Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 272: Push back

This stay can't be short-lived, the time is short to almost negligible, but the strong are fighting, especially for Xiu Chen to reach such a realm like Xiao Chen. The short-lived time is enough for them to do many things. [? 八? 一 ({Chinese [网 < [W] W> W.81ZW.COM

The next step was to step down and trample on the void, seemingly weak, but the void beneath it suddenly trembled, and then collapsed. Several cracks centered on their stepping point, spreading wildly in all directions. go with. With this stepping power, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly skyrocketed several times, almost turning into an unseen shadow, directly across the endless space, and punched out in one punch, just like pounding Huanglong!

The blue robe was rumbling, the black was flying, and the dark eyes were surging in the cold!

With the power of the ancient Bodhi tree, the sword of the Lord of Ziyuan was hardly shaken in order to exchange for this instantaneous time. It was suddenly difficult. This fist seemed to be ordinary, but it was Xiao Chen's best effort to strike it. Strong, can destroy the powerful body, crush the powerful soul!

With one punch, the master of the Ziyuan had not given the slightest reaction time, and the punch had fallen!


The loud noise burst suddenly, and there were thousands of purple mansions bursting from the robe worn by the Lord of the Ziyuan. This thing seemed unusual, but it was a powerful and unparalleled defensive treasure. The Lord's guard is included, and Shengsheng resists the punch of Xiao Chen! But even so, the mighty force carried in this fist still struck its figure tens of thousands of feet away, making Zi Yuan Zhi's mouth groan and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Chen's complexion was a little white, and he was also forced back by the force of the Zipa defense and shock. His complexion became extremely gloomy. One shot was fruitless, and it was extremely difficult to kill this person.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, it is Xiao Chen who has the absolute upper hand in the current battle. After all, he resisted the master of the Ziyuan. The distance is a matter of sight, and you can't fake it.

The lord of Ziyuan murmured, forcibly raising his strength and dispersing. After his figure stagnated, he slowly looked up at Xiao Chen. There was no relief at all. The only thing left was prudence and ... Murder! So far, we have had great opportunities, great fortune, and smooth sailing till today, and with sufficient caution, the Lord of Ziyuan has never suffered such a big loss. Now looking at Xiao Chen, all that is left in his heart is that sensation. Killing intention.

"The cultivation of the human race, I admit that I really despise you. With your strength, I have already qualified for this seat to use a real hole card to slay you." The Lord of the Ziyuan slowly spoke, the chill in the voice front was as cold as frost .

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, and his brows frowned slightly. If he really let go of the fight regardless of everything, he would never be afraid of the master of Ziyuan, but now his identity has become the biggest constraint. Entangle with it, even if it can be killed, once the identity is breached, it will surely attract the strong aliens to hang and kill. At that time, in order to protect themselves, the ruins will only return without success. This situation By no means was Xiao Chen willing to see. So at this moment he had no longer the idea of ​​continuing to entangle with the Lord of Ziyuan, his thoughts moved slightly, and a golden ball appeared in his hands, and there was a hint of the sword slowly spreading out of it.

This thing is exactly the sword Yuanzhu that the Lord of Swords gave him to defend himself. Once it explodes, it can be compared with half a step away from ancient times.

The moment the object was shot, the master of the Ziyuan's face changed instantly, and the pupils contracted violently, revealing endless fearfulness!

"The Lord of Ziyuan, I do n’t want to continue entanglement with you today, otherwise you and I have to let go of the battle, but it is still unknown who will kill the deer, and maybe it will be spied on by the monk fishing profit in secret. This is something that my friends think about clearly If you're wrong, you're half a step, or you'll be late for regrets. "

Xiao Chen spoke faintly, his face was calm, but there was a slight coldness.

The master of Ziyuan heard a slight change in his face, and suddenly smiled after a while, "Taoyou said it was not good. If the war today continues to entangle, who will not die if you die, you and I will not become fat sheep in the eyes of others, but it will be complete. As a result, today this seat will take a step back for a while and no longer embarrass with Daoyou. However, today Daoyou chooses this, it must not be because he fears the power of this seat, but he does not want to branch out, then Daoyou is here , Must be away from the ruins. Ha ha, if this is the case, I believe that you and I will see you soon. When the time comes, this seat will never take a step back, and will definitely make a deal with Taoists It's over. "

Speaking of this, the man paused slightly. "Perhaps, Tao You thought so, and the next time you meet, you have to charge your life."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly. Although he didn't speak, his pervasive killing in vitro was enough to show everything.

The master of Ziyuan laughed longly. "In this case, the day the ruins are opened, this seat will definitely go, and bring the head of the item to be collected by the Taoist friends." The words did not fall, the robe sleeve waved, turned and turned into a flash of light and walked away .

