Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 278: Old dead soul

Slowly inhale and press down the thoughts in your heart, and raise them again, and your eyes are cold. {[August 1st? ((<文 <(W] WW.81ZW.COM. The place where he is going now is a place where Xiao Chen feels very strong in the air, and there must be a lot of old corpses here. It must be bigger!

The dead soul came over the sky, without Xiao Chen's shot. Attracted by the countless vigor of the monks at the top of the distant group, the corpses hidden in the dark bottom soil screamed wildly and rushed out, wrapped in thick death gas. Turn into an endless dark cloud, exhaling a trembling breath!



Countless low-snarled growls emerged from the mouth of the corpse, Xiao Chen's face remained unchanged, and he had already experienced the beheading of these corpses, although the number of them was very large, it did not make him disturbed.


Xiao Chen was expressionless and calm in his eyes. The only one who passed was the endless chill, tearing forward with one hand.

Zuo Mei Taoist Temple has been suffering cultivation for 9,000 years. When he cultivated for improvement, Xiao Chen did not shut himself down, but constantly felt and explored many magical powers he has mastered. Now he can do it with one finger and one hand. The three supernatural powers are directly integrated into one, and the three types of supernatural powers can be merged in an instant!

Nether spirits tumbling, converging, and turned into a dark, **** hand, tearing at the old corpse! Under this tear, its force was shocking, and the mighty force instantly acted on the numerous dead bodies, tearing it directly!

The old corpse dries up and shatters its flesh, trapped in the screams of hundreds of millions of deadly souls, and instantly gathers under the action of an irresistible force, heading for the group of souls under Xiao Chen's feet. With the entrance of these undead souls, the evil spirits scattered by Xiao Chen's feet suddenly increased with a clear and sensible degree, and the screams of countless undead souls became louder and louder.

They shattered the magic of the heavens and killed countless old corpses, but the number of them was only a small part of the old corpses emerging from the ground, and a large number of old corpses were siege madly.

Xiao Chen looked calm and saw countless old corpses frantically surrounding him. He was not panic-stricken, tearing with one hand, but also tearing up the magical powers of the heavens, beheading and killing countless old corpses. But while he took two shots, the remaining old corpse had swept away, and Haohao was like a tide. But at this moment, an amazing scene appeared instantaneously. When Xiao Chen sat down and saw the dark cloud composed of undead souls facing the old corpse, the countless undead spirits were now showing a stunned side, roaring wildly in the mouth and growing up. They bite at these cadavers who swept away. Under this bite, it wasn't the old dead body that was injured, but the dead soul trapped inside. The dead soul was damaged or completely devoured, and the old corpse's body collapsed naturally. However, crazy shots in this old corpse can also cause great damage to Xiao Chen's sitting down, and the two sides roared madly when they roared.

Xiao Chen stands on the countless dead souls, guarded by the dead souls, and no old corpse can approach him at all. One-time tearing magical powers are constantly shot, only because the combination of this supernatural power loss and lethal power is his best choice right now. .

There is a dead silence in Wuyuan. Not only is the vitality cut off, but also the spiritual power diffused in that day and time. Now every loss is supported by Xiao Chen's own strong repair. Fortunately, he can continuously absorb spiritual power through the left eyebrow. Add, but the situation is cautious and correct at the moment, Xiao Chen is not easy to go to today, do not want to be killed because of a little carelessness, life hard work finally put to waste.

With the passage of time, the killing is still in progress. Even though Xiao Chen's dead soul is extremely damaged, the number of dead souls is still increasing because of Xiao Chen's magical beasting, but the increase is much slower.

Half an hour later, when the last batch of old corpses were cut and killed by Xiao Chen, the dead souls at his feet snarled and screamed in the sky, sweeping wildly in all directions.

As usual, Xiao Chen will now try to collect the treasures of the place guarded by the old corpse here, but today his eyes flickered, but he slowly turned to look away. In his telepathic sense, an extremely powerful breath appeared. Among them, the smell is similar to that of the old corpse, but the two are not the same. Now he is approaching him at an astonishing degree, and it seems that he is already aware of his existence.

After a few dozen breaths, looking at the overwhelming dark clouds of ghosts, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, finally confirming what he thought, other monks also revealed the secret of beheading the dead, just like the person in front of them.

"Hahahaha! This seat has been waiting for Dao You for a long time, and now the old corpse here has been beheaded. Dao You's mana must be severely depleted. I wonder if there is still a power to fight this seat in your hand to kill the souls in your hands. Leave it to me! "

猖獗 Laughing out of the horrible ghost, the number is almost double that of Xiao Chen. Although the countless ghosts are still roaring in the roar and roar, its shape has been vaguely transformed into a weird one. The strange beast, tens of thousands of feet in size, seemed to be a mount under the mad laughing monk.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and he slowly turned to look at the monk, his eyes flickered a little thoughtfully, but his eyes looked calm and completely uneasy.

