to reveal round hollows, and the exposed skin was slightly pale. The power of this arrow could not cause Xiao Chen's physical harm!

The eyes of the master of Ziyuan brightened, "Good physical strength, with this physical body alone, its mighty power is probably enough to rival the high-end power of the peak of the ethnic group. If it can be refined, it must be It is a powerful flesh-and-blood puppet, a weapon to kill the enemy! "

"Hahahaha, Daoyou really is the great opportunity of this seat. Not only did you send that treasure, now even your own body has to be sealed together. In this case, this seat is taken together."

With a long smile, the man waved his sleeves, "Supernatural power, the sea is rising!"

While drinking, the vision between heaven and earth suddenly manifested. There was an endless sky behind the master of the Ziyuan. The space was suddenly distorted and the mighty waves were surging. It had turned into a vast ocean and could not see the end.

Supernatural, the sea!

The sea was flowing, the sky was a little dark, and the eyes fell dimly, unable to see it clearly. The next moment, the east suddenly burst into the golden light, but it was a round of Dongsheng rising sun suddenly jumping out of the sea level, appearing at the line where the sea and the sky intersect, the light fell, reflecting the entire ocean.

Magical power, rising sun!

Use the power of magical powers to evolve the sea. Compared to the rising sun, the vast and powerful soup is transformed into an ocean rising sun to the east. The majesty and magnificence are magnificent. This magical power has not yet turned into a killing power. Uneasy.

However, this sea of ​​sun magical powers shot, this magical powers only completed most of them, and there is no final shot yet, and this blow is the strongest force to gather the entire magical powers.

The figure of the Lord of the Ziyuan stood between the sea and the sky, and was bathed in golden light behind him, like a god. At this moment, he raised his hand and drank with a solemn sigh, "The purple gas comes to the east, and the sword of the sky is destroyed!"

The sun rises to the east, and the sea-sky junction suddenly bursts with endless purple awns, revealing the breath of supreme nobility, rushing across the clouds, and converging to the master of the purple yuan, turning into a three-foot green front, the whole body purple, scattered to Strong breath!

This breath just appeared, which caused the endless sea area to violently toss in that daylight, the raging sea raging in the wind, the tide was roaring above the void!

The sword lifted up and pointed at Xiao Chen, the main corner of Zi Yuan's mouth showed a faint smile. Reveal the sea and the rising sun, take the general trend, summon the purple gas from the east, and turn it into the sword of the sky. This supernatural power has been cultivated for his life, and he has merged multiple supernatural powers that he has learned. The power is powerful enough to kill the ethnic group. Peak high-end combat power exists. Although this Qingpao monk has a strong physical body, he can't stop him from being a blissful Fengfeng!

Gei, because this sword was cut off, it wasn't the monk's body that was hurt, but the original god!

The fall of the sword's Yuanshen and the physical body are not damaged. This is the most desired result of the Lord of the Ziyuan. Therefore, it is most appropriate that this sea of ​​rising sun power be unfolded at this moment.

Xiao Chen stepped forward slightly, lifted forward, his face was already a dignified color, his pupils contracted slightly, and there was no panic in his eyes, but he showed a little bit of pungency! The figure turned into a streamer, without any pause, it stepped directly into the sea, bathed in the rising sun, like a silent streamer, running in a hurry, fierce, endless murderous!

The master of Ziyuan raised his eyebrows, the smile on his mouth disappeared, and turned into a scum, thinking that it would be a tricky rival. Although he knew that Xiu was good, he didn't become his opponent's mind, but he was a reckless man. In this case, he came to the east with a sword of purple gas, beheaded and killed the man, and took his battle character and brought it to his own! There was a flash of murder in his eyes, and the purple green front in this man's hand turned, tilted and cut off. It seemed like an understatement and there was no majesty-the momentum, but the face of Zhong Xiao Chen was changed instantly. In his Yuanshen space, Wanzhang Countless branches of the ancient Bodhi tree are violently tumbling at this moment, and the spiritual light dazzles Xiao Chen's entire Yuanshen space, laying a huge net! The next moment, a purple Jianmang suddenly appeared in the space of Yuanshen, spreading endless evil spirits, utterly cut off, and went straight to Xiao Chen Yuanshen. However, at this moment, the sword-mang just appeared, and it was already trapped in the sky net under the cloth of the ancient Bodhi tree. Further implied power will be consumed a lot, and there are black ghosts roaring and roaring, a yellow smoke sprayed out from the mouth, and together with the ancient Bodhi tree to suppress this intruder sword!

Seeing Xiao Chen's physical body as strong as the eyes of the master Ziyuan, he believed that he was strong and focused on practicing this monk. Yuan Shen's cultivation would not be too strong, so this sword was cut off. The person's confidence in the heart would surely make him Kill!

Therefore, when he saw Xiao Chen's figure returned to normal after a slight meal, and his fullness of breath rushed towards him without loss, he could not help but stay a little bit for this human nature.


[The next change is expected to be 17:00 in the afternoon, 4 in 2 o, 5 in 22, and ask for a monthly ticket. 】

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