The clouds are dim, the dead air covers the sky, and the cold and brutal atmosphere envelops the entire dead city, and it is mixed with the greed and heat that cannot be concealed. Bayi Chinese W] WW. 81ZW. The dense, uncountable old corpses of COM gathered from all sides, besieging all the monks who broke into the dead city, and a low, hoarse growl continued in their mouths.

The whole world is filled with a breath of restlessness.

Under the pressure from the old corpse, the monks in the dead city have put down their fears and bewares of each other, tightly together, white complexion, and swallowing vomit continuously, although they came here, each hand was beheaded. Countless old corpses, but looking at the army of old corpses like Wang Yang, still could not help but give birth to despair.

Even if aside from the quantity, the power of the old corpse in this dead city is also powerful and outrageous. The mighty death is enough to be comparable to the monks in heaven and earth. Among them, the more powerful ones can even exist in heaven and heaven!

This kind of power is enough to completely break the mind of the ordinary monk!

"Including the monks in heaven and humanity, they worked together to perform magical defenses. The monks at the top of the ethnic group went out and shot and killed the old corpses." Tieboer snarled. "Although these old corpses are numerous, they have no clever cooperation. I will join forces together. Fight, there is no hope of success! "

"Dear friends, today is the day when you and I live and die. In the event of failure, everyone will fall into this dead city. If you want to survive, you will do your best, no more reservations."

The snarling roars like a thunder, and the monks who are in fear will be awakened instantly. The key to the movement of the peaks of all ethnic groups has already figured out the key. In the ordinary heaven and earth monks, once they are surrounded by old corpses In the middle of the day, they will be torn and devoured. If so, it is better to keep them in a protected state and join in the defense so that they can fully kill and kill the old corpses in the city. Even if they can't hold on later, with the help of monks in these heavens and humans, they can weaken the power of the old corpses in the dead city to the greatest extent, and gain a little vitality for themselves.

This decision seems to be quite human, but it is still essentially naked.

Regardless of whether more than a thousand monks in the heavens and the earth have seen through this point, they have no choice in the current situation, otherwise they will soon face the coming of death. So even if they knew it was being used, they might even be abandoned coldly, but in order to get a glimmer of hope for survival, they have to go all the way!



The 32-bit ethnic group stepped forward, and more than a thousand heavenly monks stepped back. The breath in the body burst without reservation. A layer of mana defense shield appeared instantly and gathered the strength of a thousand monks. This shield is extremely solid.

At the same time, countless screams of screaming came in an instant, the restless old corpse monster suddenly burst out, eager for flesh and blood, rushed out without fear of death, launched a fierce impact on the shield.

"Do it!"

The 32 monks at the top of the ethnic group sang with a sigh, and the magical powers poured out without hesitation, exposing a powerful attacking force. Without using the hole cards, there was no monk hiding.

In today's situation, if you still dare to have two minds, then you are really looking for your own way.

Xiao Chen stood alone, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderousness. At the moment, his robe sleeve waved, "Supernatural power, the wind rises!"

"Supernatural power, Yunchong!"

"Supernatural power, rain comes!"

In order to avoid identity leakage, Xiao Chen split the one-type magical power into three, and appropriately shrouded the scope of magical power to ensure its lethal power.

The dark wind is like a knife, the cloud is eroding, and the blood is rotten. Even though the dead body in the dead city is extremely powerful, but under these three sinister supernatural powers, it can only persist for a few breaths, and it will turn into a pool of yellow water. At the same time, the unicorn soul beast roared under his seat, opened his mouth wide and swallowed forward fiercely. Thousands of old corpses immediately collapsed in front of him, and the ghosts scattered around, but could not leave the dead city.

Together, the two turned into a powerful killing machine, like a terrifying meat grinder, killing all the old corpses who dared to step forward.

The 32 powerful monks of all races shot with all their strength under their own protection, and immediately burst into extremely amazing lethality. The magical power can wipe out countless old corpses, but such a loss can only be regarded as the worst for the entire old corpse monster group. And the most important point is that, even if more than a thousand heavenly monks cooperate to lay down defenses, these old corpses lose their intelligence and can only rely on instinct to attack, but the attack power is still amazing, and the mana shield in the low dull sound keeps shaking. fluctuation. Once the shroud is broken, there may still be a glimmer of vitality in the peak of the ethnic group, but the monk in the heavens and the world is definitely dead. So now the monks who maintain the shield are gritting their teeth and doing their utmost, otherwise they will have to die.

The magical power roared, the aura of light shone, and the cruel roar of the old corpse resounded in the heavens and the earth. The endless vitality swept through like crazy waves, and wanted to wipe out all the creatures and wipe them out.

A large number of old corpses fell down, their bodies collapsed, their souls covered the sky, and their mouths roared unconsciously.

The desire of the unicorn soul beast is revealed in the eyes of the unicorn. For it, the soul is the best supplement. If it can devour all these souls, it must be able to regenerate and evolve. This feeling of seeing no food makes it Extremely angry, turning anger into attacking crazy output.

Xiao Chen's magical powers were shot in succession. The three major magical powers were repeatedly applied and superimposed. However, their power was getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of coverage continued to increase. The lethality suddenly increased by an amazing degree, and gradually made him become a killer here. The oldest dead body.

