Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 275: Wuyuan Monuments

In the dark abyss, there is a glorious luster coming out of it. It is not black and black, and it looks like sticky. It is like a wave surging in the toss, and there is a cold and cold atmosphere. Cold and biting, the tentacles can penetrate directly into the depths of the flesh and blood, which makes the whole body cold, and the eyes fall on this dark light, and the look is a little more cautious and fearful. ? M] This luminous diffusion seems to be slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. In a short period of time, it spreads throughout the mouth of the abyss, and it still extends from the outward to the size of approximately 30,000 feet. increase. When the eyes fall on this thing, all that can be seen is a gray color, such as the change of clouds and fog, there is no law to follow at all. It is delusional to think of seeing some different weirdness from it.

After waiting for several months, such a huge relic opened, and it turned out to be the situation now, and countless monks looked at each other, even the powerful monks of all ethnic groups could not help but frown slightly?

What is this cloud-like black light?

Sensing the scent of Morin from it, no one dared to move before he could detect the object.

"Wuyuan Monument!" After a long time, a monk at the peak of an interracial group slowly opened his voice. The voice of this person spread and immediately caused the hearts of countless monks here to suddenly shake up. A moment later, his eyes suddenly became hot. Color.

"Yes, why didn't the old man think that this thing is indeed very similar to the Wu Yuan monuments recorded in ancient books. If the color of this thing is a little darker, it will be the same as the legend!"

"The ruins hidden here are such an important treasure, great chance, absolutely great chance!"

It is rumored that in the ancient times before ancient times, there were some powerful forces in the spirit world. Each of them possessed countless strong men. The peaks of the ethnic groups abound, and even the existence of great ancient times is not uncommon.

In that splendid era, they were the true masters of the spiritual realm. The power possessed by the forces on either side can be compared to the sum of several strong tribal forces in the spiritual realm. But this powerful existence is unknown because of some things. It was attacked by unknown crises in ancient times. It was destroyed in a short period of time. If it is not mentioned in the ancient classical books, it is such a powerful force. Existence disappears completely in the historical record of the spirit world. But today, their disappearance remains a big mystery.

But one thing is certain, the place where these powerful forces lived in the ancient times was called Wu Yuan Jing. As for the name of Wu Yuan Monuments, the monks later called Wu Yuan Jing.

Today, the Mengmeng Wuguang Regiment appearing from this abyss is very similar to the entrance to the Wuyuan in the classical records. Except for the slightly different colors, the breath, appearance, and appearance of it are all strikingly the same.

Could it be that this is the entrance to a Wuyuan monument!

Such thoughts appeared in the monks' hearts here, so that their hearts could not help but beating vigorously, licking the corners of their dry lips, the hotness in their eyes could not be covered at all. Thinking of the powerful forces existing in the legendary Wuyuan monuments, even after countless years have passed, these forces have disappeared, but the skills they left behind, treasures, elixir, and spirit stones are likely to withstand the test of endless time. So far, if they can be put into their hands.

God, what a great opportunity this will be!

Wuyuan ancient monuments are ahead, treasures seem to be within easy reach, who can resist this temptation.

call out!

Several magpies went from different directions to the entrance of the Wuyuan Monument in a crazy degree. The monks were all strong men from the three realms of the day. Now the treasures can't be avoided. Otherwise, if they let The peaks of all ethnic groups entered first. Even if it is the ancient Wuyuan monument here, I am afraid that most of the opportunities will be found by these monks in heaven and earth. They can only follow with some light soup.

Wealth insurance, if this opportunity is not taken, we will regret it in the future. So they took the shot and traded for the fastest luminosity at all costs. It only took a breath to break into them. As long as they were fast enough, even the monks at the top of the ethnic group might not be able to stop them.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he slightly shook his head, showing a slight coldness in his eyes. As for the surrounding monsters, he was sneer at this moment. If this Wuyuan monument was really so easy to enter, how could they wait here and have already broken in at all costs.



"No, this entrance is strange!"

A few short exclaims came in, and then came to an abrupt halt in the misery. I saw the monks who broke into the Wuyuan monument once they were contaminated by the Wuguang, just like the flies with their wings stuck, no matter what they did. Struggling can no longer move, can only watch their bodies slowly swallowed by this dark light, can not speak, only the expression in the eyes can show how terrified they are at this moment.

