Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 274: Ruins open

The news of the ruins spread, I do n’t know how many strong people have gathered here, and there is also the unpredictable Lord of the Ziyuan. On the same day, Xiao Chen forced him to retreat with the sword Yuanzhu, but he never thought that this person was facing the object. There is no resistance to killing. Perhaps the biggest possibility is that he is generally jealous of himself and is unwilling to expose the strongest hole card to avoid being secretly profitable. (August? Chinese W].) C] O] M> But after entering the ruins, there will be a fierce fight between the two. Although the self-confidence in the heart will definitely kill the person, but Xiao Chen will never have a slight enemy, be able to become the peak of the ethnic group, and be promoted to the top of them, each of them is not an easy generation. Dealing with them with contempt is tantamount to killing yourself!

Despite the threat from the monks, this relic alone is a real Longtan tiger cave. It is simple to enter, but if you want to come out of it, it will be difficult. Thinking of the best friend in Qing Lingzi's mouth, the ruins are a terrible place, and an ominous feeling was born from the heart of Xiao Chen. Accompanying this feeling was a sense of deep chill that penetrated into the flesh and blood.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath. Now that he has arrived, the Seven Souls and the Colorful Yin Yang Flower are the must-have things. That being the case, there is no need to think about it. He will be arduous and difficult in the future.

God blocks God, Buddha kills Buddha!

Calm eyes, a trace of evil spirits emerged quietly.

It was at this moment that Xiao Chen had a drink and suddenly lifted his eyes, and his eyes burst into endless spirits. With a flash of aura in his hand, the wine jar was put into storage and slowly got up. "This day is finally here."

The sound didn't fall, he waved his hand to tear the space, stepped on the next step, and his figure instantly disappeared into it.

Ruins, opened.



The ground trembled, and the ray of light filled the sky, making the entire sky into a colorful color, the collapse of the horror front into a rolling wave swept away in all directions, causing the whole world to shake the spiritual power, turning it into a spiritual tide. The tyrannical coercion was released from the ground, and Hao Hao Tang Tang Pei Ran was irresistible, and the low and heavy underground loud noise kept coming out. It seemed that there was going to be an ancient monster that was really sealed off from it, making it here Countless monks were shocked, their pupils contracted violently, and their hearts awed.

At the moment when the ruins changed, countless powerful monks came up to this end, showing a strange light in their eyes. At this moment, they took a step forward and directly tore the space!

The ruins have been opened, and they can see that they have reached the shot time, and the ancient talents have gained them. Now, whoever can get the greatest opportunity in this ruin, depends on whose fist is bigger!



The space was easily torn apart, and a number of figures descended directly on the clouds around the ruins. The terrible coercion swept away without any concealment. The ruins have not yet entered, but the battle has begun.

"Look, it's our Dongyue Master, Master Minghui and Master Black Crow."

"My Demon Slaughter Master, Master Qian Qiu and Master Qing Cang have arrived."

"Lord of the Terrans, Lord of the Nanshan!"

"In addition to the strongest of the major ethnic groups, there are also the famous Spurs Tibor, the Goryeo Bangzicui, and the Dongdai Jingtian.

"It ’s bitter, bitter too. I did n’t expect that the ruins here could attract so many adults at the peak of the ethnic group to come and compete. How can our cultivation be able to compete with all the adults? Kill your life! "

"How can Daoyou destroy his own prestige so much? Although you and I are so numerous compared to the adults, we do n’t know what is going on in the ruins. Even if the cultivation is low, if the chance arrives, you and I may become This relic opens the biggest winner. "

"It makes sense, it makes sense, these things are not inexorable in my spiritual world, and I ca n’t say that you and I have enough opportunities. Today is a great opportunity to fly into the sky. How can I destroy my ambition? Even if We ca n’t compete with adults for the biggest opportunity, but this relic opens. It should n’t be difficult for us to drink some soup. After all, ancient relics are vastly vast, and adults cannot explore every place. ”

A number of figures appeared on the ruins of clouds, the number of which actually reached 39 people in a short period of time, and is still increasing, the peak of the ethnic group is arrogantly wafting, covering the entire space.

Xiao Chen tore through the space. It was at the moment of his appearance that countless eyes gathered together. Among them, there was a lot of caution, fear, and even naked hostility. On the day of the battle in Beijing, Xiao Chen showed up. The powerful force that came out was enough to make them feel as if they were close to the enemy. However, the lord of the human race and the lord of Nanshan both smiled and nodded at Xiao Chen, which was quite close. Although it is a chance to seize the opportunity, everyone is a monk of the race, saying that there is no chance of cooperation.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly to the goodwill of the two, but at this moment he turned suddenly, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the figure of the monk who was stepping out of the crack in the space, his eyes flashed, and he was calm.

The master of Ziyuan stepped forward, and under the traction of the air machine, slowly raised to Xiao Chen's view. The two eyes met silently and silently. The two strong breaths suddenly burst, and the situation turned upside down, fighting on Jiuxiao!


