Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 292: Flapping the wings of a storm

Year 1o5, August 26th. Bayi Middle School (text W) W> W}. 81ZW. Com


The closed temple door slowly opened, and a tall and straight figure stepped out from the darkness. The brand-new green robe, warm complexion, dark eyes were like stars, and the corners of his mouth were lightly smiling.

After spending many years, finally set foot in the realm of the emperor completely, Xiao Chen went out of customs.

Shu Bozhen, his old face was excited. Although the atmosphere of Shao Gong's main body did not seem to change, he could sense the horrible power hidden in this seemingly weak body. When it exploded, it would surely shock the sky, but Let the ground move!

Ganoderma lucidum is in her body, she has not yet spoken, and her tears are wet. This time, she is really scared, and she can only watch him leave ...

Ku Shan fell on one knee, respectfully.


The adults went out of the gate and the news spread. The whole dojo was filled with joy and excitement. The six leaders of the left eyebrow gathered together to congratulate the adult on his exit and repaired soaring.

Xiao Chen's face was calm and he accepted many subordinates' sincere congratulations, but in his heart he understood the fierceness of this breakthrough. If there is a slight difference, perhaps he has now slumped and turned into a fly-ash.

"Celebrate January, and since then, this seat will take you back to the human race, shocking the prestige of Xiao House, and honoring the name of Xiao House. This honor is with you!"

"My lord is immortal!"

"My lord is immortal!"

The entire second floor of the dojo is filled with festive atmosphere.


The dim sky and the deadness of the heart made the chest stuffy. Except for the screaming wind that blew the dust from the face, there was no sound from the whole world.

But at this moment, somewhere in the void, a flash of aura, a figure appeared directly, carrying his hands, his back straight. It was at the moment when this figure appeared, the whole void suddenly trembled, the wind stopped, the sand fell, everything was still, and there was no sound.

Xiao Chen lifted his eyes and swept across the world. A powerful feeling filled the heart. It seemed to be able to tear the space with a little force. His current state is comparable to half a step away from ancient power. The Lord of Ziyuan exists so, you can use your own strength and hardship without using the hole cards!

This feeling of great power is great.

Looking up at the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Now when he set foot in the imperial realm, although the Tianren calamity is strong, he cannot pose a fatal threat to him. This hindering the cultivation of peace should also be broken.

Mind movement, a special breath burst suddenly inside the body.

Lead down, heaven and earth lead three!


The earthquake shook, and an invisible coercion suddenly broke out of Xiao Chen's body. It cannot be shaken like the solidness of mountains, the depth of the ocean cannot be swept away, and the whole world is roaring.

The palm can be cracked, and the foot can be broken.



The endless void suddenly collapses. Under the action of a mediocre force between heaven and earth, the Wuyuan Realm is forcibly torn here, and endless spiritual power is pouring from the outside world in a frenzy. The source of Tianhe is so dark that it is impossible to see the situation inside.

Xiao Chen Qingpao rummaged black and flew, looked at the sky with a hand, and displayed grace and grace. It seemed like a great master of a generation. After the introduction of Heaven and Man, it was the time of the calamity, but he was not afraid of it. .

The spiritual powers converged and turned into multicolored colors, becoming tidal waves, exuding an endless and powerful breath, covering the entire Wuyuan Realm, and countless old corpses being awakened from the ground, roaring in their mouths, but afraid to step forward. Sobbing panic.

The Heaven and the Three Leaders formally started.

The mystery of "Thunder Swallowing" in the body unfolded, Xiao Chen's body turned into the most terrifying black hole, devouring all the chaos and spiritual power generated at the core of the spiritual tide, and merging it into his own body, turning into a majestic mana, but the chaos Force was never the most important thing for him to fall.

Xiao Chen closed her eyes slightly, did not make any response, and seemed to be waiting for something to happen.

After a moment, his body trembled slightly, his eyes slowly opened, indifferent, without any slight fluctuations, just like a god, looking up at the spiritual tide, his lips sneered.

"This seat has said that if you give it, give the best. What is strange about the chaotic spiritual power, is it that you want to fool this seat." Senran drank, and the endless chill broke down like a sword. Severely pierced into the endless clouds.

"Call, kill the soul!"

Xiao Chenyang yanked his hand forward fiercely, and the space split open instantly, revealing the dead souls. All the monks have been cast down since the introduction of Heaven and Human. Although the quality is very high, there is no shortage of ethnic peaks, but the number is too small!

"Not enough! Not enough!" Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, like a demon, "If so, I will use Wuyuan Realm here." Yu Luo stretched out with one hand and grabbed instantly toward the void.

Under this grasp, seemingly unusual, but a strange power suddenly spread out, spreading with a crazy degree, the place where the old corpses hidden in the ground collapsed, and the soul was forcibly captured and whistled. Come here to come together.

