Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 289: Retreat alchemy

Red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, with seven colorful petals, absorb the essence of the sun on the day, and the beauty of the overcast on the night. It is a treasure of heaven and earth, rare for 100,000 years. [<{?

This thing is called Seven Spirits Colorful Yin Yang Flower.

Xiao Chen breathed deeply. Although his face returned to calmness, if he looked closely at this moment, he could see that his fingers were trembling slightly, and there was a jade bottle in his hand, and a colorful flower was placed inside the bottle.

Fingers slightly moved to open the top of the jade bottle, and asked the scent that lingered between his mouth and nose. A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, and he expanded madly with a very fast degree until it spread his entire face!

Seven spirits colorful yin and yang flowers, it really is seven spirits colorful yin and yang flowers!

This is the thing that was calculated by the old corpse in the ground. I thought that it was quite difficult to protect ourselves by breaking the situation right now. Who would have thought that things would happen in a calm wave.

Blessings of sorrows and blessings depend on sorrows and blessings, but nowadays it seems to be rare and wise words.

Shimujian golden fruit, a ray of congenital thick earth, coupled with today's seven spirits, colorful yin and yang flowers, and many materials that have been secretly collected over the years, the materials for refining Dayan Dragon Soul Pill have been prepared. And the most important point is that there are dragons falling off here!

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, put away the seven colorful yin and yang flowers, raised his hand and held a fierce forward, "Dragon Blood!"

Above the ground, the scorching dragon blood that spills into the dead land is suddenly summoned at this moment, and is separated directly from the land and converges into a blood group that is a hundred feet in size. It is continuously reduced under the influence of external pressure. For the demon Dragon Nuocha, the essence of the dragon's blood, raise it to the jade bottle.

"Long Dan!"

Drink it in your mouth and drop it on the ground. It represents the size of the dragon head where the Xiu Xiu is condensed. The shape also shrinks continuously, compressed to about 1o, and sealed in a jade bottle.

"Dragon Soul!"

Xiao Chen drank in the third way, his hands spread out in a hug, facing the whole space in front of him, and he gathered together a little harder.


The whole space shuddered, and the demon dragon Nocha dragon soul has been broken down into the most basic dragon soul power, spilling into the void, what Xiao Chen has done now is to forcibly compress and compress the scattered dragon soul power to get complete Dragon Soul Power.

A bit of soul fragments were forced out by Xiao Chen from the void. There was no resistance like the blending of drops of water. An illusory dragon soul gradually appeared. With the integration of soul fragments, the more solid its shape was, the less its own thoughts. .

When the last piece of soul melted into the Dragon Soul, Xiao Chen closed his eyes slightly, and the consciousness burst out to search carefully. It was determined that there were no omissions, and then the Dragon Soul was collected.

Looking at the three jade bottles in front, Dragon Blood, Dragon Dan, and Dragon Soul are available. Now all the materials are complete. Only when Xiao Chen starts to make alchemy. When Dayan Dragon Soul Dan was born, it was Xiao Chen who broke through and repaired it as a bottleneck. Time.

With a wave of the robe sleeve, three jade bottles were taken away, Xiao Chen's eyes swept away, and he turned around and stepped forward. The figure turned into a streamer and whistled away without any intention of nostalgia.

The whole world suddenly quieted down, only the yin wind roared, raising the dust and covering the sky.

After a moment, the space trembled slightly. The originally gone Xiao Chen's figure appeared strangely in the land of the dead city, his face was slightly gloomy and he swept around. After confirming that there was nothing strange, he turned and left.


Since the old corpse appeared here, there is no reason why he is not here, or has he been swallowed up by the escaped old corpse? Xiao Chen frowned, and naturally he wanted to eliminate Yijia, a child with a hate against him, who would hate him. Otherwise, he would probably have a setback in the future. But now that I have calculated that he has not been found once, no matter whether he really died or not, Xiao Chen has no time to delay. He only has half an hour, and Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan must start refining immediately.

call out!

Yun Guang flew across the sky and flickered thousands of miles in a flash. After moving so fast for a quarter of an hour, Xu Guang suddenly converged, revealing Xiao Chen's calm and solemn complexion. The more successful he is, the more careful he must be. Careless. Gaze swept around, he nodded slightly, and a faint yellow lingering light was scattered inside the body. The body suddenly fell silently into the ground hundreds of feet deep, and the lingering light flashing figure disappeared directly. Only a humble black stone remained here.


Left eyebrow dojo, open furnace for alchemy.

Xiao Chen didn't delay. After entering the second floor of the dojo, he announced the start of the retreat. No one should disturb anything. As Shubo, Ganoderma, and others who knew the truth of the matter did not dare to have any intentions, they secretly summoned a number of monks, such as Bingjiadao and Killing Dao, to guard Xiao Chen's entire retreat from the copper walls and iron walls, preventing all accidents. may. And the time spent in refining and refining Lingdan was far from the expectation of a monk in the field. Even the calm and moody Shu Bo could not help frowning at this moment. , A bit of worry flashed in his eyes.

