Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 276: Po Feng Zhen

There is a gap between the eyes of one person, and the power of this combined strike will be greatly reduced. Whether Tie Boer can break this ancient monument, there is no certainty in Tiebol's heart, and all the weird faces are completely gloomy. Go on. Bayi novel

The monster Dragon Nocha frowned. Now he is still dressed as a monk, heaven and human, and he is also clear about the plight of the strange people of all races. Nocha dismissed this ruin before, but when he knew this, After the ancient monument of Wu Yuan was in Wuyuan, his heart was completely heated. There is no reason for it. Only because of the dragon family's veins, one of the monster royal families secretly holds a Wuyuan monument in the monster family. This thing is a top secret. Only the strong dragons have the qualification to know, even if it is the so-called The demon director also knew nothing about this. Thinking of the immense fortune that the Dragon family learned from the ancient monuments in Nawuyuan, Nuocha couldn't help heating up. Based on his current practice, once he enters the Wuyuan monument, the monk here is his opponent, and all opportunities in the monument will be owned by him. With this horrible opportunity, if you can successfully get the source of the thunder of Xiao Chen, it is not impossible to say that the achievement of the ancient can be ranked as the dragon king, and even further, it is not impossible to become a horror like the dragon ancestors .

So now he has secretly decided that the source of Thunder is required, but he will not miss the treasures in the Wuyuan monuments! So at this moment it was only a little hesitant. The demon dragon took a step forward, and the breath in the body burst into a burst. Although it did not reach the extreme state, it was the peak of the ethnic group.

"Because no one is taking a shot, then come from this seat to do the 67th round.

The surrounding ethnic groups have frowns, and their eyes narrowed, revealing the sense of dread. This monster's power is hidden in the dark, but it is able to escape their gods' investigation. Obviously, it is very strong. If it is not forced, it is afraid This person will never show up. But now everything is aimed at breaking the Wuyuan monuments. Although there are some thoughts in his heart, no one will put them into his mouth, but he has been more careful about this demon dragon.

Nocha easily realized this, but he did not take it to heart, as long as he was able to enter the monument, and by virtue of the cultivation of these people, he did not have the qualifications to cause him trouble. If it was delayed, it would be wiped out!

Here chance and the origin of the thunder, he is determined to win! But at this moment he didn't show the slightest difference, stepped forward, and the figure directly entered the 67th position.

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, and his gaze swept away from the Demon Clan's strong man. Somehow he had a sense of anxiety and jealousy in his heart. His eyes hovered for a moment, and he added a bit of caution to this. Thoughts depressed.

"There isn't much time. Now, you Daoyou must have mastered the control method of this clash. You and I immediately broke through and opened the entrance to this ancient monument in Wuyuan to seal the town!" Tieboer said in a deep voice, and many monks followed him. He moved with his own physical ancestral city in a complicated array, and there were violent mana fluctuations in his body.


With a deep and drunk drink, the horrible breath fluctuation suddenly dispersed, making the endless spiritual power of the whole space suddenly violently tormented, like the raging waves of the sea and the sea, the majestic and powerful! Gathering the power of tens of thousands of monks, there are 67 ethnic peaks that can blast out the Xeon Shentong as a burst of strikes, and 67 consecutive powerful attacks suddenly land at the same place as the entrance to the town of Wuyuan. Under this near-destructive attack, the entrance to the Umong area trembled suddenly.



Cracks appeared above the entrance to seal the town. Eventually, they could not withstand the explosion of the destruction force. They completely shattered, revealing a hole with a size of hundreds of feet. Looking through the crack, it was all gray.

The entrance to the Wuyuan historic site is broken!

The next moment, the sincere cooperation of the collaborators burst instantly. As a group of monks who briefly cooperated because of interests, now that they have achieved the intended purpose, this cooperation naturally does not need to continue.

"Old man take a step first!" Tie Boer flashed a different color at the moment when the town was broken, and the figure rushed into the crack in the package of phoenix and disappeared in a flash.

Immediately afterwards, several powerful monks of various ethnicities broke into one after another.

The shot of the powerful monk showed that there was no crisis in Fengzhen. Now that it has been harvested, countless monks lifted up, their eyes were full of hotness, and they could no longer suppress the greed in their hearts, and howled and rushed out. It's just that I don't know how easy it is to get in now, but they still have the opportunity to leave alive.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he didn't squint and frowned slightly. He seemed to be thinking about some things, but his real attention was behind him. Then the monk who appeared later, for some reason, appeared behind this person. It actually made him more uneasy. This feeling is strange, but Xiao Chen absolutely dare not wait for it to be idle, so he forced himself to press the impulse to rush into the ruins in order to test whether his guess was correct.