Watching the figures of these monks being swallowed up at the entrance of Wuyuan's historic site, many monks who regretted being too late turned pale at the same time. Some of them were just fortunate, fortunately, fortunately, they were slow to wait!

The monks who were swallowed by the entrance of the Wuyuan Monument, although no one knows where they are going, are now obviously less ferocious.

The whole space suddenly quieted down, and now they finally show up. The adults of the ethnic group have no action at all. Obviously, they already know that the entrance to the Wuyuan historic site is by no means free to break. But what should we do now, can we just watch Wuyuan's ancient monuments in front, but we can't break into them? So many eyes gathered, but they fell on the power of many ethnic groups on the sky.

Buddhism Sanpower Tiebol frowned slightly, and said lightly, "Dear friends, it seems that today you and I may have made mistakes. This is not the collapse of the sectarian ruins somewhere, but the ancient monuments of Wuyuan emerge from the ground. According to the husband I know that in this case, if I ca n’t break into it within 3 hours, then the Wu Yuan monument will disappear and re-integrate into the ground, and will teleport away by myself and disappear. Therefore, if you and I are If you want to break into it and get its treasures, there is only 3 hours. The old man hopes that the Taoists can temporarily put aside all prejudices and precautions, gather all the monks here, and force this entrance to open a passage, otherwise you and me It can be sighing to watch the treasure in front but not enter it. "

This weird voice dropped, and another low voice came at once, "Tiebol Taoist friends said very well. Regarding the record of this ancient monument in Wuyuan, it is also described in my demon classics. But the portal to Wuyuan Realm, but It was arranged by the monks in Wuyuan to identify whether they are monks of their own. If there is no imprint on them, they will be swallowed up. You and I do n’t know the origin of this Wuyuan monument now. Into it? "This is the Lord of the Dongyue of the Demon Clan. This demon has no wrinkles, obviously it is quite worried about this matter.

Tieboer's eyes flickered a little, and there were a few different colors in his eyes. "The old man didn't say that he must get the recognition of this Wuyuan monument to enter it. Although this object was arranged by the powerful man of ancient times, but now After the erosion of all ages, what is left to this day? How much of this material power can still be preserved? You and I and other friends can join hands, and there are many colleagues here to join forces, it may not be impossible to force the entrance of this Wuyuan monument Boom away. What we need to do is not to completely destroy the thing, as long as we can open a gap on it and keep it for a while for you and me to enter it. It sounds absurd, but it is the most A good way, and the old man has a combination of strikes, which has been passed down from ancient times to break the entrance of the Wuyuan Realm and seal the town. I have no chance of success in joining forces. "

The sound fell, and suddenly attracted countless eyes, or surprises or suspicions, one after another.

"This thing is the clash of the old man's words. I also asked all of you to read it and think it is feasible?" Tieboer said with a big sleeve, and suddenly a jade Jane appeared in his hand, stretched out his hand and crushed it. , A complex array suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone.

After a while, the three great demons nodded in succession, apparently recognizing the power of this array, and the descendants and demons of the two ethnic groups have stated their positions successively. The attitudes of the three strong races have a natural and far-reaching influence. Quickly passed.

"That being the case, I also ask all of you to quickly distribute your staff and keep the formation in mind. This is about the vital interests of each of you and me. I also ask all of you to do your best. Don't reserve anything, otherwise you won't be able to seal the entry. When the town breaks, you and I will lose everything and get nothing. Therefore, before entering the ruins, we must cooperate sincerely. Anyone who dares to violate will be hunted down by all the powerful monks! Many powerful monks nodded slightly. Now, if some people dare to use small tricks, this is destroying the interests of everyone and standing on the opposite side of everyone. Such people will naturally be wiped out by all monks.

With the agreement in front, things will be easier since then. Although this joint battle is extremely complicated, fortunately, there are no vulgar monks who can come here today. They are all involved in the formation method and learn from it. It's extremely fast. It's just that when it comes to statistics later, there are 67 positions in sight, and there is actually a lack of an absolute strong! The 67 positions are the most critical part of this combo. The monks at the front positions rely on the large array to fuse a number of monks to make a powerful blow. The 67 monks attack at the same time and attack them with absolute strength. The town broke open.

However, at this moment, they are still the last one even if the five elders of the East Manchurian join in, and some hidden lurking monsters appear.

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