Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 288: Dragon Slay

With the release of two fingers, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became pale with a terrifying degree, and the moist and bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and Guanghua's elastic skin became dry directly, with wrinkles and black hair. Instantly pale, like the dry grass in the late autumn, the whole person was exuding a strong decay and death, like the mundane old man, his body was shaking for a while, if it was not determined, at this moment I was afraid that he had fallen down. ? Bayi Middle School

With the release of these two fingers, Xiao Chen paid not only the mana of the whole body to repair the power of the Yuanshen, but also the horrifying vitality like the ocean!

Xiao Chen inherited the blood of the Naga ethnic group. His life level has long been beyond the limits of ordinary monks. The longevity of his life can be called no beginning and no end. If heaven and earth are with each other, otherwise he will not be able to use the finger of silence as powerful Supernatural powers exerted, and even evolved into such a terrifying power like Huangquan Mopan. But it was precisely with his magnificent vitality that he was forcibly swallowed up for a while before he could barely complete the performance of this magical power.

Just because Xiao Chen is not one finger off the void today, but two fingers!

Today, Xiao Chen can barely see the two lines in Yuanshen, and now he has no hesitation in playing his strongest hole card in order to completely kill the demon Dragon Nuocha!

The body of the dragon, the power of the origin, and the almost powerful ancient power made him dare not to take the slightest care. Once he shot, he must kill the demon dragon with a single blow, otherwise he would have no choice but to die!


The two lines were fluctuated at the same time, and the destructive power produced was not as simple as the sum of the two, but was directly superimposed in a simple and crude way, making its power soaring innumerable and reaching an incredible state.

It was still a miserable white like a blade appearing in the void, and flashed across the sky in a flash, and went straight to the demon Dragon Nocha. It's just that within this pale white blade, there is a faint blood color. If you don't look closely, you can't see the changes in it.

Two stacks of split-sky fronts!

Demon Dragon Nocha's face turned abruptly, his eyes narrowed, showing an incredible color, more still the fear and panic.

Yes, this monster dragon is afraid!

Facing the old corpse and the powerful existence of the Lord of Ziyuan, he can fight to let go of the battle, but at this moment facing Xiao Chen's two-finger release and release of the magical power, let the demon dragon feel his own lungs. Chilling, a sudden breath of death appeared, covering his entire mind, the feeling of truth, so he did not hesitate to believe that the next moment he would be wiped out by this blade-like terrorist attack.

A monk who has not yet been promoted to Heaven and Human Realm can actually exhibit such terrible killing power. The monster Long Nuocha cannot imagine, and at this moment he has no time to think about it.

The Qi machine has been locked by the magical power, and he cannot escape anyway. If he cannot resist it, the only thing waiting for him will be death. Now Nocha finally knows that the person who hides the deepest today is not the underground corpse or the master of the Ziyuan, but Xiao Chen, who seems to have no resistance but counts everything! He deliberately exposed the four root causes and seduced him to fight with the old corpse, which would lead to fierce fighting between the two sides, and eventually ended in a situation where both sides lost. And he already has a killer in his hand, which is a great gift to congratulate the winner. In the end, no matter who wins, he needs to escape the last killing game in his hands!

The monster Long Nuocha suddenly felt cold, watching Xiao Chen who turned into a decadent old man. He couldn't help but develop a little fear, but then this fear turned into endless assassination.

Even if he is dead today, he will definitely pull this person down with him!

This demon dragon raised a horrifying roar, and its body became the body again, maintaining the size of thousands of feet. Instead of shrinking, it burst into a tragic trend, shaking its head and swinging its wings straight away from the sky's edge!

The physical body of the Dragons is their most powerful weapon, so he does not use any magic weapon to resist at all. If the scale armor with the source of water cannot resist it, other treasures are useless.


The terror breath suddenly exploded from the place where the demon dragon Nocha and the two stacks of the split sky front touched, turning into a rolling wave of energy, like the tide of the angry sea, swept madly in all directions, and the strength of the momentum was like destroying the sky Extreme.

The devastating force suddenly came with an irresistible trend, sweeping the entire body of the demon Dragon Nocha, and the blessed dragon scale that blessed the source of water, but this time it became fragile, directly under the impact of this force collapse.

The flesh fluttered, sensing the flow of vitality in the body, and the demon Dragon Nuocha could not help but have a thought in his mind, "Is this the feeling of death?"

But how could he be willing to die like this.

Powerful as the Dragon King, guarded by the power of the origin, even if the two stacks of split-sky front burst, they cannot be wiped out instantly. And this short breathing time is enough for Nuo Cha to do many things.

Dragon mystery, death message!

The Dragon is extremely powerful, but the number of people is very small. Even in its peak period, it has never made 5oo heads. Each of them is the most precious treasure of the Dragon. The death message is a talented supernatural power that the monks of the Dragon tribe used unnaturally before death. They can return the killer information to the tribe so that the strong ones can take revenge.

But at the same time as the death message was unveiled, Demon Dragon Nocha suddenly spit out a dragon tooth!

