Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 279: Unicorn Spirit Beast

Countless dead souls roar, screaming against the sky, covering the sky to make the light darker and darker, and the dark clouds of the dead soul twitch fiercely, and the sound of the shrieking grows more neat, when all the roars turn into the same sound After the complete fusion of all the dead souls of Xiao Chen and that alien power, they turned into a brand new soul beast!

The whole body is gray, the limbs are on the ground, the head is like a dragon, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like a lion, the back is with a tiger, the waist is a bear, the scale snake, and the majestic, arrogant and domineering, the eyes are full of the meaning of Mori cold killing, Yin Angry. Bayizhong <? [文 [[(? [W] W] W].) 8} 1) Z} W]. } C & gt; O} M]

Even though Xiao Chen already had some speculations in his heart, now he saw the billions of dead souls turned into the soul and beast in front of him. He still couldn't help setting off a stormy sea, his frowns slightly, and his thoughts moved slightly. Faintly submissive, stepping down, he came to Xiao Wei's mount for an instant. In this Wuyuan realm, the level of the soul is not much different from that of the monk Yuguang. It can also serve as a guard and guardian. Therefore, Xiao Chen will drive the soul to move, but now hundreds of millions of souls have turned into this strange soul and beast. Faster, faster than Xiao Chen expected! At the same time, the range of his primordial induction suddenly skyrocketed by 3 times. In his induction range, not only did more old corpses gather, but also many places that had not been sensed before. Its strength is several times higher than the surrounding area where old corpses meet. It's just that within its sensing range, no trace of any monk has been found. Otherwise, killing it and devouring its soul may make the soul and beast stronger.

Xiao Chen slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes flashed with a strange color. Although he intentionally beheaded the dragon dragon to make Dayan Dragon Soul Pill, he did not have the full confidence to kill it, but the soul beast appeared but let him find it. Another possibility.

Just swallowing up all the souls of an alien power, let him get a soul beast. If 1o people are continuously swallowed, hundreds or even more, I do n’t know what kind of soul beast power will reach!

Xiao Chen collected the treasures here and the storage ring of the alien alien power, and his mind moved slightly, and the soul and beast under him moved instantly, turning into a gray stream and whistling away.

A place where old corpses gathered, Xiao Chen sat cross-legged on the soul beast. This object was full of joy in the eyes of sensational killings, and rushed out of the old corpses to open the mouth, and moved forward fiercely. swallow.



Under one swallow, countless old corpses collapsed instantly, and the undead soul was forcibly swallowed into the mouth of the soul and beast under Xiao Chenzao under the influence of an irresistible force. Only this swallowing force swallowed more than one million souls. !!

In a short time, all the old corpses here collapsed and died, and Xiao Chen never shot from beginning to end. After devouring countless undead souls, the soul beast suddenly exuded a strong horror of death and enveloped all its forms.

After a few breaths, the dead air dissipated, revealing the body of its inner soul beast Yueshenjun's magnificent body, and the power it possessed became a little stronger. At this moment, looking back to Xiao Chen, the gray-white eyes suddenly revealed Be respectful.

"Master .. Master .. Kirin .. Kirin .."

Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, dazzling eyes burst into his eyes, and stared at the soul beast composed of countless undead souls, and finally determined that the intermittent fluctuations in the idea from the Yuanshen were exactly this thing.

Hundreds of dead souls have formed their own souls!

Xiao Chen couldn't figure this out, but could feel the respect and awe of this soul and beast's thoughts, and he groaned a little at the moment, saying, "You want to tell this seat, is your real name Kirin?"

Looking at the unicorn soul beast that nodded underneath, Xiao Chen seemed to be able to sense the joy of his simple thoughts. The corner of his mouth could not help showing a little smile, and raised his hand forward, "Then, the unicorn soul beast, Then you go forward with this seat, and go sideways in the territory of Wuyuan, and see if you and I can become the last person who smiles proudly! "

Drinking lightly, there was a mighty momentum soaring into the sky.

The unicorn soul beast roared in the sky, the roaring sound shook the ground, the four hoofs stepped down, and disappeared in the direction pointed by Xiao Chen.


"These two people are powerful monks of the human race. If today ’s news is revealed, you and other people in the future will surely be hunted down by the strong of my ethnic group, and there will be no place for death!" Anger.

The Lord of Heaven stands side by side with each other. The two are human races and have some friendship. After meeting in the inexplicable Wu Yuan, Hao did not hesitate to choose to join forces. It is not weak to gather the two forces in this Wu Yuan After some killing, the dead souls under the seat have condensed into soul beasts. But at the moment, the two are in a very bad state. They were besieged by the five monks in front of them. They are already in an absolute disadvantage and have suffered minor injuries in their bodies.

"There are countless monks ridiculed in Wuyuan. Who will know what is happening today, as long as this person and others start clean and do not leave the handle?" Daoyou rest assured that the road is that you wait for everything to happen, and I wait for it. "

"Why do Daoyou talk with him and you and I join forces to kill them directly?"