When I saw the figure of Xiao Chen, the monk who laughed laughed changed his face, his pupils shrank with a little bit of jealousy, and even if he was depressed by the endless fierce will, "The repair of the human race was originally you, but even so, how can it be, Japan How can I be afraid that you will not succeed when you come here with weakness and the help of souls and beasts! "

"Dead with me!"

In the roar, this alien power stepped down, and the faintly formed soul beast roared suddenly, opening his mouth and thinking about Xiao Chen's fierce swallow!

When swallowed, the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds rolled backwards, and the countless dead souls under Xiao Chen's seat suddenly roared. The original state of grouping actually appeared to collapse, as if to be swallowed by the soul beast!

"Swallow it! Swallow it! After swallowing down the dead souls of this human race, the soul beast of this seat may be able to completely condense the body. By then, the power will rise greatly, and this seat will have self-protection in this Wuyuan territory. If you have the opportunity, you can even become the biggest winner this time, and get the terrific opportunity in Wuyuan! "

This alien power flashed crazy heat in his eyes, a trace of blood appeared at the bottom of his eyes, but he didn't feel the slightest.

The bottom of Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and his eyes turned into silver and white suddenly, like the eyes of the thunder, there was a hint of thunder, and the breath of thunderous and overbearing thunder burst from his body. Overwhelming.

The thunder is the main punishment, and the evil spirits that cut the heavens and the earth are unafraid!

No matter the old corpse or the dead soul, all belong to the evil charm. The power of the thunder is the greatest deterrent to them. Now the power of the thunder in Xiao Chen's body is dissipated, and it turns into an endless raging thunder. Wrapped in. If other monks dare to do so, and have not hurt the enemy, the dead souls under him have already been wiped out by the power of the thunder, but Xiao Chen uses the little blood to control the origin of thunder, and the thunder has his own ideas. Xiao Chen can sit down and die. Avoid damage.

Although he did not make a bold move, the thunder force came to the territory of Wu Yuan, still let the soul beast in the crazy roar for a while sobbing, actually turned back again and again, showing a sense of fear.

While this soul and beast retreated, Xiao Chen stepped on the next step, and his figure shot up, across the sky like a thunder in the endless Raymang package, and a spear appeared in his hand, mixed with the monstrous magic, bursting. Spike off!

Black Magic Gun!

This demon soldier has been carefully sacrificed in the left eyebrow dojo after the ancient demon avatar, and has now returned to its peak state. Its power has reached the peak level of Tongtian Lingbao, which is only one line away from the legendary wild ancient treasure. Power Imperious!

Thunder shocks the soul beast ahead, this strike is Xiao Chen's real killing move! There are many crises in this Wuyuan territory. If you are not careful, you may bury yourself in it. If you encounter a strong enemy, you will have to fight it. Otherwise, you may be late!

The black magic gun strike is based on the ancient monster avatar. It is a strong strike, superimposing treasure power, and can cut the peak of the ethnic group!

This is another hole card in Xiao Chen's hand!

Above the soul beast, the alien power had not responded at all, and the black demon gun had penetrated the endless space and slammed straight into its chest.


In the screaming, this alien power felt a strong threat of death. At this moment, he could not resist at all, and the figure left the soul beast to retreat frantically. He did not expect Xiao Chen to hold such a terrible thunder practice, otherwise he would dare not calculate . Fortunately, although this shot was fast, he was still able to escape. This alien power is regretful and has already decided that once he escapes this shot, he immediately leads the sitting soul beast to escape, but this human monk is really not provoking ... but when his thoughts have not fallen, His eyes could not help but widen instantly, his pupils contracted violently, but he did not wait for a slight reaction from him, the speed of the black magic gun suddenly accelerated, and his chest pierced suddenly.

"How could his gun be so fast ..." This was the last thought that came to his mind when the man slumped.

Space avatars, mastering the origin of space, practice within the turbulence of space. Nowadays, the power of the origin has grown a lot, and has already mastered the means to help the ancient demons or the human race's combat power soar.

For example, the black magic gun was only blessed by the space source, which caused the sudden drop of the magic soldier's stabs several times, so that the alien power had no resistance at all, and it had completely fallen and disappeared.


It was at the moment when Xiao Chen slashed the alien power with a shot. The soul and beast body in this seat suddenly collapsed and turned into countless dead souls. He went straight to the dead soul group under his seat, his eyes flickered, It was not blocked, but a little different color appeared in his eyes.

call out!

call out!

Countless dead souls have penetrated the sky, and within a short period of time they have completely merged with the dead souls under Xiao Chen's seat, regardless of each other. After killing the alien power, the dead souls in this seat have been received by Xiao Chen. . But the more startling change at the moment began in that soul.


[Continuously strive for more, I have been up late lately, the doctor said the immunity is too poor, the x-ray examination said that the condition is not too serious, I hope that I can be discharged early .. In addition, the place is too crowded, and there is an aunt hiccup ..]

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