"Trading with the dead soul and Seoul, manifesting the power of the origin and imprinting in my gods!" Xiao Chen growled, and the dead soul that had been forcibly detained disappeared and was swallowed by heaven. At the same time, in its eyes, the eighth line slowly emerged.

The vastness of the Wuyuan Realm is so vast. Even if Xiao Chen and others break into it, the number of dead souls killed is only about half of them, but now the remaining dead corpses are all in the hands of Xiao Chen, trading with Tiandao in exchange for the rule lines. .

The 9th root.

1o root.

The 11th root.

The 12th root.

The 13th.

The exchange of the endless souls of Wuyuan Realm can only make Xiao Chen see 6 lines again. It must be noted that the power of this old corpse is comparable to that of Heaven and Earth, and even the existence of Heaven and Earth and more are not uncommon. With such a powerful undead soul, under the superposition of terror, only 6 lines can be obtained again, which shows how difficult it is to obtain it!

Xiao Chen sneered, "The 13 lines can reach such a level before the limit of ancient times. It is also an opportunity, but the opportunity has been exhausted. After that, if you want to master the rules, you must rely on yourself." It seemed to whisper to himself, and it seemed to inform Xiao Chen of his thoughts.

Having said that, Xiao Chen opened his eyes, and once again opened it, it was already gloomy.

Sure enough, when he set off the lead of heaven and man, that strange will appeared again and directly seized Xiao Chen's right to control his own body, keeping him awake, but unable to master his own body. Fortunately, with the previous experience, Xiao Chen did not panic, but was quickly analyzing the source of this strange will. Isn't it killing? Not like a demon? Instead it was more like the birth of another character of his own.

The same soul, the same body, different personalities, another will.

But how did this will happen? Xiao Chen frowned and thought, shaking his head slowly after half a ring, under strong pressure to fluctuate. This matter is not urgent, and one day he will figure it out, otherwise how can he rest assured to leave another uncontrolled will in his body.

But the most important thing right now is the catastrophe!

Although he was sure to spend it, Xiao Chen didn't dare to take the slightest care, converge his mind, and devour the chaotic spirits crazy!

call out!

call out!

The chaos ability gathered into Xiao Chen's body with an astonishing degree. He is like a bottomless black hole, devouring everything and turning it into his own powerful power, and constantly accumulates, waiting for the landfall When the cocoon breaks into a butterfly.


The solitary void, dim and desolate, the big 6 floating in suspension move slowly, numerous huge cracks are scattered on it, the mountains are fragmented, the river is dry, and the life is extinct. Here it seems that a fierce war broke out and destroyed all.


A block that had reached the limit of the Big Six, now suddenly collapsed, turned into sky fragments, scattered toward the surrounding void, and merged into the endless small fragments to become a member of their huge team.

The ragged clothes, the broken magic weapon, the wrecked wreckage all exudes a terrible momentum like a battlefield.

This is outside the domain, independent and parallel to the outside world.

This is the battlefield, where the realm of the spiritual realm kills blood.

The spirit of the big 6 is immense, but there are too many constraints. Once the real ethnic war is exploded, it will even explode the power of destroying the world, causing the big 6 to settle, the order to collapse, and it will become a void that cannot survive.

Inter-ethnic wars have nothing to do with hatred, in order to fight for more and more living space, rather than to completely destroy them. Therefore, the extraterritorial area has become the best choice of battlefields. Here, the peaks of the ethnic group can display their magical powers arbitrarily, and the ancient and powerful can not bear the constraints of the order of the spiritual realm. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic groups are killed here, and countless powerful people rise every day. There are also countless strong people ridiculed. In the ethnic battlefield, the most powerful forces of the entire ethnic group are gathered. The victory or defeat of the war here is the root of the situation affecting the entire spiritual realm.

When the battlefield outside the territory wins, the spiritual community becomes stronger and the territory expands.

When the battlefield outside the territory is defeated, the spiritual realm is gradually weakened, and the territory is reduced.

Today, in the desolate battlefield ruins of the ethnic battlefield, a powerful breath surge suddenly exploded, attracting a lot of divine attention.

"There is a strong atmosphere fluctuation in the no-man's land north of the battlefield, and the monks in groups 6 and 9 immediately went to check!"

"There is a strange fluctuation in the range of the monsters' strength, and they send 'stabs' to sneak in to find out."

"Go into the area controlled by the Swallows and check the news."


Orders were issued from the army one by one. This sudden burst of breath fluctuations attracted a lot of attention in a short time, but was soon forgotten. In the battlefield of the ethnic group, there are countless major events every day, and the monks are sent to investigate only out of caution, but no one takes it to heart.

But what they don't know is that there is a terrible existence at the source of this breath fluctuation ... things started to move in an interesting direction ...

And at this moment, Xiao Chen was devouring the chaos spiritual force. Without knowing it, he had stirred another turbulent collision, just like a butterfly flapping its wings gently, but the storm had begun. ..


[Tomorrow must be updated in the daytime, otherwise the little jj will pop up a thousand times ..]

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