Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 282: Into the Dead City

Above the dark clouds, the unicorn soul beast came down into the void, and the whole body was filled with death. The powerful breath instantly attracted the countless monks' attention. When they saw the figure of the monk on their back, they felt a little more dignified. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

The repair of the human race blue robe is actually him!

The pupil of the master of Ziyuan contracted. On that day, he saw the demon monk chasing Xiao Chen away. He thought he would fall, but he did not expect to see him here today. It seems that Xiao Chen must have it in his hands. Life saving card. Thinking of this, this person's eyes flickered for a while, obviously his mind was twitching, and he was a little more cautious when facing Xiao Chen.

"This seat thought Daoyou had been ridiculed and didn't want to see you today. It was a pleasant surprise."

The Master of Ziyuan opened his mouth with a smile. Even though he was cautious about Xiao Chen, he was confident that with his own practice, he could still kill it and devour the words of battle, so the surprise when he spoke was indeed Lungs.

When the monks in the surrounding areas heard this, they couldn't help but blink a little. When they thought of a fight between the two men, they all had some expectations in their hearts. I wonder if the two of them would fight this?

Xiao Chen's face was calm and his eyes fell lightly on the master of Ziyuan. "Dao You have not fallen down yet. How dare you take the next step. Today, you and I will inevitably have a life or death. But who is dead is still unknown. Will be a chance to help improve this seat. "

The Lord of the Ziyuan laughed, but his eyes were full of stubbornness, but his gaze swept away, but he pressed down all the killings in his heart. "At this moment, the opportunity is ahead. What if you and I were to hold each other down and wait for something to come and play again? "

"Good." Xiao Chen took a deep look at the man and said lightly.

The two eyes collided in emptiness, and they both felt the sharp killings in the other's heart, but they didn't entangle too much. They touched each other and each converged their breath. This makes a lot of old strangers frown secretly. If these two people fight together, no matter who loses, they can weaken the strength of one side's competition, and even if both sides are damaged at the same time, there is no possibility of competition, but things obviously do not Did not proceed as they imagined.

Now with the appearance of Xiao Chen, the atmosphere in front of the temple is getting more dignified. The monks in each side are guarding each other, and they are quite eager. There are great opportunities here, everyone knows this, but the key point is that this opportunity The things that can't be easily taken away can sense the terrible death in this temple, and the monks of all parties flashed their eyes, obviously having their own plans.

"Cough!" Tieboer cleared his cough and instantly attracted the attention of many monks. "All the Daoists gathered here today, all they do is the chance in this temple, but they must be taken away if they want to Extremely difficult. "

"The power of the old corpses underground in Wuyuan I think everyone should know everything. According to experience, the heavier the hidden treasures, the stronger the old corpses. This temple is the deadliest place in the entire Wuyuan territory. If there is a heavy treasure, there is also a great danger. If you and I fight now, even if there is the winner in the end, you may not be able to use your own strength to collect the opportunity in the temple. Therefore, the old man proposed that I wait for the time being to join hands to the crisis in this temple Eradicate it, and then fight for the treasures by means of each other, and live and die for each other's fate. I wonder what the Daoists think about this? "

The voice fell, and the monks from all sides heard the thoughts on their faces.

"Tieboldao friends are right, I agree with the demon clan." The black crow of the demon clan said, apparently the three of them thought of him.

"The Mozu has no opinion on this." The Mozu Qianqiu's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly.

The power of the casual repair party proposed that the demon and demon clans agreed successively. After a little hesitation of the surrounding monks, they also agreed.

With a smile on Tiebol's face, his eyes glanced around, "Since the Daoists agree with this, the old man once again reminded you that before joining forces to crush the temple crisis, you and I must not make secret calculations with each other. Otherwise, I will wait for public enemies to be killed together. "

"If you Taoists don't have an opinion and you are afraid of changes, you and I will take a shot and see what crisis is hidden in this temple."

Xiao Chen's face was calm, and he had no opinion to join forces at the moment, but because the monks cooperated because of the interests, the union state naturally collapsed when the crisis was lifted.

He was not afraid of the game of killing, but at the moment he was a little disturbed. Where is the demon dragon now? With his horrific cultivation approaching the ancient realm of famine, Xiao Chen never believed that he would be easily ridiculed!

With a frown, Xiao Chen writhed his thoughts while slowly inhaling the air pressure. Since he was unable to determine the whereabouts of the demon dragon, he could only hope that everything was going well right now, as long as he successfully obtained the colorful yin and yang flowers of the seven spirits, even if the demon dragon did not come Looking for him, Xiao Chen will not let him go. Dayan Dragon Soul Pill is the most important opportunity for him to make a breakthrough. Now he can succeed at first sight. No matter how much he pays, Xiao Chen will never give up easily. Just as his thoughts turned, the monks of various forces slowly moved towards the temple. Even with the mighty power of the ethnic group, in the face of the terrible death in the temple, he did not dare to take the slightest care, his face was full of solemnity. As the distance keeps shortening, the closer you get to the temple, the clearer you can feel the desolation of desolation, which is so prosperous many years ago, now it has become a dead zone!