3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years.

It has been three years since Xiao Chen entered the refining of Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan. Shu Bo, Ganoderma lucidum, Xun Sheng, Tietou and others led tens of thousands of monks to wait quietly outside the hall for 5 years, although they were anxious , But no one stepped forward.

Before the retreat, the adults ordered that no one be allowed to step in here, and they dare not violate it. And the most important point is that they have full confidence in omnipotent adults. Countless gales and winds have already survived. Adults will also make mistakes when refining Lingtan, which is really a joke! A group of monks on the left eyebrow dojo sneered proudly. In their opinion, there is nothing in the world that adults cannot do. This was the case before, and it will continue to be so.

7 years, 8 years, 9 years, until 1o years, there is still no sound.

"Bo Shu, Brother Xiao Chen has been in retreat for 10 years. Does it take ten years to refining the big dragon dragon spirit?" Lingzhi bit her lip, leaning her side slightly to prevent her from flashing out. There is a sense of anxiety. As the leader of the medical profession, Ganoderma lucidum has been quite magnificent over the years. Only in the face of Xiao Chen's affairs will this kind of young daughter's expression be revealed.

Shubo frowned. Although he didn't have any position and belonged to the steward in the dojo, but due to the closeness of Xiao Chen's respect, his status in the dojo was quite high. The leader of the Bingjia Taoism is as eeri as punishment, and when he is facing Shu Bo, he must hold a respectful decency of the juniors and not dare to neglect, let alone others in the dojo. So now that Xiao Chen is absent, Shu Bo becomes the second most prestigious figure in the dojo.

Countless glances glanced out, all showing the uneasiness. Apparently, Xiao Chen's retreat in 1o was completely silent, which made them feel wrong. With the masterful method of refining alchemy by Master Xiao Chen, it takes 1o years to make an elixir?

Shu Bo felt these glances, but did not blame them. Even in his heart, he began to doubt whether the young master had an accident, let alone them, but at this moment he could not show the slightest uneasiness, and said lightly: "Da Yan Long Soul Pill is the legendary spirit pill. It is not easy to refine. It is natural for the master of the palace to leave before he leaves. You and I just need to rest here and wait. I do n’t think it will take too long. Can pass. "

Upon hearing Shu Bo opening, a number of monks were relieved, but Ganoderma knew the Shu Bo very well, and saw that he had a strong self-pretending camouflage but couldn't question it. He had to lower his head slightly, and his fingers in his robe sleeves were entangled with his fingers. Full face.

"Brother Xiao Chen, what's wrong with you, why don't you go out?"


Someone who was not remembered by Ganoderma lucidum could not go out of the customs at this moment, his face was white and his eyes were slightly closed, but his brows could not help but wrinkled tightly, revealing sufficient caution.

In front of him, one side of the furnace was exuding a scorching heat wave, urging the fire array with the source of fire. Naturally, the function of this furnace was pushed to the limit, and a strong medicinal fragrance came out of the furnace.

It is not easy to refine the dragon spirit of the Great Dragon Spirit, but with the detailed refining methods and precautions provided by Shu Bo, and the incomparable means of refining the alchemy by Xiao Chen, as early as less than one year after entering the house, Xiao Chen It has been successfully refined.

But this Dan is just a substandard!

The same level of elixir, the difference is only a lot, but its efficacy is countless. Like Tianyuan, it takes many means to obtain many refining materials. It took countless years to refining Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan, and it only needs to be swallowed and refined. There is great certainty to break through the mysterious fetus and promote to the emperor's realm. After that, the dragon gate really became a great power in the spiritual realm, and the monks below the barren ancient realm can ignore it. According to common sense, Xiao Chen took every effort to refining Dayan Dragon Soul Pill. He should be careful not to take any risky actions, but he didn't think so. It is precisely because it is not easy to make the Dragon Spirit, and it is of great significance to him, so he wants to take a shot.

Purification of elixir!

With a golden seal, Xiao Chen has a terror method that is difficult for any monk to reach, and what others cannot do does not mean that he cannot do the same.

After a short thought, Xiao Chen made a decision, rested for half a month and adjusted his state to the peak state. During the period, Ling Dan did not take out the Dan furnace, but kept it hot with the fire to keep the medicine active, and then started to break down. Medicinal power to enhance the quality of mirabilis.

It is easy to make alchemy, and it is extremely difficult to improve the rank of miracle. Xiao Chen already knew that he was ready in his heart, but the time and energy required for this was still far beyond his expectations.

For more than 9 years, Xiao Chen paused for a while, and finally broke down the chaotic drug combination of the big dragon dragon spirit Dan, but these have also reached the limit level that he can bear. If you continue to shoot, it is very likely All the former achievements have been abandoned, and this elixir has been scrapped. Xiao Chen dares to fight, because he is sure, and if he knows he is not sure, he will continue to shoot, then he is really stupid.


[The update has been very late in the past two days. I'm sorry to all of you. We have updated two chapters in a row. I hope you don't get angry. 】

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