Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 290: Big harvest

Therefore, after he was exhausted and decomposed the last medicine in the Yuanshen package, the extremely depleted consciousness was slowly recovered from the Dan furnace, and at the same time, the rich medicine fragrance in the Dan furnace suddenly rose sharply. Xiao Chen could not help showing a smile. [(Eight [(A Chinese? <[8} 1? Z? W.COM. Today ’s Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan has been improved by at least one grade compared with the first time when it was refined, which can be called Zhongpin Dan, medicine The effect is naturally stronger. Although I have suffered a lot, but now I feel the strong breath emitted by the elixir, everything is worth it.


The medicine furnace was turned on, and an elixir was shot instantaneously, and the sound of the dragon's yin was heard from it. At this moment, the medicine power dissipated into a little dragon, shaking his head and swinging his tail to try to escape, but in the dojo Xiao Chen was the master. Here is the space. He had been banned, and no matter how Da Yan Dragon Spirit Dan wanted to escape.

Xiao Chen smiled and raised his hand to make a false move. The big dragon spirit Dan was suddenly forced into his hands by a strong restraining force, and the surging force in the medicine was sensed. The smile on his face became more intense. Minute.

This dan was finally refined. Nowadays, Zhongpin Dayan Dragon Soul Pill is in hand. Xiao Chen is fully confident that he can help the "Xuantian" method to break through the mysterious place to promote the emperor. By then, he will be able to soar the combat power, successfully survive the Tianren calamity, and be promoted to heaven. People level! As soon as the Tianren calamity passed, the bottleneck that prevented Xiao Chenxiu from ascending would cease to exist. At that time, it would be the time for cultivation to be ascended quickly. Even if the ancient ancestors were shaken up, there was no hope of victory, but Xiao Chen was confident that he could retreat from his whole body!

The breakthrough of all these dilemmas is the little elixir in his hands, which can not help Xiao Chen's uneasy emotion, which is quite exciting.

After half a moment, Xiao Chen took a breath to suppress the waves of heart in his heart, and cultivated to such a state of his mind that the cultivation of nature was a matter of natural importance. Even if he was excited, he would not sit down and be impulsive. Da Yan Dragon Soul Pill is going to swallow refinement, but not now.

Not far from Xiao Chen, a dwarf tree less than one person is rooted on the ground, with thin branches, and the layers are layered into a natural tree nest, holding a half-meter-sized whole-body grained giant egg. .

The weird dwarf tree and the mysterious dome were acquired by Xiao Chen at the beginning of the road and paid a visit to Yuyun Valley, but Yu Ji didn't even know what the egg was. But in any case, this dome is absolutely unusual. At this point, Xiao Chen has a clear intuition, so he has been careful to put it in the storage world and put it in a separate space, until today.

However, when Xiao Chen entered the dojo and took out the materials to start refining Dayan Dragon Soul Pill, the dome that had been in silence for years in his storage ring suddenly changed unexpectedly.

A faint but clear ** wave came out from it, and Xiao Chen felt it clearly, its goal was dragon blood.

Xiao Chen harvested all the blood in his body, and Xiao Chen harvested all the blood in his body. Only a small part of it was needed to refine the Dragon Dragon Spirit Dan, so after feeling the desire from the dome, Xiao Chen hesitated slightly. The dwarf tree and the egg were taken out together, watching the roots of the tree grow fast and sink into the dragon's blood, quickly drew it and steamed it into a thin layer of blood mist to wrap the giant egg, and let it devour the dragon's blood crazy. And with the progress of devouring the dragon's blood, the breath of life in this dome is rapidly flourishing. At this moment, in the space of the eyebrows, Lei Long suddenly became irritable without warning, but it was difficult to suppress the joy. The little blood sent the letter to the master. He wanted to enter the dome, devour the creatures in it, and regenerate with the dome. Get real flesh to thoroughly transform the dragon.

Xiao Chen agreed to Lei Long's request without any hesitation. He has no feelings for this dome. Since it is good for the little blood, he will naturally help it accomplish this. Therefore, Lei Long shrank to the size of a foot, fiercely plunged into the dome, and fought with the unborn life among them. Is n’t there yet a wise dome creature that will be Thunder Dragon ’s opponent? Just a moment later, Thunder Dragon reports that it has devoured it and is about to fall into a deep sleep. Once you wake up again, you can get a real body. It means excitement and joy. But now 1 year has passed, Xiao Chen has refined Dayan Dragon Soul Pill, but this dome is still not the same, except that the pattern spread on it has now changed strangely, and the side is red, such as flame For days, one side is silver and white, such as the thunder of a thunderous world. Such a vision seems to be more extraordinary. I wonder if Lei Long is immersed in it. With this egg, what will it eventually become?

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and a little expectation was born in his eyes.

Sit down cross-legged, recover your internal wear and tear, recover to its peak after January, stand up and push out the door.

Now that Dayan Dragon Soul Dan has been completed, and the internal wear and tear is complete, it should be time to leave the dojo to bring down Danjie. After passing Dandan Lingdan Dacheng, you will directly refine it and upgrade it!

"Meet your lord!"

Outside the hall, tens of thousands of monks stayed intact for several years. At this moment, when Xiao Chen was safely out of the customs, all the worry in her heart was dissipated, and all eyes were full of Enran's excitement and awe.