As a result, although the power of the demon tribe was hot, it was still suppressed and did not leave. Although this person's eyes did not glance at him at all, Xiao Chen's heart sank and he knew that his goal was him!

He is now hiding his identity, and has no revenge against this demon powerhouse. Why does this person stare at him? Could it be that his identity has been revealed?

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a bit of haze. Although he didn't want to admit it, now this explanation is the most reasonable, but now there are no exceptions to the surrounding monks. Obviously, even if this monster can know his identity through some channels, However, the matter was not publicized, as long as it was killed, a crisis could be eliminated. Mind slightly, Xiao Chen did not continue to stay for a long time, took a step to go straight to the town gap.

Sure enough, at the moment of his action, the demon clan followed closely, and at the same time strode straight to the gap.

Xiao Chen sneered. Unless he felt a little uneasy, he only watched this person carefully. Otherwise, the monks are so crowded and rushed to break into the town's gap. Why would he not have doubts about the power of this demon tribe? .

But now ... now that you dare to keep up, then this book will obliterate you and eradicate the consequences forever.

When stepping into the gap in the ancient town of Wuyuan, Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the monk monk, his eyes flashing.

The monster Long Nuocha sank, knowing that his family had been seen through the horse's feet, but now that he has entered the ruins, he naturally has no worries, no matter whether this monk is Xiao Chen, as long as he shot and killed it, everything Be clear!

Stepping down and entering the monument, it seems to be entering a strange and quiet space, extremely calm, and there is no sound in the quiet surroundings.

This demon dragon didn't hesitate and drank a little. Its real horrible repair was violently explosive, and it was close to the power level of the ancient wilderness. It gave him no worries in this Wuyuan monument, and he wanted to take this human race directly. The erasure of the repair!

Xiao Chen's face changed suddenly, and his pupils shrank violently. He finally knew why he was disturbed. He had endless jealousy when facing this person. It turned out that the monk had hidden his practice!

His real combat power is infinitely approaching the ancient level!

At the time of the crisis, Xiao Chen's hand flashed, obtained from the sword of the Master of the Sword Yuan Wanzhu instantly appearing in his hands. At this moment, a little mana was poured into it, and he was beaten to the monster monk by his backhand!


Sword Yuanzhu was stimulated with a touch of spiritual force, and the terrible sword energy contained in it suddenly burst into a sword and fell off! This sword is made at the time of the origin of the master of the thousand swords, refining with a trace of perception in the meditation between heaven and earth. The power is extraordinary, once it bursts, it will be a half step away from you.

The sword was cut, and the dragon dragon Nuocha's face changed slightly, but there was no sign of fear, and a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth.

This roar, however, contains an extremely powerful magical power of this demon dragon, and because its body is a dragon family, it has the blessing of the dragon power and the body, which makes this type of magical power extremely powerful. Can kill thousands of souls! Hopping-The sound waves spread like fans in a fan-like shape, spreading forward, and the space they trembled met with the sword that fell off. Both of them possessed a number of ancient powers. The magical powers were strangled together in an instant. The sword is in full swing, and the sound of waves is incomparable!

Taking advantage of this stalemate, Xiao Chen's figure turned into a streamer, whistling straight ahead.

Demon Dragon Noo growled. Before, he only had 60% certain that the repair of this robe was Xiao Chen, but now he has more than 90% certainty. Seeing the origin of Thunder, he would not allow him to escape. !!

But there was a magical power in front of him, even if he didn't dare to break into it directly, no matter how anxious his heart was at this moment, he could only press it a little bit, only to wait for the weak power of the magical strangulation, and then rely on his own power to kill him.

As for the other monks in the surrounding area, they were already stunned by this sudden and horrifying battle. At the place where the supernatural powers were fighting, dozens of fast-moving monks did not have any resistance at all. Off. In this way, the monks in the surrounding area were horrified. At this moment, how could they dare to keep approaching, and dodging backwards, and dared not approach the two evil stars, they were afraid that they would accidentally lose their lives.

The main figure of Ziyuan appeared. He saw the demon dragon chasing Xiao Chen away. The man's brows were frowning and his eyes were spitting for a moment. In the end, he did not dare to chase him down. Although he was very powerful, he thought he was not the demon dragon. Rival. The monk of this tribe did not know why he had caused the person to hunt him down, for fear that he would be doomed. With a helpless sigh, fortunately, although the battle-word tactics were lost, his figure now is in the ancient monuments of Wuyuan, but it contains countless opportunities. As long as he is careful and cautious, he will certainly be able to get the great fortune!

The master of Ziyuan converged, carefully avoiding the direction where the demon dragon and Xiao Chen left, the figure roared forward in the envelope of Luguang.


[Slight fever, chest pain, go to the hospital to check, the update in the afternoon may be postponed to night. 】

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