The wind, clouds, and blood rain are so powerful that they attract countless expressions of dread or suspicion.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and he didn't show the slightest look. He seemed to be unaware of all of this, but at this moment his pupils suddenly contracted sharply. An extremely dangerous feeling lingered in his heart, so he turned without hesitation and punched forward. Out.

He hurriedly shot, but he kept cautious at all times, and the fist had been exhausted with no reservation.

At this moment, the space behind Xiao Chen suddenly collapsed and shattered. A dry black purple palm protruded from the void, and the black nails flashed a faint metallic luster, like black iron casting.


The boxing slammed, the sudden loud noise suddenly burst, Xiao Chen snorted, a crackling noise in his body, the figure regressed faster, and his face became extremely ugly instantly. The sneak attacker has now been bombarded by this fist and forced to fly by the counter-vibration force, but he is an old corpse with a tattered robe. This robe seemed to have undergone a fierce assassination, and the damage was extremely serious, and after the erosion of all ages, it was already decaying. But it was this robe, but it still flashed a hint of light, helping the old corpse to offset part of the seismic force. It can be seen that this robe is by no means unusual, so the identity of this old corpse before death is naturally no small matter! The power it possesses has reached the highest level of combat power at the peak of the ethnic group!

Dry black-purple body, robes rumbling, a pair of scarlet blood-colored eyes staring at Xiao Chen, roaring constantly in his mouth.

When the old robe of the robe attacked Xiao Chen suddenly, there were several tragic sounds at the same time, but several powerful monks were caught off guard and were attacked by a secret attack on the old corpse. One of them was unlucky and his body was ripped apart. The eclipse, based on the peak of its ethnic group, Yuan Shen Xiu, was unable to withstand the poisonous attack of the old corpse.

In the dead city, the first ethnic monk to die!

A total of 7 old corpses did not know what method they used to sneak into the mana shield, and they attacked instantly, causing 5 monks on the side to be severely wounded and 1 person stunned, but Xiao Chen himself retreated and attacked the old corpse hard. Shake no wind.

Now that the sneak attack succeeded, the 7 old corpses did not make any more shots, turned and flung at the monk who protected the mana shield.



Waving his claws, the place where he passed is endless, the flesh flew across the earth!

Under these 7 powerful old corpses, more than a thousand monks were killed or injured instantly, and the defensive shield was instantly broken. Numerous old corpses screamed like a tide.

Xiao Chen's expression grew darker, his mind moved slightly, and the unicorn soul beast roared loudly and swallowed openly.

call out!

call out!

Numerous undead souls covering the sky under this suction were suddenly forcibly pulled, swallowed by the unicorn soul beast and swallowed directly. The terrible death was bursting out of the body, and the unicorn soul beast roared in excitement. With a whistle, countless old corpses shattered, and opened their mouths to devour the dead soul again.

At this moment, the surrounding monsters also returned to God, and hurriedly urged their respective souls and beasts to devour the dead souls, but the unicorn souls and beasts shot first, and before they shot, they had devoured almost half of the dead souls, their bodies were wrapped in death gas, and they were approaching The boundaries of evolution again.

At this moment, countless old corpses in the dead city have swept through them, drowning all the monks. The monks in the common heaven and earth can only be slightly resisted and killed, the whole body is swallowed up and there is nothing left. Only 31 monks at the top of the ethnic group It is still under hard support, but according to the current trend, it will eventually be slain to death by the old corpse.

As for the 7 old corpses that had previously attacked, they seemed to have their own intellect, and their bodies were flexible and constantly walking around, but they were not anxious to move forward. Obviously, they wanted to wait until the exhaustion of the human resources before violent killing.

Xiao Chen's face was ugly. What happened in the territory of Wuyuan was actually countless dead bodies. Looking at the raging corpse in front of him, his brows suddenly frowned. In the realm of the world, he had seen the same corpse close to it in Starfield Big 6, but there was a huge gap between the two. Could there be any connection? Such thoughts flickered in Xiao Chen's heart. He didn't think deeply that how to deal with the current situation and retreat is the most important thing.

Within this dead city, there was always a feeling of great uneasiness in his heart, and it seemed that something terrible was about to happen, and if this matter was mishandled, it would even affect his life!

It is precisely because of this unknown crisis, that Xiao Chen's heart grows more impatient.

Suddenly, the entire dead city shook violently, the ground rolled like a wave and swept across the madness in all directions, and the terrible death suddenly burst from the depths of the ground, as if there was a peerless monster to rush out of the ground!

Within the dead city, the countless fierce corpses that did not fear death madly strangled the powers of all races at the moment, and then they were all roaring at the same time. Under the leadership of the seven horrible old corpses, the body was exuberantly dead. Anger, madly converging and pressing **** the ground!


The bottom of the ground and the ground were instantly hardened, and the junction suddenly burst into a loud noise, which made the whole Dead City tremble. Obviously, the two sides were in a fierce battle!

The scene in front of me looks like this dead city corpse join forces to suppress the terror existing somewhere underground!


[The fever has finally retired today, and the whole person has a little more strength. I will try to get better soon and resume the update as soon as possible! 】

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