The peaks and powers of the five ethnic groups joined forces, and the momentum was explosive. The entire space had been completely blocked, and the possibility of the Nanshan Lord and the Heavenly Lord had escaped. The 5 souls and beasts under their seat roared and died. Chongxiao!

The faces of the Lord of Nanshan and the Lord of Heaven were suddenly disastrous. If they were outside, they might still be able to escape the birth of five people by relying on Teleportation. But the suppression of the space in Wuyuan was to let them No chance of escape.

Life is off!

The expressions of abomination on the faces of the two human races were at the same time.

But at this moment, the five were in the middle, with a stern expression. The monk opened his eyes half-closed and turned to look at the end of the dim sky. The bottom of his eyes showed caution and fear. This person is the one who repairs the powerful Dong Dai tribe Ida! The Dong Dai area is very small, but the monks in the tribe are arrogant and arrogant. They are enthusiastic about the opening of the territory of the ethnic group. Therefore, the Dong Dai and the surrounding ethnic groups have been fighting endlessly. , Devoured the Dong Dai territory as much as possible, wiped out all the resistance monks, and dismissed the rest into the entire spiritual world. After countless years, the Dong Dai has survived in name. Except for the descendants of this tribe, no ethnic group has recognized the Dong Dai Ethnic status in the spiritual realm. Although the ethnic group was destroyed, and the tail was in the spirit world to be a human, the Dongsu monk secretly recovered the ethnic heart. And this opportunity in Wuyuan has already been used by Jingtian Yi as the best aid for the rise of the Dong Dai people, and must not be allowed to be destroyed.

The next moment, the four people around him also sensed the breath fluctuations coming from here, and his face changed slightly into a sneer. It seems that today is destined to have a good harvest, evenly sharing the power of the souls of the three, and the power of the souls and beasts under their seat must be soaring again.

However, as the distance between the two sides continued to shrink, horrible and mighty death force swarmed over and over, and the vastness filled the whole world, covering 7 people including Jing Tianyi, and the souls and beasts under his seat were sensing After this breath, he kept roaring whispering in his mouth, and his expression became anxious, and there was a little fear in his eyes. Sensing the abnormal change of the soul and beast under his seat, the first-class person in Jingtian's face became extremely gloomy. He and the 5 people joined forces to not only slay the old corpse to receive the dead soul, but all monks encountered by him had also been killed by them. Only in a short period of time can the ghosts in the hands of five people condense into a powerful soul beast at the same time, but at this moment, it seems that the soul beast that the monk has is more powerful. Well, as long as they haven't sensed this person yet, the coming person has realized their existence ... knowing that five powerful men join forces to hunt down the monks in Wuyuan, this person dares to come and must rely on it!

Come, not good!

The five mighty monks felt that they didn't dare to despise their minds any more, turned slowly, and looked at the end of the sky at the same time.

As for the Lord of the Nanshan and the Lord of the Heavens, a bit of joy was born. After taking no trace at this moment, after slowly retreating, he looked at each other's thoughts clearly. If the two of them joined forces with the coming monks, today's crisis may not be broken!

Dragon heads, antlers, lion eyes, tiger backs, bear waists, and snake scales are thousands of feet in size. Their capacity is powerful, and their noses breathe out like two gray gases, which are full of vitality, lingering around the body, such as the underworld gods, Step in the void.

Behind this soul beast, there was a monk in blue robe standing with his hands in a flash, the black fluttering.

"It's him!" Jingtian jumped fiercely in his heart, and the faces of the four alien powers on his side also became extremely ugly. On the contrary, after the Lord of Nanshan and the Lord of Heaven fainted, his face showed ecstasy at the same time. .

"I also asked Dao You to help me escape the calamity. The old man was grateful, and he would definitely give Dao You enough reward!" Nanshan's main voice said sternly.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he glanced over here, nodding slightly, "The two Taoist friends don't need to be polite. You and I are monks of the same family, and we should support each other. This seat is naturally not going to stand idly by in the event of today."

The Lord of the Nanshan and the Lord of the Heavens nodded again and again, and my heart was greatly relieved. With this help, even if the other 5 people joined forces, they also had a little confidence.

"The cultivation of the human race, today's affairs have nothing to do with you, the old man can promise, as long as you keep the blood deed confidential today's affairs, you can leave safely, I will never stop the slightest. But if you intervene in it, then blame me for waiting Relentless, leaving you together. "Jing Tian slowly opened his mouth, his voice calm and lingering.

Behind him, the other four alien races stepped forward together, and although they did not speak, there were raging killings. Even if this monk's strength is intractable, his 5 people will not be able to leave all the trinity together!

There was no change in the look on Xiao Chen's face. At this moment, looking at the five people, the corners of his mouth suddenly lifted slightly. "Even if you wait for the whole body to retreat, this seat will not agree. You wait for the soul beast. Seats are required. "


[I was hospitalized for the first time in my life, and had a high fever. Today's update was coded last night, and there is a chapter in the afternoon. 】

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