Many of the monks sent by him behind him had already stopped at this moment, and at this moment the flash of light followed quickly.

Xiao Chen looked at the departure direction of Ziyuan's Lord, thinking of what he said before, his eyes flashed! In the ruins, if you really dare to come, this seat must be shot to kill it!

Between the thoughts turning, the robe sleeve waved, and his figure tore away instantly.


The Lord of the Upper Capital Ziyuan fought against the mysterious strong human race. Although the two sides have not completely separated the victory and defeat, they have already pushed the tension of the entire East Manchu territory to the highest point. Sprouting spontaneously.

Human monks in the Eastern Manchu territory, whoever claimed to have no cups or qualifications in the ruins retreated and returned to the territorial territory. Today, the Eastern Manchu turmoil has risen, and it is no longer suitable for long stay!

Li Mo and other business group monks hurriedly sold the goods in hand at the cheapest and even slightly loss price, and then hurriedly left Shangjing City, but this time the old Li's head was white and he held his lips tightly to hold **, but he did not Follow them and leave. Standing at the south gate of the city, watching Li Mo and others go away, the old Li's head flashed a bit of light and whispered, "Go."

Li Shan didn't know why the old ancestors didn't leave, but he could vaguely notice the unstoppable excitement in his heart at the moment, followed obediently without any doubt.

The grandpa and grandson returned to their residence, and Li closed his door tightly and took out a set of flags from the storage ring to lay them in the room. He even used the stone to push the flag to the strongest level, so he was careful. From the storage ring, take out a black, slippery autumn-like thing. When Li Shan was young, she saw the old ancestors take it out and play it carefully, because she was crying for this thing in the old ancestors' favor, but that was the first time the old ancestors refused her request. And harshly reprimanded her. Since then, Li Shan has known that this Sinan-like thing is very important. Since then, she has never seen the old ancestor take it out to this day.

What does the ancestor want?

Li Shan frowned, and her heart was full of incomprehension, but at this moment she looked at the Sinan-like thing again, but her gaze suddenly flickered, and a look of surprise appeared on Qiao's face. On this black and autumn compass, at this moment there is a faint golden light, which is dim and dim, quite dim, if you do not look carefully, you will not be able to detect this.

But after seeing this twinkling golden light, Lao Li ’s face was full of excitement instantly. "The prophecy of the ancestors do exist, they do exist! Shaner, walk around, go out with the ancestors, and find me Li The opportunity left by my ancestors for the younger generation, the opportunity for my Li family to rise is coming! "

This old guy danced with his own granddaughter, pushed directly through the door, and went straight to somewhere in Beijing under the guidance of the Sinan-like treasure.


"You must be the adult's deceased. Otherwise, if the adult is annoyed, I can't protect you." The inn owner and buddies have recognized Xiao Chen's identity. After all, they went to the battle in Beijing the same day and they witnessed it. However, since Lord Liu Yun did not indicate his identity, he apparently did not want to reveal his whereabouts, so the boss knew the secret but nobody said it, even if the maids in the family did not know it, he ordered it severely. Revealing the whereabouts of Lord Liuyun will definitely punish him.

The past few days have been calm and calm, and there has not been a large number of monks visiting the door. Obviously, Master Liu Yun's identity is confidential, so when Li Li head and Li Shan bluntly wanted to see the guests in the Tianzi courtyard. The innkeeper slightly hesitated, but still didn't dare to refuse. When it is certain that people really know the identity of Master Liu Yun, the shopkeeper can't help whispering, it seems that he really knows Master Liu Yun, otherwise how can he find it here.

However, at the moment when he approached the door, he couldn't help but look back and ask again. Otherwise, if something goes wrong and annoyed Lord Xiao Chen, he can't afford it.

The head of Lao Li was also nervous. Although the ancestors' predictions were fulfilled one by one, there is no bottom in his heart, but now he ca n’t reveal anything, otherwise the shopkeeper will probably turn around and walk away. How can he see the adult? .

"You can rest assured that I will wait for the report. If something goes wrong, the old man will take it together, and you will never be punished."

The shopkeeper heard that he was relieved, carefully took out a token from the storage ring, and raised his hand to hit the front yard forbidden.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged, but at this moment he frowned slightly, slowly opened his eyes, stepped out, the figure disappeared instantly, and appeared again in the inn's room. Signs are drawn.

"An old man in this seat?" Shen Chen inquired to obtain the information, Xiao Chen frowned, waved a hand with a slight groan and opened the restraint, stepped out, opened the courtyard portal, and his eyes instantly fell on the old Li and his grandparents. Different color flashes in the eyes.


[Chapter 3, there are 2 chapters updated at night. 】

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