Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 287: Two fingers down

Although the blood shadow is strong, it is a magical figure. It will not fall for a while if it entangles with the demon dragon Nocha, but the real strength is worse than a star, so watching the shadow is torn by the demon dragon's sharp minions, Xiao Chen had already anticipated.

The old corpse is about to lose.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. For him, no matter who the winner was, there was no objection. He always had to compete with them for life and death. This was no different from him.

However, this did not prevent him from responding to the current situation in order to strengthen his own bargaining chips for the crisis.

The idea moved slightly, and the unicorn soul beast looked up at the master, then opened his mouth carefully, and devoured the **** shard in the free void with a speed that would not attract the attention of the fighting monster. These fragments are the torn pieces of the monster dragon Nuocha from the blood shadow, each piece is a fusion of a large number of undead souls, each swallowing a small piece, it is comparable to the ability to absorb millions of undead souls. As the engulfment progressed, the slightly stunned breath of the unicorn soul beast once again opened up under the pressure of the old corpse, and joy and caution appeared in the gray eyes.

The unicorn soul beast possesses a high level of intellect. Previously, the old corpse forcibly summoned the dead soul to gather blood shadows. If the owner helped him to stabilize the body to suppress the dead soul, now it may have been swallowed by it, so it is careful enough to swallow it up . Along with the engulfing, a strange blood-colored silk thread appeared on the gray scale armor of the unicorn soul beast, which makes it look a bit more fierce and violent, but what Xiao Chen is more satisfied with is Constantly enhance the breath of ascension. Although there are many slave monks in Zuomei Daochang, they have not formed a powerful force. They still need time to grow, so in the face of the crisis of life and death, what he can use is the power in his own hands. Although the strength of the Tianfeng Mang broken by the lines of heaven and earth is endless, it is uncertain whether he can help him turn the danger into Xiao Chen. Perhaps the Qilin Soul Beast will be a helping hand at the critical moment. Although Xiao Chen didn't want this to happen, he was still secretly preparing.

In desperation, the chance to live will only be left to the prepared.

When the demon Dragon Nuo entangled the blood shadow with the dragon body, crushed it and shattered it into pieces of **** fragments, the overall situation was set! The old corpse had a very good calculation. With the help of hundreds of millions of dead souls to transform into the blood shadow magic power to stop the demon dragon, he only needed to kill the master of Ziyuan in the shortest time, and the crisis was resolved naturally today. However, the powerful fighting power revealed by the Lord of Ziyuan was far beyond his imagination. He felt that the blood shadow magic power was forced and knew that the situation had gone. There was a sudden unwilling roar in this old corpse!

The four origins came before, and he planned to seduce Xiao Chen for a long time, but now everything is done as a wedding dress for others, how can he be willing! But no matter how angry and dissatisfied, the matter has come to an end, you can only leave before the demon Dragon Nocha has freed up, otherwise once he and the two masters of Ziyuan join hands, they will be sealed with the eternal corpse of ten years of strength. Definitely not their opponents, and may even snag here.

"The corpse source, the power of the rotten sky!" The old corpse drank, and its slightly plump flesh suddenly dried up, although it did not return to the general appearance of a dry corpse, it was also skinny, and the blood under his eyes rose again. .

Opening his mouth forward, a dark black smelly smell of blood spewed out of his mouth, and with the spurt of blood, the old corpse turned out to be a serious injury, and even the body's breath suddenly weakened.

The master of Ziyuan's face changed drastically, and he could no longer care to entangle this old corpse. The appearance of Zimang's flashing light turned into a streamer and whistled away. Obviously, he knew this amazing power. However, although he was extremely fast, the bite of blood was even faster. One drop was directly emitted, penetrating the purple awns as if there was nothing, and instantly hit the master of Ziyuan. The blood is the body, which is directly integrated into its flesh. A black silk thread suddenly emerges in the flesh, spreading to the surroundings with a crazy degree, just like a virus, and its growth length is appalling! Sensing the changes in the blood in the body, the Lord of Ziyuan was furious. At this moment, the surging mana burst out in the roar, and the town was enveloped by the bloodshot, but even this, the old man could not completely stop this. As things grow, their complexion becomes extremely gloomy.

At the same time, the whole group of blood was suddenly imploded in the void at the moment, like a strong acid falling on the iron and making a horrible sound of "Zila La". The blood was corroded by the blood on the side. An irregular black hole of a circular size, with endless murderous gas bursting out from it, is like a mass grave formed in the millennium, and I do not know where it is connected. The old corpse decided to retreat, and he would never do anything meaningless again. Now that he uses the source of the corpse, he has suffered a great deal of attrition. If he ca n’t find a safe place to retreat immediately, I ’m afraid he will fall asleep for years. Only then can I wake up again.

The blood flickered at the bottom of his eyes, and he said arbitrarily, "Demon Dragon, you have four sources today, and the old man will eventually take it back one day." Yu Luo stepped into the black hole and disappeared.

After the demon Dragon Nuosha strangled the blood shadow, he uttered a word of indecision, just to see the old corpse leave, and he could hear the words in his ears, his eyes were completely gloomy, and the coldness in the body was flourishing.