Xiao Chen nodded and evoked the crowd, "Twelve, Ganoderma lucidum, Phantom, beg Daozi, Lord of Yan, Lord of Nanshan, Lord of Heaven, seven of you left the dojo with this seat, protecting my magic. . "

"Yes, sir." The seven came forward, respecting their strength.

With a wave of his sleeve, Xiao Chenpao led the seven strong men to take a step forward, and the figure disappeared.


In Wuyuan, in the void fluctuations, Xiao Chen appeared directly as 8 figures. He didn't need to speak. Leng Twelve and Ganoderma lucidum stayed beside them to cope with. The Lord of the Devil, the Daozi, the Lord of Yan, the Lord of Nanshan, and the Ba The five masters of the heavens spread out instantly, each occupying a position, looking cautious, and the coldness in their eyes surged, starting to be alert.

Xiao Chen inhaled slowly. At this moment, he took a step forward. A flash of aura appeared on his hand. The moment when Dayan Dragon Spirit Dan appeared, it instantly turned into a stream of whistling and rushed into the void. The fluctuation of the rolling force suddenly burst out and scattered. The immense coercion of terror!

With the spread of the medicinal power, the whole sky shuddered fiercely, and then the space above the head collapsed instantly, revealing the dark color in it, and I do not know where it finally leads. But at this moment, from the dark hollow, there was a flash of silver and white light, accompanied by the low and dense "bang" sound, finally made people see the silver and white light. Le Mans, with a breath of terrible destruction.

Dan Jie!

How many ranks can I rank with the power of the Dragon Spirit? Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but expect something.


Void trembled, the first Danjie suddenly landed, full of bucket thickness, twisting like a dragon and snake between turns, waiting to swallow people!

It was at the moment when Dan's horror fell, and on that big dragon dragon soul, the medicine force rolled away suddenly, and suddenly turned into a dragon's virtual shadow, about a thousand feet in size, and it was a swallow to the thunder that fell! In one swallow, the landed thunderbolt was swallowed into the belly by the dragon's phantom, and the light flashed, covering everything, but the dragon soul not only did not have any sense of pain, but continued to provoke in joy. Howling!

Xiao Chen looked at the scene in front of his eyes, and his eyes flashed instantly. "The demon Dragon Nuocha mastered the two original powers of water and thunder. Although they fell down, their blood, their dan, and their souls were mostly refined into Dayan Dragon Soul Dan. ... Mr. Fei, among the elixir, even the original power of the demon dragon has been refined and integrated into it! "

With such thoughts in his mind, Xiao Chen could not help but jump hard. If he could swallow this Dan Shun and master the two original powers, it would be a great opportunity. But now it's useless to think about it. It's natural to wait for Dan to survive.

Xiao Chen's thoughts rolled, and a second Dan Lei blasted out from the void in the darkness and landed abruptly.

Lane 3.

Lane 4.

The fifth road.

Track 6.

A total of 6 Danjies poured down from it, it seemed that Danjie was enraged by the Dragon Soul, and each Thunder Power would skyrocket in turn, making the dim and dark Wuyuan territory illuminated by thunder, and it seemed to be heard in the distance. The horror of the corpses growled, mixed with the raging thunder, and very weak. But such a terrible danjuan, instead of causing any damage to Dayan Dragon Soul Dan, was swallowed up by it. The entire Dragon Soul was wrapped by the raging Thunder Force. After the tempering of the Thunder Force, the breath became stronger.

Leng 12 was still cold, but at this moment, looking at the momentum created by the master to make Lingdan, the eyes of this cold-smiling man flashed a deep awe and admiration. For Twelve, there may be countless powerful men and women in this world. There are even those who can easily kill the master, but in his eyes, the master occupies the supremacy of the world and no one can replace it.

Compared with Leng Twelve's cryptic, Ganoderma lucidum reveals her joy without any concealment, and draws down the 6 ancestral sub-dandans. This kind of dandao repair is not able to achieve even the left eyebrow medical path. . Brother Xiao Chen always has an invisible card, just like a mystery, which attracts the attention of Ganoderma lucidum.

As for the five masters of the magic demon, the beg Taozi, the master of the Yan, the master of the Nanshan, and the master of the hegemon, they have already been stunned by the horror Lingtan refined by the adults. They had a thought that fear could not resist. What kind of horrible elixir can Master Xiao Chen produce from his own cultivation? Thinking of this, their faces were all changed, looking at Xiao Chen, with more awe.

Dan robbed, the dragon soul roared, and at the same time, the top of the dragon's spirit Dan suddenly exploded, its red side suddenly released an infinite sea of ​​fire, permeating the world, the silver light on the side flashed like a tide!

Xiao Chen lifted his lips slightly, "It seems that this is really a big gain."


The adults returned to the dojo to retreat again, but this time the repair of the dojo was no longer anxious, and everyone's face was filled with excited smiles. Just because they knew in their hearts that when the adults went out of customs, it was time for them to return to the human race.

At that time, with the cultivation of adults, you can cross in the spiritual realm, Xiao Fu will become the real giant power in the human race, and who dares to look down upon them when they see it!

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