Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 293: breakthrough

The scourge of heaven and human beings should not be underestimated by any monk. He passed through the dragon gate, and then became a strong ethnic group. Instead, he turned into a fly ash, and all the pains and hardships of the monastic life were dissipated. (August? << 小 [<说 [(

This is particularly relevant to Xiao Chen.

He won the golden seal against the magical power of "Swallow the Thunder", devouring the power of refining the thunder for his own use. He was hated by the heavens and the earth, and the power of the thunderstorm soared. Therefore, he could only suppress himself by his powerful repair near the peak of the ethnic group. Cultivate for growth and avoid falling into the sky.

Until today, Da Yan's Dragon Soul has become successful. Swallowing refining and making "Xuan Tian" successfully broke through the mysterious environment and promoted to the Emperor. The magical power of the sky has increased so much that Xiao Chen had the confidence and capital to fight against Tian Hei.

In this battle, he wants to devour the scourge of heaven and achieve celestial beings, making Xiu's skyrocketing in one fell swoop, reaching the level of warfare and ancient power!

In the dark and dim space, the entire sky is shrouded in tide of terror energy. It is colorful and colorful, but at this moment, with a light drink, the energy tide all over the sky flickers, Then began to weaken with a very fast degree. With the weakening of the energy tide, in the center of this tide, a tall and straight figure slowly emerged, with blue eyes in blue robes, and the eyes of the battlefield were filled with sky-high warfare!

With one hand out of the sleeve, thinking of the collapsed sky suddenly pointing and screaming in the mouth, "I have survived nine deaths, and this seat can survive safely. Today you still can't kill me!"

"This is your last chance. After today, this seat will become the master of the Thunder Road. Following the rules of the world, you will no longer be eligible for sanctions to bomb this seat! Come on, and let Xiao Yiguan, Tianqiang today How strong is it! "The roaring green robe hunted, the black and the back fluttered, and the terrifying breath burst from his body. It stood like a spear, standing upright, sharp and erect. The sky is broken.

A powerful breath suddenly descended from the endless darkness, revealing a thick, sensational, mighty, destruction breath, a low dull sound came from the broken void, and it became clear.

A blood color appeared in the shattered void, with a light bloodstain, and a flash of thunderous breath overflowed from it, although it was thin and weak, it was enough to make any soul cold and trembling.

The scarlet cloud, like a flame, jumps and burns, and is silent in the writhing, except for the occasional thunderous thunder, which then flashes out, and then no more life, like the legendary sea of ​​nine blood Coming from the blood of hundreds of millions of souls, it is the most gloomy and filthy place in the world. It only represents destruction and killing. Any soul who sees the sea of ​​blood will dissolve into it and never leave again.

This is what Xiao Chen needs to go through, a heaven and a mankind, 72 tempestuous thunders!

Now that Thunder Dragon is immersed in that weird dome, and uses his power to reborn to obtain the flesh, it means that Xiao Chen cannot borrow the power of the source of Thunder, so no matter how powerful Thunder Thunder is, he can only bear it.

Looking up at the sky, Jieyun's blood is red like the sea, Pentium's silent but raging trend slowly spreads out, revealing the murderous murderousness, which represents destruction.

Xiao Chen's face was sober, the corner of his mouth suddenly raised, showing a hint of sneer!

At the same time, in the robbery, the first thunder landed, the red blood, the thickness of the feet, cut through the endless space in an instant, reappeared in a flash is not far from Xiao Chen's head.

In the face of this thundering thunder, Xiao Chen stood by his hands, his face was calm and there was no meaning to resist it. Even if he dropped directly, he flew into a **** thunderball and wrapped Xiao Chen in it. With every bit of flesh going crazy into it, frantically destroying everything. Xiao Chen closed her eyes slightly, and she didn't have any pain at all. She broke through the powerful physique brought by the imperial realm, which made him enough to ignore the horror wipe of the first thunder. And out, the insane refining of the power of breaking into the thunder wrapped into pure energy devoured and absorbed.

With the power of thunder, temper the flesh and refine the gods.

"With this force, it is not enough to hurt this seat, and then come again." Xiao Chen said lightly, but as the **** roared, the sound of billowing waves burst, and spread to the surrounding sky crazy with an amazing degree!

Scarlet Clouds is silent, but the more tumbling, seems to have been provoked by Xiao Chen, the second thunder without interruption, suddenly dropped again, its power is stronger than the first thunder.



The cloud of blood rolled, the thunder thundered, and a monk stood in the clouds standing with his hands on his shoulders, and his face was calm. Despite the power of destroying the thunder, he wrapped it into a thunder bead, but it remained motionless, and his eyebrows remained unchanged.

The size of the spiritual realm is so large, but how many people have crossed the robbery?

16th Ray.

17th Ray.


38th Ray.

39th Ray.


67th Ray.

68th Ray.

Starting from the 5th thunder, the blood thunder power can gradually increase. Although Xiao Chen is strong and proud, he will not be conceited to the point where he can physically resist the whole thunderstorm, otherwise it would be a naked foolish act. Therefore, under the premise of fighting with supernatural powers to ensure that the physical body is fully tempered and absorbed, the power contained in Thunder is appropriately weakened.

69th Ray.