The two major trends were suddenly shocked. Although they were shot with no magical power, the momentum was already extremely shocking. The wind in the void rose from the top, swept up from top to bottom, stirred up the wind and the sand, and rolled up a huge stone.

The so-called flying sand and stones are nothing more.

The two men fought against each other and instantly attracted the attention of countless monks.

The repair of the human race blue robe, the master of the mysterious Ziyuan, both of whom are invisible, no one knows their identity, but the two men fought the same day, although they did not really separate a victory or defeat, but their power Powerful but everyone knows that it can be called a high-end strong among the peaks of the ethnic group, and can even obliterate the existence of monks at the same level. It is secretly feared by many strong ethnic groups! Fortunately, the two have already said that after entering the ruins, there will be a victory between life and death, and they will restrict each other. So at this moment, seeing the confrontation between the two of them, many monks here take a cold look and never intervene in them. At the slightest.

The head of Ziyuan's mouth slightly tilted, showing a faint smile, slightly arching towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen nodded and gave a fist in return. If there were those who did n’t know, they might consider the two friends as old friends. How could these two seemingly calm two people already include each other in the killing sequence, If it is possible, it will never let the other party leave alive from this ruin.

As for the surrounding strangers, although I feel a little regretful that the two have not continued to shoot, I don't think they will be stupid enough to fight before they have entered the ruins, so that they can profit, and they have to reconcile this point in their hearts. .

With the passage of time, the magnitude of the ground tremor is getting larger and larger, and the aura of light is flashing. When the large array of ruins in the ground that finally closed the town is completely destroyed, a large area of ​​the ground collapses and sinks, gradually forming a square with a size of 10,000 squares. The abyss at the bottom gradually appeared, and an endless raging breath escaped from this abyss. Obviously this will be the place where the ruins protect the ground.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and slowly retracted his eyes from this abyss. With the opening of the ruins, he felt the clearer feeling of that glimpse. It seemed that at the bottom of the abyss, there was a hidden one in the dark. His eyes kept staring at him with a greedy, scorching gaze. Perhaps this relic is not as simple as its surface, nor is it as rumored, it has countless opportunities and treasures. If it is not essential for the Seven Spirits and Colorful Yin Yang Flowers, once it loses its opportunity to earn it in the hands, Xiao Chen and Not sure that this life may be encountered again, so knowing the danger, he also had to let go! Even if there are countless killings in this ruin, Xiao Chen is confident that he can chop it up!

Up to now, not only his cultivation is improved, but also his rock-solid mood and his absolutely powerful self-confidence!

The monks should not be arrogant, but if they do not even have a little confidence in themselves, then the monastic life in this life is destined to have limited achievements and is difficult to be a big tool!

Raising slowly, Xiao Chen pressed his mind to the point of writhing, and then returned to the ancient state of wavelessness, and slowly glanced around the surrounding area. Until now, there have already been 5o ethnic peaks coming here. Fortunately, the strong men of heaven and human beings who are struggling with muddy waters and feelings of fish are densely packed with nearly 10,000 people. Although they are clearly dangerous, the opportunities in the ruins are enough to make them desperate.

Natural fate failed Huang Huangquan had nowhere else, but once successful, it represents the improvement of cultivation, the rise of ethnic status, and even a longer life!

Once there are so many powerful people, once they break into the ruins, I am afraid that it will instantly turn into a meat grinder, setting off endless blood and rain. Xiao Chen's eyes are blank, and the cold light flashes inside. He is not pedantic. The generation, although unwilling to create evil, but he started from time to time, he would never have a little bit of scruples, but after entering the ruins, he still has to be a bit more cautious to prevent the gutter from overturning ...

When Xiao Chen secretly murdered and rose here, he didn't know that among the numerous monks, there was already a big Han who seemed to be repaired by the heavens and the people.

"In the rest of this month, the King came to visit, and did not find the information of Xiao Chen at half time. Now that the ruins are open, he cannot fail to show up here. It seems that, as expected from this seat, this monk changed his appearance and Come, maybe here right now. "

"The most suspicious of the human race is this person. If you are not worried that killing him at this moment will lead to revenge on the human race. Once an accident occurs, it is possible to fight grass and startle the snake. The king has already shot, but he does not worry, wait until he enters. After the ruins, it ’s not too late for the king to take another shot. There is no chance of the **** ruins. The king did n’t look at it at all. As long as Xiao Chen was killed and his thunder source was obtained, the king ’s retreat and refining would refine it, and it would become an ancient road , Ranks among the emperor! "

This incarnation of the monk monk is exactly what the demon Dragon Nocha has transformed!

** At the mountain, the monks of all parties flashed their eyes, apparently having their own plans, but at this moment, all the monks here looked all the same, and their eyes gathered the abyss of the ground in an instant. Slow overflow.


[Chapter 5, this April Fool's Day, I don't know how many friends have been tricked by friends? Hehe. But if we ask for a monthly pass, it ’s not a April Fool ’s joke. 】

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