"Why don't Daoyou stop this old corpse for a while, you can take your hand out of this seat in one breath. When you and I join forces, we can kill it."

The demon dragon opened his eyes, and looked at Ziyuan's Lord quite badly.

The Lord of Ziyuan's face was ugly. "What's the meaning of the Taoist friends of the Dragon clan? Couldn't the corpse-blood mighty Taoist haven't seen it before? If you were a Taoist, would you dare to stop it directly? It is not too late to learn this lesson. "

The old corpse fled, and the old man felt a little more gloomy than the demon Dragon Nocha, and his chill appeared in his mouth.

When the demon dragon stagnates, he hums a little and no longer talks.

"The old corpse escaped with the power of the corpse source. It has already been so badly wounded that it will never return to the trouble of finding friends. In that case, your cooperation will be stopped here. If there is something important in this place, we will not stay for long. Farewell. "

Although the Lord of Ziyuan tried his best to suppress the injury, the longer the delay, the more difficult it was to cure it. This clone was not easy to come by. Now that the body is not out of the trap, the clone cannot show any difference, so he cannot be careful. At this moment, the sleeve of the robe was swung, and a drop-shaped purple crystal in the storage ring appeared in its hand, with a little force. This thing suddenly shattered a powerful breath suddenly emerged from it, turning it into a portal standing between heaven and earth. One hundred feet in size. The Lord of Ziyuan didn't hesitate, stepped straight to the portal, and wanted to use this thing to leave.

But at this moment, his face changed suddenly, and his pupils shrank sharply. "Demon Dragon Dare!"

Behind him, a horrible dragon tail mixed with Wan Jun's strength suddenly fell, and it was extremely powerful!

The Lord of Ziyuan was originally an avatar. Today, the powerful power is borrowed from the body. It is not its own thing. Most of it is used to suppress the spread of bloodshot blood. There is no resistance to this dragon tail. force.


After the dragon tail, a loud noise rang out, and the blood rain filled the sky!

How dare he shoot at me? This is the last thought flashed in the mind of the master of Ziyuan before his death.

The master of Ziyuan slumped, perhaps with some divine thoughts in his body, a battle character formula with a touch of light suddenly appeared, but without any pause, whistled straight to the dead city. The master of Ziyuan succumbed, and Zhanzijue will automatically find the nearest Zhanzishu owner to merge with it. In this way, even if someone stuns the Zhanshushu, the meaning cannot be obtained by killing the monks. If you want to get the battle word formula, you need to get the approval of the War God Palace, otherwise it will not help you to cultivate as high as you can.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, without any intention of blocking. Even if this battle-character formula was integrated into his Yuanshen and into his own battle-character formula, a faint aura of light suddenly flowed on it.

However, at the moment, Demon Dragon Nocha ignored the thoughts of the matter. At the moment when the Lord of Ziyuan was killed at the end, the soul deed power in his Yuanshen suddenly burst into a wave of destruction and spread madly to his entire Yuanshen. .

Soul Deeds Back, Primal Destruction!

But this demon dragon didn't have any panic-like appearance. At the moment, he expected it. At this moment, he stretched out his hand with one hand and thought about his forehead. His face turned white instantly, and his body trembled with pain.

A section of Yuan Shen was pulled out of him from the Yuan Shen space, and cut off all the induction with the body. In the rolling of his palm, it turned into a dragon shape, only the size of a ruler, but if you look closely, However, it can be seen in the same way as the monster dragon itself. At the moment when the reduced version of the Demon Dragon Yuanshen appeared, the destructive power of the soul deed that had exploded in the original body of the Yuanshen was attracted by all, and fell on the reduced Yuanshen in the hands of the demon dragon Nocha.

With a desperate roar, the shrinking dragon soul was completely destroyed in the backlash of soul deeds, and although the dragon dragon Nocha looked white and breathed slightly and looked like a damaged one, he had safely passed the soul debuff.

"That old corpse's identity is weird. Even if you escape, you may not be able to publicize today's events, but you are different. Just in case, you can blame the king's heart for being ruthless." The monster dragon Nuocha whispered, and the corners of his mouth were sulking. Color, eyes cold. However, when he looked at the Dead City, the meaning of Mori in his eyes instantly turned into hot. Now all the monks who broke into the Wuyuan Realm have been ridiculed, leaving only him and this Xiao Chen, and to see who can seize the opportunity with him. Although the damage was not slight, the demon Dragon Nuocha did not look at Xiao Chen at all, even if he heard the so-called celebrity's sharp name, he was not afraid. The mighty physique of the Dragons is an empty vernacular. Besides, there is the blessing of the source of water. Although this thing is strong, it can't be better for him!

Now it's finally time to harvest!

Demon Dragon Nuo Cha lifted, the aura of light flashed into the human body, the next step of the foot, suddenly appeared above the dead city. Now, with the old corpse escaping, the dead corpse monster is dying, and the deadly sky that closed the dead city has slowly dissipated, allowing him to easily see the blue robe monk standing on the ground. Although his face is white and blood is left on the corner of his mouth, The look was still calm, the dark eyes were moist and restrained, and there was a coldness in them.

Raised with one hand, greeted Demon Dragon Nocha, the fingers which were bent slightly and slowly released.

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