The dragon's teeth are the hardest part of the whole body, and have been blessed by all the power of the demon dragon before he died. He suddenly turned into a sharp arrow and passed through the blockade of the fierce sky and went straight to Xiao. Morning shot!

The next moment, the demon Dragon Nuocha's flesh collapsed instantly, the dragon soul collapsed, the dragon dan flew, and the sky's dragon blood flesh!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to this ridiculous monster dragon. His pupils contracted violently, and his eyes stared at the dragon teeth that shot. At this moment, Xiao Chen had reached the point where the oil was exhausted and there was no trace of it. Resistance.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar, and a gray streamer struck across the void. The unicorn spirit beast rushed out of the way and blocked Xiao Chen.


The dragon's teeth were shot, and the unicorn soul beast's scale armor was easily torn, and the dragon's teeth penetrated deeply into it, and the terrifying terrorist power on it burst suddenly!


The unicorn soul beast was so miserable that his body ’s dead air suddenly dissipated, and his body was weakened with an astonishing degree. His eyes were full of pain, but the demon dragon Nuocha died with a hate. It stopped.

The unicorn soul beast fell to the ground, his eyes looked at Xiao Chen. Although painful, there was relief. His life was given by his master. Now he should be ridiculed for his master.

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly stunned. Although he had meant to let the Kirin Soul Beast resist for him, he did not convey his thoughts, and the Kirin Soul Beast had already done so. Although the two results were the same, there was a huge gap.

He practiced his entire life, confessing that his grievances are clear. Now Qilin's soul beast saves his life is a great grace, how can Xiao Chen see it die.

"The finger of silence!"

Xiao Chen took a step forward and pointed at it, but now that he has run out of oil, this pointer just explodes the vitality left by him into a layer of very light yellow light. The unicorn soul beast shrouded in it is actually a thin layer.

Permanence refers to the evolution of the Huangquan Grinding Wheel, which is transformed by magical powers, but more like heaven and earth. What Xiao Chen needs to do now is to incorporate the Kirin Soul Beast into the soul of the Treasure!

This may seem absurd, but it is the only thought that Xiao Chen can think of today to keep the unicorn soul beast. This thing is born of the power of gathering the souls of souls, and it is extremely appropriate to blend in the venomous Shouyuan Shentong Silent Finger.

But now Xiao Chen intends to incorporate the unicorn soul beast, but he has no power anymore, and the meaning of emptiness is constantly coming from the physical gods, making his eyes black and suddenly biting the tip of his tongue to barely keep his mind awake. .

"Gold Seal, help this seat once, keep the Kirin Soul Beast, this seat owes you a kindness, and you will return it in the future." Xiao Chen drank in his mouth and was able to integrate the Kirin Soul Beast into the invisible magical power. Strength can help Xiao Chen, in his opinion, there is only a golden seal!

The sound did not fall, and the heavenly spirit flashed aura, and the golden seal suddenly appeared. A faint golden light spilled from it, covering Xiao Chen and the unicorn soul and beast.

While bathing in the golden light, the dragon teeth pierced into the body of the Kirin Soul Beast were suddenly forced out. A mysterious telepathy appeared between Xiao Chen and the Kirin Soul Beast. This kind of induction was different from the previous one, more like the master and The feeling of treasures and spirits.

The golden seal .. Sure enough, the Kirin Soul Beast was incorporated into the vanishing fingers of silence, or the mysterious Huangquan Grinding Disk, giving the intangible things the spirit god, just like the entity.

Xiao Chen didn't know what kind of changes would happen, but he could vaguely guess that he was about to gain a lot again.


After completing this matter, the golden seal did not stop, and disappeared into Xiao Chen's body again, but the unicorn soul beast had disappeared with the disappearance of the finger of silence, but Xiao Chen could vaguely sense its existence, as long as it was cast Perseverance refers to magical powers, which can be summoned out.

Protecting the unicorn soul beast, Xiao Chen's heart was slightly loose, and he raised his hands to collect the ground dragon teeth into the storage ring. The hardest teeth in the dragon's body are rare refining treasures. Xiao Chen will not miss it.

But at this moment his body was suddenly stiff, and his eyes were cloudy for a while.

He didn't ask for the gold seal to help him recover from his internal loss, but now the situation of running out of oil in his body has been resolved. Although he has not recovered to the peak level, he also has some power.

Why is that? Could it be that when Jin Yin went out to protect the unicorn soul beast, he saw him weak and do it well?

Xiao Chen shook his head. He had already guessed that the seal of gold was by no means simple, and it must have the soul of its treasures, but this soul was extremely proud and never had any communication with him. He had faced life and death countless times before, never seeing Jin Yin taking the initiative to help him, how would he do anything unreasonable today ... this is by no means easy, or what Jin Yin sensed, so he would help him .

A doubt emerged from Xiao Chen's heart, making his frown slightly, until his eyes fell on the land where the demon dragon fell, and a storage ring appeared in his sight.

Is it .. related to this thing?

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he took the next step, raised his hand to put the storage into his hands, and forcibly broke through the upper town and broke into it. At the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, breathing heavily, and his eyes were full of ecstasy meaning!

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