Broken by the split-day supernatural power, eroding its might, and exploding the strength of the physical body with the ancient archaic technique, smashing the Thunder by half, and the rest were devoured by him.

The 7th thunder, using the big waves to scour the sand magical power, merged into the source of water, bursting the power of magical power to the extreme realm, destroying the thunder. [The origin of the water is derived from the death annihilation dragon Nocha, and the origin of thunder has not been mentioned. 】

At the 71st thunder, he pointed out his hand with silence, evolved Huangquan's great magical power, and crushed the thunder.

72nd Ray.

As 72 thunder mines, they have not evolved like thunder beasts, but it does not mean that they are relatively weak. It must be noted that the method of reducing complexity can often explode the strongest power, which is exactly the case. And this last thunder is the most terrifying existence in the whole Teana Thunder.


The vast **** robbery cloud shattered, and the endless thunder power burst out. The terrifying thunder burst suddenly burst out from it, and it was truly shocking. Faced with the spooky self-explosion of the whole Jieyun, Xiao Chen's face suddenly became gloomy. He didn't think that he was scared away because he was showing too much power. There must be something weird about this. Just as he was rolling his thoughts, he suddenly lifted his eyes at that moment, and his eyes fell violently on the place where the storm exploded, his pupils contracted violently, and a breath of death appeared instantly, making him stiff and his face slightly magical. I saw at the annihilation of the robbery cloud, the horrible self-destructive power could tear the void into being, and an irregular crack staggered by canines appeared in it. A strong and extreme spiritual energy emerged from this crack, but with it came the following That made Xiao Chen feel the breath of death.

Breath of Thunder!

A thunder with a thickness of only a few feet fell from the crack, silent and silent. Everything in the place where the thunder thunders melted, and even the space was completely destroyed into nothingness, like a flexible poisonous snake, seemingly weak, but There are truly deadly capabilities.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, and he was locked in the moment the Thunder appeared. He had no choice but to shake the Thunder! Even so, you can only let go and see how powerful this strange thunder is. Stepping forward and stepping down, the void trembled, and several cracks appeared from under his foot, spreading in all directions. One-handed out of the robe sleeve, toward the direction of the Thunder landing, extended 2 fingers to press the void, slightly, like Fiddle with the strings, then release.


Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly turned white, and his body breath became crazy and weak, but his expression remained calm, his eyes bright and bright! Today, he already has the power to use two lines. The superimposed explosion can be compared to the wild ancients, and see if the 72 thunder can resist!

Ruler Xu Lei, the fierce sky, the two met violently on the clouds, the horrible breath exploded from a touch of violent explosion, swept wildly towards the surrounding sky, and the vast sky of Wuyuan Realm collapsed.

Xiao Chen grunted, and stepped back 17 steps before he could resist the force of the shock. There was a trace of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and he moved forward. At this moment, the split-sky front was blasted by a gap, and the 72nd thunder came instantly.

In the face of the 72nd thunder killing, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed differently, and he did not retreat. He strode forward and responded directly!

Lei Jie wants to kill Xiao Chen, why does Xiao Chen want to devour it! Although the cracking sky front was broken, the 72nd thunder was also extremely depleted, and the atmosphere was weakened by more than half. If it can be swallowed and refined, it will certainly have a lot of gains.


The thunder fell and wrapped Xiao Chen into a scarlet thunderball instantly, and the endless destruction thunder force poured into his body.


It hurts!

very painful!

Xiao Chen even felt back when he broke through the imperial realm. The kind of heartbreaking pain is enough to cause the ordinary monk to collapse instantly, and can even directly cause the Yuanshen to fall apart and scorn. But this pain in Xiao Chen did not receive the desired effect. He frowned and tried to resist the raging thunder. At the same time, "Tun Thunder" turned wildly to transform the power of Thunder into pure vitality, and merged into the damaged In the flesh.

The physical body is broken, repaired, and then broken and repaired again. In this reciprocating cycle, Xiao Chen's physical strength is constantly increasing, and the mana and the Yuanshen slowly increase with a stable degree.

If there is no ruled line in hand, Xiao Chen will be unable to escape the ending today, but now it is a completely different situation. The 72nd thunder is weakened in front of the split-day front. Although still strong, Xiao Chen can be severely damaged, but he cannot be beaten. Killing, in this case, is destined to be swallowed by him.

After half an hour, Lei Zhu dissipated, exposing one of the red-naked-body, although it seemed to be thin and weak, but it contained the terrifying force that made the world horrify, shattered the sky and broke his feet.

The aura of light flashed, and once the blue robe was attached, the eyes slowly opened, and the darkness was dark, like a sea of ​​stars!

At the next moment, the breath of the Qingpao's body was soaring with an amazing degree. It broke the bottleneck of crossing the robbery and promoted heavenly people, but there was still no tendency to stop, breaking through three times in succession until the peak of the heavens and the three realms. convergence.

Thick accumulation, soaring into the sky, years of secret preparation, and finally exchanged for wanton publicity today.

Xiao Chen laughed at the top of the sky, the waves were rising, the sky was so arrogant!

Now repaired, wild ancient power can also tremble!


[Any kind of badass who wants me to play small jj is doomed to fail, the first one, and one at night, try to put it up before 8 o'clock, hehe. 】

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