The entire temple palace occupies a magnificent land, saying that it is a palace, but it is more like a city!

Mighty monks from all sides followed, followed by more than a thousand heaven and earth monks, with soul and beast mounts beneath them, slowly marching into this magnificent dead city.

Pap .. Pap ..

In the strange and quiet atmosphere, only the sound of the soul beast stepping on the ground came, echoing through the high walls, the more gloomy and horrible, a chill rising up into the city, the monks could not help but swallowed Spitting, the whole hair was cold.

The moment the last monk entered the dead city, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted his eyes, and his eyes were horrific.

The next moment, in the area around the city of the temple, the ground suddenly cracked, and there was a mighty, deadly gas that was almost condensed into substance. It burst into the sky and saw its termination. Completely isolated from outside space.

Sudden changes caused countless monks who rushed into the dead city to change their faces. Several monks exclaimed, the figures instantly regressed, and the light in the body flickered. I want to use the power of treasures to escape this deadly blockade!



Several streams of light flickered, and they plunged into the sky of death.

It was in the eyes of countless eyes that the monk's external magic light that had broken into the sky of death suddenly disappeared faintly, and then the sound of misery came to an abrupt halt, and finally it turned into a dead silence and then came silently. As for the soul beast that sat down, it collapsed and merged into the deadly sky. These monks had nothing to resist in this deadly sky, and they were instantly wiped out and destroyed. Such a scene made many monks unable to resist swallowing and swallowing secretly in succession, with a pale complexion, and their eyes could not be suppressed to reveal the color of terror.

The Demon Power Tu Ling gave a low hum, a slight frown, and a fist went straight to the deadly sky. This fist fell, and there was a sudden burst of horror, and it turned into a magic palm with a rolling magic.

The devil's palm fell, the sky of death gas fluctuated slightly, and there was no sound of contact between the two sides. The devil's palm seemed to be corroded, and it was continuously reduced with the naked eye, and eventually disappeared completely.

The peak of the ethnic group can make a full blow. Although there is no hole card, the attack is already extremely powerful, but it cannot cause any damage to this deadly sky!

Nowadays, not only ordinary monks look pale, but even the presence of ethnic groups has suddenly become gloomy. Looking at the sky of death that has risen into the sky, the monks of all ethnic groups who have entered the dead city are frightened, and nothing is heard.

However, in this strange and quiet atmosphere, a small sound suddenly came. Although extremely low, it was quite clear in this dead city. It was directly introduced into the ears of every monk and made everyone look good. Change, Huo Ran turned his eyes to see the sound of panic and panic.

In the building inside the dead city, after the closed door, the sound of Soso soared continuously. Although you could not see anything, it seemed to be able to sense the hot eyes coming from the house.

This is the desire for flesh and blood!

This sound ... like grinding teeth ...

The monks looked pale, and the monks' powerful faces became extremely ugly. An invisible fear suddenly emerged, covering all the monks here.

Under this mental depression, a monk couldn't bear it at last, and screamed to control the soul and beast so as to escape from the dead city. If he wanted to escape from this dead city, his speed would be as fast as lightning. Thousands of feet high.

But at this moment, there were suddenly a few muffled sounds, and then a dark shadow rose into the sky, directly catching up with the escaped repair, and daringly fell.

The next moment, the blood flower suddenly bloomed in the gloomy sky, and the fleeing monk had been torn by several shadows, and the flesh collapsed and the **** died. And at this moment, everyone finally saw the flash of the black shadow, which was actually a few old corpses with flesh and red eyes. At this moment, each of them held a section of blood corpse and slowly walked towards their respective residences. From time to time, bite a bite on the broken flesh from time to time. During the chewing, blood and water suddenly poured out, dripping along the corner of the mouth, and stained the ground, leaving a string of blood.

Watching the companion monk assassinated by the old corpse, the corpse was tragically eaten, which instantly made countless monks pale.

The fall of souls, the splash of blood, and the seductive taste of blood food spread slowly within the dead city, making the old corpses hidden inside the portal anxious and anxious, and the hoarse and low roar continued to come out , Revealing endless greed, longing breath.



Countless tightly closed portals were suddenly opened, and the flesh and blood dried up in black and purple, and the blood-stained dry corpses came out of the house. The pale yellow saliva flowed from the corners of the mouth, and the sharp teeth rubbed against each other, producing a "rustle" sound ...


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